Ukraine and Endless War for Profit

Michael Stuart Kelly

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5 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

War for profit (of insiders) costs real money.

Italy spent it all on Ukraine — now its Criminal Court has “suspended hearings” for lack of judges


Hi there, thanks for watching! I’m Benjamin Harnwell, International Editor of “SteveBannon’s WarRoom” — the Number 1 ranked US political...

Italy can't hear criminal cases in court for a while because they spent the money to pay the judges on Ukraine.

It's hard to write the with a straight face. What a joke.

But wait!

There's more!

And over in Ukraine, nobody knows where the money went.



"It doesn't matter if the money is laundered and unaccounted for, and our own citizens have to suffer and be deprived for it; we must do everything to stop Putin!" -the Italian version of Sam Harris, probably

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Cernovich says what I have seen since the beginning.




Ukraine’s best men are dying, this leaves women and children open to Epstein traffickers as fathers vanish.

Ukraine is Christian country. All the woke stuff can now be forced on whatever people are left.

Money laundering galore.

Regime never wants this war to end.


This is the cost of Endless War for Profit.

This is what a stolen US presidential election has done.

Cleaning up this mess is going to be a slog. 


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The "neo-Nazis" of Ukraine?

Which neo-Nazis, where? There never were any (for Putin to condemn...)

The clean-up:


News outlets have stopped labelling the Azov Regiment as neo-Nazis because it has become politically inconvenient.


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22 hours ago, ThatGuy said:

Don't know where else to put this, but since this is a Russia-related thread...


Mr.Gorbachev, take down that wall.

Mr.Globalist, take down everything.


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Up there with the most immoral actions in this war, was Boris Johnson discouraging Yelensky from negotiation with Russia in Istanbul, way back in March/April. His meddling in a (non - Nato) country's government amounted to blackmail: If you petition for peace you'll get no more money and arms, he has been quoted as saying, roughly. Why -  because he believed Russia would be beaten by supposedly superior Ukraine forces - advantaging the West's agenda (following and tricked by the Russian withdrawal from Kyiv, turned into "a victory" by the msm). It seems from other reports Russia was genuinely prepared to negotiate, to avoid further conflict, expecting no greater concessions than was already agreed by Minsk, with the "security guarantees": a neutral Ukraine.  I trust Johnson's personal responsibility for the subsequent sacrifices of lives that could have been averted, will be remembered.


Boris Johnson arrived in Kyiv not long after the talks and told Zelensky not to negotiate with Russia, saying the West wasn’t ready to sign a...



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On 3/1/2022 at 5:11 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Who expects people who believed the Jussie Smollett story to be able to fight Russia and win?

The following video is making the rounds on Twitter. Jack isn't the only one retweeting it.

What Victor Davis Hanson described happened in reality and, basically, in the way he said it happened, even though he is uncharacteristically hilarious in this clip.


But my point here is that this entire Ukarine war boondoggle has been sold like the Smollett thing was. And now people are fighting about energy costs the world over.

Well, they believed the Smollett story at the time. That means they didn't mind when billions and billions of dollars went to the money laundering capitol of the world to Smollett some Ukraine and Putin. The bad guys messed up the interconnected energy world while they were at it.

Now the cost is here and people are bitching...

Reality does not forgive or forget. Fake news does.


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Turley nails it.


Turley hammers at the beginning of this video that all countries need food, fuel and finance to operate.

Food, fuel and finance.

Of the three, finance is the weakest because you can't eat it and you can't use it for energy to make things run.

The way the Ukraine invasion was responded to by the West, they focused on finance only. Putin focused on food and fuel.

The West threw Putin out of SWIFT, i.e., finance (while, like dorks, the West still kept buying Russian fuel), whereas Putin kept his focus on food and fuel.

Now people need fuel and he's turning off the valves. People need food and there is no fertilizer. On and on it goes.

Money was not enough for Ukraine to win. Guns are not enough. Any army needs food and fuel, too. Money was not enough for the West to help Ukraine beat Russia, not when it was getting a good part of its own food and fuel from Russia in that crazy interconnected mess globalism has made.

Well, without food and fuel, the West is learning the value of finance only.

Good job, predator class.


I can't wait until Trump gets back in power and straightens this mess out. It's a big one this go around, maybe bigger than Trump's abilities to handle, but so far, I think he's up to the task. He knows about things like food and fuel. He knows about finance. And he knows about leverage.

With that alone, he dwarfs that cabal of our "betters" who are currently running the world like a demolition derby while setting fire to the grandstands.


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6 hours ago, ThatGuy said:



"Not self, but the absence of self, is closer to being the root of all evil. Self-alienation impoverishes our capacity for empathy; and in dehumanizing ourselves, we inevitably dehumanize others. In failing to develop an independent and strong ego, to evolve to moral sovereignty, we become capable of unspeakable atrocities, since we do not experience ourselves as responsible for our actions". N Branden, Honoring the Self.

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8 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The following video is making the rounds on Twitter. Jack isn't the only one retweeting it.

What Victor Davis Hanson described happened in reality and, basically, in the way he said it happened, even though he is uncharacteristically hilarious in this clip.


But my point here is that this entire Ukarine war boondoggle has been sold like the Smollett thing was. And now people are fighting about energy costs the world over.

Well, they believed the Smollett story at the time. That means they didn't mind when billions and billions of dollars went to the money laundering capitol of the world to Smollett some Ukraine and Putin. The bad guys messed up the interconnected energy world while they were at it.

Now the cost is here and people are bitching...

Reality does not forgive or forget. Fake news does.


MSK, I've always had the greatest respect for Hanson. That's how to take apart the fake news - dry mockery. Is one expected to really believe THIS happened? ("Don't examine a folly, ask only what it accomplishes.")

When even the fakers believe their own fakery, here's a sample of the concocted narrative, or - how Putin deliberately set out destroying the world, by a once esteemed British writer in The Telegraph.

Anyone would think, reading most journalists and any politician, it is Russia to blame for imposing sanctions on every other country.

Excuse me. But I'm quite sure all our global woes were self-inflicted (like Smollet's), the blowback from collective measures directed AT punishing Russia...

Answer: we must redouble our "moral" efforts, tighten our belts more...

"Putin's shock win could destroy the free world". By Allister Heath.

"Britain is now in grave danger of falling into Vladimir Putin’s trap. His kamikaze economic war on the West will eventually take down his disgusting coterie of war criminals, but in the meantime it is beginning to inflict immense, permanent damage on the Western way of life, to the great delight of Moscow’s siloviki hard men.

We risk ending up with calamitous poverty, civil disobedience, a new socialist government by next year, a break-up of the UK, nationalisations, price and incomes policies, punitive wealth taxes and eventually a complete economic and financial meltdown and IMF bailout. The situation in the EU is, if anything, worse.

This is not a plea for pacifism, for looking away when Ukraine is being illegally invaded by a savage regime. Britain was – and remains – morally right to back Ukraine in a carefully calibrated way. Instead, this is a plea for an economic counter-offensive, for Liz Truss, the next PM, to tackle Putin’s economic and energy war head-on.

Mass, immediate intervention is inevitable, but must be designed to avoid hastening Britain’s shift into demagoguery, welfarism and socialist central planning, all steps down Hayek’s “road to serfdom” that the Leftist and green elites are longing us to take. The wrong response – because too little is done, or because the wrong solutions are chosen – would merely advance Putin’s masterplan to cripple the West.

[...] AH

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From Russian sources, in translations, some reporting on humanitarian challenges in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine. The main website is

Russian source: Occupied territories of Ukraine are facing humanitarian catastrophe

Ex-Ukrainian politician, defector Dimitriyev, responding to videos featuring hunger strikes in Mariupol, believes the occupied territories of Ukraine, the Donbass region specifically is facing a serious humanitarian crisis in the nearest future. The message was posted in his Telegram channel.

As I told you from the very beginning (and even before the operation) – Russian managers are simply not able to establish a normal life in the new territories. Not because they are fools (although most often they are), but because the entire management system is designed not for facing challenges and implementation of new projects, but for stability and control. That is, to support life in the Russian region – yes, bread is baked there, but to arrange the delivery of bread to Mariupol – no, because this is beyond the limits of competence and usual powers. Plus, the law enforcement system is set up so that anything going beyond the limits of authority is stopped and the initiator is punished.

Therefore, I think that the new territories will become a zone of humanitarian catastrophe in winter. Restoration of heating and water supply in many affected settlements does not occur. Restoration of housing stock for the most part takes place in the form of window dressing – beautiful houses will be erected on the main streets. There is a hidden struggle for budget contracts – patronage regions, LDNR, Chechens. In addition, people simply have nothing to get by for. Payments to state employees from Ukraine have ended, and those from Russia are difficult to kickstart, even Putin’s 10,000 [rubles], for the most part, have evaporated somewhere. Small business could rectify the situation, but in the Russian system of coordinates it is seen more as a problem. So, for example, in Melitopol, the first thing they banned was street trading, and in Kherson they took away goods for “illegal trading activities.”

Therefore, when you fantasise that Ukraine will die of cold and hunger in winter, you must understand that it will not be the first victim of winter. In the fall, a new wave of refugees may pour in from the occupied territories, and no one even understands where to take them.

It is especially strange that the stake in the campaign before the referendum in the territories has been put on historical unity.


The show is a live feed in Russian with two talking heads who discuss military facts and rumours and purported intelligence. While exposure to Russian media on Telegram and through intercepted calls helps shape their OSINT, their flawless fluency in Russian does not mask partisan stripe.

You can watch the videos with English subtitles (by choosing Russian subtitles and then selecting auto-translation) or follow along the brief translated notes. 


Summary of the daily livestream with Aleksey Arestovych, kindly brought to you by Stepan: Front line update (east): Southeast of Chuhiv the Russians attempted to...


From my windows into the Russian world, this is Constantin's latest sober and sad video, upon his visit to Moscow from family home in Rostov-on-Don.


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Journalism got "owned" by activists. In the old style of Leftist war correspondents, on the ground, with guts dedicated to unearthing facts independently. Hedges and Lawrence. I miss their type. As for the others, subservient careerists who "have to write things that don't make any goddam sense". Such as, as has been fed to the believing public, it is the Russians, not Ukraine, who are shelling the nuclear power plant they've occupied for months, and kept operating.


Throughout the Ukraine war, Western news outlets have mindlessly parroted the opinions of a ruling elite and overseen a public discourse...





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Notes from savethechildren: At least 1,888 schools have been damaged and destroyed by shelling and bombing since the conflict escalated on 24 February, according to Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and Science . . . .

Notes from Statista: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) verified a total of 5,663 civilian deaths during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as of August 28, 2022. Of them, 365 were children. Furthermore, 8,055 people were reported to have been injured. However, OHCHR specified that the real numbers could be higher.

“Da tovarishch,” yes comrades. what would be a good, new nickname for the man who is invading, targeting and destroying schools, and murdering Ukrainians?

Vlad Ras-PUTIN.

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14 hours ago, Peter said:

Notes from savethechildren: At least 1,888 schools have been damaged and destroyed by shelling and bombing since the conflict escalated on 24 February, according to Ukraine’s Ministry of Education and Science . . . .

Notes from Statista: The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) verified a total of 5,663 civilian deaths during Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as of August 28, 2022. Of them, 365 were children. Furthermore, 8,055 people were reported to have been injured. However, OHCHR specified that the real numbers could be higher.


Well, keep up escalating the arms shipments, more precision and longer range, that would work wonders to save the children. And avoid negotiations.

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On 9/2/2022 at 4:32 PM, william.scherk said:

From Russian sources, in translations, some reporting on humanitarian challenges in Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine. The main website is

More Julia Davis' 'Russian Media Monitor' results, with her customary spin. Presentiment: two days ago, Putin declared that Russian had lost nothing in Ukraine. 

There's nothing and then there's nothing, one might say.

You will see some likely sobering moments for state TV watchers -- the context being today's reported rapid advances of Ukrainian forces towards a major rail transit/supply hub near Kharkiv. 

The offensive came as a relative surprise to the RF forces and leaders, it seems to me. It was not telegraphed, in any case -- even if imagineered as part of advance war-planning. But see  map below from the Institute for the Study of War for the scope and proportions of the offensive.

Interdicting troop and armament supplies by rail  -- railways being the main Russian force-carrier -- and potentially trapping brigades-worth of forces in a pocket is serious. Such an encirclement removes supply and refresh options and could result in an out of the ordinary amount of RF casualties and captives. It could also impact the ability of Russia to supply fresh troops to counter the Kherson mini-offense on the southern from

Russian-language war channels on Telegram are going crazy right now with rumours and reports of a rout for their side. The angriest are angry at sclerotic leadership, brittle command structure -- the deadly results of 'upper deck' decisions made far from the fronts. Ukraine's units are semi-autonomous and nimble in comparison. 

As a morale-enhancer for the Ukraine side, the counter-offensive is hard to beat. These areas have been under Russian control for six solid months. 




Edited by william.scherk
Tidying up some flow and punch, once it was finished disgorging
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Insights by Caitlin Johnstone



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