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5 hours ago, anthony said:

In a word, Peter: symbolism. The aesthetic imagery that an entity's or person's inner goodness and beauty is manifested by outer goodness and beauty. That's shown especially by the Left who are infatuated with the "beau geste" in these multi media pervaded times, over facts and real outcomes. Where symbolic-aesthetics entered the identifying-evaluations of Objectivists, who know that outward appearances don't make the man, is puzzling. (Cue intrinsicism and rationalism). I keep hearing of the president's "bad character" - again, that's his (superficial and public) persona ajudged by lefties who don't know "character", I've found; objective qualities under fire he has shown plenty of. 

Does anyone think Tracinski is a "left libertarian" or left wing objectivist? Odd. I have never thought of him that way but now that Anthony mentions it . . . Say? How is Cleopatra, Anthony? Pretty as they say?

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I wrote: I think the polls that show [Trump] losing to about four democratic candidates in 2020 is hog wash. end quote

Ellen of Troy responded, “Methinks the pollsters are hoping to produce a self-fulfilling prophecy.”

That is a plausible insight. Say it and make it so, amen, brothers and sisters. But I think it is a bit more sinister . . . . for us good guys. I think people selected randomly or on purpose are saying, “Trump no good. Me voting Pocahontas.”

But I get it. Fifty percent of the polling respondents are Trump supporters trying to mislead the liberal / communist / progressive pollsters. What would Santa say? Of course they will be voting for President Trump.

Naughty but nice? Say, would you wanna come over on New Year's Eve? I'll have some decent champagne and we could count down the new year. (Not serious in this time Zone and place, "The Twilight Zone.") but you are a good sport Ellen. Peter

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On 12/21/2018 at 11:09 AM, william.scherk said:

That mad Julia Davis, again:

Russia Gloats Over Departure: ‘Trump Is Ours Again’

Her notion is that Russia is happy, Iran is happy, Hizbollah is happy, Turkey is confused, and the Kurds ... well, fuck the Kurds, they are all commies.

Happy now?

Far from abandoning the Kurds to genocide, what Trump actually did was fool the Syrians, the Russians and ISIS into thinking we were getting out of Dodge, an overconfident al-Baghdadi stuck his head up and.... you know what happened next.
1:44 PM · Dec 29, 2019
But of course all the people who spent days wringing their hands and wailing over the Trump grand betrayal of the Kurds weren't about to admit they'd gotten it wrong. They just moved on. And now they'll be back again, selling you campfire tales.
1:45 PM · Dec 29, 2019
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On 12/26/2019 at 11:44 PM, Peter said:

This is usually the time of the year that I give gifts of Robert Tracinski's site and re-subscribe myself   Not this year. He just doesn't get Trump and Trump's objective qualities.  


I have an epistemological comment on this, but it's really late. So I will be brief.

Basically, the human mind organizes the world using more-or-less static (or solid and unchanging) references and fluid changing motion and things between them. This is a fractal form of organization in the universe and almost everything is organized this way. (Including brain cells that refer to space in and near the hippocampus.)

To the point in your comment about Tracinski, he has been a solid reference for you for many moons, just like the mainstream media has been. They have been a solid source of news and commentary for you (and for many people). Others have come and gone as part of the changing middle and were easy to replace. That's them in the changing middle.

As for the unchanging reference points, it's a bitch to change them. But if they go rotten, it's the only way we can change anything permanently in our lives for the better. Still, it's not easy and it feels all wrong at first.

I will elaborate on this later because it's important.

(btw - This is not an attack on Tracinski. I see him as a National Review kind of Trump-hating conservative, but one who leans Rand. For me, I don't like the Trump hatred from this quarter, but I don't think it's all that important in the big scheme of things. The important part for me is the epistemological identification of where he fits in news-and-pundit-wise.)


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From the White House to my email. It looks real. Peter.

TOP 10: President Trump’s biggest accomplishments of 2019! Americans saw plenty of Washington at its worst this year, with one party in Congress obsessed with a partisan impeachment stunt and obstructing progress at every turn. But despite getting no help from the far left, America today is soaring to new heights. It’s tough to pick only 10 accomplishments from such an extraordinary year, but here are just a few of the biggest things President Donald J. Trump has gotten done for the American people in 2019: The Trump Boom is going strong. The unemployment rate recently hit its lowest mark in 50 years. All told, since President Trump’s election, our economy has added more than 7 million jobs—over half a million in manufacturing alone. The stock market keeps breaking records: The Dow Jones and S&P 500 hit record closes again on Friday. The working class is thriving, as are previously forgotten communities. Wages are now rising the fastest for low-income workers, and poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans have reached all-time lows.

Accountable government is back. Since taking office, President Trump has rolled back nearly 8 regulations for every new one, saving American taxpayers more than $50 billion in the process—with bigger savings still to come. Better trade deals are putting America back in the driver’s seat. Congress approved President Trump’s USMCA this month—a huge win for U.S. workers, farmers, and manufacturers that will create 176,000 new jobs. Trade with China in particular is about to get a whole lot fairer. As part of a historic “phase 1” deal, Beijing has agreed to structural reforms in its trade practices and to make substantial purchases of American agricultural products.

Securing the border is paying off and making our country safer. President Trump struck new agreements with Mexico and Central American countries this year to help stop the flood of illegal immigration. Thanks to this swift action, border apprehensions fell by more than 70 percent from May to November.

On health care, President Trump is fighting to give our patients the best system on Earth. While Democrats try to take away choice, the President’s focus on affordability led to the largest year-over-year drop in drug prices ever recorded.

American interests are taking center stage abroad. In just one example: After years of not paying their fair share, NATO Allies will have increased defense spending by $130 billion by the end of next year.

Our great military took out the world's top terrorist in October. (Meet Conan, the hero dog who helped them do it!) Our troops are now getting the support they deserve. President Trump recently signed the National Defense Authorization Act for the 2020 fiscal year, which includes the biggest pay raise for our military in a decade. On behalf of President Trump and his entire Administration, have a blessed and wonderful New Year!

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On 12/8/2019 at 11:50 AM, Jon Letendre said:

Over at his safe space within OL, Billy is lying again, this time saying Q is anti-Semitic.

If moss is up to evil, like all the other agencies everywhere, then the Israeli people are victims of some evil shits who need to be defeated and executed, just like at see eye a and em eye six, all the five eyes, including NZ. None of We the People are responsible for the evil, [they] are.

There is nothing anti-Israeli, let alone anti-Semitic about finding the truth about Epstein, Barak, mos. Just as there is nothing anti-New Zealnd and nothing anti-Australian about the fiveeyes reckoning that is coming.

Nice try, Billy. Cheap and moronic as usual

You lie about Q being right wing, Billy, now you lie about this, you lie about everything.

Five Eyes purge has begun in Britain:

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Karl Rove predicts Trump win if Biden is not 2020 Democratic nominee by Caitlin Yile": Karl Rove said he believes former Vice President Joe Biden has a good shot at beating President Trump in the 2020 election if he can win the Democratic presidential nomination. The former adviser to President George W. Bush made several predictions for the 2020 election, including that the Democratic convention will be contested. “Pete Buttigieg wins Iowa, but no Democrat arrives at the convention with a majority,” he wrote in a piece for the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday. “I pick Mr. Biden to win, but I’d take the field if I could.” end quote

What the keck Karl? Should we call “Ghost Busters?” peterdactyl.

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4 hours ago, Brant Gaede said:

Senile Joe will be gone in two months even if he doesn't know it.


Fox needs a late night show, starring a "more conservative" type of host, if one exists. Dennis Miller maybe? It would be fun seeing a montage of sleepy Joe gaffs, like I have seen them do with President Trump.

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This could be big news so I have increased the font size. Peter

From The Hill. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) will try to dismiss the articles of impeachment against President Trump that House Democrats have delayed sending to the Senate. Hawley, in a pair of tweets, argued that normally "if prosecution doesn't proceed with case, it gets dismissed. So on Monday, I will introduce measure to dismiss this bogus impeachment for lack of prosecution," he tweeted. “Dems said impeachment was URGENT. Now they don’t want to have a trial, because they have no evidence. In real world, if prosecution doesn’t proceed with case, it gets dismissed. So on Monday, I will introduce measure to dismiss this bogus impeachment for lack of prosecution. / This will expose Dems’ circus for what it is: a fake impeachment, abuse of the Constitution, based on no evidence. If Dems won’t proceed with trial, bogus articles should be dismissed and @realDonaldTrump fully cleared. 12:07 PM - 2 Jan 2020

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Senator Hawley did what he promised on Friday . What a great guy!

From The Blaze: Republicans in the U.S. Senate introduced a resolution that would change the congressional rules in order to allow them to dismiss articles of impeachment that are not sent for a trial in the Senate. Republican Sen. Josh Hawley (Mo.) defended the resolution in a statement on Monday, saying that the founders did not envision the eventuality of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) refusing to send articles of impeachment to the Senate.

"The Constitution gives the Senate sole power to adjudicate articles of impeachment, not the House," Hawley said in the statement. "If Speaker Pelosi is afraid to try her case, the articles should be dismissed for failure to prosecute and Congress should get back to doing the people's business," he added. The resolution would allow for 25 days for the House to send articles to the Senate after an impeachment vote. After that, a simple majority could vote to dismiss the impeachment vote "with prejudice for failure by the House of Representatives to prosecute such articles." Pelosi has indicated that House Democrats will withhold from sending the articles to the Senate until Republicans agree to rules that they say will result in a fair trial on impeachment. "Let's be clear, this has never been done before, it's not even been thought of before!" Hawley said on the floor of the Senate about the Democratic maneuvering. 

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Checks and balances, baby.

Anti-collectivist people had to put up with this pre-designed gridlock on power during President Obama's reign. Now it's the collectivists' turn.

Man, do collectivists like to grab power that is not theirs, too.

They hate the checks and balances brick wall that their thick heads constantly bounce off of.

I, for one, love it.


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For those who like these things.

Pull quote:


Under my administration, we will NEVER make excuses for America’s enemies – we will never hesitate in defending American lives – and we will never stop working to defeat Radical Islamic Terrorism!

Remember when it was taboo to say "Islamic Terrorism"?

Well, how about that phrase in the mouth of a US President?

Also, President Trump called Adam Schiff " pencil neck out in the open. He said Schiff buys shirts with the tightest collars he can find and they're still too loose.



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The following is a tweet from Eduardo Bolsonaro, Brazilian Congressman and son of Brazil's current President.

Both he and his father, Presidente Jair Bolsonaro are big fans of President Trump.

The part he liked the most about Trump's rally in Ohio was Trump talking about killing Soleimani while mocking Pelosi and press-bashing.




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16 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Any Democrats doing this for a Dem candidate?

For those who don't want to click on the video, these folks in Toledo, Ohio are standing in 16 degree weather and waiting 20 hours plus to get good seats at a Trump rally.



Our friend Tat who is holidaying in NY made the trip to Toledo to be at the rally. Mad, of course - it's a pleasant summer in Johannesburg. Reported the "amazing logistics" before the event. 

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On January 9, 2020 at 12:28 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Any Democrats doing this for a Dem candidate?

For those who don't want to click on the video, these folks in Toledo, Ohio are standing in 16 degree weather and waiting 20 hours plus to get good seats at a Trump rally.



The showing at the Toledo, Ohio, rally is a wonderfully well-timed demonstration of how Trump's support base is reacting to his taking out Soleimani.


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Trump's Average Unemployment Rate is the Lowest in Recorded History. “President Trump starts off 2020 having presided over a lower average unemployment rate than any president at a comparable point in office in recorded history,” Philip Klein reports in the Washington Examiner. “Since February 2017, Trump's first full month in office, the monthly unemployment rate has averaged 3.9%. No prior president has averaged less than 4% over the first 35 months of his presidency. The closest was Dwight Eisenhower.” The unemployment rate for December held steady at a historically low 3.5%, according to Friday’s jobs report. end quote

And the DOW keeps getting close to 29,000 as the day goes on but hasn’t reached it yet.

I think a dem debate is going to happen soon, but only with 5 candidates including the legendary Indian princess Poco-hauntus. If she had lied and said she was of the other "Indian" blood we could call her Rani. Isn't that east Indian for Princess?  

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