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49 minutes ago, tmj said:

Multi/inter national corporations have a vested interest in capital accumulation , how much of that type of activity and to what degree does that have in obtaining reliable control/influence on the mechanisms of finance eg central banking ? Tentacles , no ?

1904 Standard Oil octopus cartoon

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I used the octopus metaphor in a different manner during a Manmade Climate Change discussion a few years ago here on OL somewhere.

Cooked octopus (drivel dressed up as science) is what the establishment restaurant gives to people who ask for ice cream (real science). 

"I'll have two scoops of vanilla ice cream, please."

"So how do you want your octopus done, steamed or fried?"

"I don't want octopus. I want ice cream."

"Here, have some nice tasty octopus."

And on it goes.

That's how they provided the science for the coronavirus vaccines to the public, in addition to tons of dirty tricks against the ice cream providers.


It might be fun to link the two uses of the octopus metaphor and see what story can be told with it...

Let's see... Hmmm...

Deep State RINOs: Our big-ass octopus is hungry. We'll have some of that power pie with crooked whipped cream.

MAGA: All we have on the menu is deep fried octopus right now...



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On 7/17/2022 at 9:04 AM, Strictlylogical said:

I’ll continue to post here, but domestic corruption to my mind is different in kind to Foreign Collusion.  One is cheatingly corrupt the other unfaithfully traitorous.

1.  Has someone studied the phenomenon of unaccountable bodies or institutions in a monopoly turning corrupt and thereby increasing their own corruption through retirements and resignations?  In cases without any accountability (elections or competition) resignations ONLY lead to the existence of a worse body or institution 

2. The Thing 

 it seems that multiple nations throughout the world are falling to or have fallen to some tentacle of the Thing, that Foreign Black Mass whose ambition is tyranny and slavery of the entire world… (whose true identity is elusive.. strings pulling strings) we have seen that one of its chief methods is corruption of officials and world leaders to betray their own people for a purported higher purpose…

For the US, what are the defences against such a method of attack?  The constitution has the Foreign Emoluments clause but is it strong enough?   Should a new constitutional congress be called to amend the constitution to directly defend the people against such betrayal by government to that foreign behemoth?

Just to follow up my earlier queries, the Dutch people did not vote for the decimation of the farming industry, the Canadian people did not vote for political censorship and pseudo-nationalization  of all main stream media, and the "We the People" of the US did not vote to cede power to the WHO over individual rights of Americans during pandemics... the former two are happening, although the latter only almost did ... some parts of the U.S. government apparatus were pushing for it.

It seems to me that the checks and balances are lacking in the West.  Is it because they are so far removed from the people?  Do things move much too quickly in the modern world for our systems? Are our systems made for the elites or the people? Should there be more direct oversight of government by the people or more frequent elections etc? but does that leave things open to mob rule?

I wonder if Rand and the Founding Fathers were alive today, what kind of Constitution and structures of Government with checks and balances would they come up with, and how would it be better able to protect individual rights in today's world.


Somehow, there should be more mechanisms in place to strengthen each individual's relationship with the Constitution....  a more direct sense that one's own freedom depends upon one's own rejection of tyranny?


I'm sorry, I HATE living in "interesting times".

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Imagine the scope of an enterprise that has the ability to siphon off 20-30 % of all 'wages' on a weekly and continual basis.

Without a meaningful ability for the public at large to go on a 'tax strike' , there is no way to starve the beast into submission. Which is only further complicated by deficit spending that is no way reflective of the actual production and capital creation in an economic system , which is further complicated by entwining other nations and their capital markets and their manipulations into a ginormous "ponzi" scheme. Eventually such schemes have to collapse , they at some point Have to reckon with reality, the scary thing is trying to discern what that will look like.

How far into such schemes do we think we can 'go' before the point of no return?

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I read Putin is in Tehran, Iran, supposedly to meet with Iran’s leaders and Turkey. A picture shows him giving a friendly handshake to Iran’s president. Could Putin be trying to muddy the waters in Ukraine, or to help Iran go nuclear? Years ago, I remember Iran’s President saying when they get nuclear weapons they will “immediately” use them against Israel, and after it’s destruction, any left-over bombs will “immediately” be used against the United States. So, is Vlad Putin going to help Iran go nuclear?

Several of Putin’s top Russian friends have been warning that there will be repercussions over NATO allowing Sweden and Finland into the fold.   

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1 hour ago, Peter said:

Could Putin be trying to muddy the waters in Ukraine, or to help Iran go nuclear?


Putin doesn't need to. Obama already did that (with the Deep State) and Biden is continuing it.

If we try to deal with Putin dealing with Iran without dealing with Biden and the Deep State first, all we will get is more Iran with the bomb and more endless war for profit (and more blah blah blah propaganda in the press).

We cannot fight an enemy without and win so long as we have strong enemies within--ones who are in power.


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From 2009: Former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Dore Gold warns that a nuclear-armed Iran would shift "the entire balance in the war on terror" by providing terrorists with a nuclear umbrella. Speaking at a briefing at the British House of Commons on Oct. 12, Dore — also a former adviser to Israeli prime ministers — said Iran's nuclear program endangers "the security not just of Israel but of the entire Middle East, and I would say the world." Gold said that as of this past August, Iran had enough nuclear fuel to produce two atomic bombs, and a missile with the capability of striking Israel and Saudi Arabia. "So if you take the fact that Iran is one of the largest supporters of international terrorism today, and you team that up with the nuclear capabilities that I’ve been describing, you have a security situation which the West has not yet seen," Gold said.

From “History:” On November 4, 1979, a group of Iranian students stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking more than 60 American hostages. The immediate cause of this action was President Jimmy Carter’s decision to allow Iran’s deposed Shah, a pro-Western autocrat who had been expelled from his country some months before, to come to the United States for cancer treatment.

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I am not sure but I think this was an interview. I am sorry I did not save its origins. Peter

Robert Campbell said or wrote: See if that were the case and you were at war with Islam, rather than just terrorism, you'd be at war with more than 1.6 billion people and you'd lose that war even quicker than you're losing this one I can assure you of that..

What percentage of those 1.6 billion people are good Muslims, from your point of view?

Suppose you exclude from that 1.6 billion everyone who thinks God has blessed honor killings, or clitoridectomy, or just forbidding women to drive cars. Suppose you exclude from that 1.6 billion everyone who thinks God has commanded all women to wear burqas or abayas in public. Suppose you exclude from that 1.6 billion everyone who believes that the Godly path consists of according dictatorial powers to the top Islamic cleric in the vicinity, or bestowing them on a non-cleric whose strongman status has been blessed by selected Islamic clerics in the vicinity. Suppose you exclude from that 1.6 billion everyone who believes that the institution of slavery is now or ever was consistent with Islamic belief. Suppose you exclude from that 1.6 billion everyone who believes that dhimmi status for Christians, Jews, and maybe Zoroastrians, and the choice of slaughter or forced conversion for pagan Arabs and Hindus, is consistent with the tenets of Islam. Suppose you exclude from that 1.6 billion everyone who believes that the duty of waging war on non-Muslims is incumbent on all able-bodied Muslim males. Suppose you get so bold as to exclude from that 1.6 billion everyone who believes that there is a Hell, and that every non-Muslim will sooner or later end up roasting in it. Suppose you exclude from that 1.6 billion anyone who ever believes, ever for a moment, that being a Muslim automatically makes one superior to all non-Muslims, and entitled to a role, however modest, in ruling over them.  

Now how many will you have left? If your top priority is getting Muslims to adopt more enlightened attitudes, how many of those 1.6 billion do you suppose you can count on? How many can you reasonably express solidarity with? If, on the other hand, your top priority is Islamic empire spanning much of the globe in the near future, and individual rights maybe a long while later, how many of those 1.6 billion can you reasonably express solidarity with? You have made it clear that you oppose American empire.  

You can probably be counted on to oppose some other kinds, such as Russian or Chinese empire . . . . 

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29 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

We cannot fight an enemy without and win so long as we have strong enemies within--ones who are in power.

I have heard inklings that several democrats will run in 2024 including VP Kamala Harris! I think she is a mediocre, or worse, speaker. And of course, there is the talk about De Santis running in 2024 so maybe he isn't in "VP mode."

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The following is an oldie, but it is pertinent to the aims of the Deep State, World Economic Forum and the like.

George Orwell’s 1940 Review of Mein Kampf

The whole article is worth reading and it's short. But here are the pertinent passages.


... simply on the internal evidence of Mein Kampf, it is difficult to believe that any real change has taken place in Hitler’s aims and opinions. When one compares his utterances of a year or so ago with those made fifteen years earlier, a thing that strikes one is the rigidity of his mind, the way in which his world-view doesn’t develop. It is the fixed vision of a monomaniac and not likely to be much affected by the temporary manoeuvres of power politics.

. . .

Suppose that Hitler’s programme could be put into effect. What he envisages, a hundred years hence, is a continuous state of 250 million Germans with plenty of ‘living room’ (i.e. stretching to Afghanistan or thereabouts), a horrible brainless empire in which, essentially, nothing ever happens except the training of young men for war and the endless breeding of fresh cannon-fodder.

. . .

Hitler could not have succeeded against his many rivals if it had not been for the attraction of his own personality, which one can feel even in the clumsy writing of Mein Kampf, and which is no doubt overwhelming when one hears his speeches … The fact is that there is something deeply appealing about him.

. . .

... the photograph at the beginning of Hurst and Blackett’s edition, which shows Hitler in his early Brownshirt days. It is a pathetic, dog-like face, the face of a man suffering under intolerable wrongs. In a rather more manly way it reproduces the expression of innumerable pictures of Christ crucified... 

. . .

... the grievance is here. He is the martyr, the victim, Prometheus chained to the rock, the self-sacrificing hero who fights single-handed against impossible odds. If he were killing a mouse he would know how to make it seem like a dragon. One feels, as with Napoleon, that he is fighting against destiny, that he can’t win, and yet that he somehow deserves to. The attraction of such a pose is of course enormous; half the films that one sees turn upon some such theme.

. . .

... he has grasped the falsity of the hedonistic attitude to life. Nearly all western thought since the last war, certainly all ‘progressive’ thought, has assumed tacitly that human beings desire nothing beyond ease, security and avoidance of pain. In such a view of life there is no room, for instance, for patriotism and the military virtues.

. . .

[Hitler] knows that human beings don’t only want comfort, safety, short working-hours, hygiene, birth-control and, in general, common sense; they also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flags and loyalty-parades. However they may be as economic theories, Fascism and Nazism are psychologically far sounder than any hedonistic conception of life.

. . .

Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a more grudging way, have said to people ‘I offer you a good time,’ Hitler has said to them ‘I offer you struggle, danger and death,’ and as a result a whole nation flings itself at his feet.

Nothing has changed in fundamentals with the elitists. The ones behind the scenes have adopted the premises in these quotes--hook, line and sinker.

There are only a few variations, but the essence is the same. To wit:


1. The rigidity of Hitler's thought remained the same, but he tempered his public words as he gained power, then he went back to the rigidity in public after he consolidated his power. The Deep State, WEF and the like have done nothing but this.


2. Instead of "living room" for 250 million Germans living it up while the rest of humanity is cannon fodder, we now have a vision of technocratic masters making use of a farm of human livestock. It's the same bullshit. The elitists are even claiming we need to cull humanity so there is enough "living room" on earth for the humans who survive the cull (although they mean themselves at root).


3. Is there something deeply appealing about the visions put forth by the Deep State, WEF and the rest? There sure is. There is the prospect of saving the planet and, now, the prospect of transhumanist immortality. But that's the carrot and Orwell didn't talk much about Hitler's 1000 Year Reich of utopia for his people. Instead, he went to a (psychologically and neurologically) deeper urge of appeal.


4. That urge of appeal Hitler projected is the image of Christ crucified, the martyr, the one who is fighting against a cruel destiny and deserves to win, the underdog kicked around by bullies. But there is a nuance with today's Deep State, WEF, etc. Philosophically, it's the same shit, but served up in a different bottle.

The  nuance? Now we have the Internet with instant communications to the entire world. So there is no longer a need for a single martyr to tingle and tangle the prewiring in people's brains. It's easy-peasy to find photos and stories of trampled victims all over the place--but shown as individuals, not as groups. The leaders of the Deep State, WEF and the like don't have to adopt that victim pose themselves to get the neurochemicals in the brains of their target audience squirting. They have "controlled narratives" for that. (Thank you behavioral science.)

All they have to do to keep getting power is proclaim they are the champions fighting against such bullying, injustice and suffering. 


5. Is there any need to talk about the futility of the hedonistic lifestyle that Hitler disparages?

We all feel it is futile, but we are all tempted by it, at least in waves. The very reason the Deep State, WEF, and so on (including virtual reality) offer this to the masses is because it is the carrot to keep the livestock in line.

But the ones behind the scenes know they need more to get people lathered up. They need: "patriotism and the military virtues," and "struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flags and loyalty-parades."

And this is where they have failed big-time. They needed a leader to get people behind these other psychological need. The best they got was Hillary Clinton when Trump came along. He upstaged them on this essential. Is that the reason for TDS among otherwise intelligent human beings? I think it is a part.


6. Note, self-sacrifice in this sense is not the altruism Ayn Rand fought against. This form is biological. I have learned in my studies that fear (controlled by the amygdala) during a perceived threat can turn into courage when oxytocin is squirted out through the pituitary gland. (This has been confirmed in lots of scientific experiments with published findings.)

And what causes oxytocin, which can come from different sources in the body, squirt from the pituitary gland? It's when, during danger (i.e., when lots of cortisol, adrenaline, and other juicy alarm goodies are flooding the brain), one perceives another fellow human being(s) suffering and in immediate threat. This is a reaction-to-distress trigger in the brain, not a philosophical idea. We all have this in our prewiring.


Hitler, who could only work from results in behavior, didn't know this, of course. And he still used it well to control others and get power. But I bet the Deep State, WEF, and so on know it.

Like I said in the beginning, the power-goons today are using the same fundaments (in this case, the ones identified by Orwell) as Hitler did.


How do we fight this inner brain wiring that the bad guys explore so well? To start with, we have the joker in the pack: Trump (and MAGA).

After he is put back in power, but in a form to make lasting change (with lots of MAGA elected and appointed government officials), our job then turns to something else.

We can get there, as we are doing.

But we have to stay there. And for that to happen, we have to make sure this new vision does not turn into a simple "us-against-them" dichotomy, but instead gets defined as a way of life--free good life, but in society--anyone can understand. And, culturally, we have to make sure this vision is visible and present to all.

Communications. Discussions, Framing in the news. Art. Entertainment. Core stories. The character of the new people we elect and tolerate in government. And, yes, philosophy. All of it.

We do have a world to win. It is winnable. Here and now. And we can keep it if we do the right things.


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"We interrupt this topic to bring you a special news report":


US Rep. Omar arrested in Washington, DC, amid protest


U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) has been arrested in Washington, D.C.

U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., has been arrested in Washington, D.C.

Omar’s staff confirmed her arrest Tuesday afternoon.

The Congresswoman issued the following response on social media:

“Today I was arrested while participating in a civil disobedience action with my fellow Members of Congress outside the Supreme Court. I will continue to do everything in my power to raise the alarm about the assault on our reproductive rights!”

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3 minutes ago, ThatGuy said:

"We interrupt this topic to bring you a special news report":


US Rep. Omar arrested in Washington, DC, amid protest


U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (D-Minnesota) has been arrested in Washington, D.C.

U.S. Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., has been arrested in Washington, D.C.

Omar’s staff confirmed her arrest Tuesday afternoon.

The Congresswoman issued the following response on social media:

“Today I was arrested while participating in a civil disobedience action with my fellow Members of Congress outside the Supreme Court. I will continue to do everything in my power to raise the alarm about the assault on our reproductive rights!”

Oh, and apparently, AOC was arrested as well...


Multiple Democratic lawmakers were arrested at an abortion rights rally near the Capitol on Tuesday, less than one...


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On 6/29/2022 at 1:23 PM, william.scherk said:
On 3/10/2022 at 11:10 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:
On 3/9/2022 at 5:28 PM, william.scherk said:

Tina Peters and deputy indicted.

I think the knuckleheads in Colorado who perpetrated election fraud in 2020 and hate MAGA just managed to elect Tina Peters as the new Secretary of State and don't realize it.

Tina Peters failed in her bid to get on the fall ballot for Colorado secretary of state. 


Tina Peters requested a hand recount of her GOP primary loss, but failed to put up funds to pay for it.

On 6/29/2022 at 1:23 PM, william.scherk said:

[...] So far, five election deniers have won GOP nominations for secretary of state, the officials who oversee elections: Wes Allen in Alabama, Kristina Karamo in Michigan, Kim Crockett in Minnesota, Jim Marchant in Nevada and Audrey Trujillo in New Mexico. In addition, Pennsylvania gubernatorial nominee and election denier Doug Mastriano would appoint the secretary of state if he wins in November.

Tina Peters & Brenda Knisley are not the only ones facing criminal charges. They were joined in Mugshotville by the "obviously busted" Sandra Brown.


Edited by william.scherk
Corrections and links to come, thumb typing on mobile phone in the sun, listening to Steve Bannon's podcast
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2 hours ago, tmj said:

Election deniers , heh , just part of the journalistic lexicon now ?


The Deep State will not go down without a fight.

I might be wrong, but I have a feeling the Tina Peters thing is far, far from over.

Imagine the Deep State doing its dirty tricks, then being the very ones who report on the outcomes.

What would that look like if one were to post about it? 

Something like the polls saying Biden is in good political shape?



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On 7/20/2022 at 11:51 AM, william.scherk said:


Edited yesterday at 11:54 AM by william.scherk
Corrections and links to come, thumb typing on mobile phone in the sun, listening to Steve Bannon's podcast

Still thumb typing, still in the sun. Do check out Bannon's podcast today for a "friendly" take on the case. The defense did not present a case, nor did Bannon choose to testify. So, only closing arguments tomorrow, followed by the charge to the jury.

I half-expect a hung jury. On the other hand, the case seems cut and dried. Contempt for the rule of law ( as perceived by the jury), if found, suggests jail time on each of the two counts.

If guilty, sentencing would happen some time between now and the mid-term elections, I'd guess.

Any news from the trial today is now overshadowed by the announcement of a criminal probe into the "purged" Secret Service texts from January 5/6 2021.

And just for fun, the lighter side of committees-of-benghazi ...


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On 7/19/2022 at 10:35 AM, Peter said:

Could Putin be trying to muddy the waters in Ukraine, or to help Iran go nuclear?

Iran and Russia are allies, military allies in Syria, allied with the family regime there. Iran can probably supply advanced weaponry and training. Word on the street is Russia wants "lurking" drones and allied unmanned eyes in the sky that can deliber payloads.

The other major meeting on this trip was with the President of Turkey, who has taken on a role as mediator between Ukraine and Russia on the topic of safe and secure grain transit through the Black Sea. 


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