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8 minutes ago, william.scherk said:

Sometimes the density of events is really difficult to summarize.


Not for this stuff. Wanna see?

Abuse of power.


That was easy. I can do another one if you like.



btw - I have a parallel thought that is tangentially relevant to your comment.

In my writing studies, I am still going through the second book by Jack Grapes on Method Writing. This is one of the best methods for learning style I have ever studied.

But part of his approach deals with learning techniques to do stream of consciousness and modern poetry. I'm glad I'm studying this, but it doesn't make me like or appreciate this stuff. Thank God he mostly covers the good stuff in writing and this is only part.

Jack is one of the few people to openly say that the purpose of "language poetry" is to remove meaning from the words (although stream of consciousness still has meaning). He even made up a term to cover all the different schools for this: absence of field. It made thinking about this stuff easy. I don't give a shit about words without meaning. :) So let's just say I half-ass these exercises when I bother to do them at all. :) 

Jack uses a lot of words and rationales, but one word he likes a lot is "dense" (sometimes "density"). He talks about poetic density, or when the text is dense with words and things like that. He always says that when the words don't make any sense.

After seeing him use that word a lot, I have come to the conclusion that density is a euphemism with a top hat on for unintelligible.


I believe this is the same for your "density of events" if you are looking for some reason the power abusers are so active (like the Energizer Bunny), but don't want to accept that they are abusing power. "Density of events" makes their nonstop Wile E. Coyote efforts sound like a respectable category when all it is is crap.



Posted (edited)
22 hours ago, william.scherk said:
On 9/12/2022 at 2:19 PM, william.scherk said:

Donald Trump's lawyers have filed their motion due today. The DOJ is expected to drop their filing before the day is out.

Drip drop ... headline "DOJ accepts Special Master nominee" ... your mileage may vary.

Dockety do!


... plus. A few more redactions have been removed from the search warrant affidavit by Judge Cannon Reinhart; liberal hyenas are already chowing down on details:




Edited by william.scherk
Sticky fingers
2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Abuse of power.

The Deep State now wants to expand the reach of FBI's abuse to pillow fights.


Midterm Election Effort, Joe Biden FBI Surround Mike Lindell Vehicle, Seize Cell Phone


MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell told the story earlier today on his podcast.  {Direct Rumble Link} Apparently, after returning from a hunting trip, while going through a Hardee’s drive-thru, three cars from Joe Biden’s...

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell told the story earlier today on his podcast.  {Direct Rumble Link} Apparently, after returning from a hunting trip, while going through a Hardee’s drive-thru, three cars from Joe Biden’s jackboot FBI operation surrounded him and demanded he turn over his cell phone. 

I wonder how much that cost the public coffers...


I also wonder if sicking the FBI on Mike Lindell to harass him is part of the "density" of pre-election events.


If I know Mike, I bet he got an FBI agent or two to pray with him.



  • Upvote 1
46 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

If I know Mike, I bet he got an FBI agent or two to pray with him.

I honestly did not know this when I wrote that.

I was just speculating.




The Stasi-FBI targeted My Pillow CEO and founder Mike Lindell on Tuesday and seized his phone. Lindell is a target in the DOJ-FBI’s war on Trump supporters. Via Lance Migliaccio: Just two weeks ago Joe...



  • Upvote 2

I thought about doing this, but it's way too obvious for my own aesthetic.

(I vastly prefer to do my own shit in writing rather than transform the writing of others. Sometimes I do it, but not often.)

But since the charming Millie did it, here goes.



First they came for Trump, I wasn't Trump so I didn't do anything

Then they came for Bannon, I wasn't Bannon so I didn't do anything

Then they came for Mike Lindell, I wasn't The Pillow Guy so I didn't do anything

But then they came for me & there was no one left to defend me




7 hours ago, william.scherk said:

... liberal hyenas are already chowing down on details...


Which liberal hyenas?

Here's a guy who does nothing but look at liberal hyenas in the legal sphere and he finds deafening silence.


Beep beep...




  • Upvote 1
14 hours ago, william.scherk said:

4D golf!

Steve Bannon was right, except that subpoenas aren't as sexy as Night of the Long Knives or Put Their Heads on Pikes.  He named Epshteyn and cited the Josh Dawsey Washington Post story. Since his Charlie Kirk encounter there has been a storm of reporting from The Usual Suspects aka Enemies of the People.  

I'll get to names and context, if the mental weather holds. Sometimes the density of events is really difficult to summarize.  Slapping together emotive, loaded language is not the fun it once was. This could be due to age. Or, of course, moral-epistemological defects.

The metaphor of the moment ... Charlie Kirk show today.


Foreman punched Ali in the 6th round with a crushing blow that would have knocked out most boxers in 1972.

Ali grabbed Foremans head and pulled him close and said thats all you got George? 

Foreman later admitted how he knew that at that moment that he was no longer champion.

Trump playing golf was the same thing, as they speculated on why he would be wearing white golf shoes.

6 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Which liberal hyenas?

Here's a guy who does nothing but look at liberal hyenas in the legal sphere and he finds deafening silence.


Beep beep...





  • Smile 1

Donald Trump interview with Hugh Hewitt, September 15 2022.



  • Like 1
Posted (edited)
On 9/13/2022 at 6:29 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I also wonder if sicking [sic] the FBI on Mike Lindell to harass him is part of the "density" of pre-election events.

The Tina Peters Story is a helluva narrative, with a cast of about a dozen main characters. I don't think Mike himself is the target of future indictments as much as folks like Doug Frank and Conan Hayes and maybe money-man and convenor Patrick Byrne.  The names in the Lindell subpoena were all allegedly involved in the Mesa County breach case that is heading to trial.

Meanwhile in Judge Cannon docket news, the Trump side has achieved procedural victory. And the DOJ is already on the appeal circuit docket, woudn't you know.



Edited by william.scherk
Grim gram grammar

William quoting and correcting MSK:

1 hour ago, william.scherk said:

I also wonder if sicking [sic] the FBI


I come from the South and, from where I came from in the South, we often spelled it sicking.

Since you made a point of correcting me, I looked it up.

There are so many sources saying sick is a variation used for sic with this meaning, I'm not going to bother quoting them. Instead I have a more colorful one below.


The spelling as "sick" goes back, at least, to 1848 in Johnson J. Hooper’s Adventures of Capt. Simon Suggs:


You may well say that: what I tells them to do they do—and if I was to sick them on your old hoss yonder, they’d eat him up afore you could say Jack Roberson. And it’s jist what I shall do, if you try to pry into my consarns…

I got this from the article below, where there are other quotes and other examples and a full on discussion.



Kiaan D. asks: Why do you say “sic him” to dogs when you want them to attack someone? People have been telling dogs to “sic ’em,” with the intent to have the dog attack individual(s), since at least the...



“Sick,” in this context, had nothing to do with the word meaning “ill,” but rather was simply a dialectal variant of “seek,” which used to sometimes carry the connotation of seeking with the intent to attack.

I don't mind being corrected, but the correction should be correct.



  • Smile 1

What we need is a Wayback Machiine. Yeah. That’s the ticket, to solve voter fraud, miscounts, and to still our beating hearts. Peter

From Wikipedia: The Wayback Machine or WABAC Machine is a fictional time machine from the segment "Peabody's Improbable History", a recurring feature of the 1960s cartoon series The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.[1][2] The Wayback Machine is a plot device used to transport the characters Mr. Peabody and Sherman back in time to visit important events in human history.

 . . . The Wayback machine was a central element of the "Peabody's Improbable History" cartoon segment. The machine was invented by Mr. Peabody, a geniuspolymath, and bow tie-wearing beagle, as a birthday gift for his adopted pet boy, Sherman. By allowing them to visit famous historical people or events, the Wayback provided educational adventures for Sherman.[3] At the request of Mr. Peabody ("Sherman, set the Wayback machine to ..."), Sherman would set the Wayback controls to a time and place of historical importance, and by walking through a door in the Wayback machine, they would be instantly transported there. Examples of places or people visited are the Marquess of Queensberry[4] and the rules of boxing, the imprisonment and memoirs of Casanova,[5] and Jim Bowie and the Bowie knife.[6] The machine apparently later returned Mr. Peabody and Sherman to the present, although the return trip was never shown. The segment traditionally ended with a pun.

The Wayback has two main quirks. Firstly, it automatically translates all languages into English for their convenience. Secondly (and more critically), the historical figures and situations that they encounter are distorted in some crucial way. The main focus of the shorts is thus the restoration of historical events to their proper course, albeit in a characteristically frivolous and anachronistic way.

Either of the names Wayback or WABAC are in common usage, with the term "WAYBACK" explicitly indicated during the segment in which Mr. Peabody and Sherman visit the "Charge of the Light Brigade".[7] The precise meaning of the acronym WABAC is unknown. According to Gerard Baldwin, one of the show's directors, the name "WABAC" is a reference to the UNIVAC I.[8] Mid-century, large-sized computers often had names that ended in "AC" (generally for "Automatic/Analogue Computer" or similar), such as ENIAC or UNIVAC. The term "Wayback" suggests the common expression "way back in [some former time]."

11 hours ago, Peter said:

What we need is a Wayback Machiine. Yeah. That’s the ticket, to solve voter fraud, miscounts, and to still our beating hearts. Peter

From Wikipedia: The Wayback Machine or WABAC Machine is a fictional time machine from the segment "Peabody's Improbable History", a recurring feature of the 1960s cartoon series The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show.[1][2] The Wayback Machine is a plot device used to transport the characters Mr. Peabody and Sherman back in time to visit important events in human history.

 . . . The Wayback machine was a central element of the "Peabody's Improbable History" cartoon segment. The machine was invented by Mr. Peabody, a geniuspolymath, and bow tie-wearing beagle, as a birthday gift for his adopted pet boy, Sherman. By allowing them to visit famous historical people or events, the Wayback provided educational adventures for Sherman.[3] At the request of Mr. Peabody ("Sherman, set the Wayback machine to ..."), Sherman would set the Wayback controls to a time and place of historical importance, and by walking through a door in the Wayback machine, they would be instantly transported there. Examples of places or people visited are the Marquess of Queensberry[4] and the rules of boxing, the imprisonment and memoirs of Casanova,[5] and Jim Bowie and the Bowie knife.[6] The machine apparently later returned Mr. Peabody and Sherman to the present, although the return trip was never shown. The segment traditionally ended with a pun.

The Wayback has two main quirks. Firstly, it automatically translates all languages into English for their convenience. Secondly (and more critically), the historical figures and situations that they encounter are distorted in some crucial way. The main focus of the shorts is thus the restoration of historical events to their proper course, albeit in a characteristically frivolous and anachronistic way.

Either of the names Wayback or WABAC are in common usage, with the term "WAYBACK" explicitly indicated during the segment in which Mr. Peabody and Sherman visit the "Charge of the Light Brigade".[7] The precise meaning of the acronym WABAC is unknown. According to Gerard Baldwin, one of the show's directors, the name "WABAC" is a reference to the UNIVAC I.[8] Mid-century, large-sized computers often had names that ended in "AC" (generally for "Automatic/Analogue Computer" or similar), such as ENIAC or UNIVAC. The term "Wayback" suggests the common expression "way back in [some former time]."

Nope! We only need a reality machine.

We actually have one too.

We open our eyes, elect MAGA across the board.

Then we go to court and also impeach day one in January 2023.

No time machine required.

18 minutes ago, Marc said:

Nope! We only need a reality machine.

We actually have one too.

We open our eyes, elect MAGA across the board.

Then we go to court and also impeach day one in January 2023.

No time machine required.

If we want to go "wayback", let's go back Philadelphia in October 2020. Philadelphia is a known hotbed of democratic election fraud, with many documented and "prosecuted" cases (meaning, "slap on the wrist or scapegoats taking the fall)...did they ever solve this case of an election warehouse break-in, where various electronics and thumb-drives for the election were stolen? Was the subject ever apprehended? Were the votes confirmed NOT to be affected? And if not, then why did the Democrats forcibly block Republicans from participating in the voting audit?

Why should anyone accept the results under these conditions? (Then again, why are we putting our rights up to a vote to begin with, let alone casting votes for and alongside admitted totalitarian/socialist power grabbers who purposely are trying to destroy our rights? But that's another discussion...)

Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
I don't need a "Wayback Machine", or some arbitrary timeline, to tell me which way the wind blows. Once again, don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining...


Police said the man seen here broke into an election warehouse in East Falls in late September and stole various electronics.



(Joe Hoft) The differences could not be more clear.  The Democrats in cities like Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, Phoenix, and Las Vegas...

A former Judge of Elections has been convicted for his role in accepting bribes to cast fraudulent ballots and certifying false voting results...


22 hours ago, william.scherk said:

Meanwhile in Judge Cannon docket news, the Trump side has achieved procedural victory. And the DOJ is already on the appeal circuit docket, woudn't you know.

Those who check my claims can check this -- while things have moved quickly in Judge Cannon's handling of this case, Special Master Dearie has until November 30 to report back to her. 


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