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Everything posted by blackhorse

  1. Fran , I appreciate your clarification.
  2. Victor, now may be a good time to purchase a pair of perdy cowboy boots.
  3. More muslim's and muslim communities NEED to speak out against shari'a and islamo-fascism. A lot of the problem is that too many are silent on condemning the islamo-fascist tyrants.
  4. Fran-"parasite on her body"??? That type of comment comes from the same people who think that all sex is rape. I'm having a difficult time trying to see how you can put starving diseased children who have been put in that situation through no fault of their own along with abortion. Are you saying that it is ok to have an abortion 1 hour before birth, but not ok to kill the baby 10 minutes after it's been born?-Just because the location has modified and it now breathes air? I appreciate Objectivism because of its ethics of reason and love of life. Developing human life included. (other than rape, incest, or the mothers life where she has been grossly violated or she will die) if individuals cannot respect the dignity of potential life and the great person that that developing child may be someday, innocent and untouched by the evil in the world, than how can we be expected to respect those that are alive an breathing with all of their faults?`If you would say that a pregnent woman has a parasite, well what does that say about your respect for and honor of your fellow man?
  5. CNA, I should have been more thorough with my answer. I too believe that abortion should be allowed in cases of rape or incest.
  6. I say make them all take an oath on Rand's VOS
  7. Abortion should be illegal except when a)the mother's life is in jeopardy, and B} before the 8th week of fetal development. (After the 8th week of fetal development there are sensory nerves to feel the pain and send a message to (2) the thalamus, a part of the base of the brain, and (3) motor nerves that send a message to that area. These are present at 8 weeks. The pain impulse goes to the thalamus. It sends a signal down the motor nerves to pull away from the hurt.)
  8. Mark my words; Ellison is going to be trouble. If he refuses to take the oath on the Bible, then he can get the F--k out of office.
  9. From; Radio station Echo Moskvy reported Friday that Litvinenko converted to Islam. Litvinenko, it said, was read the Yasin surah, or prayer, and given Islamic death rites by an imam invited to the dying spy’s hospital bedside. Ekho, a prominent liberal broadcaster funded by state-owned gas monopoly Gazprom, said Litvinenko would be buried in a Muslim cemetery in London. The station cited Chechenpress, the official news agency of the wartorn republic’s insurgency. A statement dictated by Litvinenko two days before his death and read by friends on Friday said nothing about a conversion to Islam.
  10. I concur 100% with that assesment MSK. Putin and his communistic KGB thugs are a real danger to Russia and the rest of the world. There needs to be a big outcry from the USA on this whole tragedy.
  11. Saw 'Casino Royale' last night, and it was awesome! Mr. Bidinotto, you are correct in your assesment; it IS the best Bond movie ever.
  12. Mr. Bidinotto, I have never known you to err when it comes to movie reviews (you ought to be a full-time Objectivist movie critic guru). I appreciate your review of 'Casino Royale' and I am definitley going to see it tonight! (I better sell some stock so I can afford the popcorn and soda)
  13. Scott Holleran (who happens to also be an Objectivist) is a movie critic for boxofficemojo. He gave 'Casino Royale' a less then favorable review which you can read here;
  14. If Rep. elect Keith Ellison was friendly to this muslim group; , than I would not mind so much. But he is a hardline liberal who has his hands dirty with the likes of CAIR and Nation of Islam.
  15. I have a new favorite for Dagney's role: (She plays Jack's daughter in the hit show "24")
  16. Keith Ellison(D-MN) was the first Muslim elected to Congress in November. You can read all about this shmuck here: This cannot bode well for the USA.
  17. Has anyone here seen Flyboys?
  18. In all seriousness, I would choose Jodie Foster over Angelina Jolie.
  19. Jolie's lips are too full and Foster's lips are...well, where are they?
  20. Grey's Anatomy is a hollow boring medical drama. HOUSE on the other hand is fantastic.
  21. Has anyone here read David Kelley's "Unrugged Individualism"? I just bought it and am looking foreward to reading it. (Also, are there any other objectivist books on benevolence ?)
  22. It's not an exhaustive list, just a list of the industry leaders.
  23. Victor, I second that. I met the most beautiful and intelligent girl on . Congratulations to the both of you.