Fraud and Context in the 2020 USA Elections

Michael Stuart Kelly

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Thanks for the link, William. I seem to remember this so I hope it isn't a duplicate. From Fox News: Former President Donald Trump said in an interview Wednesday that he wanted to join the march to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, but the Secret Service would not allow it due to security issues. In a 45-minute interview at Mar-a-Lago with Washington Post reporter Josh Dawsey, Trump discussed the riot and its build-up. The protests, during which one participant was killed, began after a speech from Trump encouraged thousands of protesters to march to the Capitol – demanding the Senate refuse to certify the election victory of then-President-elect Joe Biden. Trump said the crowd he addressed on the Ellipse was the largest he’d ever spoken to. "Secret Service said I couldn’t go. I would have gone there in a minute," Trump told the Washington Post.

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6 hours ago, william.scherk said:

Trump first spoke publically about his wish to go to the Capitol on January 6 in an interview with the Washington Post; has a variety of reports:


The former president gave a wide-ranging interview at his Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida. Trump blamed the events of Jan. 6 on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of D.C. Trump declined to say if he would...


Trump's wanting to join the march is counter the idea that he anticipated violence ensuing.


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Here is some news the mainstream is trying to avoid.

Breaking: Langlade County Wisconsin Joins Texas and Maricopa County Arizona to Unanimously Reject the Results of 2020 Election


Langlade County Wisonsin became the latest county to unanimously reject the results of the 2020 election based on fraud and illegal activities by election officials in several jurisdictions. Langlade joined...



Langlade County Wisonsin became the latest county to unanimously reject the results of the 2020 election based on fraud and illegal activities by election officials in several jurisdictions.

Langlade joined the State of Texas and Maricopa County Arizona in their recent resolutions to reject the fraudulent results of the 2020 election.

Finally, Langlade County urges all remaining 3,143 US counties to pass similar resolutions.

The sprouts are starting to come up.

Now you can watch it. What's more, the entire crop is growing.

We'll all be able to see the whole thing before too long.



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On 7/1/2022 at 8:27 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The headline is awkwardly worded and could be misread. 

Langlade County has a local Republican party structure (Facebook | Twitter]. This is the statement that was sent out (originating at Ivan Raiklin's Telegram) :


Two names are affixed to the resolution, Terry Brand and Leonard 'Len' Boltz. The 'Executive Committee' of the county GOP party isn't immediately obvious. My question would be -- which of these GOP signatories hold elected office?

Gateway Pundit's story contains a blockquote from HOT Wisconsin [Honest. Open. Transparent'].  Decertification Is Invitable ...


2000 Moscow Mules!




I agree that from small seeds may come mighty flourishing trees.  Is the press release -- from a GOP County party in the middle of Wisconsin -- one of those small seeds, a sign of great things to come?

I am skeptical ...

On 7/1/2022 at 8:27 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The sprouts are starting to come up.

Now you can watch it. What's more, the entire crop is growing.

We'll all be able to see the whole thing before too long.

Can't see the forest for the trees? Can't see the saplings for the forest?  Don't count your seedlings toward log harvest? Don't assume eggs are fertilized? The Hatch Act?

Anyhow, all news is bunk, one might say. The challenge of un-bunking is always present. Seeking to establish the import of this or that claimed fact can consume a lot of mental time.  For example, here is a New York Times story that tries to firm up a scenario of "GOP in Disarray™" in the Forward state.

False claims that Donald J. Trump can be reinstalled in the White House are picking up steam — and spiraling further from reality as they go.


Edited by william.scherk
It's invitable that I would add a free link to the NYT
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In the hidden contents section in the above post , do the copper muggers refute the geo-location info from cell tower pings or just the visual used in the documentary?

It would be one thing if people have proven that the data the documentary is based on is false but whether or not the visuals used for discussing the data was 'accurate' isn't relevant to the data or what the data is claimed to represent.

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2 hours ago, tmj said:


In the hidden contents section in the above post , do the copper muggers refute the geo-location info from cell tower pings or just the visual used in the documentary?

It would be one thing if people have proven that the data the documentary is based on is false but whether or not the visuals used for discussing the data was 'accurate' isn't relevant to the data or what the data is claimed to represent.


After many, many discussions with William, I only give credence to his claims of debunking, etc., after I can verify them. And I don't always look because they always--ALWAYS--come from the corporate legacy media or left-wing outlets. I don't know how many times I have looked for the goods and only found spin, hair-splitting over words and things like that.

After a while, it gets tedious. I mean, how many times was the Russian hoax "proven" or claims against it "debunked" in this manner? That's just one of many examples.

But William loves to do it, so on it goes...


Besides, the theft of the election occurred right out in the open. And we are supposed to find that debatable when we saw it unfold with our own eyes?

Debate is supposed to be for serious topics, not an outright bald-faced lie on one side and a bunch of people afraid of being called non-objective on the other.


But, to look at some shortcomings, I, too have noticed that the proof in 2000 Mules is enhanced for emotional impact and what is shown is scant in terms of what is claimed. I have little doubt there are tons of proof that could have been used but weren't. So the question for me is not whether the election was stolen. It's why didn't they present more evidence since they have so much of it?

And I have a theory about that. (In addition to the filmmaker's unwritten rule that one emotional case followed by reason is worth a million generalizations or daisy-chains of cases--and Dinesh does this emotional case followed by reason well.)

And what is my theory for the scant proof?

I think Dinesh & Co. did a bang-up job of propaganda along with a legal trap. And the emotion covers the trap. 

Here's what I mean. One of the biggest problems in this entire sorry episode has been getting proof into the courts for judicial appreciation. The courts just won't allow it in on one damn technicality after another.

So the movie was made and people are gushing up a storm about all that proof.

In the manner the story was told, and the reactions to the story, do you think it possible for a leftie to overreact and inadvertently prompt a legal event where the proof has to go into the courts from the idiot contesting something? For instance, a judge asks the film people to submit any evidence they have as rebuttal?

Once that happens, I think the people behind the film will reach into their archives, pull out gobs of proof and say, "I'm so glad you asked." :) 

I believe that is part of the show, although nobody will talk about it. I mean, it's not much of a trap if the trap-setters show where the trap is at.



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On 7/3/2022 at 1:21 PM, tmj said:


In the hidden contents section in the above post , do the copper muggers refute the geo-location info from cell tower pings or just the visual used in the documentary?

I woke up stupid today. What do you mean by "copper muggers," please?

The videos in the tweets highlight that in the film we are often looking at a 'reconstruction' or fictionalized recreation or what have you.

In this case, there are actors and mocked-up screens.  The screens are I suppose an iIllustration of elements of Gregg Phillip's data-processing work.  He has described in broad terms what that work consisted of, and that the director (Dinesh D'Souza) uses off-the-shelf graphics packages is not necessarily illicit.

Maybe it's a bit sloppy to grab the first thing in the Adobe package (Moscow) instead of one of the localities that provided geo-location data. 

On 7/3/2022 at 1:21 PM, tmj said:

It would be one thing if people have proven that the data the documentary is based on is false but whether or not the visuals used for discussing the data was 'accurate' isn't relevant to the data or what the data is claimed to represent.

It's a reasonable point -- it's arguable at least. But that brings up the mystery of "the data the documentary is based on."  Gregg Phillips has promised "The Pit," which is a place and an event where he will be sharing data from True the Vote. This has something to do with pulling a ripcord.

A transcribed version of the film is available in three parts.


Edited by william.scherk
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Romney says the return of Trump would ‘feed the sickness, probably rendering it incurable’ Shannon Larson - 1h ago. Republican Senator Mitt Romney of Utah wrote in an essay published July 4 that the nation is suffering from a “malady of denial, deceit, and distrust” that would only heighten if former president Donald Trump returns to power. In a sweeping and critical assessment of both sides of the political spectrum, the former Massachusetts governor warned the divides fracturing the country could lead to “serious consequences” if sound leadership does not emerge to “rise above the din to unite us behind the truth.” “A return of Donald Trump would feed the sickness, probably rendering it incurable,” Romney wrote in The Atlantic. end quote

Gee, I dunno Mitt. If Donald were freely elected in 2024, wouldn’t that be a sign of a more truthy election?

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On 7/5/2022 at 6:24 AM, tmj said:

Moscow Mules are a popular cocktail served in copper mugs.

Two more chapters of the transcribed video:


Then you moved on to Wisconsin, but our initial look was in Milwaukee. Gross numbers were a little down for the average number of visits to...



Who's voting at 3:57 AM with a whole bunch of ballots. And then being able to match that ping where he's standing there to the next place...


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On 7/3/2022 at 12:51 PM, william.scherk said:

Anyhow, all news is bunk, one might say. The challenge of un-bunking is always present. Seeking to establish the import of this or that claimed fact can consume a lot of mental time.

For example,

On 7/4/2022 at 12:36 PM, william.scherk said:
On 7/3/2022 at 1:21 PM, tmj said:

It would be one thing if people have proven that the data the documentary is based on is false but whether or not the visuals used for discussing the data was 'accurate' isn't relevant to the data or what the data is claimed to represent.


It's a reasonable point -- it's arguable at least. But that brings up the mystery of "the data the documentary is based on."  Gregg Phillips has promised "The Pit," which is a place and an event where he will be sharing data from True the Vote. This has something to do with pulling a ripcord.

A transcribed version of the film is available in three parts.

The Pit is happening relatively soon.

Key + key = keez

Edited by william.scherk
Corrections and links to come, thumb typing on mobile phone in the sun, listening to Steve Bannon's podcast
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For proof of cheating and legitimacy, states need to do away with "drop boxes", install camera around voting machines, and have a nearly foolproof method of verifying mail in ballots. I hope others can come up with other methods of keeping American voting legitimate.   

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  • 3 weeks later...


On 7/4/2022 at 12:36 PM, william.scherk said:
On 7/3/2022 at 1:21 PM, tmj said:

It would be one thing if people have proven that the data the documentary is based on is false but whether or not the visuals used for discussing the data was 'accurate' isn't relevant to the data or what the data is claimed to represent.

It's a reasonable point -- it's arguable at least. But that brings up the mystery of "the data the documentary is based on."  Gregg Phillips has promised "The Pit," which is a place and an event where he will be sharing data from True the Vote. This has something to do with pulling a ripcord.


Yesterday was the The Pit, and some of the 'internet sleuths' I hang out with on the Mules file have had some commentary. I won't add that unless asked, as the discussion space over the data promised is very large and contested.

Here is a link to a Rumble page that hosted a fourteen-hour long live feed of the venue that participants gathered at.  The public part of the day-long event has been chopped up into various lengths (and I found them using "the pit rsbn" as the search term to find the two below). The longest excerpt is four plus hours, which tracks with what I was covering.

The first excerpt opens with Christina Bobb, the Trump lawyer at Mar-a-lago during the FBI search and seizure. 


Note: Full event will be uploaded once we receive permission from the event host to air in it's entirety. From the producers of ‘2000 Mules’ brings us ‘The Pit’, an informative strategy session that l

This is six minutes rather than six hours, where Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips give a preview and explain what is going to be happening.


Note: Full event will be uploaded once we receive permission from the event host to air in it's entirety. From the producers of ‘2000 Mules’ brings us ‘The Pit’, an informative strategy session that l


Of note are several websites, projects, public-participation reporting pages and so on that were unveiled at the event. I'll get back here and post that later today.

The room where it happened, shortly before the event stream stopped.



-- found in passing while checking a link at the Wikipedia page on the film "2000 Mules."


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19 hours ago, william.scherk said:

Of note are several websites, projects, public-participation reporting pages and so on that were unveiled at the event. I'll get back here and post that later today.

The central new web address of the True the Vote duo is called Open dot Ink.



I cut about ten minutes out of the presentation where Gregg and Catherine give the lowdown on 2000 Mules and The Pit.


An extract from True the Vote at their Arizona presentation of "The Pit." More links to come ..


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On 7/27/2022 at 1:29 PM, Peter said:

For proof of cheating and legitimacy, states need to do away with "drop boxes", install camera around voting machines, and have a nearly foolproof method of verifying mail in ballots. I hope others can come up with other methods of keeping American voting legitimate.   

The only way forward is declaring 2020 a fraud and dealing with it from that point.

Respectfully, you have commented here previously about just moving on towards 2024 but that will not work.

There has to be consequeces for stealing elections.

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1 hour ago, Marc said:

There has to be consequeces for stealing elections.


Hear, hear!

There would be consequences for me if I stole something.

So what about them is so awesome they become exempt from consequences?

The fact is, there isn't anything. In further fact, they are moral midgets.

I know that's insulting, so my apology to midgets.


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5 hours ago, Peter said:

They prefer to be called, "little people." And don't ever call them munchkins either.


Funny how we accept new words for old words and we all have to accept the new rules yet we cannot call a rigged election anything but the safest and fairest election in mankinds history.


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Steve Bannon is always talking midgets when he talks about Biden's economic people, especially when they give good news announcements.

He says they are always selling the biggest benefits for Americans ever. But once you look at it, they are selling the equivalent of the tallest midget in America.



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