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Everything posted by blackhorse

  1. I find the personal attacks against people here rather rude. I have personally offended no one and yet I seem to be the focus of 5th grade name calling and rudeness.
  2. I am not here to attack anyone. I am merely stating the very real and present danger of islam. I think Peikoff is very much aware of this threat as well as numerous other Oist scholars. Does anyone here actually believe that a muslim state will allow individual freedom? There are more than plenty of muslim countries and so far their record is '0'. Does anyone really think that this will change? You cannot influence islam with ideas of reason and liberty because Allah and islam are the only ideas muslims will obey.
  3. Here is an excellent article about some of what the Koran says about infidels, Robert (with citations);'> I highly recommend everyone subscribe to
  4. Joel Macdonald, I challenge you to give me one example of a muslim country or city that allows a man to live his own life free from the burdens and fetters of islamic dogma's and rules. Even Dubai, the most "westernized" muslim city still enforces barbaric laws. Joel, Instead of defending this anti-life religion why won't you stand for reason and freedom? Do you think the USA can retain its liberty and freedom and continue to allow muslim expansion? Islam knows no boundary between church and state - if you allow them come into power then you had better be very afraid for your life.
  5. Sharia simply cannot be separated from islam - and therein lies its greatest threat. What's more the Koran itself commands infidels be converted or die. Until these and a legion other irrational beliefs are abandoned from islam completely then its on-going threat to liberty and peace will continue unabated. Christianity was able to move from the dark ages to reason because their is no edict of convert or be killed in christian doctrine even though the catholic church was tyrannical.-islam cannot rise above or ignore what are its written laws within scripture. Man cannot live with those who also wish him to submit to Allah or die. Muslims may not all be murderers, but unless they are nit picking muslim hypocrites, then they are murderers in their hearts.
  6. Here is a reference map of app. target areas for bombing fanatic islamists before America rues the day we did nothing.-kind of like Nazi Germany, but 100 times more crazy. Afghanistan; and for Pakistan; and Yemen; in Iran (other than Tehran); Zahedan, Zabol and Mirjaveh. Still waiting on your suggestions on what you would do about islam's ever rising danger and spread of their murderous theology Ninth Doctor. Islam and its mission from Allah to take over the world are not going away. Have you read Mark Steyn's "America Alone"? I highly recommend everyone read it.
  7. If pre-emption doesn't fit then what is the solution to islam's very real and present danger? One can rebute me all they want, but let's here the working alternatives.
  8. Of course it makes sense to spread reason and the idea's of liberty to muslims, but like liberalism islam too is a mental disorder. How would one propose actually implementing an effective strategy at converting the muslim world to idea's that are at clear odds with its anti-life philosophy? I can maybe see the college kids (at least the few towns that have them) but other than that I can see know plausible effort even coming close to succeeding. It's easy to talk of non-aggresion measures, but try explaining that to a person who has a fatwa on their head. Ninth Doctor, you know what areas are hot spots - I can name for you if not.
  9. I am not for genocide - just strategic destruction of key towns and cities that pose very real threats. I can't see how winning muslims over with idea's could even work.-try explaining that one to someone who has a fatwa against him or her.
  10. Islam at its core is anti-life and I would say well nigh evil. If there is to be any freedom, liberty, and bright future for mankind then it will only happen WHEN islam is either wiped from the face of the earth or it denounces its murderous tenants.-I'm putting my money on the former. Has anyone heard this news story yet? The USA needs to drop MOPS on the major threat muslim cities and send in our Marine Corps snipers to dispose of any muslim who issues a fatwa or death threat against any American. This tyrannical cult will not be tolerated.
  11. I think that more Objectivists (esp. the ARI camp) would benefit from low dose cannabis consumption. It seems that their primary drugs of choice are alcohol and caffeine. Alcohol can turn your mood into an emotional roller coaster and caffeine has you go-go-going! Cannabis is different in that it relaxes you yet stimulates your senses in a way that can give one a spiritual respite. Nathaniel Branden understands the value of R & R and engaging in other spiritually recreational activities. Man is not an industrial robot.-he is human with very important spiritual needs that are essential to his well being. I take cannabis maybe once a week at most and in moderation at that. The key is to be conscience of what one is doing and why.
  12. In low doses cannabis can do several things that I think have a positive effect (bearing in mind context); relaxation, the senses are amplified, time is elongated, thoughts move in a smooth wave, creativity is enhanced, and an overall sense of joy and mirth with life. I would think, and of course this is simply my own conjecture, that Miss Rand would at the least extol their therapeutic effects on relaxation and joy - similar to her enjoyment of wine (if not better) and man's need for living life. I am not speaking in terms of always being high, in fact quite the opposite, just using cannabis in an appropriate time and context. Objectivists are not computers, we're individual human beings with certain spiritual needs as Nathaniel Branden states.
  13. Very interesting interview. At 5:45 NB talks about an almost cannabis moment with Ayn Rand. I rather think if she would have tried it she would have enjoyed it and found it great mental relaxation and recreation.
  14. is reporting from OCON that Peikoff is officially retiring.
  15. Obama's amended Executive Order 12425 is a disgrace and travesty to the US and our laws. Here's the full scoop;
  16. After reading this article ---- ---- I will NOT be seeing this morally repugnant garbage.
  17. I agree with Miss Rand. I don't think that she was denigrating women, but rather judging the self esteem, femininity, and character of a woman by the man she loved. Is he a self made man with self esteem, like her hero's in her books, or a moocher, drunk, or low-life, etc.
  18. Romney would be one of the worst possible GOP candidates. He screwed the State of Massachusett's with his own version of Obamacare; Romneycare.
  19. Selene, good question. I think Mike Pence can raise the money, which is why he is already putting his "feelers" out there, problem is there are too many Romney's in the GOP right now, ie RINO's. My two personal favorites to run would be Rep. Jeff Flake or Senator Jim DeMint. I'm not too fond of Palin, though I think she was scores better than McCain. The GOP is in a bit of a dilema (self induced, of course) in order to win elections they are going to have to pretty much adopt 96% of the Libertarian Party's platform. What happens if Cap and Trade and Obama-care become law? Will any of the GOP presidential candidates have the integrity and courage to state implicitly that once they are elected they will abolish those government programs?-doubtful. But, you never know, this is a very precarious time for the Republic. Keep an eye on Texas...
  20. Mike Pence is, in my opinion, the best GOP candidate of the current possible field of candidates for President in 2012.
  21. Interesting topic. I agree with Ayn Rand's view on homosexuality.-I am sure much to the chagrin of most other objectivists. As another individual posted elsewhere; why not then bestiality......or man-boy love, or intimate man-plant relationships, etc etc etc... I think the current objectivist movement has, sadly , condemned Ayn Rand for her insight into homosexuality. Have you ever stopped to think that like the other tenants of her philosophy that she was actually right about homosexuality, too?
  22. Ba'al Chatzaf, give it rest. Christ, does context mean anything to you?
  23. The clips on this website are both comical and very VERY disturbing.
  24. Ted, WHY would the black people you know celebrate this man at all?! Why OH WHY did Obama get the vast majority of the black vote?-because they believe in limited government based on individual rights and the integrity of what a man say's and does? There is NO reason, wether black or white, to celebrate Obama's election, because Obama is a quasi-Marxist who believes in seeing people as groups and not individuals that should be judged based on merit.
  25. This election was about white guilt, black racism, and America's turn to the left. I wholeheartedly agree with Brant; where was the celebration and tears of the black culture for Clarence Thomas?-Alan Keyes?-Thomas Sowell?-Walt Whitman? and countless others? The black culture has allowed victimization to dominate it, so when a leftist hack like Obama comes to the scene they think ,"great, a black man who is also going to identify with my victimization." I have ZERO respect for Obama's anti-life idea's and politics. Watching the crowd last night with tears in there eyes chanting "yes we can" (yes we can what?) to someone they clearly think of in terms of a saviour of sorts, made me sick to my stomach. It's apparent to me that this mob of people deem men worthy by what group they belong to instead of what honor and integrity of idea's that they have for liberty. Sick. Any rational thinker should be abhorred by last nights spectacle.