Ukraine and Endless War for Profit

Michael Stuart Kelly

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On 6/6/2022 at 2:15 PM, Jules Troy said:

You don’t have to tell me twice.  Seeing as our own little narcissist spent more money that we don’t have in the last year then all the prime ministers since the founding of this country combined…we are definitely fucked.  Ya know your fucked when you start looking at third world countries to move to so you can have a better standard of living…

said country must have pretty birds for me to take pics of and some sort of internetz though.


I wonder if us Canadians will be offered some sort of dual citizanship in Cuba, makes sense, n'est pas?

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On 6/3/2022 at 8:49 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

How's that for a change of tune?

It's money divvying up time, not fighting time anymore.

And how's this for a change of tune?

Biden Throws Zelensky Under The Bus: Ukraine Leader 'Brushed Off' Invasion Warnings


ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

Just do ya'll know what's behind this, the following is not in the article, but remember all those billions that left the USA to go to Ukraine?

I don't know about the money, but only 5% of the arms promised to Ukraine have arrived.

Heh heh heh.

Another way of saying this is Biden and his people got theirs. Now it's time for Zelensky to sit down and shut the hell up. Just give Vlad the goddam land already...




Why can't I be a corrupt crony and a war monger, dammit!

That profession makes a lot of money...



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What? Ya don't say...

Department of Defense Admits There Are 46 US Military Biolabs in Ukraine

"The Department of Defense has finally come clean and admitted that the United States military is funding 46 biolabs in Ukraine.

"The Pentagon admitted to the U.S.-funded labs in a public statement this week.

"The move comes after months of denials from Democrats and President Joe Biden’s administration regarding the existence of the biolabs.

"The Pentagon said in an official statement:

'The United States has also worked collaboratively to improve Ukraine’s biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for both human and animal health, providing support to 46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades.

The collaborative programs have focused on improving public health and agricultural safety measures at the nexus of nonproliferation.'"

Read more here:



The Department of Defense has finally come clean and admitted that the United States military is funding 46 biolabs in Ukraine.


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This is a pretty good analysis of what is going on re Ukraine.

In east Ukraine, Russia is doing what it wants to do. In the west, Ukrainians are having fun.

And in America, the $40 billion went through, so Biden is throwing Zelensky under the bus. He's got money to count and schemes to implement to make sure his own chunk is secure.



Do Bidenbots keep up worshiping Zelensky as the new Jesus or do they go along with Bidens' hastily countermanded lie and quietly remove their Ukraine flags from their Twitter bios as it is slowly admitted that...

And how's your Twitter these days? Still have the Ukrainian flag on your profile?



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I have had grief thrown at me for my objection to the US sending support to Ukraine and my refusal to bash Putin as a pretext for ginning up support for that.

Then the $40 billion happened. Then it became apparent that the $40 billion never made its way to Ukraine and looks like it will never get there. 

I also had to defend lefties, of all things, because these particular lefties were not pro-establishment lefties like the Clinton machine. They, too, were against involvement with Ukraine.


Well, has anybody ever heard of The Daily Beast? That is about as Clinton machine as a press vehicle gets. Chelsea Clinton sits on the friggin' board.

Why is that important? Easy. The Hero of Ukraine, the Superman of the Elitists, the Legend of Kiev who would take out Putin, is now going the way of all useful idiots. He is going toward oblivion and destruction--and this dismantling has reached The Daily Beast. So this is the Clinton machine talking, not the lefties I favor (in some things).

Read it and see for yourself.

Judgment Day Is Coming for Zelensky


The most grueling decision of the war in Ukraine could spell the end of the president’s political career.


You mean now that the $40 billion is being divvied up, the establishment is chewing up Zelensky and spitting out the bones? Nah... they would never do that, would they? Not theeeem...

Except that is exactly what they are doing.



Here is one my favored lefties talking about it. I don't need to say it, but I will anyway. I do not agree with Jimmy on his political system ideology. But I do like his adherence to facts (most of the time) and principle.



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Here is what propaganda looks like in today's world. In the current case, it's the BBC.

I'm tempted to post the article, but in this case, you have to see the video. Jimmy's setup of the payoff is just too well done to miss.


I guess I'll give the gist, though. The BBC made up a horror story about cholera and so on, with all kinds of details, outrage, moral indignation, and so on, then said it couldn't verify any of it.

After that, the BBC continued with its details, outrage, moral indignation, and so on.

You have to see this to believe it.



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Poroshenko admits (brags) in a vid interview that the Minsk agreement was not meant to be kept, a ruse to gain time and militarize: in which case all that followed has been as much Kyiv's fault.


Petro Poroshenko said the Minsk Agreements “meant nothing” and claimed credit for giving Ukraine enough time to militarize


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From Fortune: Russia has already “strategically lost” the war in Ukraine and is a “more diminished power” on the world stage as a result of the invasion, according to the U.K.’s defense chief. end quote

I also saw a story about the U.S. giving Ukraine harpoon missiles and they tried it out by sinking a Russian tugboat. 

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On 6/11/2022 at 7:06 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

[T]he following is not in the article, but remember all those billions that left the USA to go to Ukraine?

I don't know about the money, but only 5% of the arms promised to Ukraine have arrived.



The United States has committed approximately $6.3 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of the Biden Administration, including approximately $5.6 billion since the beginning


On 6/11/2022 at 7:06 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Heh heh heh.

[...] Now it's time for Zelensky to sit down and shut the hell up. Just give Vlad the goddam land already...

Yeah. Give up, loser.



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3 hours ago, Peter said:

From Fortune: Russia has already “strategically lost” the war in Ukraine and is a “more diminished power” on the world stage as a result of the invasion, according to the U.K.’s defense chief. end quote


The war in EAST Ukraine, is all but over. Russia is in control. But the war mongers want more arms sent in. Because they continue in their pretext or stupidity that it's "ALL of Ukraine", which Russia is after control of. This guy's an Admiral? Really?

"The head of the UK’s armed forces has said Russia has already “strategically lost” the war in Ukraine and is now a “more diminished power”.

Admiral Sir Tony Radakin said Russia was suffering heavy losses, running out of troops and advanced missiles and would never be able to take over all of Ukraine.

“This is a dreadful mistake by Russia. Russia will never take control of Ukraine,” Tony Radakin told PA Media in an interview published on Friday". The Guardian
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It's all about the West saving face, from this point. There was expert advice, saying Ukraine could not win a war against Russia, should encourage a treaty early on, but (Boris Johnson, in particular) dissuaded Zelensky from suing for peace in Istanbul, piled in weapons and money, nonetheless. Wishful thinking, "evasion" one could say. So: the casualties pile up. And the Donbass territory at least will be lost, anyway.

Military casualties as admitted by Kyiv yesterday, though could be exaggerated for effect:


Kiev’s top negotiator David Arakhamia claims up to 1,000 Ukrainian troops are being killed or wounded each day in Donbass


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2 hours ago, william.scherk said:

Yeah. Give up, loser.



Good luck with that.

But not so fast is right. Biden is sending another billion and more dollars over there that will never reach there. Ukraine is still good for the gift, so the grifters are grifting.

Meanwhile, of the stuff that is supposed to get there:

U.S. drone sale to Ukraine hits snag - sources


U.S. drone sale to Ukraine hits snag - sources

Somebody is not paying somebody off...



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2 hours ago, anthony said:

The war in EAST Ukraine, is all but over. Russia is in control.


This is a nuance that is lost in the mainstream narrative.

For some reason, that reminds me of the Aesop tale of the sour grapes. This is where the animal couldn't get to the grapes, then walks away saying the grapes must have been sour anyway. 

The mainstream will keep talking about Ukraine as if it were one thing only and the Donbas region that gets lost to Russia, well those grapes must have been sour anyway. (Whenever I see Donbas, why do I keep thinking Dumbass?)


1 hour ago, anthony said:

It's all about the West saving face, from this point.

And the grift. Don't forget the grift. The insiders and divvying up the moneys and that's all they care about.



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57 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


And the grift. Don't forget the grift. The insiders and divvying up the moneys and that's all they care about.



Michael, that too. Somebody's cashing in big time, starting with Big Pharma - ooops, I meant Big Arma.

Some of those neat shoulder-fired missiles will be appearing in the ME and Africa, soon to be seen "in a theater near you ..."

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7 hours ago, anthony said:

The war in EAST Ukraine, is all but over. Russia is in control. But the war mongers want more arms sent in.

As so many have sorta expressed, insinuated, here on OL, Russia is so wonderful! They should invade and dominate the whole world! And those “so many” have expressed yadda yadda yadda for their side. Don’t you objectivists get it? Ayn Rand would obviously approve of Russia dominating the world by FORCE, as she so frequently expressed in her novels . . .     

From USA Today: The executive arm of the European Union recommended Friday that Ukraine become a candidate for membership, the first step in a process that could take decades. The endorsement is set to be discussed by the bloc's leaders next week in Brussels. "Ukraine has clearly demonstrated its aspiration and determination to live up to European values and standards," President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said on Twitter. "We want them to live with us the European dream."

Some of you are not objectivists. Seriously, think about it.

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3 hours ago, Peter said:

As so many have sorta expressed, insinuated, here on OL, Russia is so wonderful! They should invade and dominate the whole world!


Who has done this here on OL?

I don't know of a single person.

When I, for one, don't buy into the lies and propaganda put out by the mainstream fake news media, that does not mean I think Russia is wonderful and should invade the whole world.

It is not and should not.

It means that I do not abide by faking reality.


Identify correctly, then evaluate.

What is to be gained by pretending Russia is losing when Russia is not? What does faking reality gain?

If one is a grifter and thief, getting others to believe in a faked reality is good. They can steal and get away with it that way.

But for the person who believes in a fake reality? What does such a person gain?

Nothing. That's what.


Here's a relevant quote from Ayn Rand:


One must never attempt to fake reality in any manner.


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7 hours ago, Peter said:

As so many have sorta expressed, insinuated, here on OL, Russia is so wonderful! They should invade and dominate the whole world! And those “so many” have expressed yadda yadda yadda for their side. Don’t you objectivists get it? Ayn Rand would obviously approve of Russia dominating the world by FORCE, as she so frequently expressed in her novels . . .     

From USA Today: The executive arm of the European Union recommended Friday that Ukraine become a candidate for membership, the first step in a process that could take decades. The endorsement is set to be discussed by the bloc's leaders next week in Brussels. "Ukraine has clearly demonstrated its aspiration and determination to live up to European values and standards," President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen said on Twitter. "We want them to live with us the European dream."

Some of you are not objectivists. Seriously, think about it.

Rand herself said that she was the only Objectivist and that everyone else were students of Objectivism.

I think that Rand would say now that the "Biden administration" is a bigger threat to the world than Putin/Russia.

Rand would not approve of the same non elected fake administration and its use of FORCE to not dominate the world but dominate their stealing money via out of control hyper inflation and fake wars to take folks hard earned money.

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“It’s clear what we’re talking about. They [western countries] don’t want a complete defeat of Russia. They want to force Russia to negotiate in order to achieve peace,” Arestovich said in an interview.


The West isn’t sending tanks and planes to Kiev as it doesn’t want a complete defeat of Russia, Ukrainian president’s aide has said


And about time reality is setting in. Since the war has turned against Ukraine, the "western countries" have apparently seen the writing on the wall, while Kyiv and Zelensky and his aide (above) go on denying it, living in the media-constructed bubble and global populist outcry - total victory and repossession of the East (and Crimea) by brave Ukrainians.

Goes to show the danger of believing in your own PR image; now, the West will gradually let Kyiv down from its heights of a month or two ago. While leaders and politicians keep making all the right supportive speeches and while sending in a little more arms so their conscience is clear. From the beginning, this could have been firmly stated: "We" can't help you win this unwinnable war, besides giving you limited weaponry (and humanitarian support) - so, strongly urge you "negotiate in order to achieve peace" which we will help facilitate by putting diplomatic/economic pressure on Putin to come to the table (who appears amenable to withdrawal if the Donbass is granted its autonomy as promised and Nato membership renounced and Ukraine neutrality observed).

And, in effect: "If that is unacceptable, Zelensky, you are on your own".

Presently, they are back to advising what they should have then: negotiating the peace.

Likely precluding all the subsequent losses.

All that was not clarified by the western countries in their zeal (for Ukraine) to beat/weaken Russia and humiliate Putin. This war was avoidable, if contracts and treaties were kept to.  The fiction of Putin's "imperialism", Russia's supposed expansionist aggression into Europe(!) following the fantasy of its successful "defeat and occupation of Ukraine" -  simply the excuse by war mongers to get at Russia.


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