Elon Musk and Twitter

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2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

There is a hashtag on Twitter that is going nuts.

What's more it is false.

And even more, the people who use it know it's false.


Here is the hashtag.


Nobody knows how this started and nobody knows what it means, if it means anything. But man are people have a blast with this at Jimmy Fallon's expense. Lot's of dead celebrities weighing in, lots of condolences, lots of syrupy remembrances with Jimmy Fallon when he was alive. :) And on and on...


And Jimmy Fallon?

That Jimmy Fallon?

The crybaby Jimmy Fallon?

Well he wasn't going to let anyone laugh at him, goddammit.

We was going to take this directly to Elon Musk.


And he did.

He did! He did!

Look and see:

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 


Meanwhile, Jeff Goldblum, somewhere, is smiling...

(This is something that was actually quite common on Twitter for a while, #RIP hoaxes, with Goldblum being one memorable example...But I don't remember an outcry to blame Jack Dorsey, at least nothing like what we see with Elon Musk...)


Jeff Goldblum's mom fell victim to the actor's death hoax in 2009







Twitter makes lots of things easy, including hoaxes


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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

It looks like shit is going down at Twitter.



Here's the deal for MAGA people.

If Elon works it out, that's great for MAGA.

If Twitter tanks due to leftist sabotage, that's great for MAGA.



Still, I wish Elon good luck on handling this problem.


We’re not there yet, but if it comes to it, I would hope it plays out a little like this:

Elon: No, Mama!

Mama Musk:  There’s no hope for it now, Elon.  It’s suffering.  You know we’ve got to do it.

Elon:  Yes, Mama.  But it was my company.  I’ll do it.


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It looks like this is a bullshit meme being astro-turfed by lefties and the disgruntled.

And as usual, Elon is having fun with it. I think he even thanked a person who never worked for Twitter (a hoaxer) for agreeing to return and save them all.

I'm not sure, but I think that's what happened.


Elon tweeted this a few hours ago.

Damned if I know what that means in this context.

But I do know what it doesn't mean.

It doesn't mean Twitter is shutting down.



From an hour ago.




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For the few on OL where this flew over your head like it is doing to 90% of Twitter, Elon tweeted this a few days ago.



But since you are here on OL (except for those few), you already know about this.

On 10/30/2022 at 8:46 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Ligma started out (in 2014 from what I read) as one of those stupid things you say to goof on someone. The idea is to say you have a problem with ligma and try to get the person to get closer. And you want the person to ask, "What is ligma?"

Then you yell in his face, "Ligma balls, bitch!"

("Lick my balls, bitch!")


Later a famous video gamer's avatar (Ninja) was said to have died from ligma disease. This meme morphed all over the place and it shows up everywhere in that world.

As to Johnson, everyone knows that a person's Johnson is his penis.

So, in a round-a-about way, the pranksters were saying to the mainstream press, "Ligma Johnson, bitch!"


It's even funnier because none of the cool people in the press got it.



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For capitalism-oriented geeks, here's a look behind the scenes of the chaos.

This is how it works at large corporations run by savvy leaders.


I'm giving the opening tweet of the thread (so you can go there and read the thread if you want), then the text of the tweets in the thread without the bloat.



Oliver Campbell

Alright, I'm going to explain what Elon Musk is likely doing over there at Twitter. This is not a discussion on whether it's RIGHT OR WRONG; just what's happening.

If I'm wrong, I'm sure he'll pop up and say so.

What Elon is engaged in is something called "Whaling and Culling."

. . .

First, the "Whaling":

It's a common refrain that you've probably heard at some point or another "10% of people do 90% of the work." That's what that tight 2 week deadline for Twitter Blue was for; he was perfectly aware that it was an unrealistic time frame. It was a test.

. . .

By pushing for such an extremely tight deadline, Elon got to see who is actually doing work and who is resting on their laurels. Furthermore, it proved who could actually perform under extreme pressure. 

You know, the whole "get this done or you're fired" level of pressure.

. . .

Hence, Elon was looking for the whales at the company. The heavy hitting, actually producing and hard people who have been there for a while. When the whales don't have to carry dead weight, they perform like the equivalent of 10 people.

. . .

Second is the "Culling." When you've got 90% of the people not performing, they're actually negatively impacting the 10% who ARE performing above and beyond. And that's why the layoffs happened. Paraphrased, 'shit is gonna change around here, get on board or get out'

. . .

So by culling unproductive staff, he actually untied the hands of the PRODUCTIVE staff. Fewer obstacles to getting in the way of getting things done. It also revealed to him who was there to make Twitter a better product, versus who was there to be 'activists'.

. . .

So now you've chopped your workforce down to people who actually perform, but they're not enough to run everything. 

This is why after all those people are let go, there's going to be a surprise hiring of a new bunch of people. Why?

. . .

Because the productive people actually know WHAT THEY NEED to get things done. Don't be surprised if the people that are left get to be part of the interviewing process for the new people. They'll be looking for efficiency and people who don't make THEIR jobs more difficult.

. . .

So, when you continually slice away the bad portions of something, all that you're left with is 1 of 2 potential outcomes:

1) Nothing usable. It was rotten at the core.
2) Some substantially good bits you can salvage and build on.

Elon is gambling on 2.

. . .

This is what he was talking about with 'Twitter 2.0.' It's likely not a 'new twitter.' Not for us. It's a new Twitter INTERNALLY. How things get done, how things get rolled out, rebuilding the company with productive and more efficient people.

. . .

What I'm saying is, take a look at the reactions: The people that are staying at twitter are hunkering down and working. The people he let go are the ones calling doom and gloom. And they're not wrong. The way "things were done" is OVER at Twitter.

. . .

So, from the outside, this looks like a giant cluster. 

But it what's going to surprise you is that a great number of businesses are run exactly like this. 

There's a reason layoffs happens every single year across the world. Whaling and culling. Elon is just being VERY VOCAL.

. . .

And like I said at the START OF THIS POST. I didn't say this is RIGHT OR WRONG. Just what is likely happening. 

But if you never thought about it before, now you have something to think about.


Whaling and culling makes sense for large companies, and maybe even for parts of your life and interests.

Just so long as this mentality does not become a thing at the Davos crowd and similar, which I suspect it already has.

They want to whale and cull humanity.

As usual, I with Elon well.

I wish humanity even more well.

Like Oliver Campbell said, now I have something to think about--and keep an eye on.



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I tweeted about 8 hours ago.

When I voted in that poll, Trump was over 59%. A bit earlier (at about a million votes) he was at 62%.

When I tweeted that tweet above, Trump was about 56%.

As of this OL post, he is at 52.3%.


Viva Frei noticed what I did.


However, I noticed something else. For the last 3 hours or more, Trump has been at 52.3%.

This is similar to what the Dems constantly do with Drop and Roll. They make a big jump, then hold the count steady for the rest.

There are still six hours to go, so I don't know if this will hold. According to Elon, there are about one millions votes coming in per hour. Still, it would be a hoot if Elon did a reverse drop and roll on the trolls.



Here's why I think a reverse Drop and Roll thing might be happening.

Elon tweeted this 4 hours ago.

That was about when Trump hit 52.3% and stayed there.



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The final result is in. With over 15 million votes, 51.8% of the people want Trump reinstated on Twitter.

If the poll had gone on for another week, I am sure this would have gone in the other direction.

From 52.3% o 51.8% over millions of votes, I think the Roll (from the Drop and Roll idea) held good, though.


Now for my opinion.

If I were Trump, I would let hell freeze over before I would go back onto Twitter without some kind of ironclad assurance that he would not be removed again. I don't believe that assurance exists. So I would not go back if I were him.

But it was an interesting exercise in testing the narrative put out by the predator class.

The slow descent still stayed over 50% during the time of the poll. That, to me, signifies that Trump's support is far higher than that. The left can't win in this time in history without cheating. The gradual descent in the voting pattern shows that massive cheating was going on. Yet Trump still came out the winner.

I'm glad there was a cut-off time, otherwise, if it had gone on long enough for the results to flip, we would not hear the end of it in the fake news media.


Elon got a lot of free publicity with this poll. And I'm glad for him.

Isn't it odd, though? Even when Trump is not on Twitter, he still manages to be one of the main drivers of audience. They can't stop talking about him over there...



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And lil ole' me chimed in over there.

I would have gotten in at about the first minute instead of 8 minutes later, but I fucked up and tweeted in answer to the first tweet (some dude or other) instead of to Elon.

When I realized it and figured out how to fix it, a few minutes had passed.

Oh well...



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31 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Wait until Alex Jones gets reinstated.

When asked to do that, Musk responded with a simple "No":




This ticked off a lot of people who called him out for double-standards, etc, especially after he decided to reinstate that notorious headhunter Kathy Griffin.  We'll see if it holds up.

Meanwhile, here's the response from Alex Jones himself  (video in tweet):


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I saw all that re Alex Jones happen in real time.

That doesn't mean anything other than Elon doesn't want a full-press mutiny by the leftover woke right now.

Wait until the clamor gets loud enough.

The impact of Elon reinstating Trump's account is going to be massive, whether Trump posts on it or not.

And then it will be time for Alex Jones to reappear. And I know Alex. He will not hesitate.



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Like it or not, this shit is important in today's context.

Elon Musk Reinstates Project Veritas’ Twitter Account


Elon Musk reinstated Project Veritas’ Twitter account on Sunday. Recall, Project Veritas was banned from Twitter in 2021 for reporting the truth on tech censorship. Twitter claimed that the organization violated...


And there's this.



Oh, yeah.

Playful shit between the giants begins.


God knows what Trump is going to come back with, but he's not going to be able to resist.

I bet it will be a doozy.

Like it or not, people have been having a blast unearthing Trump's old tweets and reposting them. He said some funny shit when he was active.

I bet a book or two come out of that.



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On 11/19/2022 at 8:26 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


I saw all that re Alex Jones happen in real time.

That doesn't mean anything other than Elon doesn't want a full-press mutiny by the leftover woke right now.

Wait until the clamor gets loud enough.

The impact of Elon reinstating Trump's account is going to be massive, whether Trump posts on it or not.

And then it will be time for Alex Jones to reappear. And I know Alex. He will not hesitate.



Time will tell...

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Some day people will look at the facts about what happened with Alex and Sandy Hook. For now, all that exists is a media and predator class narrative that is long on opinions and not only short on facts, they are mostly made up.

Hopefully some day Elon will read what happened instead of read about it from people who want to fine Alex trillions of dollars in kangaroo courts.

That ridiculous size of the fine should be the smoke that prompts curiosity for anyone.


Elon has been pretty good so far about cutting though the noise. The huge amount of predator class noise around Alex will take longer to cut through because Alex is highly-effective at moving voters, but I bet Elon does in the end.


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I'm thinking about the Alex Jones situation and I'm thinking we live in good times.

In other times, and in other cultures even right now, after a mob gets ginned up by the predator class in power, Alex would have been executed, burned to a stake, and likely tortured without mercy before he expired.

Instead, he's had the freedom to be creative and build his communications network back. And the big issue is if a billionaire with personal feelings about the propaganda he believes in will let Alex on a social media platform or not.

Good times for real. We don't know how blessed we are.

Any one of us can become a target of predator class propaganda. But here in America and a few other countries, we are free to fight back.

Based on what?

Individual rights.



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4 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I'm thinking about the Alex Jones situation and I'm thinking we live in good times.

In other times, and in other cultures even right now, after a mob gets ginned up by the predator class in power, Alex would have been executed, burned to a stake, and likely tortured without mercy before he expired.

Instead, he's had the freedom to be creative and build his communications network back. And the big issue is if a billionaire with personal feelings about the propaganda he believes in will let Alex on a social media platform or not.

Good times for real. We don't know how blessed we are.

Any one of us can become a target of predator class propaganda. But here in America and a few other countries, we are free to fight back.

Based on what?

Individual rights.




This is why you are our fearless leader!

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