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Marc last won the day on July 9

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  1. Current hoax is that Harris has the Nomination wrapped up. 1-800-Hillary Great trial baloon because she cannot beat Trump and Obama knows that too. Cannot wait to see Trump v Hillary date. Peter, who do tou think HRC will take as her running mate?
  2. All this going on while Hillary gets prepared to win the Nomination! Kamala spiral city then Hillary and President Obama to the rescue, and rightfully so since Kamala was apparently born in Canada. And before you ask me Peter, no I do not want her to replace Trudeau, either Pierre or Justin.
  3. I am so excited to see the Trump/Hillary debate!!!!!!! Unless for some reason Trump debates her after Hillary pulls off the Nomination, butvfor what reason
  4. The 12th and the 22nd just read them both so can Obama be VP potentially ( and God forbid ) ? What say you?
  5. Well as for Kat's friend, turn her please, we need every single vote we can get ( especially the State that you reside in)! Well, I agree with you re Hillary and I keep hearing everywhere that Kamala has the nomination won?!?!?! To me it looks like a diversion until Hillary/Big Mike roll into town . Quick question to the team please is what about the whole thing of changibg the law so that illegal immigrants can vote? What are the chances of that please?
  6. I still see Michelle/Hillary or HRC/Michelle and a strong endorsement from Kamala ( she gets what she wants in exchange ) as their best shot of the basic zero shot that they have ( pun NOT intended ). That would also be wild both first ladies of four terms and now running on the same ticket with both Presidents by their side. Even Disney could not top that.
  7. No doubt that you would have read the Wall St.Journal's Heard on the Street column once or thrice over tbe decades.
  8. So we have a President who has won two straight elections and now about to threepeat. And we have a President ( who is not really the President - please see above ) "stepping down" yet not in person and no video. Then Michelle/Hillary/Kamala/Newsome/et al getting shutout 50-0 in November! And we have Obama trying for his 4th term but Trump getting his third win and second term. And we still have 106 days!!!!!!!
  9. Ali/Frazier 1,2 and 3 Ali/Foreman Trump/Hillary is going to be classic and even more depending her running mate, Hillary/ Michelle/Kamala/Newsome/ Could it be Obama/Obama would that be legal ie former President as a vp? Or can a man and wife both be on a ticket togeather? What does the street say Peter?
  10. Ok Peter et al, so who gets the nominination for the Dems? Wow, Hillary gets her turn again! Well, I am officially changing my call of 415 EC Huuuuuuuggggggeeeeee victory for our third time Presidential winner ( won 3 serves 2!) to a 50 State sweeeeeeeppppee. #50-0
  11. Trump v Hillary! Cannot wait for the debate.
  12. Both are important, I could not agree more! MSK! Our fearless leader!
  13. Very well stated. I see Jill Biden v Kamala v Hillary/Michelle ( wives of 16 years of Presidency) in a three ringed circus because Nov3 its a done deal shortly after dinner time on the east coast as Trump wins minimum 400 EC votes, probably 500.