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1 hour ago, Strictlylogical said:

Apparently, this is exactly what appears when someone quotes you quoting yourself...


That is exactly right, too.

Before you made that test, were you aware of that issue when you first read my butchered post? 

And if not, did you really think there was an argument there?

Hell, I wrote it and I couldn't find any argument there.



But I'm going to take this one step further.

(I'm not coming down on you. I'm just on my soapbox. :) )

Suppose I was quoted with good intentions. I had been complaining for a long time that anonymous sources at NYT and other mainstream media were the suckiest things in the world. I still complain about that and they still are.

Now look again at part of my original post, not the one the quote function butchered, but the original:



NYT being quoted by Revolver:


According to constitutional lawyers and past court rulings...

End Quote



If it weren't for shit-ass lousy standards for sources, some people would have no standards at all.


The sources for the NYT were "According to constitutional lawyers and past court rulings..."

So I asked which ones.

Meaning which constitutional lawyers? And which past court rulings?

Don't ask the NYT. They ain't saying.


Is that difficult to understand? Hell, it's so simple, a caveman can grok it.


But remember, I am supposing--for this argument--that I was quoted in good faith.

And if I was, answer me this.

What is there in my statement that was intelligible back when I made it, but is no longer intelligible?




The truth is, saying this was the case is bullshit.

But now that I know the process, I know it is not a comment on my quote.

It is a negative in the critical thinking triad (abstract, negative, concrete).

It's not made for understanding anything. 

It's only there to obstruct what it can.


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Just to be clear, when I am using the term "critical thinking" in the context above, I am not referring to using your mind critically to examine a proposition or idea with reason and compare it to other sources and authorities and ideas in order to test its validity.

That kind of critical thinking is good.

In this context, this kind of critical thinking is a form of implementing Critical theory, which is an outgrowth of Marxism, which is an outgrowth of Hegel's work, and so on until we go back to gnosticism and hermetic religions.

This is one of those cases where the same term means something vastly different depending on context.

Sort of like Michael Jackson's Bad, which was a celebration of individuality, rebelliousness and prowess. He wasn't singing about evil or poor quality. His meaning was vastly different.


That's why you always have to use the good kind of critical thinking.

Just be careful and look hard at context.


What looks like candy might be a sweet-tasting poison.


The Critical theory people (and similar) are experts and taking popular ideas and using words that sound the same in order to poison the meaning of the original idea.


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2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Just to be clear, when I am using the term "critical thinking" in the context above, I am not referring to using your mind critically to examine a proposition or idea with reason and compare it to other sources and authorities and ideas in order to test its validity.

That kind of critical thinking is good.

In this context, this kind of critical thinking is a form of implementing Critical theory, which is an outgrowth of Marxism, which is an outgrowth of Hegel's work, and so on until we go back to gnosticism and hermetic religions.

This is one of those cases where the same term means something vastly different depending on context.

Sort of like Michael Jackson's Bad, which was a celebration of individuality, rebelliousness and prowess. He wasn't singing about evil or poor quality. His meaning was vastly different.


That's why you always have to use the good kind of critical thinking.

Just be careful and look hard at context.


What looks like candy might be a sweet-tasting poison.


The Critical theory people (and similar) are experts and taking popular ideas and using words that sound the same in order to poison the meaning of the original idea.


A Thinker would “check her premises” just as Rand would urge, while a so-called Critical thinker would burn books like the Nazis.

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Actually, I am never in favor of burning books as a social practice. I don't want the government ever to decide what books people can read or not. That doesn't mean the government is obligated to buy crap, though, for schools and so on.

As an individual practice, as you yourself, it's good to get rid of garbage if you deem it garbage.

If you want an awful book or a book that promotes evil around as a reference, then don't burn it. But if you will never look at it, well, you decide what goes on your bookshelves.

Keep it or put it in a box and store it or burn it or donate it to Goodwill. It's all the same.

I will give one piece of advice, though. Designate a part of your bookshelves for books you return to often, another part for crap, and organize the rest as you see fit.

I, for one, never mix my favorite books with crap, even crap I end up reading.



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Is all the attention on WEF in altmedia and by some politicians a bit of a misdirect?

Assuming the Deep State is simply collusion between state and extra-state players to capture power, is not the US govt and US based oligarchy, which have been progressively overseeing international global institutions and corporations the ones behind the push toward global totalitarianism?  Do the geeky evil Nazi cultural descendants really hold much of the power behind the Thing?



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Off the top of my head?


Much of the Intelligence community.

Some organized crime.

Some different paramilitary and law enforcement organizations.

Leftovers from from longstanding dynasties and empires and fortunes.

The military-industrial complex in general (who don't always want power, but instead to fuck shit up).

Some drug traffickers and human slave traffickers.

I could go on.


The Deep State is not one organization, and even when it looks like it is, there are always people fighting with each other within it.

In short, the Deep State is a bunch of factions. They often work in harmony and they often fight each other. They mix government, money, sex, blackmail, media control, sophisticated spying and surveillance, and military grade weaponry and assassins. They luvs them wartimes because that makes it easy to move shit around.

In more recent times, many social media and media companies have become part of the Deep State.


In the form you mentioned, some Deep State is integrated that way. But other Deep State organizations are entirely public or entirely private. Some are informal..

The Deep State is not just in the US. It is all over the world. One nerve center of the Deep State is the World Economic Forum, IMF, WHO and those people. In general, globalists. They are not all Deep Stater, but right there is a major nesting ground.

If you like I can give you excellent sources of where to get the roots of the Deep State (or, better the Deep States--when I say it in the singular, I mean the plural too). And remember, this is not an abstraction. The Deep State is made up of real people with names.

Here is just one example. One eye-opener for me was how deeply England was involved in setting up a Deep State going all the way back to the Revolutionary War. Many of the English monied and upper class people never accepted the loss of that war, so they set up their own ways of doing things. See the work of Matthew Ehret and Cynthia Chung for excellent history and documentation of this aspect. (And don't get turned off because they like FDR--at least they like the right parts of him. :) )

But there are many people telling this sorry tale, not only with England, but in other areas, too. James Corbett will give you a huge overview of all of them, as will Alex Jones, albeit with Alex, his bombastic style makes it easy to miss the sheer accuracy and breadth of his documentation. But there are plenty more.

Note, the Deep State is different than formal groups like the American Government, the Chinese Communist Party, the Government of Russian, even those Nazi leftover idiots in Ukraine.

The Ukraine war helps show this difference. The governments and formal organizations are the ones waging the war. And they are providing the money, weapons, military and structures to do so.

The Deep State is distributing that money and those weapons to the corrupt places where they are not supposed to go like oligarchs, politicians, black market and so on.

Biden is an even better example. He is not an integral part of the Deep State, but he uses the Deep State for his corrupt ends. (And it looks like the Deep State, more than any other organization, is going to take him out.)


I believe the Internet is taking down the Deep State. They need the shadows to exist. They are trying to use the behavioral sciences to do their stuff right out in the open with minimum backlash, and that did work for a few things, but in general, it ain't working out too well. That's the glory of the Internet.

But also, they will kill themselves off with foolish attempts at using artificial intelligence, transhumanism, and even some irregular warfare. (Watch what flows from DARPA, for instance.) Already their manipulations during the biowarfare pandemic is backfiring big time.

Covert power goes to their heads and many of them get stupid. (Look at the bozo lovebirds Strzok and Page in the FBI, for instance. Read their emails and you will see what I mean. Also, some Deep Staters mix in Luciferian shit, pedophilia and so on, but I, personally, believe this is more about a few factions than a generality. But they exist and they do evil for real.)

The Deep State is a long and varied topic, not just a buzzword.


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When the Deep State loses someone like Scott Adams on it's favorite intimidation and trouble-making technique, muh racism, you know there is a hole in the side of it's persuasion ship and the sea water is pouring in.


I've been ragging on Scott a lot recently as I see him trying to be relevant all the time to the detriment of the truth of certain issues.

But here, I think he is going to become relevant again in a way he never dreamed of.

I think the backlash is going to be a tidal wave.

What's worse, I am going to be on Scott's side (at least in spirit, that is being fed up with the racist bullshit).




EDIT: To be honest, I have not been able to find that clip on his own accounts yet, so it might be a Deep Fake or it might be some campaign or other he is doing himself to stir up controversy. We will have to wait and see on this one. My position is the same, though, whether it is a real video or a Deep Fake.

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13 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

To be honest, I have not been able to find that clip on his own accounts yet, so it might be a Deep Fake or it might be some campaign or other he is doing himself to stir up controversy. We will have to wait and see on this one.

it's real.

Here is a tweet from Scott's Twitter account about an hour ago.

Also, Scott and Dilbert are trending on Twitter.


Gotta admit, Scott wanted this and did it to make it happen.

Well, it's happening.

And I honestly think this has a shot at changing the Overton Window in America on racism.

When Scott is good, he's very very good.


(But when he's bad, he's puke-worthy. :) )


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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

it's real.

Here is a tweet from Scott's Twitter account about an hour ago.

Also, Scott and Dilbert are trending on Twitter.


Gotta admit, Scott wanted this and did it to make it happen.

Well, it's happening.

And I honestly think this has a shot at changing the Overton Window in America on racism.

When Scott is good, he's very very good.


(But when he's bad, he's puke-worthy. :) )


Um wow. 

Laughing and cringing so hard at once. 

Tribalist thinking at its "best" no matter how you slice this.. that's the problem with collectivist- tribalist infighting ... it produces nothing but more collectivism and tribalism. 

The mind viruses just spread and spread, how the heck do you introduce the mind cure?



I can imagine a "feminist" making similar tribalist arguments, and citing statistics, to encourage all women to just really stay away from all men...  

Groupthink really is the Statists' way of dividing and conquering.



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Elon Musk got into the ring on Scott Adams's side.

Following Recent Scott Adams Controversy – Elon Musk Jumps in and Claims Media Is Racist Against Asians and Whites




Man, if this works, and they take racism away from the Deep State as a persuasion weapon, what is the Deep State going to fight the Story Wars with?



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This news would not have been in the Deep State thread 10 or 15 years ago or more.

(However, Walt was always sniffing around the CIA and government, so take that with a grain of salt.)

Just In: FL Governor DeSantis Signs Bill Stripping Disney of Self-Governing Status



The Disney people took their shot at ruling the Florida State government and this is what happens when you shoot at the king and miss.

Will Mickey ever go back to being Mickey?

The world would be a far better place if he did.

But at this point, who cares?



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On 2/26/2023 at 10:51 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Elon Musk got into the ring on Scott Adams's side.

Now this.

Scott is smart enough to know this would happen.

So, to my mind, he is getting rid of all of his professional obligations through a massive publicity stunt, while retaining public friendships like Elon Musk.

I think Scott Adams is going to run for office.


If it happens, you heard it here first.



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Every time I think I know a little about the Deep State and then I watch a video by Whitney Webb, I bang up against the brick wall called "How little I know."

Her interviewer, Robert Breedlove, holds similar views on government as those held here in O-Land. He is a big Bitcoin dude.

For those who have patience to watch this rather long video, enjoy. You will come out the other end richer than you went in.

For those who don't, well... suffer!!!



The only thing I don't like about Whitney is that she is more pessimistic than I am about the world and its ability to correct its course. 

But sometimes she says things that leave me breathless with wanting to laugh, that is until the guffaw breaks out. Then the want goes away and the belly-laugh spills out all over the goddam place.


In one part of the video, Whitney was saying how convenience is the great temptation that is luring Americans into their own slavery and allowing huge authoritarian institutions to get away with so much and grow. Just so long as a person gets his convenience fix, generally by pushing a button and doing the minimum possible for a need or pleasure, he will give a blind eye to the real dangers that are growing around him.

Whitney did not say the following, but to use a metaphor made famous by Nassim Taleb (the Black Swan dude), we are all turkeys on a farm as happy as can be and can't understand what all the decorations of an upcoming Thanksgiving mean.


Whitney is in her mid-thirties and lives in the Andes in Chile. She said she was in the US among people her own age. She kept trying to tell them about the stuff she writes about, including the trap of convenience  and the need to get their hands on actual reality, at least enough to be able to do things in case of an emergency. But she kept getting the equivalent of the following as response: "What do I need to worry about gardening or any of that stuff for? Just so long as I have my beer and Netflix, I'm fine."

So she said she moved to South America where the people are less retarded.


Great video.


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I expect the fake news media to downplay this after a small splash.

But this one is a nasty blow to the Deep State.

Unfortunately, it is going to hurt us in the bargain, but it is a nasty, nasty wound to the Deep State.

BREAKING: California Regulators CLOSE Silicon Valley Bank – FDIC Named Receiver – CEO Allegedly Sold $3.5 Million in Stock in Last Two Weeks



The bank reportedly holds $173 billion in deposits.
The crash could cause a recession.

The company provided funding to 44% of all venture capital-backed tech and healthcare companies that publicly listed on a stock exchange last year, according to its website.


The Deep State can't operate without cover and ways to do shit on people without them knowing it. And tech and healthcare companies used this way cannot operate without funding.

It's a reality thing, not a narrative thing.



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