MAGA-Trump Movement 2021 And Beyond

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57 minutes ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

Kandiss Taylor acting as an undercover never-Trumper getting votes Perdue would have gotten if she hadn’t been in the race?

95% of the votes have been tallied. If Kandiss Taylor had not been in the race, she would not have garnered forty thousand plus votes.


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3 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

Kandiss Taylor acting as an undercover never-Trumper getting votes Perdue would have gotten if she hadn’t been in the race?


I agree with Lin when he says, "Trump did NOT get Trumped. He knows exactly what he is doing. He will Trump the enemy."

I admit it would have been a lot better had Perdue gone to a run-off, but since Raffensperger cheated his way into the win, Trump now has the perfect punching bag for the RINOs: Kemp and Raffensperger, the traitors. Best of all, they will not affect anything at the Federal level. Their influence is confined to in-state.

And then there's this. By the time Trump finishes with them under a full MAGA structure, they might not only get impeached, but also go to jail. That, oddly enough, would be a jewel in his crown. Not for now, but for later. And it would be perfect for a transition to his successor to continue MAGA. 


As to the rest, Trump is 100 to 6 with a couple of runoffs. I don't see any politician on the horizon who can come close to that. Lin certainly sees that.

And Kandiss Taylor? She's a pimple on the ass of arcane history...


btw - There is an unwritten coaching rule for coaches of great sports teams. They never criticize their players for messing up during a game. They focus solely on the next play. That's how they keep winning. I'm in that mode right now.


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5 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

Kandiss Taylor acting as an undercover never-Trumper getting votes Perdue would have gotten if she hadn’t been in the race?


She's quoted by Lin Wood as saying "Trump got Trumped."

And see Lin's comments just above the quote from Taylor:


I rescind the suggestion entirely.

Looks like the interpretation (that Kandiss Taylor has been acting as an undercover anti-Trumper) was part of Lin's current seeing enemies everywhere among people he formerly considered allies.

The quoted comment isn’t there at this time on Kandiss' Telegram account.  I presume it was # 2513, which is missing from the sequence.

A bit later Kandiss wrote:


I’ve fought for 18 months to fix 2020 as hard as humanly possible. I have sacrificed time with my family, money from my job, and my own health to reach the people of GA with a team of over 2k volunteers. 

I have the right to be angry at my numbers going up and down all night AGAIN for the second election in 2 years. I have the right to be angry when someone uses my President’s name over and over and over again to pander to voters only to concede to his nemesis as quickly as possible. 

I love President Trump. He won. Period. Stop with the crap. Y’all are ridiculous. We are supposed to be on the same team. Anyone who tries to divide this team is clearly NOT America First!

I've spent the last couple hours reading her Telegram posts starting from May 20.  I think she's fully sincere.


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2 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

I rescind the suggestion entirely.


Then I shall join you. I know very little about Kandiss and you are the one reading, so I will follow your lead.

3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

And Kandiss Taylor? She's a pimple on the ass of arcane history...

I hereby repudiate that comment.



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Recount for Dr. Oz.


The banana republic of Pennsylvania officially ordered a recount in the GOP Senate Primary race in the state. Dr. Mehmut Oz leads by less than 1,000 votes over Dave McCormick. They are still counting votes 8...

June 8 the final result should be known for all time.

McCormick needs this recount to see if his people (or the Predator Class) can uncover ballots somewhere during the confusion. If they can't pull that off, Dr. Oz will win.


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The latest from President Trump on Truth Social.


Donald J. Trump

My (OUR!) Endorsements are stronger now than they have ever been. 98% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. 101 to 6 just in this cycle, including Dr. Oz. “Ultra” MAGA!

May 27, 2022, 09:36

This is called a Red Wave, even though you will not hear this phrase in the mainstream media often until after the fact. If the contrary were true, all you would hear about is a Blue Wave. But Red Wave it is.




EDIT: Let's add a couple of other Truths, too. (A Truth is to Truth Social like a Tweet is to Twitter. You can even Retruth a Truth over there. :) )


Donald J. Trump

Compare how great America was just two years ago, with today. No Inflation, the WAR with Russia going into Ukraine would NEVER have happened (zero chance!), $1.87 per gallon gasoline, Energy Independence & soon Energy DOMINANCE - leave Afghanistan with dignity and strength, not surrender, death, and 85 Billion Dollars worth of equipment left to the enemy - a completely REBUILT Military, and with the addition of SPACE FORCE - Biggest Tax and Reg Cuts EVER, historic Jobs numbers, and so much more!

May 27, 2022, 09:17



Donald J. Trump

Remember, we get no credit for all of the incredible things we do. If we don’t talk about it, nobody will!!!
May 27, 2022, 09:20

Embedding Truths this way on OL is a bit clunky and takes a little time, but it is better than nothing.

For those who want to do the same, I copy a Truth, then paste it on OL as plain text (on a Windows machine, Ctrl Shift V all at once), edit out the garbage, and use the quote function. I also make sure I include the link in the beginning.

Like I said, clunky, but it gets the job done.

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In another Truth, Trump roasts Peggy Noonan and justifiably so.


Is RINO writer Peggy Noonan the worst? After 6 years she’s never come close to figuring out the Trump , America First, or MAGA “thing.” She lives in a different, much more simple World. Ronald Reagan made her look good in that, by herself, she’s got no political skill or vision - ZERO - calling it wrong ever since my wild ride down the escalator. She never understood the hatred and “sickness” of the opposition, and what it takes today to get good things done. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

May 27, 2022, 08:06

I used to like Peggy Noonan.

She once wrote an article about a person in Australia who punched a shark in the nose to save his woman. She was using that as a metaphor for the heroism of the fire-fighters during 9/11 and how they were manly-men and how manly-men were still around. I loved it and started reading her.

But she got in with the predator class and never left. I noticed that her analyses kept aiming for what I call cheap profundity. She tried to toe the predator class line, but with a unique perspective (her USP - Unique Selling Proposition). It became boring. Besides, some of her metaphors started yelling out loud from the pain of being twisted so hard. :) 

I not only stopped reading Noonan, when I see her on a TV panel, I make a point to never watch. This lady literally leans her head back to speak and looks down her nose at everyone.

It makes me want to puke.



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On 5/25/2022 at 7:15 PM, Ellen Stuttle said:

Looks like the interpretation (that Kandiss Taylor has been acting as an undercover anti-Trumper) was part of Lin's current seeing enemies everywhere among people he formerly considered allies.


I know you don't watch videos, but I am not going to transcribe a 2 hour interview about Lin Wood right now because I want to present a video. However, readers might be interested, so for the record, here it is, and it is a very interesting video at that.



Protect Your Retirement W/ A Gold...

I watched this video from beginning to end and, frankly, Hancock presented his side with evidence, rationality and did not fudge facts to spin anything. He's pissed, but he's rational.

Some thoughts on what I saw:


Lin can get violent when he disagrees with someone. I didn't know that, but apparently there are many stories out there about this. In Hancock's particular case, he said when he and Lin fell out over the moneys about Kyle Rittenhouse and Hancock said he was leaving, Lin punched him in the face. A little time passed as Hancock left the room. Then they talked again and Lin punched him again.

I believe Hancock mentioned there was some proof of this in a police report, or at least some kind of report to law-enforcement-like people who showed up to see what the mess was all about. Hancock is a retired Navy Seal and did not punch Lin back. Both times. I'll just leave that there and let each person think of it what they will.

But like the host of the interview said, he has heard other stories about Lin being violent.


Another point is that when Lin turns against someone, it looks an awful lot like he spins the crap out of facts and things people said to him in order to smear them. And he hides it all behind a cloak of talking about Jesus and God and how he's an imperfect man, a sinner.

Hancock showed places where Lin accused him of being dishonorably discharged from the Seals whereas he was honorably discharged due to a medical reason (a brain injury). Lin accused him of stealing money in several cases, but Hancock showed receipts proving the contrary and explained what happened each time, all the while sounding perfectly reasonable to me--at least at this point.

Here's an example. Soon after Hancock started recovering from his brain injury, he put together a project to receive donations to help other Seals with medical issues. But he didn't have much experience at that, nor did he have as much enthusiasm as he thought he might. So he never put it online. However, he did keep his books in order. During the set-up stage, he had a person involved in the project. I think there was only one, but there might have been more--I'm not going to rewatch the entire thing just to find this out. They made some test donations to the project in order to make sure all the payment mechanisms were working. As the project didn't pan out, they withdrew the donations they themselves made.

Hancock told this story to Lin but only as a friend. The context wasn't one where he would pull out the books and so on. It was probably during a prayer meeting or something like that. After they fell out, Lin went around saying he stole that money from the project. I actually recall reading Lin talk about something like this on Telegram.

There are a lot of stories like that.


I know I started going cold on Lin when he accused Sidney Powell of nefarious things, said Mike Pence was a pedophile who killed kids, went on about unproven nasty things that Chief Justice John Roberts supposedly did, and so on. I looked for proof, but he never presented any. Sidney herself made a heart-wrenching post on Telegram saying that the knife in her back was not the worst pain she felt. The worse pain was turning around and seeing who stabbed her.

Trump did not endorse Lin for his bid in South Carolina to become the GOP's state party chair. I thought back then that Trump must have had reasons that were not just about playing politics, convenience, being misled, and so on. Now I believe that Trump must have heard some things about Lin and was wary of his instability, especially when he would get on his missions from God.

Since not much in the way of actual corroboration was coming from Lin, but in the place of it, there was a whole lot of talk about God, Jesus, truth, and so on, I got bored with him. It bothered me to feel bored, too. I was a staunch supporter of Lin. I still like him. Talk about cognitive dissonance...


I wondered to myself what my attraction to Lin was and concluded it was his tone of moral certainty. It was the same attraction I have felt for Ayn Rand. I like people who speak their convictions in a tone of certainty. And, of course, I have been burned by this a few times. But I have also avoided some bad traps, too.

So, after living this way for most of my life, I see this attraction to certainty as neither good nor bad. It's just part of the way I am inside. It came with me, I did not choose it. I have learned to live with it, though, and I have had a whole lot of living, so these days, I generally realize when it is leading me astray.


As to Lin, I am not going to take everything this guy Hancock said at face value. But it was awfully good to see someone present another side to the stories Lin has been telling and be rational about it. And, from my first impression, it doesn't look all the good for Lin.

I still admire Lin. But I can no longer give him an automatic benefit of the doubt, especially when he starts over-justifying saying or doing something controversial because God told him to. Now I'll take him at his word--for real--when he mentions his limitations. I didn't always. Before, I would give him a "damaging admission" kind of pass.

(A damaging admission is a marketing strategy when you own up to a nonessential failing in order to give the impression of sincerity, but not interfere with the sale. For example, in selling a car, you mention that there is a color everyone is gushing about, but you have never been able to get excited about any colors. Or there is a safety feature and it is a good thing because you drive too fast all the time. Your collection of speeding tickets is through the roof.)

Now I believe Lin totally when he says he is an imperfect man and a sinner. From what I see, he has a really good side and he has a really bad side.


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19 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Ellen,I know you don't watch videos, but I am not going to transcribe a 2 hour interview about Lin Wood right now because I want to present a video. However, readers might be interested, so for the record, here it is, and it is a very interesting video



Right, I won’t be watching the video, but thanks for the synopsis.

Lin's increasingly been making me wonder if his circuitry is quite in working order.

Meanwhile, I'm not able to access his Telegram account.  I get "invalid address" notices.

Would you try this link to see what you get?  (It's the link to his forward of the now-deleted post by Kandiss Taylor.)



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3 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

Meanwhile, I'm not able to access his Telegram account.  I get "invalid address" notices.

Would you try this link to see what you get?  (It's the link to his forward of the now-deleted post by Kandiss Taylor.)


The link does not work for me either.

However, it does work enough to give me the date and time. So I fired up my desktop Telegram app (which I almost never use) and physically scrolled to the date and time and there it was as you posted above.

After I did that, but with the app still open, I clicked on the link again and again it did not work. So this has to be an issue on the Telegram side.

However, in the app, right after, there is also a Telegram post (a different one) by Lin linking to a message forwarded from Kandiss. But when you click on the link, it goes to some pictures and there is a notice "Message doesn't exist." So that one obviously got deleted by Kandiss. I believe it is the one where you quoted her. In the same post as the link, but right after it, Lin himself wrote "Trump got Trumped." Given the context, that has to be him quoting her.


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Great move by Dr. Oz.

A little late, but still a great move.

Oz declares 'presumptive' victory in Senate Republican primary recount


Dr. Mehmet Oz is claiming "presumptive" victory over David McCormick as a recount of votes cast in Pennsylvania's Republican Senate primary begins.


What nails this as a good strategy is a tweet yesterday from Rich Baris (one of the best pollsters out there).

The following tweet from today by Rich is also good.

I have a feeling there will not be a lot of missing ballots found during the recount and the recount will more or less be the same as the original count.

However, the predator class plays extremely dirty, so we will have to see. But this time, my gut is telling me the scrutiny is off the charts.



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49 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


[…] So this has to be an issue on the Telegram side.



Thanks for checking.

I hope the issue is just some sort of temporary technical glitch and not that Telegram has disenabled the account.

Lin's other Telegram account, LinWoodChannel, is still working.  The following link goes to the most recent post there.

He duplicates some but not all of his "speakstruth" posts on the "Channel" channel.

I was hoping to see what he had to say about the Georgia GOP primaries - the results of which look SO obviously rigged - but if he's been expounding on that subject on "speakstruth," he's been sparse in copying to "Channel."


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For those who want some more Trump, here is his speech to the NRA a couple of days ago and his Wyoming speech last night. I could get the YouTube versions, but I just don't trust those people when it comes to Trump.

So here is a Rumble version. I wanted to post a BitChute version, but the free speech for trolls in the comments of video I found is a bit too much. The comments are about 95% trolls shit posting about Trump. Probably bots, too. So I am exercising my free-market vote and going elsewhere.

Rumble it is.




President Trump's full speech at NRA in Texas


Here is his Wyoming rally last night where he trashes Liz Cheney ('your fired" :) ).



President Trump speaks at Trump Rally in Wyoming(May 28)



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On 5/27/2022 at 5:40 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Great move by Dr. Oz.

A little late, but still a great move.

Now for the payoff.

JUST IN: Former Hedge Fund CEO David McCormick Concedes to Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania GOP Primary for US Senate


Former hedge fund CEO David McCormick conceded to Dr. Mehmet Oz on Friday in the Pennsylvania GOP primary for US Senate. “It’s now clear to me with the recount now largely complete that we have a nominee,”...




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3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Former hedge fund CEO David McCormick conceded to Dr. Mehmet Oz on Friday in the Pennsylvania GOP primary for US Senate.

Wow. But I guess Oz can't be prez because he was born in another country.  

edit.  NO. Oz was born In the USA.

From Wikipedia. Oz was born in 1960 in Cleveland, Ohio, to Suna and Mustafa Öz, who had emigrated from Konya Province, Turkey.

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Donald J. Trump

Did anyone notice that Fox News went lame (bad!) when weak RINO Paul Ryan, who is despised in the Great State of Wisconsin for being “a pathetic loser,” went on the Fox Board. They won’t even talk about an obviously Rigged 2020 Presidential Election, not even a mention. That’s why our Country is going to HELL - Elections have consequences. Get Ryan off your Board and report the News as it should be reported…And stop taking negative ads from the perverts, and others!!!

Jun 04, 2022, 18:38

Trump is finally back to what he was on social media.

He's in full feather.

"And stop taking negative ads from the perverts..."




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President Trump is doing a magnificent job of endorsing strong MAGA candidates (and he really is, just look at the numbers).

Then he comes out and endorsed Kevin McCarthy.


Which face of McCarthy's two faces does Trump like the best?

Oh well...

I will give Trump the benefit of the doubt because he sees things I don't have access to and, besides, I believe he has learned a huge lesson about RINOs and the Deep State. But at my level of knowledge and awareness right now, if I voted in McCarthy's district, I would not vote for him.


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On 5/25/2022 at 5:15 PM, Ellen Stuttle said:

Looks like the interpretation (that Kandiss Taylor has been acting as an undercover anti-Trumper) was part of Lin's current seeing enemies everywhere among people he formerly considered allies.

Mike Lindell is on the road to truth about the cheating in Georgia that Michael alluded to, I think. I do believe Lin Wood patched up his little Telegram spat with Lindell (or vice-versa). 

The mechanics will presumably be explained, if not in a movie rivalling Absolute Proof.


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Here's a question for the reader.

Would you buy a used car from Brian Kemp?

Or better, would you ever date his daughter?

(This last is tough since his son in law was literally taken out by a missile while he was driving. His car was the only one that suffered major damage and he was the only one killed.)

At least we know that Brian Kemp plays for keeps...



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22 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I don't have the numbers yet of this last round in GOP primaries... 

Now I've got a number.


Truth Social is America's “Big Tent” social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating on the basis of political ideology.



Donald J. Trump

A perfect night of Endorsements, 16-0, and some of them tough races!

Jun 08, 2022, 13:51



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I haven’t watched any of the “hearings” with hater and “Never Trump’er” Liz Cheney. For real evidence they can use the speeches on January 6, 2021, from Cynthia Guilfoyle, Don Jr. and President Trump.   

An excerpt from an article at NPR about President Trump’s speech: . . . Democrats have pointed to one phrase in particular as they argue that Trump incited those present to march down Pennsylvania Avenue toward the Capitol. "We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore," he said. His defense lawyers, however, point to a different passage, in which Trump said, "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." They argue that his words were not a call for actual violence and lawlessness . . . . end quote

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June 14 primary day in many places.

Trump mopped up again.

It looks like his endorsed candidate in South Carolina, Katie Arrington, did not beat the weird social climber, Nancy Mace for Representative GOP candidate, though.

Mace had the entire Bush and RINO machine behind her. They pulled out all stops, so they still have some juice.

Here's how Trump put it.


Truth Social is America's “Big Tent” social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating on the basis of political ideology.



Donald J. Trump

Katie Arrington was a long shot but ran a great race and way over performed. Congrats to Nancy Mace, who should easily be able to defeat her Democrat opponent!

Jun 14, 2022, 22:05

Even in the face of a loss, Trump still keeps his eye on the prize.

Negotiation chops. You got 'em or you don't. Trump does.



More details on other races coming.

Despite Mace, never-Trumpers are not too happy this round.



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