Donald Trump

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There are some totally nude photos of Trump's wife on the internet. I hope there are no X rated pictures or movies out there in tomorrowland. It would be a disaster if the President could be blackmailed. I had seen some of her in bikinis and nearly clothed but these were fully nude. She is definitely Playboy Magazine worthy and I guess she is married to a playboy. Did anyone else see some deceit on her part in the interview? When she was talking about how they met, I think she was less than candid, so I immediately jumped to the conclusion that she was looking to hook up with a rich guy. Of course women looking for successful men is perfectly fine I suppose.


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Produce the "totally nude" pictures and or a source.


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Trump mentioned in Brussels martial law news:

Belgian Interior Minister Jan Jambon told reporters he wanted a register of everyone living in Molenbeek [an Islamic ghetto near downtown Brussels] because it was not clear at present who was there, with authorities conducting door-to-door checks of every house. "The local administration should knock on every door and ask who really lives there," Jambon said. Curiously when Donald Trump suggests doing something comparable in the US, immediate comparisons with Hitler emerge.


Sounds like a scene out of the movie - District 9

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When the mainstream media starts doing the following, you know the players are hurting.

Below is a collection of headlines from my Google News feed just now. This collection is in order of appearance. Normally there are some good stories about Trump in the feed, but this time, the sheer number of leftie and establishment Republican smear attempts crowded out all the objective news.

I'm not giving links, but if you copy/paste any of these headlines, you will get the story.

Donald Trump's 9/11 celebration claim widely disputed

Donald Trump Suggests He Is Open to Independent Bid
Wall Street Journal

Dear Media, Stop Freaking Out About Donald Trump's Polls

Donald Trump embraces open racism.
New Republic

Donald Trump is constantly lying
Washington Post

Poll: Clinton tops Trump, GOP field on handling terror
CNN International

Donald Trump Steals From His Attacks on Jeb Bush to Hit Hillary Clinton’s ‘Stamina’
New York Times

Finally a couple of more neutral headlines:

Columbus and Team Kasich prepare for Donald Trump: Ohio Politics Roundup

The Anatomy of a Donald Trump Rally
ABC News

Then back to business:

My Morning Advice: Don't Talk About Taking Down Donald Trump. Just Take Him Down.
Mother Jones

And so it goes...


For Trump-haters, enjoy. But be advised these are mostly false or overly-spun stories. They don't represent criticism of reality, just name-calling like a little bitch.

And that's kinda funny. I used to think of the mainstream media like an evil covert manipulation machine. Now I think of it like a little crybaby bitch.



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The Donald's campaign to make America Great Again ... launched Instagram attack on Evita...

The Evita vid is in the link above ...

Trump uses Instagram’s video feature more than almost any other candidate. In addition to short mash-ups like the anti-Clinton reel (here’s one featuring President Obama), he records himself speaking directly to the camera, issuing punchy talking points on the controversy of the day. His latest is about refugees (watch it here), and it received more than 25,000 likes. That’s a pretty impressive haul for something that took only a few minutes to record.

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Trump punks the media again.

Regardless of how the Wapo dude, Glenn Kessler, tries to sound more objective in updates to the following article, he will not get the taste of the following out of the public's mouth.

Please note the dates:

Trump’s outrageous claim that ‘thousands’ of New Jersey Muslims celebrated the 9/11 attacks
by Glenn Kessler
Washington Post
November 22, 2015

And the following article:

Northern New Jersey Draws Probers' Eyes
by Serge F. Kovaleski and Fredrick Kunkle
Washington Post
September 18, 2001

From that article:

In Jersey City, within hours of two jetliners' plowing into the World Trade Center, law enforcement authorities detained and questioned a number of people who were allegedly seen celebrating the attacks and holding tailgate-style parties on rooftops while they watched the devastation on the other side of the river.

Now, what is the taste in the public's mouth?

It's this.

How can the Washington Post say that Trump's statement was outrageous when this very newspaper published about it back in 2001? The article in the first link is from the "Fact Checker" section of WaPo, yet the staff of this division didn't bother fact-checking their own goddam newspaper.

Even if Trump exaggerated a little about the numbers, he didn't lie about what happened. You know what that means?

In the mind of the independent public, the mainstream press is taking another serious credibility hit. Don't forget all of the other outlets echoed WaPo's "outrageous" thing against Trump, doing a pile-on rampage.

Poor idiots, they can't help themselves, especially since they have leftie and establishment Republican masters cracking the whip over them saying, "Take Trump out."

But they don't get it. It's like Rush Limbaugh always says, the media didn't make Trump, so it can't take Trump out. Only Trump will be able to take Trump out. (Then, should that ever occur, the media can and will have a party. But that won't ever happen. :smile: )

The idea that "gotcha" journalism, spin and editorial comments can damage Trump has even penetrated into O-Land and back to the mainstream. For example, Irfan Khawaja is trying to get in on the action. His "Trump is Lying" blog post is linked in the WaPo "fact-checking" article above by Kessler. (Also linked was an article Khawaja co-wrote back in 2005 for a book called "Rumor Mills").

What these people don't understand is that the public is not stupid, but the public simply does not believe a word the spin-doctors write. Nowadays, the public thinks of the mainstream press only as spin, not news.

And they did this to themselves.

Trump knows how to use it, too. He just tweeted and made a Facebook post showing the 2001 WaPo article, saying he wants an apology. That's just 3 hours ago and there are thousands and thousands of people already liking and sharing this demand. They are lathered up and this will spread even more like wildfire.

So I believe he will get his apology. And for any embarrassed holdouts, he will get it from them, too, once they start having difficulty booking him and their competitors, who will be able to book him, get the ratings.

Total punk by Trump.

Total punk of the mainstream.

Did I hear someone say the mainstream news media is run and operated by morons?

Dayaamm! I thought I heard that... Must be imagining things...



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If this young lady checks out, The Donald should make some kind of event and present her with an award, or, recognition...

( -- A local high school cheerleading captain was disciplined after she sent out a tweet about illegal immigrants.

She says it was a political statement, not a racial one! FOX25 spoke with the teen who says she was taking a page from Donald Trump. Caley Godino is a senior at Revere High School and she says part of their homework is to watch these presidential debates and her tweet was simply about a hot button issue in the headlines.

"When only 10 percent of Revere votes for mayor cause the other 90 percent isn't legal," Godino said in the tweet.

More thought control.

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Trump's media punk is even worse than I thought.

He is getting swamped with people tweeting, on Facebook, email, etc., saying they also saw Americans celebrating when the World Trade Center got knocked down.

Right or wrong, one thing is clear. The media is not only losing it's credibility, people are expressing that it is irrelevant.


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Keep this a secret Michael...

November poll results on Massachusetts Primary(s):

Pretty detailed poll. The Republican numbers are on page(s) 4 and 5:

Trump 32%
Rubio 18%
Cruz 10%
Bush 07%
Carson 05%
Fiorina 04%
Christie 04%
Kasich 02%
Paul 01%

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I don't know how long the mainstream media is going to be able to keep the following up, but a nasty backlash is going to be the result. Just wait and see.

Once again, this is my Google news feed for today for the keyword "Donald Trump":

How to Beat Donald Trump
The Atlantic

In Renovation of Golf Club, Donald Trump Also Dressed Up History

Seth Meyers shreds Donald Trump: He's no longer funny, he's dangerous
Business Insider

Trump Says He Can Predict Terrorism: 'I Can Feel It'

Morning Plum: The liberal media plot to keep Donald Trump down
Washington Post (blog)

Why Fascist Is the Term That Best Describes Donald Trump
Slate Magazine

Trump Says He Can Predict Terrorism: 'I Can Feel It'

Lawrence O'Donnell Blasts TV Media For Not Calling Donald Trump A Liar
Huffington Post

Young Muslim writes defiant letter to Donald Trump

A Definitive Debunking of Donald Trump's 9/11 Claims
New York Times

Donald Trump's Shortcuts and Salesmanlike Stretches
New York Times

The Case For Donald Trump Being a Liar Is Overwhelming
Mother Jones

John Kasich Video Links Donald Trump To Nazi Germany
Huffington Post

Donald Trump, GOP Are Running on Fear
U.S. News & World Report

The Thing Donald Trump Hates Most About Obama
GQ Magazine

Rosie O'Donnell calls Donald Trump's campaign 'a nightmare'
Entertainment Weekly

Donald Trump is the last person on earth who gives a sh*t about who Time’s person of the year is

I have tried to get my Google feed to reflect a balanced view, but it keeps defaulting to this. So it seems like there are some election politics monkeyshines going on at Google right now. Google tells me this is a feed chosen by an algorithm, but it doesn't tell me why that "algorithm" has and keeps such a political bias. :smile:

Unbelievably, here's an article from WaPo yesterday. Just look at the headline!

Why the media won't say Donald Trump is lying

by Philip Bump

November 24
Washington Post

Oddly enough, that article is not half-bad. But Bump destroys it with that headline. His real message, the message in his article, is that the media should not call Trump a liar right out of the gate when there could be doubt if he made a mistake since this is discrediting the media. But his headline says the media "won't" call Trump a liar.

People who look at that in a newsfeed wonder where in hell the reporter has been. And if he reads the news at all.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Trump's support numbers are growing...

And the mainstream media's credibility numbers are tanking...



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Here's a pretty good article that is relevant to this newsfeed thing.

Obviously, I didn't get this off my Google newsfeed. I got it off of Drudge.

Plan A for GOP donors: Wait for Trump to fall. (There is no Plan B.)
by Matea Gold and Robert Costa
November 25, 2015
Washington Post

From the article:

As the combative mogul enters his fifth month at the top of the GOP presidential field, attempts to derail him remain anemic, underfunded and unfocused — and they are likely to stay that way until the Iowa caucuses in less than 10 weeks.

Most of the party’s financiers and top strategists are sitting on the sidelines. Many are reluctant to spend money against Trump after watching others fumble as they tried to handle his counter-punches. Others, citing past elections, remain confident that the race will eventually pivot away from him early next year.

The political network backed by the billionaire Koch brothers has no plans to take on Trump. American Crossroads, the super PAC co-founded by strategist Karl Rove, is steering clear and fixated on Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton instead. Right to Rise, the super PAC backing Jeb Bush, is not gearing up to attack Trump either. And major Republican donors such as hedge-fund manager Paul Singer and the Ricketts family have shown no interest in supporting the few organizations trying to undercut him.

“It is probably accurate to say there is very little money for these endeavors,” said Liz Mair, a Republican consultant who recently started an anti-Trump group called Trump Card. “Our group has donors and money, but it’s not like we have hundreds of people.”

. . .

The absence of a big-money response to Trump is especially striking, given the mounting anxiety among GOP leaders about his lasting dominance in the race and his accumulation of incendiary statements. Some also are wary of trying to short-circuit him in a year when anger toward elites is boiling over.

. . .

The fear of Trump bolting the party to run as an independent hovers as well. Trump has repeatedly warned that if he is provoked and not treated “fairly,” he may reconsider his pledge to support whoever wins the Republican nomination.

. . .

It’s a starkly different scenario from four years ago, when a super PAC backing Mitt Romney plowed millions into TV ads hitting former House speaker Newt Gingrich (Ga.) as he began to ascend.

. . .

Another reason wealthy donors are holding back: a widespread conclusion that it is futile to try to dislodge the New York billionaire, who has successfully parried nearly every attack.

“I’m not sure someone wouldn’t do better to take their money and throw it off a tall building,” said Henry Barbour, a Mississippi-based operative who is unaligned with any of the campaigns. “I think the voters who are for Trump are not going to move off from Trump.”

. . .

Trump’s non-traditional campaign has left his opponents rattled. He has largely avoided paid ads and instead harnessed the enormous amount of free airtime he garners. He uses media coverage to drive an attack through multiple news cycles until it becomes a narrative, such as his constant swipes at Bush as “low energy.”

Some Republican campaign veterans are puzzled that no clear opposition to Trump has formed. The only significant effort was mounted by the conservative Club for Growth, which spent more than $1 million on ads in Iowa attacking the real estate tycoon; Trump remains on top there in the latest polls.

. . .

The latest attempt to go after Trump is coming from New Day for America, a pro-Kasich super PAC that paid for this week’s Web video and airplane banner in Ohio. The organization began running a television ad in New Hampshire last week featuring a photo of Trump, President Obama and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who also is seeking the GOP nomination, that warns that “on-the-job training for president does not work.” It’s part of $2.5 million the group said it plans to spend in the state to drive down Trump’s support.

. . .

After the super PAC announced the anti-Trump campaign, the general counsel of the Trump Organization sent a letter to Kasich and the group’s strategists threatening to take legal action if the ads contained defamatory material.

Fred Davis, the GOP admaker crafting the super PAC’s spots, said the missive is an example of why more donors are not stepping forward to take on Trump.“I think the reason people are hesitant is that he’s a bully,” he said.

In a statement, Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks called Davis “a typical consultant who works for the highest bidder.”

. . .

Radio host Rush Limbaugh poked fun this week at the muddled anti-Trump movement. “Many in the Republican Party are just beside themselves now,” he said on his syndicated show Tuesday. “They don’t know what to do. They’re still in denial that, ‘This isn’t real, that Trump’s going to be off and doing something else once the year turns and he’s bored and made his point. He’ll go back to TV.’ ”

He went on to mock the Kasich super PAC ad, saying: “They’re wasting their money, but it’s their money to waste.”

The left-wing and establishment Republican mainstream media really are slap-happy.

But the rich folks want to keep their money.

It seems like the rich folks prefer to take their chances with Trump (even a potentially elected Trump) than with getting American voters even angrier at them. So they let some of their media dogs bark, but they don't remove the leash.



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They're throwing the kitchen sink at The Donald, but things like the following keep on happening:

Black Pastors Expected to Endorse Donald Trump
By Alan Rappeport
Nov. 25, 2015
New York Times

From the article:

Donald J. Trump will take the next step in his religious outreach effort next week when he announces the endorsement of a group of 100 African-American pastors and religious leaders at his Manhattan headquarters.

The Republican presidential candidate has a private meeting with the group scheduled on Monday before they make their offer of support official, according to his campaign.

. . .

Darrell Scott, the pastor of the New Spirit Revival Center in Ohio, helped organize the coalition of religious leaders and said that after meeting Mr. Trump in person he was convinced that Mr. Trump was the candidate best suited to be president. He also said that the public portrayals of Mr. Trump as a racist and demagogue seemed unfounded after they spoke.

“I was looking for some subtle hints of racism,” Mr. Scott said. “I didn’t see it at all.”

Mr. Scott, who said he was a registered Democrat who had voted for President Obama, said that he had been impressed by Mr. Trump as a leader and that he liked his ideas for improving the economy. He said that when he closed his eyes and listened to all the candidates, he found Mr. Trump to be the most appealing.

. . .

The pastor said that Mr. Trump had not made any donations to his congregation.

Drip... drip... drip...



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I get along great with the blacks... I love it...a NY mensch!

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I get along great with the blacks... I love it...a NY mensch!

I don't know any to get along with.....

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Trump punks the media again. He just tweeted this and posted it to his Facebook account. His followers are going crazy sharing it everywhere.



Notice that his statement is an image of text, not regular text.


That's one way to make sure your words get seen in context.


I keep seeing people try to downplay Trump's intelligence. But then I keep seeing things like this. I'll use my own eyes in judging his intelligence...


One thing is for sure. Up to now, he has shown to be far more intelligent than those who keep saying he is tanking.





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Trump punks the media again. He just tweeted this and posted it to his Facebook account. His followers are going crazy sharing it everywhere.

<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Notice that his statement is an image of text, not regular text.



I am getting nothing from that link Michael...

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My link says that DT still has no chance .

I know that he is brilliant , I do not care about numbers that seem like this is basketball .

Down by 14 , down by 21 based on last nights debate , blah blah blah .

This can , will , and always does change in a heartbeat based on stuff that we can not even think of .

No chance does DT go up against Hillary for God sake , the only candidate that she would actually destroy .

The Republican infrastructure knows this . Watch , and wait , and watch .

I cannot wait till that day when MSK will probably be the only one here brave enough to state loud and clear how correct I was .

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I cannot wait till that day when MSK will probably be the only one here brave enough to state loud and clear how correct I was .

Bull, I will be right beside him.

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I read on one of these fake news satire sites that the Pardoned Turkey joined ISIS.

Unfortunately, it looks like there will be no Pardoned Crows to join it.



Hahahhahahahhah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Crows dont deserve Presidential pardons !!!!

More importantly , has anyone started a Jonathan Pollard thread here ?????????

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