Donald Trump

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I really want to spend more time on this right now, especially to talk about core story, archetypes and persuasion techniques, but I have to do something else on a project. I will get to this good stuff later, I promise.

I do want to mention the following, though, regarding the Alex Jones interview while it is still on my mind. There is a section that will probably cause a momentary cognitive dissonance to most OL readers who watch it, and then the impression will be gone.

It's the part where Jones asked Trump to promise to his audience that he will not be a spoiler, meaning run third party in order to ensure Hillary's election (then collect big-time from a Hillary presidency). Trump was surprised and said he hadn't heard that one for long time, but no problem. He's in it to win it. Then they went on.

I can imagine people thinking, where on earth did that come from?

I am sorry to say that came from Glenn Beck. He and Alex Jones have a nasty rivalry and almost nothing good to say about each other.

Glenn Beck: ‘Spoiler’ Donald Trump Running to Help Hillary Win White House

by Tony Lee

2 Dec 2015


At least Alex did not mention Glenn by name in the interview. But he did allude to Glenn's boneheaded idea.

With every day that passes, I get sadder and sadder about Glenn. I don't mind him disagreeing about Trump, I really don't. I'm a freedom guy, not just in talk, but in intent and action.

I do mind the kind of brainless hatred and blatant propaganda I keep seeing Glenn present about Donald Trump.

I get it that folks have to be a bit outrageous to get attention in a crowded information marketplace, but Glenn is showing himself to be crazier than Alex when he gets on a hate roll.

Alex is merely overly-paranoid when he gets going, but he means well for everyone. I sense something cynical and toxic in Glenn's attempts to manipulate his audience. I don't think he is being honest with his own public.

Alex, love him or hate him or think he's nuts, is honest with his people. If he talks about a conspiracy, it's because he really does believe the little green men are coming. Thankfully, that's not as often as before since Alex is extremely well-sourced.

It's a bummer to have to notice these things because I admire both for what they have built. I used to think Glenn was the more rational one between the two, but now... (er... I think I'll stop right there... :smile: )


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This is the most pitiful "secret confidential memo" that I have ever seen in all my political life.

I have seen some really stupid ones by consultants, however, this one tops them all.

It is so bad that I will not quote from it. Avoid having liquids in your mouth.

Do not read while drinking alcohol or imbibing any types of psychotropics.

Substitute "Ronald Reagan" for Donald Trump and pretend it's 1980.


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I to am saddened.

However, he does have a gene pool that involves suicide and he has been on the other side of nowhere in terms of addiction.


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Has it occurred to anyone that The Donald has been making proposals that are blatantly unconstitutional. For example registering Muslims. That is a head end collision with the First Amendment. Now The Donald wants to be President. To be President one must take an oath or make an affirmation that one will uphold, protect and defend the Constitution. How can one make unconstitutional proposals and keep that oath?

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Has it occurred to anyone that The Donald has been making proposals that are blatantly unconstitutional. For example registering Muslims. That is a head end collision with the First Amendment. Now The Donald wants to be President. To be President one must take an oath or make an affirmation that one will uphold, protect and defend the Constitution. How can one make unconstitutional proposals and keep that oath?

Except for the fact that The Donald did not say anything about registering Muslims and you should ask the Japanese, Italian and German American citizens about how they felt about being "unconstitutionally" registered into Internment Camps.

Also, you should read the Korematsu decision by SCOTUS...

Korematsu v. United States

Korematsu v. United States (1944) was a significant United States Supreme Court case that ruled that the Government’s use of Japanese internment camps during World War II was Constitutional.
This decision, written by Justice Hugo Black, was very controversial because it was the first time the Supreme Court

ruled on racial discrimination based on the strict scrutiny standard. This means that the Supreme Court applied the most stringent interpretation of the law to justify the use of Japanese internment camps as superior to individual


Executive Order 9066, passed in 1942 by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, ordered those with

“Foreign Enemy Ancestry” to be sent to internment camps. Although the

order did not technically name any ethnic groups, this applied to about 12,000

Japanese Americans. The U.S. Government considered these individuals to be of

heightened risk to national security

Facts do matter Bob...


That would be the same Hugo Black that was a lawyer for the Klu Klux Klan in Alabama*


In 1921, Black successfully defended E. R. Stephenson in the sensationalistic trial for the murder of a Catholic priest, Father James E. Coyle. Black joined the Ku Klux Klan shortly after, thinking it necessary for his political career.[12] Running for the Senate as the "people's" candidate, Black believed he needed the votes of Klan members. Near the end of his life, Black would admit that joining the Klan was a mistake, but he went on to say "I would have joined any group if it helped get me votes."[13] Black, along with fellow politician and friend, Bibb Graves, were known in Alabama Klan circles as the Gold Dust Twins.[14]

Scholars and biographers have recently examined Black's religious views. Ball finds regarding the Klan that Black "sympathized with the group's economic, nativist, and anti-Catholic beliefs."[15] Newman says Black "disliked the Catholic Church as an institution" and gave numerous anti-Catholic speeches in his 1926 election campaign to Ku Klux Klan meetings across Alabama.[16] In 1937 The Harvard Crimson reported on Black's appointment of a Jewish law clerk, noting that he "earlier had appointed Miss Annie Butt, a Catholic, as a secretary, and the Supreme Court had designated Leon Smallwood, a Negro and a Catholic as his messenger."[17]

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Has it occurred to anyone that The Donald has been making proposals that are blatantly unconstitutional.  For example registering Muslims.


Except for the fact that The Donald did not say anything about registering Muslims...




Adam's right.


Here's a pretty good breakdown on how that rumor got started and perpetuated:


Limbaugh, Levin defend Trump against ‘Muslim database’ media smear


If you don't want to read it, basically Trump did a speech in Iowa at the end of a long grueling day, then went into a line to autograph books. He was tired. A reporter asked him leading questions about registering Muslims, basically trying to put words in his mouth, but that had nothing to do with anything he talked about. It was something new the reporter was proposing in an offhand manner (going for a gotcha). Trump thought the reporter was asking in an odd manner for details about the Mexican border wall and controlling immigration and things like that.


If you watch the video, it's pretty clear he didn't understand what the reporter was asking. So he declared we will have many systems, and we have to have a border, a wall, etc. Then the reporter asked if that was something his White House would implement. He said, "Absolutely."


He was talking about the wall, not forcing Muslims to register in an ethnic database. But the media went gotcha apeshit.


What a bunch of dorks the mainstream media folks are. 




And they wonder why they have lost so much credibility. 


But read the article at the link, which has the video. No, let me help you. Here is the video:



Educate thyself, man. This has been widely debunked. In fact, this was soundly debunked a couple of weeks ago and only minor media hacks repeat it anymore. I'm surprised you aren't aware of this.


If you keep believing that mainstream media spin is fact, you will end up voting for Hillary as the beacon of freedom and capitalism, then need Newspeak deprogramming.


In fact, let's get started. Repeat after me:


"War is peace," "freedom is slavery," and "ignorance is strength" are contradictions.

"War is peace," "freedom is slavery," and "ignorance is strength" are contradictions.

"War is peace," "freedom is slavery," and "ignorance is strength" are contradictions.

"War is peace," "freedom is slavery," and "ignorance is strength" are contradictions.

"War is peace," "freedom is slavery," and "ignorance is strength" are contradictions.

"War is peace," "freedom is slavery," and "ignorance is strength" are contradictions...


And they remain contradictions even if you hear them on TV and read them in the press.





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For the Trump supporters a quick question: would he still be as successful without the boorishness?* Or is that part of the package, more or less?

*"I know more about ISIS than the Generals do, I have one of the world's great memories, etc." [sorry if these aren't exact quotes].

Not a Trump supporter here ( I like the capitalist , not the politician ) .

I see that the package he is showing is obviously to play the game ( like all good politicians do ) . The only issue is that the game really aint about polls in December , its about reality in a few months .

Getting folks all jazzed up about hype will most certainly work as it has done . DT knows his shit !!!!!!

Winning the primaries , when voters have to actually go and vote - will prove this thread incorrect

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Part of it's all those magnificent buildings...

Boorishness (if that's the right term) doesn't build them.


A boorish builder or a polite community organizer?

Gimme the builder.

The other's a loser.


(Besides, if I remember correctly, you are a Sarah Palin... ahem... fan... :smile: So don't forget that Trump is going to put Palin in his cabinet... Just sayin' so you'll sleep well... :smile: )


Building buildings has nothing to do with his claimed secret for defeating ISIS or bragging about his memory. I was actually addressing the issue of the "hidden technique" the Dilbert guy claims that Trump is using--i.e., the functional equivelent of hypnotism.

In other words, is his boorishness (outlandishness?) part of the success of this technique? I genuinely wonder. As a trial lawyer, this would be a fascinating thing to know, since my experience with juries (also called voters...) is quite the opposite.

[No, I was not a Palin fan, by the way--although I think she was very unfairly treated. But that's neither here nor there.]

The reason I ask is that I think Trump would have even more supporters were it not for this temperamental quirk. But--perhaps this is the secret of the technique--without the boorishness/outlandishness, he would lose even more supporters.

DT knows his stuff- no doubt and I agree with you about the " buildings vs actually attempting to be POTUS " . He probably would be a good President but the issue here really has been if he could win the Presidency . Obviously a resounding no .

I believe that he is maximizing everything and his approach is to do just that , and sweep into office on the hype he has created . God Bless him and the strategy which is achieving what he has desired from day 1 .

He wants to King maker , he will be King maker .

As our beloved and respected leader stated often here - he is a deal maker .

The deal is getting closer and I can very confidently state that very shortly a " black swan " will appear and regardless what it is , who created it , or the circumstances - his poll numbers will plummet ( remember folks , this aint a baseball game and Trump is up 27 -2 in the 8th , politics don't work like that ) . At that point and probably well as Trump has his ears to the pulse of the nation - Trump will make a deal and then he will make his announcement , make his deal and go back to his work that he loves . Best thing is that he will have a POTUS in his pocket .

That is his strategy .

President Donald Trump .

No , he aint Ronald Reagan and he aint the Governor of California so I don't really care about the Reagan comparisons .

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I was not comparing Herman to Donald, but rather the idea of coming up with a specific plan which can be torn to shreds. Herman’s plan was hypothetical so my suggestion to Trump is to NOT be specific about a planned policy if it has not been vetted by experts. Trump’s tax plan seemed quite doable if I remember correctly with no major flaws. I guess I am also against catch phrases like 999 which can be flipped to make a candidate sound shallow.

Yes, Trump's election team is doing good in the primaries, so far, but what about the general election? Does his early success translate to the general election?


When The Donald wins the 2016 Presidential election, if it is against Evita, I fully expect you to say, "OK, so now that "he" got elected, does that success translate to being a successful President?

And on and on we go...

Excellent point ! As for the chefs here checking recipes for crow , I am expecting something like

" Trump only bowed out because blah blah blah "

" Yeah , but he would have won if etc etc etc "

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For the Trump supporters a quick question: would he still be as successful without the boorishness?* Or is that part of the package, more or less?

*"I know more about ISIS than the Generals do, I have one of the world's great memories, etc." [sorry if these aren't exact quotes].

Not a Trump supporter here ( I like the capitalist , not the politician ) .

I see that the package he is showing is obviously to play the game ( like all good politicians do ) . The only issue is that the game really aint about polls in December , its about reality in a few months .

Getting folks all jazzed up about hype will most certainly work as it has done . DT knows his shit !!!!!!

Winning the primaries , when voters have to actually go and vote - will prove this thread incorrect

Just for the record, The Donald does not have to win Iowa outright, he needs to be in the top three.

He will win New Hampshire and dominate in South Carolina and then it will get very interesting...


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The deal is getting closer and I can very confidently state that very shortly a " black swan " will appear and regardless what it is , who created it , or the circumstances - his poll numbers will plummet ( remember folks , this aint a baseball game and Trump is up 27 -2 in the 8th , politics don't work like that ) . At that point and probably well as Trump has his ears to the pulse of the nation - Trump will make a deal and then he will make his announcement , make his deal and go back to his work that he loves . Best thing is that he will have a POTUS in his pocket .



You mean a "black crow" will appear?


Well, the magic crow Hail Mary pass theory is about the only thing left because Trump's support keeps getting stronger and stronger.


On a more serious note, the shooting in San Bernardino practically elected him. Just watch...


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The deal is getting closer and I can very confidently state that very shortly a " black swan " will appear and regardless what it is , who created it , or the circumstances - his poll numbers will plummet ( remember folks , this aint a baseball game and Trump is up 27 -2 in the 8th , politics don't work like that ) . At that point and probably well as Trump has his ears to the pulse of the nation - Trump will make a deal and then he will make his announcement , make his deal and go back to his work that he loves . Best thing is that he will have a POTUS in his pocket .



You mean a "black crow" will appear?


Well, the magic crow Hail Mary pass theory is about the only thing left because Trump's support keeps getting stronger and stronger.


On a more serious note, the shooting in San Bernardino practically elected him. Just watch...


Intriguing hints from Marc. Marc--do you have confidence based on a hunch, or based on facts? Your comment has the whiff of a hunch.*

*If the Black Swan event involves any combination of two words that have "Mitt" and "Romney" in them, I am giving up all hope for the Republic and officially moving to Costa Rica to set up an elaborate Nozickean voluntary community with me as the Benevolent Dictator, George Smith as the Spriitual Director, and Wolf as the Chief Justice of the voluntary court system. Hopefully Adam can provide some "muscle" where needed. :laugh:

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The deal is getting closer and I can very confidently state that very shortly a " black swan " will appear and regardless what it is , who created it , or the circumstances - his poll numbers will plummet ( remember folks , this aint a baseball game and Trump is up 27 -2 in the 8th , politics don't work like that ) . At that point and probably well as Trump has his ears to the pulse of the nation - Trump will make a deal and then he will make his announcement , make his deal and go back to his work that he loves . Best thing is that he will have a POTUS in his pocket .



You mean a "black crow" will appear?


Well, the magic crow Hail Mary pass theory is about the only thing left because Trump's support keeps getting stronger and stronger.


On a more serious note, the shooting in San Bernardino practically elected him. Just watch...


Intriguing hints from Marc. Marc--do you have confidence based on a hunch, or based on facts? Your comment has the whiff of a hunch.*

*If the Black Swan event involves any combination of two words that have "Mitt" and "Romney" in them, I am giving up all hope for the Republic and officially moving to Costa Rica to set up an elaborate Nozickean voluntary community with me as the Benevolent Dictator, George Smith as the Spriitual Director, and Wolf as the Chief Justice of the voluntary court system. Hopefully Adam can provide some "muscle" where needed. :laugh:

Never a problem, count us in...

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To Ba'al, I heard something the other day about how people are granted refugee status. They are asked their religion if they claim their religion is being persecuted in another country. When you go into the military you check a box for your religion or lack of and tell them if you want a priest or rabbi if you are wounded or killed. And it is the same if you go into the hospital. The difference with is casting a sinister light on a rational process and comparing it to Nazi Germany. That is not Trump's plan. France just closed some radical mosques. Closed for good. Is that a bad thing? I just saw the last mass murderers were Muslims in San Bernadino.


I received the following in my inbox. I think Paul Ryan is starting out well.

PAUL RYAN'S PROPOSED BUDGET CUTS. A List of Republican Budget Cuts. Notice S.S. And the military are NOT on this list. These are all the programs that the new Republican House has proposed cutting.
* Corporation for Public Broadcasting Subsidy -- $445 million annual savings.
* Save America 's Treasures Program -- $25 million annual savings.
* International Fund for Ireland -- $17 million annual savings.
* Legal Services Corporation -- $420 million annual savings.
* National Endowment for the Arts -- $167.5 million annual savings.
* National Endowment for the Humanities -- $167.5 million annual savings.
* Hope VI Program -- $250 million annual savings.
* Amtrak Subsidies -- $1.565 billion annual savings.
* Eliminate duplicating education programs -- H.R. 2274 (in last Congress), authored by Rep. McKeon , eliminates 68 at a savings of $1.3 billion annually.
* U.S. Trade Development Agency -- $55 million annual savings.
* Woodrow Wilson Center Subsidy -- $20 million annual savings.
* Cut in half funding for congressional printing and binding -- $47 million annual savings.
* John C. Stennis Center Subsidy -- $430,000 annual savings.
* Community Development Fund -- $4.5 billion annual savings.
* Heritage Area Grants and Statutory Aid -- $24 million annual savings.
* Cut Federal Travel Budget in Half -- $7.5 billion annual savings
* Trim Federal Vehicle Budget by 20% -- $600 million annual savings.
* Essential Air Service -- $150 million annual savings.
* Technology Innovation Program -- $70 million annual savings.
*Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Program -- $125 million annual savings..
* Department of Energy Grants to States for Weatherization -- $530 million annual savings.
* Beach Replenishment -- $95 million annual savings.
* New Starts Transit -- $2 billion annual savings.
* Exchange Programs for Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and Their Historical Trading Partners in Massachusetts -- $9 million annual savings
* Intercity and High Speed Rail Grants -- $2.5 billion annual savings.
* Title X Family Planning -- $318 million annual savings.
* Appalachian Regional Commission -- $76 million annual savings.
* Economic Development Administration -- $293 million annual savings.
* Programs under the National and Community Services Act -- $1.15 billion annual savings.
* Applied Research at Department of Energy -- $1.27 billion annual savings.
* Freedom CAR and Fuel Partnership -- $200 million annual savings..
* Energy Star Program -- $52 million annual savings.
*Economic Assistance to Egypt -- $250 million annually.
* U.S.Agency for International Development -- $1.39 billion annual savings.
* General Assistance to District of Columbia -- $210 million annual savings.
* Subsidy for Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority -- $150 million annual savings.
*Presidential Campaign Fund -- $775 million savings over ten years.
* No funding for federal office space acquisition -- $864 million annual savings.
* End prohibitions on competitive sourcing of government services.
* Repeal the Davis-Bacon Act -- More than $1 billion annually.
* IRS Direct Deposit: Require the IRS to deposit fees for some services it offers (such as processing payment plans for taxpayers) to the Treasury, instead of allowing it to remain as part of its budget -- $1.8 billion savings over ten years.
*Require collection of unpaid taxes by federal employees -- $1 billion total savings. WHAT'S THIS ABOUT?
* Prohibit taxpayer funded union activities by federal employees -- $1.2 billion savings over ten years.
* Sell excess federal properties the government does not make use of -- $15 billion total savings.
*Eliminate death gratuity for Members of Congress. WHAT???
* Eliminate Mohair Subsidies -- $1 million annual savings.
*Eliminate taxpayer subsidies to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change -- $12.5 million annual savings. WELL ISN'T THAT SPECIAL
* Eliminate Market Access Program -- $200 million annual savings.
* USDA Sugar Program -- $14 million annual savings.
* Subsidy to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) -- $93 million annual savings.
* Eliminate the National Organic Certification Cost-Share Program -- $56.2 million annual savings.
*Eliminate fund for Obamacare administrative costs -- $900 million savings.
* Ready to Learn TV Program -- $27 million savings..
* HUD Ph.D. Program.
* Deficit Reduction Check-Off Act.
*TOTAL SAVINGS: $2.5 Trillion over Ten Years

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Michael wrote: On a more serious note, the shooting in San Bernardino practically elected him. Just watch...
end quote

I agree with Michael. This is Donald Trump your next President. I was just at Mazzola’s Bakery on Union Street in Brooklyn today. What great bread. I like it plain and I like it with salami and cheese baked into it.

What’s going on today? Well, Paul Ryan is growing a beard. It makes him look tougher. Way to go Paul . . . Bunyon. And what’s wrong with Obama? Is he deranged? I’m just sayin’. He says these mass murders are because of too many guns. So let me get this straight, Barry. If we take away guns from law abiding citizens that will stop terrorist attacks? I don’t think so. Barry’s gotta problem with Muslims. He can’t tell it like it is. It’s Muslims killing us. And blacks. Let’s take the guns away from the Muslim terrorists and black gangsters. Will that solve the problem? It’s a step in the right direction but we must kill every bleeping terrorist in the world. Let’s take it to them. I’m just sayin.

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I didn't even think of the following. Remember the deformed reporter Trump mocked (without realizing it)?


Well, it turns out Serge Kovaleski is not spastic. But spastic is the form of mockery Trump used. I think he was trying to portray a brain-dead zombie or something like that.


Like me, I bet a lot of people presumed Kovaleski was spastic because of all his sanctimonious defenders holding him up as a victim.


See for yourself and see what you think:



With defenders like the mainstream press, who needs enemies? Especially if you are handicapped.


Shame on them!


btw - I got this video off a very good article on Trump on Breitbart (that he tweeted about): Robert Davi: Donald Trump is the John Wayne of Politics.



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I assume Trump does this sort of thing very much on purpose. Perfection? Does anybody's medical report show "perfection"?

Most 69-year old men talk about their health in ways other than this. This behavior is almost clownish.

I am still interested in why this "hidden technique" seems to work. Is my assumption correct that this is on purpose, or is he just an unrestrained braggart?

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I assume Trump does this sort of thing very much on purpose. Perfection? Does anybody's medical report show "perfection"?

Most 69-year old men talk about their health in ways other than this. This behavior is almost clownish.

I am still interested in why this "hidden technique" seems to work. Is my assumption correct that this is on purpose, or is he just an unrestrained braggart?

It's just medical ignorance. We can assume, however, that he doesn't have BPH, high blood pressure or any disease diagnosis.

Because of what happened in southern CA his campaign is getting and will continue to get stronger going into the primaries.

Just as the voters excused Clinton lying in 1992 and Obama incompetence and personal and professional opacity in 2008 and 2012, they'll forgive Trump for whatever--to a point (but a very big point).


Trump being Trump will not de-trump Trump--that almost happened when he took "the pledge" and he seemed to stop being himself

there is going to be a large Democratic cross-over vote and many of those will be happier to vote for Trump than any other Republican

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The deal is getting closer and I can very confidently state that very shortly a " black swan " will appear and regardless what it is , who created it , or the circumstances - his poll numbers will plummet ( remember folks , this aint a baseball game and Trump is up 27 -2 in the 8th , politics don't work like that ) . At that point and probably well as Trump has his ears to the pulse of the nation - Trump will make a deal and then he will make his announcement , make his deal and go back to his work that he loves . Best thing is that he will have a POTUS in his pocket .



You mean a "black crow" will appear?


Well, the magic crow Hail Mary pass theory is about the only thing left because Trump's support keeps getting stronger and stronger.


On a more serious note, the shooting in San Bernardino practically elected him. Just watch...


Intriguing hints from Marc. Marc--do you have confidence based on a hunch, or based on facts? Your comment has the whiff of a hunch.*

*If the Black Swan event involves any combination of two words that have "Mitt" and "Romney" in them, I am giving up all hope for the Republic and officially moving to Costa Rica to set up an elaborate Nozickean voluntary community with me as the Benevolent Dictator, George Smith as the Spriitual Director, and Wolf as the Chief Justice of the voluntary court system. Hopefully Adam can provide some "muscle" where needed. :laugh:

Can I be the Lotto and Banking Scams Administrator?


P.S. Speaking of Hail Marys, did you you watch the Packer game last night? Unfuckingbelievable!

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Yeah, I watched the game. The better team won. They shouldn't have won but that's why you never give up. The face mask call was correct, slight as it was it was. Essentially the Packers spotted the Lions at least two touchdowns to start. Doing that they had no right to win for that kind of slop shouldn't happen at that level of play.


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Adam wrote, “Peter...You are not funny.” Adam, I know. Sheesh. I misspelled bakery but I got the name right otherwise. I had a piece of the plain Italian last night with butter. The bag says, “Hot bread every hour,” but of course by the time I got it home it was room temperature. It seems to have a different yeasty taste that I love. Ah, Brooklyn. I think Donald should show up unannounced and have his picture taken at Mazzola's Bakery, and get a loaf of bread.

And I should not have said “And blacks” in a general sense but rather “black gangsters.” So let me rewrite it.

This is your next President, Donald Trump. What’s wrong with Obama? Is he deranged? I’m just sayin’. He says these mass murders are because of too many guns. So let me get this straight, Barry. If we take away guns from law abiding citizens that will stop terrorist attacks? I don’t think so. Barry’s gotta problem with Muslims. He can’t tell it like it is. I think his childhood indoctrination as a Muslim deranged his mind. It’s Muslims killing us. Let’s take the guns away from the Muslim terrorists and black gangsters. Will that solve the problem? It’s a step in the right direction. We are at war. And we should kill the family’s of Muslim terrorists. I’m just sayin.

How’s that? Does that not reflect things Trump has said? Ain't that funny because Trump IS funny. It's his tactic.

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I assume Trump does this sort of thing very much on purpose. Perfection? Does anybody's medical report show "perfection"?

This is quite smart of The Donald because Evita is his most probable opponent in the general election and her health is a key issue and The Donald knows it.


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