Ukraine and Endless War for Profit

Michael Stuart Kelly

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34 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:




btw - I think I found the culprit of who busted the pipelines.






Still, I'm think the pipeline damage is a possible false flag/nonexistent, a la Iraq? That's confusing me, because we're seeing the footage...unless you mean intentionally sabotaged by the Russians themselves?

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1 hour ago, ThatGuy said:

... unless you mean intentionally sabotaged by the Russians themselves?


I'm beginning to think, more and more, the USA did this, either with US personnel or with people hired through cut-outs. And the US government under Biden wants to sell the idea to the world that Russia did it.

False flag kind of thing with a small twist.

I think the idea is to get Europe good and pissed at Russia as the cold weather comes on. Then when more and more billions go to Ukraine and the war escalates, Europeans will be on board.

Something like the Gulf of Tonkin incident in Vietnam. Except that one was a pure false flag carried out by Lyndon Johnson's crew to get the US to escalate the Vietnam war. (At least it kept Johnson from going for reelection...)

Lots and lots of bazillionaires were made in that war. All paid for by the US taxpayer.

Other wars followed with different nefarious details to kick them into gear, but the same outcome always happened. Plenty of young Americans and foreign civilians and soldiers died. And the rich got richer while other bazillionaires were made. And the US taxpayer payed for most of it.


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I've shared a few of the Russian English-language video accounts that I follow on YouTube. Each has been registering the shock of mobilization, each in their own way. Even those resolutely apolitical or avoidant of any sensitive topic have gravely explained ''what it means" ... while the facts of the departures have become subjects of scorn, anger and aggressive rhetoric on the federal television channels.  To capture the flavour of those programmes and their reaction to the leave-taking, check out Russian Media Monitor's account.

Two of the accounts I have mentioned here, Niki Proshin and Inside Russia's Constantin, are no longer inside Russia, having had the means and opportunity to leave on 24 hour notice -- before a rumoured 'iron curtain' would come down for males in the sought-after demographic.

Constantin of Inside Russia did a live-stream today (following on his daily streams since the mobilization order). In it he tells a few stories and offers vignettes of what he witnessed during his departure and at the border checks.


Edited by william.scherk
Links don't work in Vivaldi. Added three links in Edge; finding a homely video from Alex and Valerya and maybe another, female account
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The "mobilization" is from the pool of reservists (numbering 25 million) who have already had basic training, iow, they had all previously been "drafted" -- been given a mandatory one year training. They aren't lacking military experience, and 'green'. The media per usual plays on the fine distinction for dramatic, propaganda effect. 

"Plucked from villages".

Conscription in Russia

 ("universal military obligation" or "liability for military service")

is a 12-month draft, which is mandatory for all male citizens ages 18–27, with a number of exceptions. The mandatory term of service was reduced from two years to one year in 2007 and 2008.[1][2] Avoiding the draft is a felony under Russian criminal code and is punishable by up to 2 years of imprisonment.[3] Conscripts are generally prohibited from being deployed abroad.[4]" Wikipedia



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Who will be among the first nation-states or 'independent entities' to congratulate Russia on its hasty 'acquisitions'?  

Belarus doesn't count, since Lukashenko and Putin have not yet agreed on the full scope and structure of their "Union State."  Each erstwhile ally and friend of Russia -- China, Iran, Venezuela, DPRK, Djimidoreia, Nicaragua, Hungary(?) -- will probably wait for a good while.


Soundings (Levada) suggest that shocks from the partial mobilization may have awakened Russian apoliticals to greater interest and to some degree, unease. Putin's televised announcement today that mobilization "mistakes" must be corrected may go some way to mollify cynicism and disgust. Who knows.


После объявления частичной мобилизации внимание к украинским событиям и обеспокоенность происходящим резко выросли. Новости о частичной мобилизации вызвали в обществе тревогу и...

From the above Levada page:


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8 hours ago, william.scherk said:

Who will be among the first nation-states or 'independent entities' to congratulate Russia on its hasty 'acquisitions'? 


Here's the thing.

I don't think Russia gives a crap.


Russia ain't playing with the globalists.


btw - I thought Russia was toast.

I thought Ukraine was kicking the living daylights out of it.

I though it was going to be just a matter of time before Russia came groveling to the world in humiliation and slinking out of Ukraine with its tail between its legs.


I hate the predator class media.

One cannot defeat an enemy one identifies incorrectly.

And the predator class media keeps identifying Russia incorrectly over and over and over.

Why? So the predator class can engineer an endless war for profit and the insiders can make money.


The public keeps hearing that Russia is toast, but Russia never goes away.

It never goes away.

I wonder when that game is going to get old for the public. Or will the public keep following the propaganda and keep treating Russia like Emmanuel Goldstein in 1984? For those who have not read 1984, that's when people would get together in a theater every day for an hour or so and yell at cinematic images of the "enemy," Emmanuel Goldstein. Except Goldstein was more fiction than fact.

The Russia that exists has nothing to do with the Russia the predator class media says it is. And man does it get the public yelling about Russia.

Meanwhile the predator class insiders are laughing all the way to the bank...


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21 hours ago, ThatGuy said:

"JUST IN - Putin to sign "treaties on the accession of new territories to Russia" and to hold a "voluminous speech" tomorrow, the Kremlin says."

Now this.

Zelensky just formally asked for Ukraine to join NATO.

And this is the result so far.


Entire West Wing is scrambling, totally out of whack. NATO stuff came out of left field apparently, per WH staffer



It's going to be a long 5 weeks or so to the midterms...



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Here are the problems with Biden saying what he said about not recognizing the annexation.

1. Biden promised to keep the money flowing to the Ukraine-Russia endless-war-for-profit. At least the predator class hopes it is endless.

2. Biden is bought and paid for by the CCP. His son and cronies, too.

3. Putin would have never annexed those territories without the blessing and backing of China. (In the style of one gangster to another.)

4. China will see what happens with the annexation, then use this as a pretext to move in on Taiwan.


That's not hard to see for anybody once they look without an agenda.

Biden's words are the meow of a paper tiger to Russia and China.

This is going to be one big-ass mess to untangle.


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7 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

It's going to be a long 5 weeks or so to the midterms...

Check this one out.


Joe Biden today vowed to ban assault weapons. He really has no idea what he’s saying. Today Joe Biden said that he is going to ban assault weapons.  The gang at the White House clapped when he...


They're like cockroaches scurrying around to see if they can find something that works. And nothing is working...


It's still going to be a loooooooooooooong 5 weeks...

At least it will be entertaining.



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"The principle of self-determination depends for its realization on many things, the primary one being power.

In reality, the “right” to political self-determination is always a function of whether that right can be de facto exercised, and that is always a question of power.

The American South recognized this during the Civil War. The American Colonies recognized it during the War of Independence.

There will never be an agreed-upon or workable application of the right to such determination in international law, because international law is precisely law between states, but it is precisely the relative power of different states at different times that makes the “right” to such determination a real one, or merely a complaint".


Makes one realize how "self-determination" hasn't any de jure recognition, in international law, but it does have many precedents. A good many nations, most of them colonies once, exist today due to that original concept. A people has the right to elect to determine their future from Govts and rulers in a piece of land they live in, to break away. Which is "accession" (by the people) - not "annexation" - a "land grab" irrespective of existing people or the will of the people there. But presupposes they have the strength to keep it. When it comes to "the relative power of different states", *might makes right* and has always done so.

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Here is what that fucking money laundering war in Ukraine is creating.

And if you look at mainstream media pundits, when they see something like that, they say the crowd was bussed in. And that Putin is toast. The Russian people hate him. Russia will soon fall. Blah blah blah...

Yeah, right.

I wonder what they will say when the nukes start falling. The nukes were bussed in?


This whole goddam thing could have been avoided by one thing alone--stop the goddam money laundering in Ukraine. That has been the root of it all ever since the West started welching on its NATO obligations and promises.

But stopping the illicit-money-gravy-train ain't going to happen, so the West pokes Russia, Russia pokes back and they keep poking each other and here we are.

November can't come soon enough. Especially since Biden is one of the top thieves doing the embezzling. 


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