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Believe it or not, this is a sign of the Deep State unraveling.

Below is the fruit of the Deep State's labor as opposed to the fruit of where it does not wield much influence.


Subway in New York City. (What would Ayn Rand have thought of this?)


Subway in Poland.


The Deep State has to go.



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A clip from an interview between Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard is making the rounds. It's about an Intel Committee congressman telling Tucker offline why he doesn't text--because the NSA spies and reads all his texts.

When I saw that, I went yawn... Who hasn't known that for years? But I watched the clip and there was something about the resonance between Tucker and Tulsi that not only fascinated me, it made me feel good. So I looked up the entire interview on Tulsi's podcast and saw it was from the middle of December of last year.

Bah... Old news. Not old enough to be historical, and too recent to be interesting since things change quickly. Who wants to watch something like that?


But since I found the interview, I went ahead and started watching just to see if that energy between the two was there in other parts.

All I can say is, "Wow."

That interview is not old news at all. Barring a detail or two, that interview could have been last night.

What's more, you get to see that there are decent people in prominence in our culture and they are finding each other across all the traditional divisions. They are putting their mutual agreements and decency out in public as they embrace each other.

Frankly, just watching them talk from their hearts feels like taking a spiritual bath. No guile. No agendas. No lying. Just good people analyzing (correctly) the moral rot in today's culture and the reasons for it. And how they have kept their own characters standing upright amidst all the craziness.

What a pleasure.


That interview will show anyone who watches it exactly why the Deep State is going down.

People like that exist. And instead of just living their lives in the bubble of their lives as before, they are now looking at things they used to take for granted as the good and necessary and seeing bad guys doing evil. Many good people are doing that for that matter. I know. I am one of them and so are many who read OL.

So enjoy.

Don't start watching if you are in a hurry, though. Turning it off once it gets going is like the old potato chip commercial. "I betcha can't eat just one."



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For those who like Tucker, here is his first public appearance in person since leaving Fox.


Tucker hits the say versus do thing I talk about all the time.

He said to get a correct idea of people, you should be like your dog. Your dog can't understand a word that you say, but he knows exactly who you are.



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On 4/24/2023 at 12:22 PM, Strictlylogical said:

Tucker is out at FOX


Not sure what to think about this...


Your post is from last month, but here is a clue for what we can think think about it.



Actually, if you put 2 and 2 together, you see that they equal "Intelligence Community." The guy O'Keefe busted said the last straw for Murdoch and the Fox brass (not his term, but that's the gist I got) was Tucker going after Ray Epps. Not even 60 Minutes was saving Ray Epps's ass from Tucker's reporting. (As an aside, notice how that story has now died? Hmmmmm?... :) )

What's under the hood here?

Well, the Intelligence Community rigs elections. It has always done that the world over. And it has done that in the USA in more recent times.

Ray Epps is part of the Intelligence Community and he was on the job on January 6.

It's kinda obvious. :) 

Also, Fox is butt-hole deep with the Intelligence Community.

So Dominion could be an excellent cover for the Intelligence Community to get rid of Tucker without having to kill him.

I mean, the Intelligence Community will kill when push comes to shove, but killing super famous people is always complicated because it brings a lot of scrutiny. Just look what happened with President Kennedy back in the day. So they prefer other means.


But thanks to people like James O'Keefe, the truth ends up coming out.


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12 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

But thanks to people like James O'Keefe, the truth ends up coming out.

Here is the Predator Class's worst nightmare.


James is getting 1000s of anonymous people to do undercover work as volunteers.

These kinds of people are the least corruptible of all. They are on a mission, not a salary.


And there's this.

I just saw something odd as hell. I tried to search for "James O'Keefe" on the OL search function and I only got a few meager results from 2021 on back.

As you can see from my quoted passage, it's about 12 hours ago that I last mentioned the phrase "James O'Keefe."

I tried to look at different search engines, including Google, for "James O'Keefe" on OL (the code for searching a site is | site: |). No results anywhere.

Big Pharma is at it with the help of artificial intelligence.

They want this man scrubbed from existence. And when they do this, they always start with smaller sites.

Yet he soldiers on.

I resonate with this. I am going to keep talking about him.



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Here's an easy way to check whether a person is principled or is moved by Trump Derangement Syndrome.

It's kinda obvious when you see it spelled out like that, but watch what these people say and omit when they are in the throes of passion. Trump haters are fine with what the FBI did to him. 

They call that freedom.

Just like with free market. Many of these same people made tons of money doing trade with China and preached to everyone that this the "free market" at work.

They use double standard epistemology. Why use one fundamental standard when you can use two for the same thing? So instead of one truth, you can have two opposite truths and blame inconsistencies on context.



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I don't have high hopes of this, but something is getting on record and who knows? This sucker should grow.

At least the "smash mouth" (to use a Steve Bannon term) is going on.

MTG just had one hell of a week.

Articles of Impeachment filed for:

FBI Director Christopher Wray
Attorney General Merrick Garland
DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas
U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves
President Joe Biden


As Bannon says, this isn't at the do-or-die point yet. This is MTG pushing her side hard in that direction.

And it looks like a lot of ground is being gained.

That's how it's done.


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This ain't good for a former president of the USA.

President Obama BANNED from entering Russia after release of Durham Report


“It is high time for Washington to learn that no hostile attack on Russia will go unpunished,” the ministry announcement said.

I don't think Obama wants to go there, anyway.

After all, Trump might show up where he and his wife slept and hire hookers to pee, er... they already ran that one, didn't they?



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  • 3 weeks later...

They are not hiding their authoritarianism from anyone. Fink is saying it proudly and saying they are forcing people to change their behavior and thought crimes, and BlackRock intends to force more people to obey.

For people in O-Land and l-land who still do not get it, "forcing" means Initiation of Force. And Fink, like the fink he is, says it loud and says it proud. Not only that, listen to him. He's frustrated he can't Initiate enough Force to get those icky human livestock suckers to obey even more.


But if you look closer, Fink seems to act afraid in the way he screws up his face. Who would he be afraid of, maybe the CCP, hmmmmm?...


Elon is saying "concerning," but what is he going to do about it? I doubt he will do anything other than run Twitter.

But we, we normal people out here in reality, are doing something about it. 

And the good news is that people in charge (like Fink) never say they force people to do anything unless they are totally in charge and don't give a crap, or they are losing and tying to look stronger than they are.

Guess where Fink & Co. are at in this Deep State culture war?

Notice my smiley...



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Damn, this is fine.

The fact that this video exists at all, and was broadcast on this level of exposure with this level of people shows the censorship model used by the Deep State to "control the narrative" is crumbling.

Just listen to Lara. She's like taking a spiritual bath after slogging through a sewer.

And I agree with General Flynn. Massive kudos to Ed Henry, even though he sounded like he kept wanting to cut in over and over.


I think Ed inadvertently helped make his own history as an emerging superstar in the News Business. He was already a star, but this is leveling up in terms of audience respect.

As for Lara Logan, hell, she's Lara Logan. I love her as do millions of people.



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Even some Dems from the past were awakened.

PS The Thing has contorted the word “conspiracy” from a word referring to evil coordinated conduct to a smear word labelling the “fool” who would dare suspect such a thing from anyone…. The Thing has also preempted the term “woke” so that we  plebs could not use it to identify the real awakening … one to the unspoken coordinated behavioural conspiracy…



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