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22 hours ago, Peter said:

Do they still say this in Canada? Sometimes he seems like a "hoser."

Have not heard that for a while but pretty sure that they still use the term!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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On 7/29/2022 at 2:26 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:




Interesting, tantalizing, substantiated, troubling, disturbing, frightening? 

Further word on the street concerning Analsexpox ...


No word yet on the Anal Sex Monkeys who kicked of this round of gay predation.


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Here's an idea of how to resolve the cognitive dissonance about anal sex and monkeypox.

Give the predator class more money and power.

That should clear things up real fast. Just do it without convincing anyone. That's better than the current propaganda since the articles are turning into stream-of-consciousness writing...

:evil:  :) 

Have you noticed that schemes for bestowing the predator class with more money and power is the one constant that never changes in all matters where scientific integrity turns into cognitive dissonance? 

All we livestock have to do is sit down, shut up, accept the propaganda as fact, and pay for it all...

Ain't it a shame all that's gonna go away now?



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6 hours ago, Marc said:

What is so terrifying is the hospitals lack of disclosure except to say that its not from the jabs


It gets worse.

Here's some science giving the reasons for all these unexplained deaths of younger people.

Here We Go: ‘Experts’ Now Warn Cold Showers Are Causing Heart Attacks In Young Adults


This article originally appeared on Eat the d*mn salad and was republished with permission. I don’t know if you have heard, but many healthy young adults are developing heart issues, and some are...


But the article doesn't just list cold showers. Our science-minded betters have other explanations. 

And they slapped a fancy-pantsy jargon name on it: SADS--Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome. Now they really sound like experts and intellectually superior to you and me.

They also said the reasons for the deaths are pollutants in the soil, shoveling snow, price hikes in gas and electricity, sweating more than usual (like when watching or reading dramas), snoring, watching more than four hours of TV a day, a new type of extremely reactive substance in the Earth’s atmosphere, stress from flight delays, daylight saving time, being taller, redlining neighborhoods (denying financial and other services based on ethnic and racial factors), cold weather, falling asleep in front of the TV, solar storms, and sleeping upright.


Well, I guess that explains it. And, as the article says:


Notice what DIDN’T make the list!

If you haven't had your coffee yet, they mean the jab.

But at least all that was written by healthy sane adults in the name of science.

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 


Money and power are awesome. Just look at the idiocy they can make humans do in earnest.



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14 hours ago, Marc said:

Have not heard that for a while but pretty sure that they still use the term!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Marc! My wife went out to the mailbox just in time to see a man jump out of his car and dash into an adjacent cornfield about 50 feet away, with a roll of toilet paper. What a hoser! I think he had to be "somewhere," but he had the effing @#%^&S so he took a roll of toilet paper with him. Just a guess. But I will stay away from that section of our neighbors' cornfield.


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7 hours ago, Peter said:

Thanks Marc! My wife went out to the mailbox just in time to see a man jump out of his car and dash into an adjacent cornfield about 50 feet away, with a roll of toilet paper. What a hoser! I think he had to be "somewhere," but he had the effing @#%^&S so he took a roll of toilet paper with him. Just a guess. But I will stay away from that section of our neighbors' cornfield.



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propaganda:  information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

I think people in totalitarian countries know they are being fed propaganda, but they are forced to “toe the line,” but people in free or freer countries are duped into believing lies. In many cases the duped are positive they thought of some crap / propaganda, themselves.

Notes: The Amazing Randi: James Randi dedicated his life to sniffing out and debunking all kinds of paranormal tomfoolery. According to his New York Times obituary, the "father of the modern skeptical movement" had a particular knack for calling out and proving bogus everything from "spoon bending, mind reading, fortunetelling, ghost whispering, water dowsing, faith healing, U.F.O. spotting and sundry varieties of bamboozlement, bunco, chicanery, flimflam, flummery, humbuggery, mountebankery, pettifoggery and out-and-out quacksalvery." No, not even quacksalvery was safe from The Amazing Randi's piercing stare.

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On 7/31/2022 at 9:54 AM, Marc said:

6 Canadian Doctors Dead "Suddenly" Within 2 Weeks...

Name and date of death:

Dr. Paul Hannam, July 16
Dr. Lorne Segall, July 17
Dr. Stephen McKenzie, July 18
Dr. Jakub Sawicki, July 19
Dr. Shariar Jalali Mazlouman, July 23
Dr. Candace Nayman, July 28


What is so terrifying is the hospitals lack of disclosure except to say that its not from the jabs

I've heard that the mRNA based vaccines are more finicky with regard to taking care of them.  I wonder if they can go bad ... Canada has a public health care system and it really is not that great. 

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1 hour ago, ThatGuy said:

When science is controlled by the government, know...


I predict it's going to get far worse before it goes back to science qua science.

The proof scientists now need to provide is the equivalent of constantly saying, "Heil Hitler!" to be able work in science in former times.

The worst part, though, is that many brilliant scientists will do it. And not blink.


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As Wayne Allyn Root says of the following, read and weep.

The article is very long.  He's compiled an enormous amount of stuff which all adds up to substantiate the claim in the headline:

(The full headline is:

WAYNE ROOT: My List of Studies & Government Data from Around World Showing the Covid Vaccine is Dangerous and Deadly, and the Worst Health Care Disaster in World History.)


By Wayne Allyn Root Two remarkable things happened last week. First, I wrote a column about my own personal Covid vaccine death and disease cluster. I wrote about my wedding November 21, 2021 to the...


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The Scarf Lady everybody:


Birx is a pivotal member of the Medical Mafia – here are some stories you might not know about the evil scarf lady. Can you support this channel with a financial gift? Visit my website:...


Amazing Polly is one of the modern day gems in alt media. She documents everything she says and she makes clear what is speculation and what is fact.

She shows in this video the connections between Birx (and hubby, Paige Reffe) and the AIDS issue, the Ukraine issue, Jeffrey Epstein and on and on.

What's worse, Trump wanted to get rid of Birx, but behind the scenes his daughter Ivanka pushed hard for Birx to stay. A man and his daughter. Think of it. A worldwide pandemic ginned up by the predator class and one of the main vulnerability points boiled down to the story of a man's love for his daughter...


But let's not exonerate Mike Pence. He was in charge of the whole pandemic response and activities shebang under Trump. Formally appointed. I believe Pence is compromised to the gills in this stuff in a RINO kind of way.

The good news on that score is that it looks like neither Ivanka nor Jared will have a part in Trump's future government activities except, maybe, ceremonial ones. Polly didn't say this part. I know it because I follow the Trump world. It's a given that Pence will not be anywhere near.

(This is one of the problems with starting at the top, which Trump did becoming president without having any prior experience as a politician. He didn't know the enemies embedded in the structure and didn't believe many of them were enemies when the dirt started coming out. As shown by Ivanka, they even invaded his family. Now he knows. Having a presidential election stolen is a huge wake-up call to a results-oriented person.)


One of the amusing moments in the video (in a dark humor kind of way) was about Deborah Birx and John Kerry and 1983 and tainted blood.

The issue of hospital blood for transfusions tainted with HIV exploded in the US in the mid-1980's. During Birx's swearing in ceremony for something or other, John Kerry stood up and told a story about her giving birth to one of her children in 1983. As she was going under, Kerry said she was screaming out, "Don't let them give me blood! Don't let them give me blood!"

It looks like he goofed and didn't realize that this was before the tainted blood scandal erupted. Which indicates that Birx knew all about the tainted blood. Maybe they even had a hand in tainting the blood on purpose to get more Big Pharma and Big Med government money due to the AIDS outbreak.


Here is the list of links given in the description to Polly's video. I also included her hash tags for people who want to look for them at other places on social media.


Birx is a pivotal member of the Medical Mafia – here are some stories you might not know about the evil scarf lady. Can you support this channel with a financial gift? Visit my website: Birx now says she knew all along that the Covid vaccines wouldn’t work and admitted to subverting the US government (and tricking the world!) in multiple ways while on the COVID-19 Task Force.

Michael Senger’s Substack:
National File report on Birx’s Book:
Ivanka cheers for Birx, convincing Trump to keep her:
Corey’s Digs AIDS $90billion dollar slush fund:
PEPFAR Ukraine State Department Memo for FY 2019 funding:
Soros Embezzlement Investigation, Ukraine AIDS dollars: Judicial Watch:
Paige Reffe worked as Clinton’s Advance Man:

Fauci #pepfar #aids #taintedblood #trump #covid19


For Ellen.

One of Polly's sources is a site called Corey's Digs. Polly and Corey are friends, but they have different approaches. Polly keeps it relatively short and keeps mostly to video.

However, Corey seems right up your alley in terms of presenting written material. That lady is sourced to the gills and she produces loooooong investigations into all things dealing with the predator class, much in the science world including eugenics, COVID-19, the AIDS debacle and so on.

Her site is in maintenance mode right now, but that was probably due to some hacker attack or other. It should be back up shortly. She puts out a lot of proof that is inconvenient to controlled narratives and the predator class is never amused with her.

Granted, there are long videos on that site, which I know you can't see, but she also provides a huge amount of technical and historical written stuff, all with links to her sources and quotes from them.

Corey is another gem...

I have little doubt law enforcement under MAGA control will use her work as an outline in their upcoming investigations of the swamp.


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4 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

For Ellen.

One of Polly's sources is a site called Corey's Digs.

Thanks, Michael.

I remember being impressed by Corey's research on some issue or other a few years ago, but I’ve forgotten what the issue was.

I bought a hardcover copy of Silent Invasion, stifling guilt at contributing even a few pennies royalty to Birx.  I want to see for myself what's in the book, and text on paper remains easiest for me to read.


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On 8/3/2022 at 4:39 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

A man and his daughter. ... a man's love for his daughter...

I know this belongs in another thread, but it's short, this issue is a blip on the ass of history, and the quote is from this thread.

A lot of people are bashing Dick Cheney for the following scorched earth bash of Trump.


I intensely dislike this man and everything he stands for. But in this case, I won't hold this video against him.

President Trump is making mincemeat of his daughter. And Dick Cheney is defending her.

I respect that.

It's good to fight for your daughter.

I can't stand Dick Cheney and his daughter, but I'm not going to fault him for standing up for her.

Besides, Trump does not need any defense from those people. He's doing just fine on his own.

I approve of what Trump is doing, too.



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For those who are following the Coronavirus thread but few others, you need to see this. I posted it elsewhere, but it's too pertinent to this discussion to be off this thread.

The gist is Tedros refuses to get vaccinated. Not even the first jab. He's on video saying it.

11 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I should put this video over on the Coronavirus thread, but it covers a lot of conspiracies going on in the world.

The video is of an old man from Australia who lives in Mexico. He walks around the countryside talking to a smartphone on a selfie stick. There are countless video clips interspersed in his talking, clips of mainstream news where the people who are perpetuating the conspiracies are openly saying what they are doing, openly admitting to doing hoaxes and so on. On mainstream news.


Want a good example? Try this one. Everyone knows who Tedros is, right? The director of WHO, the World Health Organization? 

Did you know he has refused to take the COVID vax? Outright refused it. Not even the first jab.

He gives some bullshit excuse about being in solidarity with his countrymen in Ethiopia, but the truth is, he refused to take the vax. He's on video openly saying it. Got to 21:03 and you will see it.

Don't forget, this is the guy in charge of trying to get the whole world to take the jab. 

He's not hiding his hypocrisy. He just lays it out there and knows the world will not believe their own eyes and ears. He knows his propaganda will work for what he wants, so he can be himself at times and not fear a reprisal.

Ya' gotta admit, the guy's got balls. Unless he's facing the vax...


On another point, watching those clips of the press all over the place saying "a new normal," was eerie.

For those who watch, enjoy. I normally don't put videos like this up, but this thing with Tedros is too rich...




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Wondering how many doctors and politicians and establishment folks have NOT got it even though they tell their patients to get it.

Reminds me when HRC said we say one thing in here and one thing out there.


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The clip with various 'news'casters saying 'this is a danger to our democracy " was/is goosepimply creepy. I've seen similar videos of on camera news folk reading the same text verbatim and in matching intonation , but that clip was  not just different stations on the same networks , but different networks too.

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15 minutes ago, tmj said:

The clip with various 'news'casters saying 'this is a danger to our democracy " was/is goosepimply creepy. I've seen similar videos of on camera news folk reading the same text verbatim and in matching intonation , but that clip was  not just different stations on the same networks , but different networks too.

That's because they're bots. It's bots all the way down.

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8 minutes ago, ThatGuy said:

That's because they're bots. It's bots all the way down.

And I've said before when we see/hear the phrase "our democracy" , the bot's democracy is what they are speaking to, it ain't 'democracy' neither.

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