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Everything posted by blackhorse

  1. If man is the cause of this dilema then my question is; how do we SOLVE the problem? What can be done to re-invigorate the bee populations to return and remain strong?-are we past the proverbial "point of no return"? What are the solutions? Certainly man can pollinate through technological means, but I think it wise not to lose the natural ally we have in bees (seeing as they serve many other valuble functions as well.) Something on the order of 1 in every 4 things that we eat or drink is directly related to bee pollination. And now, it appears that the problem has spread to the UK, too. 'IF' man is the cause, then man needs to be the solution as well.
  2. Has anyone here been following the major decline in bee populations? This can't be a good thing. The question is; why is it happening, and is man the cause of it??? From the research that I have done on the internet it would seem that this is the first time this has happened, and it's causing some serious alarm not just among farmers, but the US gov't, too.
  3. My family loves Easter. We had a delicious pancake breakfast with friends, an Easter Egg hunt for the kiddies, then my wife and I watched 'Easter Parade'.
  4. My favorite comedy of all time; Office Space.
  5. MSK, thanks for the info. Of course, that was just one website, there were a legion of others who are reporting on the same findings.
  6. After reading this articel; , as well as googling this info. as much as I possibly could, I am of the mind that possibly it isn't Puitn who is the danger, but rather Alexander Litvinenko.
  7. My 3 cents; 'Dangerous Beauty' starring Catherine McCormack.
  8. This movie is intense, to say the least. has an excellent cartoon parallel of the heroic Spartans of '300' and the appeasers, or Persians, of today.
  9. I just saw the film '300' last Saturday night. WOW! This is the best movie I've seen since 'Casino Royale'. It is an incredible, heroic epic that inspires one to stand tall for what it is right, even against seemingly impossible odds. Highly recommended for Objectivists. I can't wait to see it again.
  10. So, where does everyone get their news from? I get mine primarily from the drudgereport, littlegreenfootballs, instapundit, Michelle Malkin, and Daniel Pipes.
  11. I'm looking for some recommendations for objectivist-friendly animated tv cartoon shows. An animated cartoon series that would reflect objectivist friendly principles.
  12. I'm looking for recommendations of humorist author's. I've just about exhausted my P.G. Wodehouse collection and am now on the look-out for other hilarious comedic writers who are or could be considered benevolent/objectivist friendly when it comes to writing funny stories.
  13. It looks marvelous, Ciro. Congratualtions.
  14. I think that synesthesiacs are able to appreciate art and nature to a greater depth than others.
  15. Has anyone here heard of the neurological condition called Synesthesia? In a nutshell it is a condition where an individual may hear and smell colors, letters may have color codes and numbers produce sounds, etc. Here's an excellent link from wikipedia describing it So if A is A, then how would something like Synesthesia affect that statement? Obviously we are dealing with perceptions that are out of the norm, but not abnormal. The individuals who have Synesthesia aren't fabricating a false reality, but are percieving it at a different angle. Very fascinating stuff. So A is still A, plus a lot more.
  16. Objectively, Mormonism is much more friendly and receptive to Objectivism then Islam could ever be. That's not an endorsement of LDS theology, just a statement based on an objective comparison between Mormonism and Islam's ability to incorporate objectivist ethics into their respective religious lifestyles qua doctrine. Some religions ARE better than others at accepting and incorporating objectivist tenants. Sure, no religions would be best, but comparatively speaking not all religions are alike.
  17. Jeff, I was raised Mormon. As a matter of fact, I live in Logan, Utah now. I became a Deist about 9 years ago, but still appreciate some aspects of mormonism (as far as religions go). Hell, 99% of my friends are Mormon. I was actually born in Provo Utah, but my family moved to Sacramento when I was just a few months old after my dad graduated from BYU. If you have any questions about LDS theology please feel free to ask. Mormon's stress excellence in their personal and work lives as well as the importance of rest and relaxation. They're not all a bunch Jesus freaks!-and "hell-fire" and damnation, like most christian churches. They're not caught up in 'jesus this' or jesus that' like the born-again christians are (from my personal experience the vast majority of 'born-again' christians think that the LDS church is straight from the devil himself. Mormons integrate a lot of 'objectivist' concepts per se. If you ever visit Utah (especially the Utah County) you'd be amazed at how clean and beautiful the city is and how totally low the crime rate is. The vibe that you get from the people is positive and joyous. The standard of living in Utah is amazing, which reflects the religious-philosophy of the Mormon doctrine. Albeit, I find much I disagree with in the religion, but as a whole I find mormons to be fun and intelligent individuals to associate with. I have noticed that a lot of Mormons are sympathetic and accepting of much of the Objectivist ethics.
  18. Carl Davis 'Darcy's Second Proposal' from the 'Pride & Prejudice' soundtrack is a very moving, and short, piece. It reminds me of the sunrise in early summer...
  19. Jeff, have you considered homeschool?
  20. Objectivism holds man's life as his own to live . But, if one cannot respect and cherish life in its most helpless and earliest stages of development then how can one possibly expect to respect and admire life when it's alive and breathing? It makes no sense.
  21. Another great is the score for 'Superman' by John Williams.