Ukraine and Endless War for Profit

Michael Stuart Kelly

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This has nothing to do with Ukraine except by tangent, but if you look at the patterns and look underneath, they have everything to do with each other.


Basically, the regime change wars in the Middle East started by the CIA were called the "Arab Spring." The CIA has now failed in Syria. The reason?

The US did this goddam bullshit murderous boondoggle endless war for profit in Ukraine. The way the USA has behaved in these hostilities war threw Russia and China together as allies.

Now Russia and China have made a major deal with Saudi Arabia and other countries to sell oil using other economic systems instead of the petrodollar.

So they are welcoming Syria back into the fold and giving the middle finger to the warmongers-for-profit in the USA.

With this news about Syria, John McCain's ghost is howling. I say let it howl...


btw - This is a super-dangerous situation no matter which side gets final control. Now with this Syria shift, since the Biden people only know how to steal, they are going to make this bad situation worse. They can't help it. 

All I see is evil all the way around as they will have to shift attention back to Ukraine just to save face.


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Getting back to Ukraine:



Website: OTHER PLATFORMS: Odysee: Bitchute: Rumble:...

The lesson?

If you want to launder billions, you blow up millions as a diversion.



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Reality knocking.


✅ Surprise!! You can download my NEW GUIDEBOOK “5 Steps to ESCAPE the Great RESET” for a limited time for FREE at...

The Predator Class tried to make a new Vietnam war in Ukraine because it is so profitable to do that, but they are failing so much faster than they imagined.

They won't treat Russia as a real enemy, real as in reality. But instead, they fight Russia and sell Russia to the public according to some made-up vision concocted in the backrooms of the military-industrial complex. Why do they do this? Easy. They do it in order to fleece the government coffers with Pentagon contracts, not to mention the outright embezzlement going on.

The problem is, as Dr. Turley says, Russia's strategy is not about the short gains and media splashes. It is about grinding up the enemy slowly but surely over time until there are few resources left, then going in to mop up.

All those deaths...

All those unnecessary deaths...

And the Predator Class? They all knew. They all knew they were not fighting a real war, but instead staging theater with guns and ammunition. They knew because that is the only way these corrupt incompetent assholes can make a living.

Bravado, bullshit, backroom deals and death. Not their deaths, of course. The deaths of others. And the more deaths there are, the more money the Predator Class gets from the government.

I'm starting to feel the contempt and disgust rise in my soul again...



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The lies, propagandizing and "staged theater" isn't slowing. Just to keep Ukrainians fighting on to the bitter end, a barely upright boxer who never had a realistic chance against his opposition, but might still strike a lucky punch before he goes down with brain damage. And to keep the West's public compliant with the massive aid still flowing into the black hole.

Latest propaganda: "Success!" "The Patriot battery outside Kyiv just shot down Russia's touted hypersonic missile!", in effect has appeared on news channels. I said half-seriously a year back, you could divide (or multiply) anything which came out of government-controlled media on Ukraine by a factor of ten. More, any claim they made about victories/atrocities/casualties/culpability etc should be subject to the inversion method. The exact opposite of what they told was more often close to the truth. Indeed, all off-msm accounts report a Kinzhal missile penetrated defenses and severely damaged the expensive Patriot system - now running out of weapons options, Nato is scrambling.



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I agree with your post. And even though leftie, I like the Grey Zone. They lean one way, granted, but I have yet to see them tell outright whoppers like the Predator Class press does.


Tim Pool has an additional idea to think about.


Russia INVADED, Ukraine Blames Insurgents, Russia Blames Ukraine, Putin WILL USE NUKES As WWIII Looms Become a Member For Uncensored Videos - Hang Out With Tim...

The gist is this.

Apparently Ukraine is invading Russia--some small towns near the border.

Tim's idea is that Putin has already said if his country is invaded, he will go to nukes.

Except Tim thinks they will be small nukes, not major ones. Nukes just to send a message, so to speak.

And he believes the entire West will cave on retaliating. If a nuke was aimed at a major city in the advanced countries, that would be a rallying cry and Western nukes would be ready to fly in an instant. But Tim thinks no one in the West will open a nuclear war over some small regions in Ukraine. Even if those small regions get turned into glass. No one.

But a shitstorm? Hell, a major shitstorm will unfold the world over on over what to do about nukes.

And while the shitstorm is going on, and with Biden in charge of the USA, China will see it's opportunity and invade Taiwan.

Tim also added that it might be possible Putin is doing false flag attacks in the small border towns to attain this very result.


Actually, that is one fine piece of speculating. 


I see the plausibility, false flag or not, in the configuration of today's world.


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Ukrainian kill list includes Americans, including journalists, for Ukrainian death squads to get busy on.



The notorious Ukrainian “kill list” that identified the Zelensky regime’s opponents like Aaron Maté, Scott Ritter, Roger Waters and even Henry Kissinger has added a new name: Jimmy Dore. The list is ostensibly...


I disagree with the people who support Ukraine in the current hostilities and close their eyes to the massive grift, but I would never condone putting any of them, or the people they admire, on a kill list for death squads to go out and assassinate them.

Putin is no saint and, yes, his political adversaries get bumped off. But I don't know about a kill list of Americans coming from Russia.

This is happening with Ukraine.


Where did the Nazis go after WWII?

Ukraine, among other places.

But in Ukraine, many were already there, many others went there, and they set up shop.

Now, out here in the world, we are starting to see formal Nazi tactics like kill lists come back.

I hope those making money off the Ukraine war feel good about themselves. That is blood money of the worst sort. 


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  • 2 weeks later...
14 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Tucker on Twitter.

And blowing the Ukraine Predator Class bullshit sky-high while he is at it.



Not too happy with the way he broached the "aliens" bit... his presentation (whether intended or not) emphasized "aliens" rather than "media suppression".

He should put on the Sherlock Holmes hat and ask what should happen in a world with truly free press, one that is meant to inform individuals, and having no other purpose?  Surely there would be more stories about this person's claims, pieces looking into his credibility, following up on corroborating or non-corroborating sources, maybe even ridiculing him in fluff pieces, "Sparky gets a doghouse outfitted with solar panels, and in other news man claiming to be whistleblower cries out ... Aliens!"

Instead, the tone, or line of reasoning, or emphasis ... panders to the less than admirable parts of all of us, prone to alarmism, prone to non-critical thinking, prone to Disney Epistemology (or QM Epistemology for that matter) if you or Walt Disney can imagine it, it's possible....  i.e. this stuff is possible oh ... BTW AND it is being ignored... suppressed.. on purpose.

A clear and proper statement is that this is likely false and not possible, but this guy speaking out IS a story... perhaps a BIG one, even if you think it funny or sad... and the media's role is not to suppress or police information.... a truly free press WOULD NOT suppress and police information.... ergo... currently the legacy media IS NOT an example of free press in a free society.



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18 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Think irony and sarcasm.

The aliens thing becomes really clear if you put the following phrase in front of Tucker's most perplexing comments about it: "If the aliens story was not misdirection and was true, then..."



Naw.. Ima double down on my post..


Tucker said:


"Clear he was telling the truth"


"actually real"


WAY too much naivete or bluster or both.

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I can't get the theme of The Twilight Zone out of my mind.


The truth is, if there are aliens or not aliens, we cannot rely on the mainstream news to present anything resembling the transmission of intelligence about it. No public conversation is possible, just scare tactics. They hold lies as sacred as the truth.

So if there are no aliens, they are using a well-worn misdirection gambit to get the public eye off of a lot of bullshit about to happen. If there are aliens, they are being foolish to the extreme not to provide correct information and analysis.

Note: The aliens gambit has been used so many times before as misdirection for authoritarianists to do their dirty deeds it is almost a trope. :) 

That's about as far as I take Tucker's position right now. I don't believe he is stupid or ill-intentioned no matter which way what he was trying to say comes out. (I do believe in his sense of humor. :) )

I'll take him over Anderson Cooper and Rachel Maddow or the entire Predator Class news network system any day.



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Speaking of aliens.

'OK, Take Us To A Different Leader,' Say Exasperated Aliens After Trying To Communicate With Joe Biden


WASHINGTON, DC — An envoy of extraterrestrial beings stifled their frustration and asked to be taken to a different leader after their initial meeting with President Joe Biden left them confused and...




:)  :)  :)  


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Do you want to go on a wild ride about the Tucker segment on aliens?

Get aboard... all aboard, everybody...

We are taking off...



Alex Jones breaks down the truth about extraterrestial entities here on earth. Learn more here:...


Some people are only going to see the ranting with Alex and some will only see the religion and his unique interpretations.

But keep looking between the lines and you will see that he throws out a ton of stuff to look at and think about.

Here's just one idea. Why would aliens visit the earth in spaceships if they are much further advanced than we are? When we make a video call from one end of the country to another, do we go there in ships? Or invisible waves?


So why can't aliens do that on a much higher level of technology? (But he also says they come here in ships, too. :) )


I love watching Alex when he gets on a roll like this.

You don't have to believe everything. But watching him destroy hardened schemas and artificial contexts and propagandized agendas and a whole bunch of things like that is glorious, especially when he backs his stuff up with governmental and scientific sources.

He didn't do as much of that in this video as he often does. He was in full-on beast mode this time. :) But when he says something is proven, you can be assured he's got the receipts (to use a MAGA phrase).

Just find other places where he talks about the issue and you will see his sources for it. He gives them openly. I, myself, have seen this too many times to doubt it anymore.


Besides, taking a wild ride with Alex beats the hell out of taking a swim in the putrid sewer of Predator Class manipulation. We already know what they can do. They can look you in the eye and say, for example, that Ivermectin deserves the Nobel prize in one moment, then say it is dangerous for you to take, that it's worm medicine for horses, in another moment. They can do this right as they release a bioweapon on humanity, then provide a poison jab to mop up even more injured and dead bodies.

And they call Alex crazy?

Hell, he's like a fun park for me. What a ride.



And there's this.

Alex won't kill you.

They will.


If you like wild rides, enjoy. I, for one, think it's as cool as all get out... 



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Steve Bannon is going to embrace the aliens story.

He openly said so at the end of the video below.

He talks to Congressman Tim Burchett about it.

Rep Tim Burchett: Nations Engaged in a Top-Secret Arms Race to 'Reverse-Engineer' Alien Technology


Rep Tim Burchett: Nations Engaged in a Top-Secret Arms Race to 'Reverse-Engineer' Alien Technology

Steve asked the Congressman if this is serious, or if it is another misdirection play and he said it is serious.

The metaphor he used is that it would be the equivalent of dropping a Harley Davison on the Mayflower ship at the beginning of the country. He said there are things the government has that are beyond our capacity to understand at the present.

And this is why there is an arms race by other nations to get at it and try to reverse engineer it.

Let's see...



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21 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Steve Bannon is going to embrace the aliens story.

He openly said so at the end of the video below.

He talks to Congressman Tim Burchett about it.

Rep Tim Burchett: Nations Engaged in a Top-Secret Arms Race to 'Reverse-Engineer' Alien Technology


Rep Tim Burchett: Nations Engaged in a Top-Secret Arms Race to 'Reverse-Engineer' Alien Technology

Steve asked the Congressman if this is serious, or if it is another misdirection play and he said it is serious.

The metaphor he used is that it would be the equivalent of dropping a Harley Davison on the Mayflower ship at the beginning of the country. He said there are things the government has that are beyond our capacity to understand at the present.

And this is why there is an arms race by other nations to get at it and try to reverse engineer it.

Let's see...



It's a play.... the ultimate conspiracy porn... a sword for the alt-media/right to jump on... and die to the ridicule of all.

I hope, and pray, we are seeing a head fake... by Tucker, Bannon, and Alex... to make them think the bait has been taken... what the plan is from there ...


as you say, we'll see. 


Trump IS doing the right thing right now.


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Russian Lancet suicide drone attacks.

Notice that they mostly kill equipment, not people.

I don't think this is for pure humanitarian reasons.

War is a racket.

I wonder if some Russians are getting kickbacks on the equipment the West and USA send to Ukraine, that is, with the understanding that Russia will trash the equipment, not kill the soldiers.

And as the replaced equipment grows, so do the kickbacks.



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This is not good. Putin is screwing up badly and he needs a diversion. But any diversion with America could cost him his life. He would be one of the first targets if we nuke and destroy Russia in retaliation.  Peter

Air Force F-22s Head to Middle East Amid Spike in Russian 'Unprofessional Behavior' Thomas Novelly Wed, June 14, 2023 at 3:40 PM EDT The Air Force is deploying F-22 Raptors to U.S. Central Command's area of responsibility -- ranging from the Middle East to central and south Asia -- as Russian continues to provoke American jets as well as allies and partners in the area.

Deployment of the F-22s from the 94th Fighter Squadron out of Langley Air Force Base in Virginia was announced in a Central Command press release Wednesday. Officials said it is in direct response to "increasingly unsafe and unprofessional behavior by Russian aircraft" in the area. The number of F-22s being sent to the region was not announced.

"Russian Forces' unsafe and unprofessional behavior is not what we expect from a professional air force," Gen. Erik Kurilla, head of U.S. Central Command, said in the release. "Their regular violation of agreed-upon airspace deconfliction measures increases the risk of escalation or miscalculation."

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Do I understand that correctly?

The US biggies now want to send our armed forces into Ukraine because Russia is "acting unprofessionally"?



Does that sound right to you?


The next thing you know, the top brass will be complaining that Russian forces are transphobic, racist, have no safe spaces for pregnant men to deliver their babies, and, besides, they say mean things.


Oh, yeah... That will be right before they ask the Biden racketeers to send over a few billion more dollars to Ukraine...


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A worthwhile background roundup from the soldier-scholar. 

Everything seems to return to power and domination, global or local.

Col. Macgregor - "other people's success is not our misfortune..."


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A fabulous speech which "...would seem subversive" today.

I guess, because you don't "appease your enemy"--don't enter into dialogue, don't seek the end of conflict (especially one that's not self-defensive) don't understand the other side's concerns, don't make concessions, keep ramping up the war regardless whoever gets to pay the human cost because 'winning' is all (Hollywood shows us) .

Really? Is that the O'ist position? A 'principle' that drops context is rationalism. 


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