Canadian Politics: Boring beyond Belief, or just Dull and Tedious?


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8 hours ago, Peter said:

Once again, a protest is legal and fine here or in Canada but breaking the law and infringing on the rights of others is NOT.


Just so this issue is clear, the protests are happening because the government itself is "breaking the law and infringing on the rights of others."

When that happens, the only alternative to protests like the truckers are doing (since a criminal government ignores all peaceful protests it can) is a shooting war where people fight for their rights to not be taken.

I don't want a shooting civil war, but if one comes, I know what side I will be on.

The people in the government who are breaking the law need to stop breaking the law and they need to be removed. After two years of watching irrational bullying by the government get worse and grow, normal people have had enough.


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10 hours ago, Dglgmut said:

Ford is not a shark. He has lost virtually all of his base, and nobody cares if he says some reasonable things about the unvaxxed now, after what he has said in the past.

He may be Premier again, due to lack of alternatives. Who knows... But he will not climb any higher.

I agree with that considering that he ran on the slogan "Ontario, open for business" which is pretty funny if not so bad the last two years.

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15 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Just so this issue is clear, the protests are happening because the government itself is "breaking the law and infringing on the rights of others."

When that happens, the only alternative to protests like the truckers are doing (since a criminal government ignores all peaceful protests it can) is a shooting war where people fight for their rights to not be taken.

I don't want a shooting civil war, but if one comes, I know what side I will be on.

The people in the government who are breaking the law need to stop breaking the law and they need to be removed. After two years of watching irrational bullying by the government get worse and grow, normal people have had enough.


Peter, remember that you said we are going to meet and have some Chinese food in Detroit one day? 

So we finally go and we order the sweet and sour pork, chicken with black bean sauce, pork fried rice and etc.

Then instead of bringing us the food they throw it at our head and hit us with baseball bats, and block the doors so we cannot leave.

Then you take a swing at them and I pick up a chair and throw it at them.

Who is breaking the law? 

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22 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Just so this issue is clear, the protests are happening because the government itself is "breaking the law and infringing on the rights of others."

When that happens, the only alternative to protests like the truckers are doing (since a criminal government ignores all peaceful protests it can) is a shooting war where people fight for their rights to not be taken.

Let me add to that.

What we are seeing with the trucker convoys is the following (even though it is from an American document), and they mean it.


WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.
          We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—-That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 

The convoys indicate the people are withdrawing their consent to be governed if the government persists in removing their rights. And they will happily constitute a new government that will respect their rights.

Once again, they mean it. They will not be ignored.


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12 hours ago, anthony said:

Sorry man. This isn't war. Not that kind, anyway. The radical lefties' tactic, we know, would be to invite confrontation with police, then tempers flare and next are street battles, burning buildings and injured truckers and police, spreading widely. I've been in crowds escalating into out of control mobs, and it is nothing noble. Any initial righteousness in the cause disappears. Already, the convoy people showed many, and us abroad, they had a good cause, superior moral character and respect for the nation and people.

Declaring martial law against a non-violent protest was THE blunder which will have consequences for this government. Why supply Trudeau with the justification for martial law, post facto, if and when this turns violent? The peaceful way, the truckers will be remembered for their courageous conviction up against a bully and dictatorial policies, not their readiness and expectation for conflict. 

As you yourself point out, provinces are already capitulating. Looks like victory to me, unless some still want revenge like vindictive radical leftists do. Stay a few days longer and make a planned, orderly withdrawal would be my advice to the truckers.

I agree that we are not storming the beach but metaphorically it is the same thing, a world war.

Not country v country but elite/globalists/ establishment v The People.

Totally agreed on everything else you stated but victory is victory, anything short of total victory will be like taking amoxicillan for a sore throat and instead of doing the 10 day cycle you say after 5 days that your throat feels better and stop the meds.

Classic rookie mistake.

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A trucker convoy is going to happen from California to Washington DC.

WATCH: ‘People’s Convoy’ of 1,000 US Truckers Reportedly Getting Ready to Head For DC


A ‘People’s Convoy’ of 1,000 US truckers is reportedly gearing up to head from California to DC. According to a report on Newsmax, the protest against COVID-19 mandates is scheduled to begin before the...

Here's the video from the article:

Notice that the airplane pilots are joining in.

Airplane pilots...

This is starting with 1.000 trucks, out in Calee Forn Eye A, but I have do doubt at all that, by the time they get to DC, that number will be far, far far in excess of a mere 1,000.

Also, think about this.

How many cities, inspired by this convoy, will have their own trucker convoys who will act locally instead of going to DC? 

All across the USA, folks.


The predator class thought their convoys of immigrants from Latin America was something to impress the people with, especially during Trump's first term. Wait until they see tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousand of trucks coming right at them in DC.



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So many other countries are joining in too! 

Its just so ironic that they took away businesses, did not let us go to church, mosques and synagogues, did severe damage to our children, etc etc etc.

Now we are giving roses to cops and bringing hot tubs and jumping castles and saying stop all the lunacy and even five Premieres agree ( thats half of the country, so far ) and yet The People are the criminals.



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10 hours ago, Peter said:

... I am asking all reasoning people: What makes the Covid-19 shot so reprehensible to You? Why is it different?    


Let me add to my earlier response.

I just received the following link offline (thanks to my secret weapon :) ), which is actually an update of something I already posted on the Coronavirus thread.

It's a looooooooooong list of studies and warnings from official health and science organizations from both the USA and from all over the world.

If you have the time, go through it. Or dismiss it--and people like Sharyl Attkisson--as quackery and irrational.

It's up to you. In my book, Sharyl is a "reasonable person."

(UPDATED) Exclusive Summary: Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns



On another note, I don't know if you saw it, but I won a book off of Sharyl (her latest, Slanted). You can read about it here

I received her book and she did autograph it for me. She wrote:


To Michael,

Thank you for your independent spirit in troubling times!


Sharyl Attkisson


I will scan or photograph the page and put it up on that other thread. Her handwriting is beautiful--far, far better than my chicken-scratches. :) 


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2 hours ago, Marc said:

I agree that we are not storming the beach but metaphorically it is the same thing, a world war.

Not country v country but elite/globalists/ establishment v The People.

Totally agreed on everything else you stated but victory is victory, anything short of total victory will be like taking amoxicillan for a sore throat and instead of doing the 10 day cycle you say after 5 days that your throat feels better and stop the meds.

Classic rookie mistake.

History will tell, and "hindsight is 20/20", but it just may be that we are in a "cold" Civil War:

That was in response to this:



CSIS= The Canadian Security Intelligence Service

"CSIS uses Antifa to Dox and Honeypot Freedom Convoy"



With the Freedom Convoy under pressure, CSIS uses antifa to dox and honeypot Freedom Convoy, without justification. CSIS or The Canadian Security Intelligence Service has contracted this duty out to Aubrey Cottle, AKA “Kirtaner”, a known federal asset. Kirtaner has a self admitted history of working with various police or intelligence services, from the RCMP, to the FBI, to French “authorities”, to Interpol (not the band). Kirtaner began targeting the Freedom Convoy immediately after The Freedom Convoy assets got seized and banks froze accounts, indicating active coordination. This is a Hyphen-Report exclusive, no outlet has dared to touch the “third rail” of a Western intelligentsia’s attempts to smother this burgeoning movement.


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3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Just so this issue is clear, the protests are happening because the government itself is "breaking the law and infringing on the rights of others."

To everyone. I wish someone would answer my few question directly. Why is this ONE vaccine somehow the devil's spawn? Are you brain-washed, fringed group loopy, etc.? Are you not picking up reams of propaganda and using that to influence your fringe thinking? It's like you left Rand Land and journeyed to Alex Jones Land.

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9 minutes ago, Peter said:

Gee. It would be a tough job so n body should stop people from breaking the law. That's your argument?

We are stopping the government from breaking the law.

This is the reaction to the action.

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Just now, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


And your argument is that the government can break the law?


Requiring vaccinations has always been one of government's jobs, reluctantly accepted by most people. Why is this different? You can always say no to the vax, but you may not enjoy freedom of travel . . . but that is the way it HAS ALWAY BEEN. You mentioned rebelling and using violence to protect rights. This issue is not worth going to war over. Protests and refusing, sure, but do not infringe on the rights of others doing it. I think a point can be made that NOT getting vaxxed is an infringement on the rights of others. We the people have always reluctantly accepted vaccinations for travel and to go to school and President Trump agrees.    

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27 minutes ago, Peter said:

To everyone. I wish someone would answer my few question directly. Why is this ONE vaccine somehow the devil's spawn? Are you brain-washed, fringed group loopy, etc.? Are you not picking up reams of propaganda and using that to influence your fringe thinking? It's like you left Rand Land and journeyed to Alex Jones Land.


I answered it directly--it can't get more directly--in full three posts above your post. And here is the link.

Why are you refusing to look at this and then calling people names because you don't see it?

You can't see if you don't look.

It's there.

All you have to do is look.


Anyway, here is a second-grade understanding level in my own words of why I reject this drug. See if you look at this.

1. The government lied to get people to take this jab and they called it a vax when it is not.

2. Big Pharms did not test this jab fully. 

3. Big Pharms falsified data for this jab to get emergency approval.

4. This jab is dangerous to many people, killing many and maiming many others.

5. This jab doesn't work as advertised and needs countless boosters to keep on working what little it does.

6. This jab makes changes to your body that you can't undo.

7. This jab weakens the human immunological system.

There are seven reasons right there. And there are plenty more, starting with the side effects are out of this world bad.


Most of all, and please hear me clearly. My body is my own. It does not belong to the government. It does not belong to you.

I decide what to put in it. You don't.

That's not debatable.


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3 hours ago, Marc said:

Then instead of bringing us the food they throw it at our head and hit us with baseball bats, and block the doors so we cannot leave.

Crossing borders is not leaving a restaurant. No one has been forcibly vaxxed or held against their will, or imprisoned. Hyperbole is not a good argument for or against.   

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"DefiantL" was just suspended from Twitter.
The crime: Posting leftist's words verbatim that showed their contradictions.

We call that "over the target".

Here's the last tweet, highlighting Trudeau's 2-faced support of ANTIFA/BLM vs. his crackdown on the convoys:




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18 minutes ago, Marc said:

We are stopping the government from breaking the law.

This is the reaction to the action.

Your reaction is to refuse. You join a group and sue the government. But seriously, this is as big an issue as slavery? I mean come on. If the government wants equal rights for all and an end to slavery, I can understand going to war and slaughtering thousands, but war to end vax slavery? Down with smallpox, chicken pox and measles vaccines! I will cross the border like a rum runner . . .  and eff Canada1     

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2 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Besides, you did not answer my question. Do you think the government can break the law?

They can. But should it? Of course not. Occasionally 'CRISIS" situations do occur, and government reacts to protect its citizens. If someone is coughing and ill but is on a plane with me, I would want them off the flight. Does that make me a totalitarian? No. It is a crisis situation. Pandemics are a crisis situation. People like Alex Jones use these to be further heard by the herd of true believers who simply like conspiracies. In the mean time, we are in China having fun, fun, Malibu fun, close to where the "expleted X-Files"  originated.   

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