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There's this, too.

Don Lemon Fired at CNN After 17 Years: 'I Am Stunned' — Read Full Statement



Don Lemon has been fired by CNN after 17 years — read his statement.

Doesn't something feel a little coordinated?




What's worse, nobody will notice Lemon got fired until days from now because everyone is talking about Tucker.



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More info. Tucker and Lemon.


Tucker Carlson IS OUT AT FOX NEWS, Don Lemon FIRED At CNN, MAJOR BREAKING NEWS As Cable News DIES Become a Member For Uncensored Videos - Hang Out With Tim...



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Sad: CNN Fires Don Lemon After Realizing He's Past His Prime


ATLANTA, GA — In a stunning move, media giant CNN has fired anchor Don Lemon. Executives at the network made the decision immediately after coming to the stark realization that Lemon was past his prime.



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Be on the watch out for one or more false flag events.

The current feel for me keeps screaming to my gut, set-up, set-up, set-up. Look at what follows, not just at now.

The people behind Biden need--more than ever--a declaration of martial law.

They know they can't rig enough shit in the 2024 election to pull off a steal again. Too many people are watching and working to make sure that doesn't happen.

But it could under martial law.

I don't think the Deep State has the juice to pull it off anymore, but that doesn't mean they won't try.

Stay vigilant and stay safe.


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4 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Be on the watch out for one or more false flag events.

The current feel for me keeps screaming to my gut, set-up, set-up, set-up. Look at what follows, not just at now.

The people behind Biden need--more than ever--a declaration of martial law.

They know they can't rig enough shit in the 2024 election to pull off a steal again. Too many people are watching and working to make sure that doesn't happen.

But it could under martial law.

I don't think the Deep State has the juice to pull it off anymore, but that doesn't mean they won't try.

Stay vigilant and stay safe.


Please clarify "false flag events"?

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12 hours ago, Strictlylogical said:

Please clarify "false flag events"?


A violent event where innocents are injured/killed or property is damaged that is carried out by the Deep State, but made to look like it was MAGA people doing it.

The violence on J6, for example, was mostly a false flag event staged by Deep State infiltrators, but made to look like MAGA people, to allow Biden's swearing in to go forth without much protest.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident was a false flag event staged by the Johnson administration, but made to look like North Vietnam forces, that got the USA to vastly ramp up the Vietnam War. The Reichstag fire was a false flag event staged by the Nazis, but made to look like German communist agitators, that allowed Hitler to assume dictatorial powers.

My fear is an assassination attempt or a bomb in a city or something like that dressed out to look like MAGA, but carried out by the Deep State. This would give Biden a pretext to declare Martial Law until they could, you know, make America safe again from those evil MAGA people.

I don't think they have the juice to pull this one off, though. They can stage the event, but rotsa ruck with the Martial Law part. Even so, that would be a holy mess.


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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


A violent event where innocents are injured/killed or property is damaged that is carried out by the Deep State, but made to look like it was MAGA people doing it.

The violence on J6, for example, was mostly a false flag event staged by Deep State infiltrators, but made to look like MAGA people, to allow Biden's swearing in to go forth without much protest.

The Gulf of Tonkin incident was a false flag event staged by the Johnson administration, but made to look like North Vietnam forces, that got the USA to vastly ramp up the Vietnam War. The Reichstag fire was a false flag event staged by the Nazis, but made to look like German communist agitators, that allowed Hitler to assume dictatorial powers.

My fear is an assassination attempt or a bomb in a city or something like that dressed out to look like MAGA, but carried out by the Deep State. This would give Biden a pretext to declare Martial Law until they could, you know, make America safe again from those evil MAGA people.

I don't think they have the juice to pull this one off, though. They can stage the event, but rotsa ruck with the Martial Law part. Even so, that would be a holy mess.


I do not particularly like thinking of things in terms of collectives or groups or even in terms of “we” as so many do in wider conversations… but over the centuries there has been a cultural decline in America and in the west in general, and although it may be easier to point fingers at foreign or domestic agitators and influences… in some sense the fault lies generally in us… somehow we have failed to stay “strong” (read moral, civil, principled etc) and whether we are strong enough to come through it,

what we get, in some very real sense is exactly what we deserve….

and for a time, until we have had enough to deserve better, we may languish in the desert.

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On 8/17/2020 at 4:57 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

... the sanctity of Nate Silver's crystal ball...

Another one bites the dust.

Nate Silver Out at ABC News as Disney Layoffs Once Again Hit News Division


ABC News is expected to retain the FiveThirtyEight brand, with plans to streamline the data-driven site.

If you work in polling, it's probably a plus to be right once in a while instead of just connected.

:evil:  :)


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3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Say it.



Deep State shit coming.



Sudanese Militants Seize US-Funded BioLab in Khartoum Containing Dangerous Samples of Measles, Cholera, Other Pathogens


The World Health Organization warned of the potential of a “high risk” event after Sudanese militants seized control of dangerous bio lab in Khartoum as fighting continues in the capital city.


To add to this mess and the dirty rotten bullshit we all know the Deep State is doing with it, think of this.

Many of the Sudanese militants do not have the equivalent of a basic education, much less that a high-school education. And they believe pathogens come from demons.

What could possibly go wrong with them running amok in a biolab?

Instead of a suicide bomber, how about a bunch of suicide infectees who travel all over the place?

And even worse, how about the chance that Big Pharma could help fund their travels in order to supply more jabs and medicine? 


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It’s not about Left versus Right anymore.  The remnants of a Principled Democracy leaning to and fro are on the brink and all people who on either principled sides of the isle are threatened.

We now have principles as such versus corruption, Republican Democracy versus Tyrannical Oligarchy.

I dare say Trump should choose a Democrat as his running mate… but one who is principled and still fights for humanity and the ideals of the west.

But perhaps this task is not for Trump and maybe it is decades away… all those principled dems and reps need to abandon the legacy parties …. there is a vast common middle ground and common values most Americans would rally behind… the new principled peoples party would directly reclaim freedom from those powers who aspire to reincarnate themselves as King George…. we need a new set of founding fathers and yes mothers…

and one day perhaps we’ll see America slowly becoming more free rather than less.

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Republican Democracy vs Tyrannical Oligarchy is really at root the difference between a benevolent oligarchy and a tyrannical one. A republic , a non-direct democracy, is a form of oligarchy in that the current office holders and legislatures, a relatively small amount of the population ( like 35K to 1 in terms of congressional representation) exercise the power of the government. The federal system of checks and balances among the three branches of government as a mechanism works to slow factions gaining control of the mechanism of simple majority vote in the separate bodies aside from the Executive branch, but ultimately can not completely combat the idea of 'one party' rule for the most part.

Politics being downstream of culture suggests partisan politics is not going to be the route of righting the ship of state. As far as government/power dynamics Curtis Yarvin has I think some very interesting things to say about and critiques of societal/cultural structure as they work to concentrate power that is then exercised through the existing governmental structure.

His descriptions of various stages of American governance histories is very interesting, I think he claims we are currently in like the fourth "Republic", one whose power is currently solidified by the machinations of the 'deep state' , which itself is the legacy of FDR and his gift to his progeny of future administrators to remain the once and future philosopher kings, perhaps one would be easier to deal with . :)

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49 minutes ago, tmj said:

Republican Democracy vs Tyrannical Oligarchy is really at root the difference between a benevolent oligarchy and a tyrannical one. A republic , a non-direct democracy, is a form of oligarchy in that the current office holders and legislatures, a relatively small amount of the population ( like 35K to 1 in terms of congressional representation) exercise the power of the government. The federal system of checks and balances among the three branches of government as a mechanism works to slow factions gaining control of the mechanism of simple majority vote in the separate bodies aside from the Executive branch, but ultimately can not completely combat the idea of 'one party' rule for the most part.

Politics being downstream of culture suggests partisan politics is not going to be the route of righting the ship of state. As far as government/power dynamics Curtis Yarvin has I think some very interesting things to say about and critiques of societal/cultural structure as they work to concentrate power that is then exercised through the existing governmental structure.

His descriptions of various stages of American governance histories is very interesting, I think he claims we are currently in like the fourth "Republic", one whose power is currently solidified by the machinations of the 'deep state' , which itself is the legacy of FDR and his gift to his progeny of future administrators to remain the once and future philosopher kings, perhaps one would be easier to deal with . :)

eah... I prefer revolutions which involve paper, text, pens, voting, rallies... and would rather not wait so long as to require the likes of "the Terror" of the French Revolution...


I do not believe we always had a benevolent oligarchy, in fact I think majority of what motivated the founding fathers truly was enlightened and principled, and that there are long lines of principled persons who executed the offices entrusted to them with utmost integrity and honor.

I DO believe of course there was always some element of corruption at work, some people who were not so principled and who held positions of power and executed the offices entrusted to them for their own gain, be it material wealth, fame, power or any combination thereof.


Yes, principled people getting together and starting parties, and running for office is usually downstream... but that is part of the play by the corrupt, the rapid swings require that we are all lost at sea.   

But today (recent decades) we see the resurgence in the culture of ideas connected with freedom, in connection with political movements such as the tea party, the freedom caucus and Trump... 

in today's information age of rapid and widespread communication... politics and culture may be coevolving more or less together.

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14 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Tucker on Twitter.

Friggin' legend...

And like a good showman, he did not step on the anticipation. He goosed it.





Here is a screenshot less than 24 hours later:



does anyone know why on the video it shows 16.4M views while in the tweet it shows 53.2M views?

Either way, people are clicking, watching, and reading.




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47 minutes ago, Strictlylogical said:

does anyone know why on the video it shows 16.4M views while in the tweet it shows 53.2M views?


The timestamp in my post is for when Tucker tweeted it (or very near that time).

When I go to the tweet now, it still shows the same timestamp.

Twitter is not changing the timestamp anymore for some reason--at least for that tweet.

Yours shows an hour later, but that might be due to time zone.


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3 hours ago, Strictlylogical said:

eah... I prefer revolutions which involve paper, text, pens, voting, rallies... and would rather not wait so long as to require the likes of "the Terror" of the French Revolution...


I do not believe we always had a benevolent oligarchy, in fact I think majority of what motivated the founding fathers truly was enlightened and principled, and that there are long lines of principled persons who executed the offices entrusted to them with utmost integrity and honor.

I DO believe of course there was always some element of corruption at work, some people who were not so principled and who held positions of power and executed the offices entrusted to them for their own gain, be it material wealth, fame, power or any combination thereof.


Yes, principled people getting together and starting parties, and running for office is usually downstream... but that is part of the play by the corrupt, the rapid swings require that we are all lost at sea.   

But today (recent decades) we see the resurgence in the culture of ideas connected with freedom, in connection with political movements such as the tea party, the freedom caucus and Trump... 

in today's information age of rapid and widespread communication... politics and culture may be coevolving more or less together.

I want a cultural revolution, no "the Terror"s at all, pens, paper, rallies and discussions of Ideas and all that!

Modernity and the speed of communication is definitely a big factor in possibly being able to enjoy such endeavors. "Q" and "Anons" to say nothing of the particulars of 'what' they are, showed the power of the phenomenon.

But some part of 'that' needs to pay attention to the societal/governmental structure and how power is captured and maintained. When I said partisan politics may not hold all the answers I was referring to things such as this, if true and it seems likely

Those that make up the population of the elite institutions are the ones that are going to be seated into power. Their answers whether performative or not suggest a definite lack of character and that lack has been drilled into them, relying on individuals bereft of character does not bode well for the future.

I agree that the American experiment has provided a venue for those of high character to ascend to prominent leadership positions and have served the populace well , intentionally. But aside of any ecclesiastical meaning, as the founders said this form of government can only serve those possessed of 'religion'. We need a common moral religion to practice self-governance, we need a revival!

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2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


The timestamp in my post is for when Tucker tweeted it (or very near that time).

When I go to the tweet now, it still shows the same timestamp.

Twitter is not changing the timestamp anymore for some reason--at least for that tweet.

Yours shows an hour later, but that might be due to time zone.


I'm not sure where timestamps are or why you are talking about them ... anywho...

looks like the video is up to 18Million views now, and the tweet is up to 59.7Million views! 

I'm not a twitter user but that seems pretty good!

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