Ukraine and Endless War for Profit

Michael Stuart Kelly

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Everybody is now saying Russia is winning the war in Ukraine.

What happened?

From the stories in the mainstream media, Putin was toast. He was going to get it this time. The walls were closing in. He was sick to death and going to be overthrown anyway. His successors are already in line. (Where have I heard all that before?)

Now that a cool $40 billion is being dispatched, all the people who pumped those stories are fighting with each other to get their slice.

And Europe is waking up to the fact that the USA and NATO do not want Ukraine to win the war. Nor Russia. They want endless war for profit.

Which means they will have to pay for higher fuel and food costs and pay for the fuel in rubles. They don't like that, so some of them are taking a second look at the Ukraine mess and noticing that Russia is still there in the Donbass while entire units of Ukraine soldiers are refusing to fight.

"Oops. Is Russia really winning?" they ask. "Surprise, surprise, it looks like it is..."

I've got plenty of links for all this, but I don't feel like posting them. I'm not too interested in debating it. Not when Russia is winning for real and the $40 billion grift has already happened.

This propaganda campaign was disgusting. But hey. A cool $40 bi is a cool $40 bi...


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5 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

They don't like that, so some of them are taking a second look at the Ukraine mess and noticing that Russia is still there in the Donbass while entire units of Ukraine soldiers are refusing to fight.

Wait a bit. I saw the one day seesaw too. The news doesn't necessarily report the truth.

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Even Newsweek is now asking what the hell we are doing in Ukraine.

What Is the U.S. End Goal in Ukraine?


The U.S. ought to be utilizing its unique geopolitical role to urge Zelensky to be more pliable at the negotiating table.



Zelensky has every right to say, and do, what he feels is in his country's best interests. Indeed, he should be doing exactly that. But the confluence of this massive U.S. aid package—like so much else in Washington, compiled in rushed fashion and outside the normal appropriation process—and Zelensky's continued defiance raises an obvious question: Is no-questions-asked, no-strings-attached and possibly indefinite funding for Zelensky's effort to repel Russian forces from Crimea and the Donbas in America's best interest? (There remains scattered fighting outside those areas, but the fighting is now concentrated there.)

The answer is no.

. . .

At the same time, other hard realities beckon. One of those realities is the obvious truth that the U.S. national interest—and the world's interest, for that matter—is best served by the end of any major war, let alone one that includes a nuclear power as a combatant. A second reality is that Russia retreated from Kyiv and its surrounding area last month and, contra Zelensky's table-pounding, it is simply not of tremendous importance to the American national interest whether Crimea and the Donbas fall under Ukrainian or Russian territorial jurisdiction. A third and related reality, which partially explains that relative lack of American concern, is that Putin, as awful as he is, is not Adolf Hitler.

How's that for a change of tune?

It's money divvying up time, not fighting time anymore. Besides, the Europeans are going to need their Russian fuel and fertilizer soon...

So... what have we got now? What is the bottom line?

Well, according to Newsweek, repelling Russia from Crimea and the Donbas is not in America's best interest and Putin is no longer Adolf Hitler.

Whudda thunk it?

So, why don't they give the $40 billion back?


Grift, pure and simple.


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Hubris. Self-delusion. Propaganda. Mind control. Ukraine or Covid policies, the greatest evils are committed by "good intentions".

Get ready for everyone's "pivots". Reality might be settling in finally, that Russia wouldn't possibly lose this war - at least, for their true objective, the Donbass and coastal corridor. "Expansionism" or Empire building, defeating and occupying the greater Ukraine and beyond - into Europe! - was always neo-con fearmongering. As long as Yelensky fooled himself and was conned by media and govt's and military 'experts' that Ukraine forces, the Shield of Europe, have military supremacy and that heroism must prevail, of course he would refuse negotiations. So would most. If he doesn't enter them right now, this week, he may lose any bargaining position he still has to force concessions.

Whitehall and Washington, Brussels somewhat, wanted, still want, a weakened Russia - for which Ukrainians had to pay with lives, an immoral gambit. Attempts at isolating the RF (which appears to be surviving okay and be quite self-sufficient, under heaviest-ever sanctions -- that are having a bigger blowback on the West and the rest of the world) have only succeeded in strengthening a combined Asian bloc, as Russia turns further to China (and India) for their market.

How to create a single alliance of potential and future foes in three easy steps.

Way to go...

Good Newsweek article, too late?

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Mark Levin is upset.

"America First" = Maintaining those many "Forward Bases" across the globe?

I don't think the two are synonymous. The more places they are, the more the US gets pulled into geo-political or regional wars. Not, certainly to have *no* alliances, but to be very choosy about which alliances to pick and how far involvement goes. It is past the time other nations were encouraged to become self-interested, and self-reliant. 

As for "genocide" in Ukraine - the old saw, not the slightest evidence or intent. Or "appeasement" of Putin - the false dichotomy.

But I found it useful to hear a (ranting) neo-con's side. Didn't know it's actually an anti-semitic slur, btw (?)

CLICK.MLSEND.COM According to Levin, "Isolationists believe that Russia's invasion of Ukraine doesn't affect...


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5 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

How's that for a change of tune?


In quarter-horse performance parlance, there's a high compliment paid to a horse that's super swift in maneuverings:

"That horse can turn on a dime and give back 9 cents change."

I suppose that Newsweek's controllers expect to collect some of the Ukraine handout spoils.


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If anyone wants an overview of what is actually happening in Ukraine, Jack Posobiec went there. He also went to Davos. Here are a couple of videos from today's War Room with Steve Bannon where he and Steve talk about his experiences. It was fascinating.


We discuss Ukraine, Davos, Taiwan, and more. Our Guests are: Jack Posobiec, Ben Harnwell Stay ahead of the censors – Join us Aired On: 6/04/2022 Watch: On the Web:...



We discuss Ukraine, Davos, Taiwan, and more. Our Guests are: Jack Posobiec, Ben Harnwell Stay ahead of the censors – Join us Aired On: 6/04/2022 Watch: On the Web:...


Ben Harnwell is also turning out to be a treasure of wisdom.

One main conclusion is that Ukraine is a side-show and the real issue is China. I did not know that the Tiananmen Square massacre was essentially the start of the current "Great Reset." Except in the Davos side vision, the globalists were supposed to be the senior partner and China the junior partner. It's now dawning on the Davos people that China is emerging as the senior partner and the Davos people the junior partner.

That's one of the reasons the Davos people want to get out of the Ukraine mess all of a sudden. Even Kissinger. The American trade with China he helped open was supposed to subjugate China, not turn it into his master. The Davos oeioke got their ill-gotten money from the American deplorables and now they have to worry about China not taking Taiwan. Think of all those computer chips...

Interesting information. Klaus Schwab has no history. There is a kind of blurb, but nobody really knows where he came from, what he has achieved in life, etc. He just happened and became the leader of the World Economic Forum. Hmmmmm...

Does that sound like this was planned in the backrooms by the elites or what? 

And how about that idea of Nazi leftovers from WWII?



In Ukraine, Jack visited places that have an extreme pro-Zelensky vision of Ukraine and other places that are pro-Russia. Some regions are clearly demarcated that way. He also visited the war-torn regions.

He made one thing clear. The USA weapons going to the pro-Ukraine side of the war has resulted in a huge black market in weapons. He also said he found very few people over there who wanted escalation of the war. Most want a negotiated peace.

As usual, the rich get richer and the normal everyday people pay for it in both blood and treasure.


Watch the videos. They will give you a vision of Ukraine and Russia, and China for that matter, that you will not get in the mainstream press. Not only that, you can see it from the ground.

Jack Posobiec served as a Navy intelligence officer in China and speaks fluent Mandarin. He also knows the Chinese culture. Se between his different perspectives on China, Ukraine and Davos, (he was actually detained at Davos by law enforcement) and his eye-witness reports from his travels, these two videos are well worth watching.

You may agree or disagree with Jack's opinions, but his facts are solid. This is the opposite of fake news.


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On 6/2/2022 at 4:00 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Everybody is now saying Russia is winning the war in Ukraine.

Bold claim.

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52 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Everybody objective is now saying Russia is winning the war in Ukraine.

Jack Posobiec is not saying Russia is winning the war in Ukraine. Which means, if one observes the curbs of reasoning above, he is non-objective. 

Universals can sometimes fall under the wheels of the Fundamental Attribution Error.  

And I am not the only one in scope ...

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1 hour ago, william.scherk said:

Jack Posobiec is not saying Russia is winning the war in Ukraine. Which means, if one observes the curbs of reasoning above, he is non-objective. 

Universals can sometimes fall under the wheels of the Fundamental Attribution Error.  

And I am not the only one in scope ...


Jack doesn't use gotcha language. Both he and Steve Bannon agree that Putin is not a good guy. They also agree that he invaded Ukraine to shore up the Donbas region and to keep Ukraine out of NATO. And they agree he is doing exactly that.

And exactly that, in Putin speak from what I can tell, is winning the war in Putin terms.

He will even sell it for more than it is to the Russian people.

(They also agree that Putin took his chance because Biden is so feckless and weak. Putin figures he can get away with it. He certainly got the Crimea under Obama.)

In gotcha speak, though, winning only means conquering another nation and breaking it into ruin. Why? Because there is sooooooooo much money to be gained from an endless war for profit. 

Putin is getting exactly what he said he wanted. Exactly what he set out to do. Exactly what he is doing. And everybody on the Deep State side is saying he is losing.


:evil:  :) 

Man, $40 billion is a lot of money. The Deplorables sure use it seeing how it came from them...

(Oops. Forgot about them, didja? :) No matter. They're only livestock. Right?)


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If anybody's interested, here is the way Ukraine is reported from the pro-Ukraine side. That is, until it is debunked...

The lady, Lyudmila Denisova, spread a story far and wide that the Russians were raping Ukrainians left and right. A predator class NGO saw the chance to make some money, so they went to find some cases of rape so they could help the victims and get a slice of that $40 billion. Others, too. Except none of them could find a single case of rape. 

Since the mainstream press of the world signed on to the "Russian are rapists" story and talked it up galore, and the story got debunked by predator class side, Ukraine had to do something to save face. After all, there are those $40 billion and they don't want to give all that money back.

So they fired the lady who made up the story.



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19 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:
21 hours ago, william.scherk said:

Jack Posobiec is not saying Russia is winning the war in Ukraine. Which means, if one observes the curbs of reasoning above, he is non-objective. 


Jack doesn't use gotcha language.

I think Jack Posobiec puts on a certain "persona" when live on War Zone with Steve Bannon.  It's jocular, mutually reinforcing, with neither one challenging the other. Much like Jimmy Dore and his guests, though Dore is much more lazy-minded than Bannon.

I found Posobiec's 'tourist report' "Night Train to Odessa" moving in parts, although he was not particularly emotional.  

If I had one aspect to highlight of his show it would be his impressions of Ukrainians changing as he ventured closer to the front lines in Mykolaiv.


 Elsewhere ... 

On 6/2/2022 at 9:29 PM, Jules Troy said:

War on crime!

War on drugs!

War on poverty!

War on cancer!

There's war and then there's war. This popped up in my Science Daily feed:


On 6/2/2022 at 9:29 PM, Jules Troy said:

Why isn’t there a War on homelessness?

Ooooh yeah…there is no money in that one…

I'd say there is plenty money in that one, at least in BC. The 'poverty industry' has managed to corral huge budgets year after year, to "ameliorate" homelessness in the City of Vancouver. In the process, poverty has been concentrated further in the Downtown Eastside, where streets are in warmer months a festival of tents, bike thieves/entrepreneurs, drogués and slipped-through-cracks mentally-ill people.

In Chilliwack homelessness is partially alleviated by community-based programmes and austere but secure "transition" housing. The homeless 'migrate' on their trusty cycles and trailers from campsites on the river to the Salvation Army shelter downtown and off to temporary camps on lands bordering the Fraser to the north.

Meanwhile, almost everyone in our neighbourhood became a property millionaire last month, when a new community plan was approved. The real estate market might seem psychotic to anyone not living in Zurich or along the shores of Lake Como.

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4 hours ago, william.scherk said:

I think Jack Posobiec puts on a certain "persona" when live on War Zone with Steve Bannon.  It's jocular, mutually reinforcing, with neither one challenging the other. Much like Jimmy Dore and his guests, though Dore is much more lazy-minded than Bannon.

I found Posobiec's 'tourist report' "Night Train to Odessa" moving in parts, although he was not particularly emotional.  

If I had one aspect to highlight of his show it would be his impressions of Ukrainians changing as he ventured closer to the front lines in Mykolaiv.


 Elsewhere ... 

There's war and then there's war. This popped up in my Science Daily feed:


I'd say there is plenty money in that one, at least in BC. The 'poverty industry' has managed to corral huge budgets year after year, to "ameliorate" homelessness in the City of Vancouver. In the process, poverty has been concentrated further in the Downtown Eastside, where streets are in warmer months a festival of tents, bike thieves/entrepreneurs, drogués and slipped-through-cracks mentally-ill people.

In Chilliwack homelessness is partially alleviated by community-based programmes and austere but secure "transition" housing. The homeless 'migrate' on their trusty cycles and trailers from campsites on the river to the Salvation Army shelter downtown and off to temporary camps on lands bordering the Fraser to the north.

Meanwhile, almost everyone in our neighbourhood became a property millionaire last month, when a new community plan was approved. The real estate market might seem psychotic to anyone not living in Zurich or along the shores of Lake Como.

I should have specified no money for that in the US.  I mean what is the yearly expenditure on the homeless compared to the trillions spent on The war on drugs.  Oops..I forgot about the CIA black ops selling drugs to fund Iran-contra and other proxy wars…do they subtract that money from the drug wars?

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Jules if what Kim says is even half right , does it matter?


@KimDotcom: 🧵 This may be the most important thread I ever make. Big picture stuff about the major global collapse that is coming. I will...

The war on drugs is just a way to increase government expenditures , success would mean a decrease in expenditures so as far as incentives go that could never really happen.

The volume of cash generate in illicit drug sales wouldn't be worth a fraction of the market value of the cash if politicians and law enforcement agencies in practically all countries didn't allow a significant degree of 'laundering' . I'd bet stories like that Myjami condo collapse fall off the 'radar' because if we know who really 'owned' the building came to light there'd be some questions. Fund a construction project to wash a chunk of cash and turn it into 'equity' and then cash out with 'clean' money and then the building just rots, or the project got off the ground in the first place because it 'had' to , so permits were given to build on unstable ground, cuz the project was just a vehicle and various entities 'needed' it to happen.

I mean c'mon if there were a serious effort to curtail or interdict , it would probably work like and as well as those efforts focused on stopping ivermectin " oh jeez those evil cartels are somehow flooding the streets will fentynal and we just can't stop it !" but somehow I can't use plastic bags in the grocery store and my mail was intercepted during the pandemic.

Maybe the war on drugs will be over or won whenever Epstein's client list is public.


sorry for a cynical Monday morning rant , the preceding ramble probably has enough in it to have some provable kernels , but who can blame me we live in Clown World !

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3 hours ago, tmj said:


As bad as it is here in the south, bouncy castles are still legal and it's called the Canadian dollar , we go down you're coming with us

You don’t have to tell me twice.  Seeing as our own little narcissist spent more money that we don’t have in the last year then all the prime ministers since the founding of this country combined…we are definitely fucked.  Ya know your fucked when you start looking at third world countries to move to so you can have a better standard of living…

said country must have pretty birds for me to take pics of and some sort of internetz though.

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On 6/4/2022 at 11:15 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Jack doesn't use gotcha language. Both he and Steve Bannon agree that Putin is not a good guy.

From The News. Putin given 'urgent medical help' while talking to military chiefs. Vladimir Putin (pictured yesterday) has been advised by doctors not to make any 'lengthy' public appearances after he fell ill amid discussions with his military chiefs, a Kremlin insider has claimed. end quote

The free world can only hope this sort of incident happens many more times before he becomes a paralyzed invalid who needs to be cared for by Nurse Katarina Ratchet.

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 The News and a Kremlin insider are champions of the free world.

We came , we saw , he died, blue steel enemas all around! That's how we fix shit!

The only thing stopping those free world loving insider Kremlin guys who are real people talking to the free world News is that fucker and as soon as, like the afternoon, he loses control of his bowels so much democracy and so much freedom will spill into the streets of Moscow, Benghazi on the Moskva! Then we finally be able to see Epstein's client list and the free world News will publish it !


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On 6/6/2022 at 10:59 AM, tmj said:


As bad as it is here in the south, bouncy castles are still legal and it's called the Canadian dollar , we go down you're coming with us

And WE can now buy cocaine and fentany legally in the wonderful province of BC! 


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On 5/17/2022 at 12:48 PM, Peter said:

I saw American Bonds were paying two percent, while bank savings accounts were paying a tenth of a percent, and that is a huge difference between little and teensy. Online banking pays a bit more but I would rather deal with a real person . . . in person even if they say they are FDIC protected.

Just remember that when, not if, interest rates rise, the price of those bonds go down and the more rates go up, the more of a slaughter you will see in the bond market.

When rates go up at least you will get more interest on your funds in the bank, although that money is virtually worthless anyway.

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