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This is part of the Deep State unraveling.

Memes like this helps to break the spell of the liars. The bad guys have used some mighty-righteous science--behavioral and brain--to get those lies implanted deep into the heads of the public. And in the individuals where it took, it grew roots all the way down into the hippocampus of all things (that is where long-term memory starts to be processed through production of new index brain cells). 

Simple proof no longer works to undo the lies in the brains of those where this has happened. The scientifically indoctrinated person first needs to suffer cognitive dissonance to crack open the false certainty implanted in his or her brain before the damage caused by the engineered manipulation can start to be undone.

At least we now know the problem and can do things that work to fix it. 

Elon's meme causes cognitive dissonance. Many, many more messages like this are needed, but they are coming.

I wonder what Ayn Rand would have thought of this. She thought the cause the public goes mad like in the communist revolution in Russia was bad philosophy and altruism. I don't think she ever imagined it would be--at least in good part--physical alterations in the brains of individuals caused and engineered by emotionally laden messaging.

I bet she would have come around, though, as the evidence piled up. :) 





EDIT: Regarding my thought about altruism, I don't mean Rand was wrong. I mean she did that scope problem I sometimes talk about and made a misidentification. Altruism is a form of conveyance, not a cause. (Any marketer knows you sell with emotion, then justify with reason. Altruism is such an intellectual justification.)

Concepts alone do not make it into long-term memory. There has to be an emotional load added to the concept for it to be recorded in long-term memory. Otherwise it stays in short term memory for a bit, then disappears. I keep seeing this over and over in my studies of neuroscience. I'm at the layman science level, granted, but I study. And my radar is attuned to the mechanisms of memory. After all, without memory, there are no concepts. :) 

Now back to busting open the mental control techniques of the bad guys. We can start by making messages of cognitive dissonance about the false certainty they implant in people, especially through fear.

They've had their run at covert mental control of masses. It was an effective and long run, too. And look at the mess they made with it. :) Wars without end for profit, men and women are not men and women, pedophilia, drag queens reading for children in public libraries, everything is racist, constant surveillance, growing censorship, and on and on.

Time to move on from them...

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On 11/19/2023 at 6:41 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Argentina now has its own Trump!

Woo hoo!


And this happened...


Libertarian economist Javier Milei was inaugurated president of Argentina on Sunday, flanked by a host of heads of state.

This is a bigger deal than it seems.

Deep State unraveling...



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It looks like the wholesale sell-out FISA renewal for the FBI went buh-bye...

That's a big deal in terms of elections since the FBI is the new Gestapo of the Democrats and Predator Class.

Oh, it will still do illegal surveillance on American citizens and MAGA people, after all, pigs oink and grunt because they cannot not oink and grunt, but now the Surveillance State has to stay in the shadows.

So there goes a massive chunk of party-time for the Deep State. At least until the next go-around.



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On 12/12/2023 at 11:49 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The FISA bills died dead and deceased this go around.

And FISA was resurrected at the last minute. 

Now we have one more year of illegal surveillance against American citizens with court sanction.

There is progress, though.

The lists presented in the articles below are lists of Senators and Representatives compromised and blackmailed by the Deep State. They need to be primaried and dispensed with.

Also, these lists are shorter than they would have been just a short time ago. So movement is in the right direction. It's just that the bad guys still have this weapon for another year.

Oh well...


The House passed a defense bill that contains a deep state surveillance authorization, robbing lawmakers of the opportunity to reform FISA.



147 worthless Republicans voted on Thursday to reauthorize the FISA program abused by the FBI to spy on candidate and then President Donald Trump the entire time he was in office.

Sad, but predictable.

They use blackmail because blackmail works.


Just so the process is clear, illegal surveillance made it easy for the Deep State to get info to blackmail members of Congress. And blackmail was used to get the members of Congress to authorize another year of Deep State illegal surveillance.

It's ouroboros, the snake eating it's own tail.



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Do you know one of the things that is bothering me in all this?

Where the hell is Ayn Rand?

I mean, when I got into Objectivism, I was certain that it would be a recipe to keep the world for descending into an orgy of irrationalism.

And now the world is doing precisely that, now the world is facing a clear and present danger from a Deep State apparatus that causes endless wars for profit all over the world, that is chock full of crony corporatists (which is about as far from laissez-faire capitalism as you can get--in fact the real word for it is fascism, i.e., joining government and big business), that has erected a surveillance state worse than Orwell's 1984, that is producing bioweapons and messing with behavioral sciences at a physical brain level, and on and on.

And to top it off, among those who head these efforts are literal descendants of Nazis that the US government hired right after WWII. 

Not to mention China and other such.


Here in O-Land, the main boogie-man for many is Trump, of all things. They look around, see all this mess and think Trump is the problem. Yet he is one of the main figures standing up to these monsters.


And Rand?

She practically denied the military-industrial complex existed.

So it's no wonder few to no solutions are coming from O-Land in this fight.

And no wonder I don't talk about her as much as I would like in doing my part to keep the flame of freedom alive.

And no wonder the Deep State does not attack O-Land like it attacks MAGA.

You cannot solve a problem by misidentifying it or evading that it exists.

Lots of people in O-Land do not realize this, or that they do it, but the Deep State knows it. That's why they leave us alone. We are not important enough for them to bother with because we represent no threat to them. No threat at all.


Well, I want to be a threat to them. I don't want to simply mouth theory or imitate Rand's postures. I want to do--and am doing--practical things out in reality about it. These elitist people are psychopaths who are trying to cull and mold humanity to their liking. That means you and me.

I still believe Rand's writings are a great base for a world-view. However, I wish there were something there to help with the current crises. I just don't see much. And I see even less happening in our neck of the woods to deal with the threats.

So I soldier on in the only way I know how. 

I use my own eyes and my own brain.

They are all I've got.

But I will not let them go for an easier life.


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On 12/14/2023 at 6:49 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Do you know one of the things that is bothering me in all this?

Where the hell is Ayn Rand?

People in O-Land can bash Christianity all they want, but where do you see the following in O-Land?

I don't see it ever.

Yet I carry this level of passion and commitment inside me.

Besides, I just heard offline, and I have entertained suspicions over the years, that a lot of rich people and big shots in O-Land made their money with China.

Communist China.


If you are not one of them, let that sink in.

Communist China.

In the name of Rand.


Man, that explains a lot.

Shame on these people.

Meanwhile, Rand turns in her grave...


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Please do read the subtitles of Milei's speech in the video below (the video is only about 5 minutes long).

I swear, if a sequel had been written to Atlas Shrugged where the world started cleaning up the mess, what I just read could go in there unedited and be correct.

He even says the villain is collectivism.


Supposing this kind of thinking will govern the government's actions from here on out, Argentina is getting ready to become an economic and productive powerhouse on the world stage.

The initial phase will be tough due to the size and entrenchment of the mess, but it should not last longer than a year or so before massive growth starts kicking in.

I am proud of Argentina.


A caution, though. I hope Milei realizes that he is surrounded by vultures who are plotting on his demise this very minute and takes effective precautions.

The Predator Class is not amused and it want to rule over all again. 


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From what I detect, George Santos is going to tease this stuff out in small pieces and milk it for all it's worth.

In other words, this guy is going to be a fucking wrecking ball against Congressional Deep State members.


He is going to be more useful to take down the Deep State now that he is out of Congress than when he was in. 

By removing him from Congress, the idiots who did that closed their eyes and stuck their hands in the candy jar to get a handful, and instead they are getting stung by a scorpion.

I love it.



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One of Trump's announced policies is a massive deportation effort of illegal aliens.

And the result? The mainstream media screams muh racism and so on.

Well, the best way to start a clean up is to disinfect the mess. And the best disinfectant is sunshine.

So I'm glad to see Elon spreading sunshine on this.

There are two principles at work here.

And they trump the principle of NIOF. Notice I did not say they invalidate it. I said they trump it--that is, this is a hierarchical thing. Without the two principles below, you can't even get to NIOF.


Principle No. 1: You cannot solve problems or implement principles correctly if you do not identify them correctly.

For example, an invasion is not part of the concept of racism. When you allow bad actors to claim it is, you muddy the rational awareness of invasion, you muddy a rational solution to invasion, and even muddy the rational awareness of racism. Misidentification does all that.

Principle No. 2: You cannot have the United States and destroy it at the same time. At a certain point, the US will weaken, then become conquered. If you destroy a place where principles reign, where are you going to practice those principles when the bullies come along and bash peace-loving people over the head?

So look at that graph Elon posted and see if you see a reality problem.

I do.


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And it is not just a problem in the US, Brexit was essentially the British public reaction to the EU doing what the federal government in the US allowing to shape domestic population growth.

There do exist population fluctuation related ‘problems’ within countries and influences in their domestic economies that become relevant and seen in generational cycles as the timelines play out , and some policies that recognize and try to mitigate such things should/could be on the table in political arenas in moral and rational ways/debates/conversations.

But in line with quoting important voices of American thought , Thomas Sowell’s dictum of there “being no solutions only trade offs” needs to be more widely observed.

It’s probably just a coincidence that most western countries have publicly funded public welfare systems that if were extended to providing benefits beyond the native tax paying would eventually bankrupt ,in real time, operation of those systems, and those same type countries are currently experiencing constantly growing rates of immigration , practically forcefully by their own governments. Or maybe it’s racism run amok, who’s to say? 
Im gonna check USAToday for a better view.

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The following does not look like much, but this is the first time I have seen opposition military action signed, sealed and delivered, and endorsed by General Michael Flynn.

In my evaluation, this seed that just got planted is far more serious than it appears to be on the surface.

This is lower level military people saying they are going to punish the current military leadership and restore the US military to a moral and legal institution.

Gen Flynn's full X text:


This is a very big deal and all Flag officers (active & retired) need to pay heed to it. 

This is not another letter signed by a bunch of generals and admirals (or senior intel officials), this is penned and signed by members of our military’s rank and file. 

This is a very serious warning to the American people and we better pay attention. 

These aren’t democrats and republicans here, these are people who took an oath to serve the nation and potentially give their lives in service to the same. 

They all need to be thanked for their courage to speak out during these very challenging times facing America. 

God help us all image.png



A PDF link to the signed document:

Declaration of Military Accountability


The list of the military leaders who are mentioned for punishment in the document stands out to me: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. (Retired) Mark Milley, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Navy Adm. Christopher Grady, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. (Retired) James McConville, former Chief of Naval Operations Adm. (Retired) Michael Gilday, "ADM Lescher, Gen Brown, Gen Berger, Gen Smith, VADM Kilby, VADM Nowell, VADM Fuller, LTG Martin, Lt Gen Davis, MG Edmonson, GEN Williams, ADM Fagan, VADM Buck, Lt Gen Clark, MG Francis, LTG Dingle, Lt Gen Miller, RADM Gillingham, and numerous others."

So does what they want to do to these leaders: "... we pledge to recall from retirement the military leaders who broke the law and will convene courts-martial for the crimes they committed. For those of us who attain legislative offices, we pledge to introduce legislation to remove all retirement income for the military leaders who were criminally complicit, and we will ensure none serve in or retire from the Senior Executive Service."


The text of the declaration:


1 January 2024

An Open Letter to the American People from Signatories of this Declaration of Military Accountability

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” –John Adams

In the course of human events it sometimes becomes necessary to admonish the lawless, encourage the fainthearted, and strengthen the weak. We have reached just such a time in our history. The affairs of our nation are now steeped in avaricious corruption and our once stalwart institutions, including the Dept of Defense, are failing to fulfill the moral obligations upon which they were founded. Standing upon our natural and constitutional rights, we hereby apprise the American people that we have exhausted all internal efforts to rectify recent criminal activity within the Armed Forces. 

In the Declaration of Independence our founding fathers sought separation. We seek no separation, but through this letter and the efforts we pledge herein, we pursue restoration through accountability. We intend to rebuild trust and restore the rule of law, particularly within the Armed Forces. Ultimately, we strive to once again become a moral people, restoring our nation, and making it again worthy of the great gift of liberty won by the colonial-era American people. 

While implementing the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, military leaders broke the law, trampled constitutional rights, denied informed consent, permitted unwilling medical experimentation, and suppressed the free exercise of religion. Service members and families were significantly harmed by these actions. Their suffering continues to be felt financially, emotionally, and physically. Some service members became part of our ever-growing veteran homeless population, some developed debilitating vaccine injuries, and some even lost their lives. In an apparent attempt to avoid accountability, military leaders are continuing to ignore our communications regarding these injuries and the laws that were broken.

For GEN Milley, ADM Grady, GEN McConville, ADM Gilday, ADM Lescher, Gen Brown, Gen Berger, Gen Smith, VADM Kilby, VADM Nowell, VADM Fuller, LTG Martin, Lt Gen Davis, MG Edmonson, GEN Williams, ADM Fagan, VADM Buck, Lt Gen Clark, MG Francis, LTG Dingle, Lt Gen Miller, RADM Gillingham, and numerous others;

These individuals enabled lawlessness and the unwilling experimentation on service members. The moral and physical injuries they helped inflict are significant. They betrayed the trust of service members and the American people. Their actions caused irreparable harm to the Armed Forces and the institutions for which we have fought and bled.

These leaders refused to resign or take any other action to hold themselves accountable, nor have they attempted to repair the harm their policies and actions have caused. Since there has yet to be any accountability, the undersigned give our word to do everything morally permissible and legally possible to hold our own leadership accountable. We intend to rebuild trust by demonstrating that leaders cannot cast aside constitutional rights or the law for political expediency.

The flag and general officers are far from the only ones complicit in recent illegal activities, as a significant number of SES leaders and political appointees contributed. Evidence indicates that other executive agencies are engaging in illegal activity. However, as service members and veterans, we feel particularly responsible for the DoD and, in accordance with our oaths, we will make every effort to demonstrate by example, how an institution can put its own house in order.

We the undersigned, on behalf of hundreds of thousands of service members and the American people, while appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for guidance and purity of intention, mutually pledge to each other that we will do everything in our power, through lawful word and action, to hold accountable military leaders who failed to follow the law when their leadership and moral courage was most desperately needed.

In the coming years, thousands within our network will run for Congress and seek appointments to executive branch offices, while those of us still serving on active duty will continue to put fulfilling our oaths ahead of striving for rank or position. For those who achieve the lawful authority to do so, we pledge to recall from retirement the military leaders who broke the law and will convene courts-martial for the crimes they committed. For those of us who attain legislative offices, we pledge to introduce legislation to remove all retirement income for the military leaders who were criminally complicit, and we will ensure none serve in or retire from the Senior Executive Service.

This endeavor will be a continuous process with a long-term time horizon, but fulfilling our oaths to defend the Constitution requires just such persistent vigilance. Likewise, we are obligated, and so commit, to train those who come after us to fulfill their duty in achieving this accountability and safeguarding against such leadership failures hereafter.

Our nation was once great because it was good. It was built on moral principles founded in natural law and yet, the recent acceleration of moral relativism has us headed towards a precipitous implosion. While all good things come to an end, we refuse to allow our nation to go quietly into the depths of decadence and decay. We promise to exhaust all moral, ethical, and legal means to restore the rule of law and will begin by attempting to hold senior military leaders accountable. The Constitution is the supreme law of our land. We will fight to enforce that law and put an end to the two- tiered justice system. May future generations see our efforts and, God willing, may they also be recipients of the great gift of liberty that we have had the honor of safeguarding.


You can find the signatories in the link to the PDF.


This is not a QAnon message about unknown insiders in the military and secret tribunals.

This is the American military rank and file declaring war on corrupt and incompetent military leaders. And the war is peaceful so far.


A few pertinent articles right off the bat.



231 current and former military members signed an open letter vowing to hold accountable those who implemented the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.



On January 1, 2024, two hundred thirty-one current and former service members from various branches of the United States Armed Forces came together to sign the “Declaration of Military Accountability.” This document, spearheaded by Commander Robert A.



This is spreading fast in the news. And the backlash will be interesting. Regardless, this is a heavy blow against the Deep State. They are losing the military for real.


In other times, I would say a declaration like this is a lost cause.

But MAGA is growing exponentially right now, Gen Flynn is tagged to be high up in the new administration, and once Trump is back in office, is there any doubt this declaration will be one of the legal foundations to go after the corrupt military leader slimeballs and punish them through due process?

I love it.



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Laura Loomer has been on top of exposing some of the creepier people who looked like MAGA and spoke like MAGA, but who acted like swamp creatures.

And she has several scalps to show for it. 

She is a fierce supporter of Trump, as am I.

She just looked at the Epstein docs that were released today and came up with this:

I know this is going to need other people combing through it to make sure there are no other documents that deal with Trump, but I trust Laura.

For now, I am with her. The fake news media has been smearing Trump with Epstein insinuations for years. And it looks like it was all made up.



The truth is, had there been something, I am pretty sure it would have been out in the press and screamed to the four winds by now.



I, personally, never doubted Trump. Outside of his discipline and morality, he's a germaphobe.



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Lots of important people like Poso are confirming that Trump was never on Epstein's island, homes, etc., as proven by the released documents.


And here is more from Laura Loomer--the link to the documents that the public can go through.

Dig in if that rings your ding-a-ling...



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Laura Loomer don't give a fuck.

She is a real honey badger.

Just so you know, Skyhorse Publishing puts out new titles by Naomi Wolf, RFK Jr., Alex Jones, Rudy Giuliani, Alan Dershowitz, Frank Gaffney, and publishes many MAGA-friendly books.

So does Tony Lyons get a pass on misbehaving?

Not for Laura Loomer.

Laura Loomer don't give a fuck.



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Megyn Kelly has an interesting thing to say:


Megyn Kelly, during the latest airing of the Megyn Kelly Show, hinted that the world will soon hear directly from Jeffrey Epstein.

Here she is on X:

I do not believe this means Epstein is still alive.

I do believe it indicates a kill switch, meaning material to be released if he his killed.



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  • 2 weeks later...

The FBI is scraping the bottom of the barrel for framing people. They're acting like local cops who have a quota of traffic tickets that have to meet.

Do you know who they set up this time?

An autistic kid.

I shit you not.


FBI agents posing as ISIS members began chatting online with Humzah Mashkoor when he was 16 years old. He was arrested weeks after his 18th birthday.

Good God.


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