Ukraine and Endless War for Profit

Michael Stuart Kelly

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Seriously, I need to read up on NAFTA.

Whenever I look at it (and this has been ever since I was in Brazil), all I get is propaganda. It usually starts by saying NAFTA opened the trade barriers between the USA and Canada and Mexico with simple remedies, then soon after that the USA is a huge market, much bigger than Canada or Mexico.

After some mumble mumble mumble, there will follow something like NAFTA was an enormously complex bill. And when you see the size of the paperwork, you believe them.

Even later, there will be a throw-away remark that critics say Canada and Mexico benefitted from NAFTA far more than the USA.

That doesn't sound like free trade.


I'll look around and see if I can get what all this actually means (and even if it is correct) into plain English that even a caveman can understand. Not a priority, though, so it might take some time.

I do know the following from experience. Whenever the paperwork of a deal is voluminous, peppered with unintelligible jargon and insiders say it's a highly complex issue, that usually means it's quite simple so it needs a smokescreen and grift in involved.


It's kinda like the Keystone Pipeline. The simple issue is people want and need Alberta crude to arrive at US refineries as quickly and cheaply as possible. Lot's of it since people use lots of oil. A pipeline does it best, so the interested parties planned and built the Keystone pipeline (most of it, anyway). Bullies don't want them to do this without getting their own money and/or power from it--kinda like a protection racket.


How simple was that?

All the rest is verbiage, disinformation, power games, misguided ideology, legalese and grift. Boy do those things rack up the words and jargon, too.

I have a nasty feeling NAFTA was just like that, but in Robin Hood terms of milking the USA. That's speculation. After I look into it, I will be able to put up more informed thoughts.


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2 minutes ago, Jules Troy said:



With all due respect, you suck at intimidation.


You're a good dude with a good heart.

Own it.

At least if I were you, I would own that.

It's a great thing to own.

Trying to play bully just doesn't fit your personality. Gotta call central casting and see what line of bullshit they have been feeding you.



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How's this for context?


The Putin Tooters don't even think about this. They presume that what will come after will be a rational West-friendly leader.

They did this with Gaddafi in Libya. He was weird and awful, but look what happened after he was removed--with the USA behind that removal. And Hillary Clinton celebrating, "We came. We saw. He died. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ..."

We now have open human slave markets over there.

You don't see the people who worked to remove Gaddafi working to remove those Libyan slave markets, do you?

No you don't. 

One has to conclude this is OK with the Deep State people.

They may not say it's OK, they may say the contrary, but look at what they do. They caused the opportunity for the slave markets to be there and they do nothing.

What else can one conclude?


For that matter, do you see the Clinton Foundation over there other than as customers operating under cutouts?


Incidentally, since I am using a term I made up, let me say what it means. A Putin Tooter is a propagandist for the Deep State or a person who repeats the Deep State propaganda more or less according to its talking points.

I have no love of Putin, but I like the sound of the word when used with tootin'. :) 


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On 4/26/2022 at 10:33 AM, william.scherk said:

Toot toot.


A Julia Davis tweet, further exploring the news that leads in Russia's media.


Among the questions I have are: "Are civilians from areas under Russian control being evacuated to the east?" and "what happens to any such civilians?"

It may be standard in war to detain and interrogate military-age men.  They may well be trained operators, scouts, communication relays ...


Nikita Horban was abducted from his village and taken to Russia. He would come back without any toes.


There is a story out about a Kharkiv-based "Gonzalo Lira, a Chilean-American pro-Russia “social media influencer” and video blogger" (descriptor from a very nastily-argued Bulwark article) ...



Winnowing, winnowing.

Back to an April 26 video that followed the segment posted by Tony ... 


Of note -- the previously posted video cited the Wall Street Journal's reportage on Lavrov's remarks.  Here is a free link to what I think they flashed on screen :



U.S. Defense Secretary Austin calls comments ‘dangerous and unhelpful’ as he meets with allies in Europe


-- from the article:


[...] Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly raised the specter of nuclear war, invoking his country’s atomic arsenal in an effort to deter the U.S. and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization from getting involved in the conflict.

The West, meanwhile, has accelerated efforts to bolster Ukraine with fresh supplies of weapons and ammunition in a bid to thwart Russia, but the U.S. and NATO have said they won’t deploy troops into direct combat.

Russia’s attempt to oust Ukraine’s elected government through a rapid military invasion at the end of February failed, and Moscow is now focusing on trying to seize territory in Ukraine’s east with the help of mass artillery and aerial bombardments. Russian units were pushing southwest from the city of Izyum and attacking the village of Barvinskove, the General Staff of Ukraine’s Armed Forces said Tuesday.

On Tuesday, Germany said it would refurbish and send to Ukraine decommissioned antiaircraft cannon tanks known as Flakpanzer Gepard, or Cheetah, ending its longstanding reluctance to give tanks to the country. Germany will provide about 50 of the German-made self-propelled guns, marking a major delivery of non-Soviet weapons systems by a Western country to Ukraine, two government officials said.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz last week said his government was treading carefully to avoid a nuclear war.


2 minute cut of WSJ video here:

Edited by william.scherk
Added link to Lavrov story and WSJ video
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1 hour ago, ThatGuy said:

"Lend-Lease", Ukraine, and WWIII...Thoughts?


Biden wants to send $33 billion (without any need to pay it back, lend lease style) over to one of the biggest and most efficient money laundering countries on earth.

What could possibly go wrong?




EDIT: Once again, what about the people who are funding that money?

Not the politicians. The American makers of things and doers of services who get part of their product confiscated, i.e., taxes.

What are they getting in return for all that money--money that came from them--going to the foreign money launderers with a war story?

What about them?

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All for one, one for all ...


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Even Chomsky is against Putin Tootin', and, even more, he's on board with Trump about Ukraine.

Whodda thunk that would ever happen?

Democrats Lose Chomsky… Old Radical Praises President Trump for Seeking Diplomatic Resolution in Ukraine (VIDEO)


President Donald Trump is the first US President since Ronald Reagan to NOT start a new war during his watch. President Trump is famous...


Here is his in all his glory:



We are slowly--and permanently--turning the "endless war for profit" crowd into a condemnable group of sons of bitches and a political pre-standard to be used BEFORE the right and left standard.

I love it.


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3 hours ago, william.scherk said:

All for one, one for all ...


And he is right. He alludes to the identical mystical-determinism that's infected secularists-leftsts: "Jewish" (etc.) is 'in your blood'.

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On 4/30/2022 at 5:13 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

EDIT: Once again, what about the people who are funding that money?

Not the politicians. The American makers of things and doers of services who get part of their product confiscated, i.e., taxes.

What are they getting in return for all that money--money that came from them--going to the foreign money launderers with a war story?

What about them?

Does anyone think I keep going on about this in isolation?

Hell no.

This is all across America.

The following political cartoon says it all in terms of the con.



The people who have to pay and give their kids up to die, the ones the Putin Tooters love to ignore, are now thinking like this.

Putin Tooters don't have to like this.

In fact, they have to suck on it.

When it hits major cartoons like that, it's ubiquitous.

(That means found everywhere for the vocabulary challenged.)



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Perception meets reality. What happens when the propagandists believe their own propaganda. Our heroes can win - are winning. Therefore, we refuse to seek a peace treaty, while pride demands we must beat Putin at his own game.

The reality, Ukraine is not winning this war and will lose the Donbass (which demands - for its sake - that diplomacy and negotiations had begun yesterday). The East-South, it's becoming apparent, was the single Russian objective, negating the major expansionist, imperialist rhetoric. This military observer confirms the Kyiv assault was indeed a tactical diversion, that worked.


US and Ukrainian officials work to create a perception of Russian military defeat, but the reality on the ground paints a different picture


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Wanna see some hogs going to the trough (without Biden or Harris)?

Nancy Pelosi leads U.S. delegation to Kyiv, meets with Ukraine's president


"Your fight is a fight for everyone," the House speaker told President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Here's another view from the article.

Oink oink oink oink




Of course, they are only talking about what's going to be in the trough right now.

Later they have to make sure the Americans they despise fill that trough full, fuller than full, and keep filling it, and, while they're at it, send their kids to die for the trough.

And then? And then? And then?... you ask them.

Well that's easy.

Shut the fuck up and sit down.



Makes me daydream about ham and eggs...



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On 4/28/2022 at 2:35 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

When harvest time comes in a few months, the crunch from nuking Russian fertilizer will cause food prices to explode, that is, in countries that can feed their populations. Expect starvation in some places.

That isn't just me saying that.

Samantha Power wants to Putin Toot and have US taxpayers pick up the tab to literally pay for shit (manure).

The idea of negotiating peace between Ukraine and Russia is not on the table with these bums. They want that war money. And they're willing to let countless people the world over starve to death to get it. 

That's literal, too.


Here in the USA we will probably be OK except for unreal sky-high food prices. But some poor countries will have no food to sell to people with this fertilizer debacle.

Samantha Power now wants money from Congress. But once again, why should Americans pay for this situation? Why should Americans pay to prolong it?

You will never hear an answer from these assholes. They want their war money. Period.

And they want you to sit down, shut up, and fork over your own money because "muh victims."


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6 hours ago, anthony said:

Tucker Carlson supplies the missing jigsaw pieces. It was about payback. And don't expect any peace negotiation any time soon.


Tucker echoes my thinking exactly with two differences.

1. I never thought of war with Russia as payback for the made up story that Russia stole the presidency from Hillary Clinton. That never occurred to me, but it sure makes sense. I like it. :) 

2. I think these Putin Tooters like Pelosi, Schiff, etc., do not really believe Russia will use nukes in a war. They just don't accept that as a real possibility. Or if they do, they believe Russia will use nukes more as a warning than as a weapon. Years of MAD (mutually assured destruction) policies, which resulted in nobody using a nuke, and their own grifts off the nuclear industry have blinded them to the possibility of a nuke landing on their own heads--or the heads of their family.

They are parasites totally blind to the possibility of killing their host, meaning themselves by extension.


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23 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Tucker echoes my thinking exactly with two differences.

1. I never thought of war with Russia as payback for the made up story that Russia stole the presidency from Hillary Clinton. That never occurred to me, but it sure makes sense. I like it. :) 

2. I think these Putin Tooters like Pelosi, Schiff, etc., do not really believe Russia will use nukes in a war. They just don't accept that as a real possibility. Or if they do, they believe Russia will use nukes more as a warning than as a weapon. Years of MAD (mutually assured destruction) policies, which resulted in nobody using a nuke, and their own grifts off the nuclear industry have blinded them to the possibility of a nuke landing on their own heads--or the heads of their family.

They are parasites totally blind to the possibility of killing their host, meaning themselves by extension.


Yes, it caught me too - he is one sharp observer - while Tucker does qualify "at some level" (that this is punishment on Putin for 'hacking' that election]. Clearly, there are other motives too.

Goes to show, never to overlook the obvious or simplistic that we'd consider ridiculous. These are not intellectual giants, and mustn't be overestimated as such. Now, I can accept that a part of their ¬psychological¬ motivation is "a childish, self-defense mechanism" as Carlson says. It's returning to the schoolyard underneath all their moralizing bluster, and they have long memories for defeat and rejection by the People. Self-assessment seems impossible to some, so there had to be an outside influence on an election.

When weak men and women in power begin to compensate with belligerence - look out, they will be lethal.

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