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Backlighting last won the day on July 4

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    Business, computer science, consumer electronics, medical science, weight training, sports, Rand & sensible people...with a sense of humor.

    U.S. Army Veteran
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    Las Vegas, NV.
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    Joe Gara
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  1. Michael, I understand they became friends eventually. Also, another Founder, James Monroe, also died July 4, but in 1831 (aged 73).
  2. On July 4th 1826, both Thomas Jefferson, 83 yrs. old and John Adams 93, both died.
  3. Peter, while on a bus transporting me and other G.I.s to work, I occasionally saw, in a rural area, individuals squatting and relieving themselves. Someone informed me that as long as one's back faces the road, it was legal.
  4. I experienced quite a bit of that while stationed there during my stint in the Army '68-'69. Even in Yokohama, where I lived it was normal to be pushed on to crowded trains. Add to that the ceilings of the trains were not quite 6 feet so I had to bend somewhat to fit. All in all Japan was a very strange country. The food, language, driving on the left with the steering wheel on the right, women expected to walk behind men etc. I have some memorable memories.
  5. May 14, 1929 – December 11, 2013. She is missed. I particularly enjoyed reading PAR.
  6. Michael, The year was 1968. I was in the Army, stationed in Yokohama. A friend there had an extra ticket to see Astrud perform at a military club in Tokyo. When I entered the club I saw Astrud, with a band member, behind a table signing autographs. It was a short line so I got in it. I presented my ticket stub to Astrud and said hello. She smiled and told the person with her that "this one looks like Paul McCartney". I stayed for the entire show. She sang exactly like her recordings...soft and sweet. I liked the bossa nova sound and discovered Sergio Mendes & Brazil '66. I still, on occasion, play some of Astruds and Sergios cds. Astrud died recently, June 5, 2023. Sergio is alive and 83 yrs old.
  7. Michael, Had NB not had his affair with AR and kept expanding the NB Institute, one can only wonder how much further Objectivism would have gone.
  8. Nathaniel Branden was born on this day in 1930. I enjoyed his articles in the Objectivist Newsletter and read 2 of his books... The Psychology of Self Esteem and Breaking Free.
  9. Some of the omitted material from the interview. Interesting.
  10. In March, 1964, Playboy magazine published their interview with Ayn Rand. Here it is in its entirety:$FILE/AR interview with Playboy 1964.pdf
  11. Problem solved...I'll use the Safari browser...that works.
  12. Hello Michael When attempting to open the link I get a "Firefox can't open this file" message. I'm using MacIntosh Catalina. Any suggestions? _Joe