Elon Musk and Twitter

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2 hours ago, ThatGuy said:

Looks like that wasn't the real Lindell account...



You should have seen who was following this account. Lots of heavy hitters. Seriously. At least 20 heavies on the level of Posobiec. That's what convinced me this was a real account.

So we all got played.

Score one for the woke bitches.



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9 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:



You should have seen who was following this account. Lots of heavy hitters. Seriously. At least 20 heavies on the level of Posobiec. That's what convinced me this was a real account.

So we all got played.

Score one for the woke bitches.




A cheap win on their part. Pyrrhic victory.

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Here is Elon Musk branding.

You can almost hear the echoes bouncing around throughout the culture.


Now here is Biden branding for the new Minister of Truth--targeting the young.

This is the lady who Biden appointed as Minister of Truth.

With this branding, how does the cringe factor feel to ya'?

You can almost hear the groans bouncing around throughout the culture.




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Elon Musk Trolls AOC After She Complains About “Some Billionaire with an Ego Problem” Who Controls a Massive Communication Platform


Elon Musk on Friday trolled Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after she complained about “some billionaire with an ego problem” that unilaterally controls a massive platform. “Tired of having to collectively...


Here is just one of the tweets.

🤣 🤣 🤣 


The other tweets are hilarious, too.



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I own a SaaS artificial intelligence writing program called Nichesss (with 3 s's). It's mostly GPT-3, but includes other technologies. But don't worry about the techo-jargon.

This is one of several such programs on the market. It's great for brainstorming, although I haven't had much time yet to mess around with it.

I have developed my own voice and writing style, so I'm super-comfortable with that. Doing something else feels weird. (Ditto for when I try to dictate.) Also, forum writing and emails come quickly to me. Still working on fiction.

In Nichesss (and the other programs), some people take the texts as given and publish them, but the search engine companies have ways to detect this. So users are always advised to rewrite the results.

At any rate, the following came out in the Nichesss Facebook group (here, but you may not be able to see it since this is a closed group). The guy said it's what came out of the machine.


So this is how it really went down, using the Nichesss dialogue tools keeps it real!

Twitter: Hello Mr. Musk. I'm Twitter, CEO Jack Dorsey. I'm calling about your recent offer.

Elon: Yes?

Twitter: We have received a lot of offers from other companies, but yours is truly special.

Elon: How so?

Twitter: Our company is in a very desperate situation. We are losing our users, our advertisers, and our share price is going down. I believe our company is dying. We need someone like you to save us.


I think this might be real, but even if he fudged or was goofing, judging from the laughing and reactions, this is what people are thinking. 


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On 4/29/2022 at 11:41 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Victory is kinda overstating it, doncha think?


They did a prank.

Ho hum...




Then again...

"MyPillow founder Mike Lindell makes brief return to Twitter before being banned again"

From comments section:

@elENoCHle Twitter is not Musk's until shareholders vote. So why would anything change?
The filters they used to slow conservative accounts growth seems to be shut off right now. There are small amounts of changes they're doing in attempts to cover their asses. Undoing bans is not one of them.


ENoCH on Gab: 'MyPillow founder Mike Lindell makes brief return to Twitter before being banned...


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How's this for a plot twist?

Devin Nunes: President Trump Encouraged Elon Musk to Purchase Twitter


Devin Nunes was on with Stuart Varney and he dropped a bomb about Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter.  President Trump encouraged Elon Musk to buy Twitter.  According to Truth Social CEO Devin Nunes...


Here's the video without the article:


TMTG CEO Devin Nunes joins Fox Business’ Stuart Varney to discuss the latest news about Truth Social, on May 4, 2022.


Think about what President Trump did. By encouraging Elon Musk to buy Twitter, he helped sanitize Twitter of a lot of woke before Truth Social goes full on public.

He pulled the teeth right out of one of the main attack organizations that would work towards the failure of Truth Social.

And, from the looks of things, Elon Musk is going to make a crapload of money no matter what happens. So even if the Twitter deal crashes and burns in the end, Twitter Woke will be mortally wounded and Elon Musk will be laughing on the way to the bank. And that's the worst case scenario for Musk.

Man, that is deal-making at its finest...



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On 5/4/2022 at 11:48 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Think about what President Trump did. By encouraging Elon Musk to buy Twitter...

Elon Musk denies this.

Devin Nunes says one thing. Elon Musk says another.

Neither is known for fake news.

This is a tough one.

To speculate, I imagine Trump might have talked about how great it would be for Elon Musk to buy Twitter during a time, people around him enthusiastically agrees, then someone said or kept saying they will get the idea to Musk. But that didn't happen or, if it did, Musk did not pay any attention to it. He has his own inputs to pay attention to.

I imagine something like this happened. I just can't see Nunes or Musk outright lying to the public.

And, let's not forget that they are main competitors.


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Next up in the media.

(Do I sense a professional media person or group? :) )

REVEALED: Elon Musk plans to FIRE 1,000 Twitter staff, quintuple revenue, get 69 million users paying $3 a month and cut reliance on advertising income, presentation to investors shows


Elon Musk plans to quintuple Twitter's revenue to $26.4 billion by 2028. In a pitch deck Musk claimed he would increase Twitter's annual...

The subheads:

  • Elon Musk plans to quintuple Twitter's revenue to $26.4 billion by 2028
  • In a pitch deck Musk claimed he would increase Twitter’s annual revenue to $26.4 billion by 2028, up from $5 billion last year
  • Said he'd cut Twitter’s reliance on ads to less than 50% percent of revenue
  • Musk plans to boost Twitter’s user numbers with services such as Twitter Blue
  • Twitter Blue costs $3-a-month for users to customize their experience
  • Musk expects 69 million users to be using Twitter Blue by 2025

If Musk does all that is in this article, that would be great.

He knows how to put together a business plan and a pitch, that's for sure.


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7 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Next up in the media.

(Do I sense a professional media person or group? :) )

REVEALED: Elon Musk plans to FIRE 1,000 Twitter staff, quintuple revenue, get 69 million users paying $3 a month and cut reliance on advertising income, presentation to investors shows


Elon Musk plans to quintuple Twitter's revenue to $26.4 billion by 2028. In a pitch...

The subheads:

If Musk does all that is in this article, that would be great.

He knows how to put together a business plan and a pitch, that's for sure.


Such an obvious plan… and a very good one.

Anyone who says the mob are addicted to getting online stuff for “free” would right, but I think more people have become addicted to the “stuff” than the “free”…

especially people addicted to social media.  

Is three dollars a month too high for an addiction?  Not even close.  Prices much higher than that have maintained much worse addictions. When it comes to competition between the platforms, whether it’s 1 dollar 5 dollars 4.5 … free.. does not matter…The only issue is who can give the greatest High, free or not that is what the mob is chasing.  

And what gives a greater high… thumb wrestling or no rules fighting in an octagon?

There is no doubt speech will be freer and he will make a ton of money, but can the town square be civil?   Why are (sorry were) real spaces mostly civil… can that be brought into a thriving no holds barred twitter?  Does it need to enable compartmentalization?  Pseudo ownership of virtual private properties… multiple private - public squares?  

Charging money and encouraging free speech are good first moves but it’s only a start.

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I don’t know terribly much about it but on a recent  podcast I saw Adam Curry speaking about podcast2.0 and how their setup allows for peer to peer electronic payments that go directly to the content makers to from viewers/subscribers. It seems like a lot of very small fractional bitcoin transfers based on view time or various other pay structures. 

Perhaps a scheme using that kind of technology could be incorporated into twittering . I bet someone could come up with a good fee structure that could contribute to reinforcing or to establishing a ‘cyber civility ‘. There is probably a scheme incorporating incentives via psychology/game theory through a fee structure that will ‘nudge’ toward civility?

Billions and billions , even trillions, of micro-satoshis and pretty soon yer talking about some real money 😉 

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1 hour ago, tmj said:

It seems like a lot of very small fractional bitcoin transfers based on view time or various other pay structures. 

Perhaps a scheme using that kind of technology could be incorporated into twittering .


Jack Dorsey's first love is not Twitter. It's Bitcoin. Blockchain.

It seems like he and Elon Musk are in cahoots at times, too.


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Steve Bannon was right.

Elon is going to tank the crap out of the Twitter price, then buy it.


As reported earlier by Cassandra Fairbanks — Elon Musk announced that his bid to purchase Twitter is on hold pending more information about how many accounts on the platforms are bots. Twitter shares...

Quoting Bannon from April 27th War Room Show.


Steve Bannon: Tesla has always been not really a company but an idea. I think it trades at something like 30 times sales. It’s something absurd evaluation. That’s why it dropped so much…

Elon Musk today should notify the board of Twitter that he’s out. He’s pulling out. The stock will drop 20%. Because here’s why.

All the cupcakes and all the snowflakes there, the management team. We can’t believe he’s going to come into the building. We’re going to sabotage things. The woman who kicked Trump off and kicked me off is sitting there crying in meetings. The head legal person who made all of these decisions about kicking people off, kicking conservatives off. She made the personal decision about the hard drive from hell of never mentioning it and shutting it down. Her. And she’s got big liabilities. And so you should preserve your documents, maam.

He should pull the bid today, let the stock drop and tell the board, “Hey, since you don’t have another offer, I didn’t like what management said about me. I didn’t like the angle of attack. There’s no competing bid. And here’s what it’s telling you. Since it priced below where the stock traded eight months ago, they don’t even have an operating plan to get the stock back up. Screw Twitter.

Here’s my number. After you have about 500 lawsuits for breaching your fiduciary duty call me back.


The snowflakes of Twitter are playing with the big boys in a grown-up's game.

And they are going to be eaten alive.

The beauty is this has nothing to do with Trump or MAGA. It's the simple reality of business in the billions. Not crony business where the government can pick the winner. Free market business.

Snowflake. Meet reality.

After a short period of unpleasantness, snowflake is heard from no more.


Does anybody doubt Elon Musk knew all this before he made his first offer?

I'm not a big fan of Musk, but he knows how to play the grown-up's game just fine.


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The left does not have a clue who it is messing with.

Billionaires think differently than the left does unless the billionaire got rich through corruption.

Elon does government monkey-business, but he's a producer and a take-no-prisoners cut-throat scrapper. With a hilarious sense of humor.

For example, he came out and said he was going to vote for the GOP. Not 24 hours later, the left was framing him with a sex scandal.

His response?



But this latest should have them worried.

Musk followed with this.

I'm luvin' the show.



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