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LOL. ;)

I don't know if I care enough about my parents' political views. Maybe I should, but I really don't. People might say I'm a brat, but I have hardly any respect for either of them.

Hey, you should write a paper called "Portrait of a young female punk..." No really, I'm kidding. No, that essay is damn interesting in learning how to hone a radar to uncover bullshit artists-- or someone's philosophy should you decide to enter a relationship with someone--romantic, friendship, business--and not just within the scope of your parent's political views. You want to know this person well, and what they say can give them away as to what there values are. It's good to know where people are 'coming from.' There is a wider application to your life here. It's a really interesting chapter in Philosophy: Who needs it. By the way, Angie practiced it on me when first getting to know me. She would ask key questions that might have me answering in a certain way that would give her a clue as to what type of man I am. She is one smart lady. I passed the test!

Every paper I write has "female punk" written all over it, Victor. Hah. I have Philosophy: Who Needs It, so I'll have to check that one out. I do try and pick up on things people say and it definitely does tell you something about a person. I also try to think carefully about what I am saying, because I sometimes don't think before I speak (or I say things to semi-strangers that they would only understand if they really knew me) and I think that gives people a false impression of me. I sure would like to know what Angie's questions were, I need them!

I'm glad you passed the test. You and Angie are a cute couple.

*sighs* I suppose it's bedtime again. I have a wedding to go to tomorrow. *snores*

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Damn, you guys, another Hijack in progress. Bet with me, Honey!?!? Hey, you already won the last one and it will be an interesting and fun one at that, don't ya think?

Sorry, honey, not really browsing OL as I am looking for something specific and if I can pull it off or not, just the right touch !! HAHA, wouldn't you like to know. :P

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LOL. ;)

I don't know if I care enough about my parents' political views. Maybe I should, but I really don't. People might say I'm a brat, but I have hardly any respect for either of them.

Hey, you should write a paper called "Portrait of a young female punk..." No really, I'm kidding. No, that essay is damn interesting in learning how to hone a radar to uncover bullshit artists-- or someone's philosophy should you decide to enter a relationship with someone--romantic, friendship, business--and not just within the scope of your parent's political views. You want to know this person well, and what they say can give them away as to what there values are. It's good to know where people are 'coming from.' There is a wider application to your life here. It's a really interesting chapter in Philosophy: Who needs it. By the way, Angie practiced it on me when first getting to know me. She would ask key questions that might have me answering in a certain way that would give her a clue as to what type of man I am. She is one smart lady. I passed the test!

Every paper I write has "female punk" written all over it, Victor. Hah. I have Philosophy: Who Needs It, so I'll have to check that one out. I do try and pick up on things people say and it definitely does tell you something about a person. I also try to think carefully about what I am saying, because I sometimes don't think before I speak (or I say things to semi-strangers that they would only understand if they really knew me) and I think that gives people a false impression of me. I sure would like to know what Angie's questions were, I need them!

I'm glad you passed the test. You and Angie are a cute couple.

*sighs* I suppose it's bedtime again. I have a wedding to go to tomorrow. *snores*

Uh?? I must go back and read. was just skimming through as I have my mind someplace else, on another site...oops. My questions? What were my questions? LOL I totally must have missed something. Hmmm....maybe I should read all the posts. hehehehe YIKES.

Girlie girl, clue me in here, please!?!?

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Total Duh :blink::blink: LMAO I gotcha now. I just read all the posts rather than skimming really quick. I missed what Victor said to you. I know what he is talking about now. Hey, we can pick this up in private later and all those questions I asked him which revealed quite a bit, all good though. :P:D Sorry to not have answered your email yet. I've been a bit pre-occupied, girlie girl. I still need to send you those songs as well.

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Ashley Parker Angel was on the first Making the Band on TV, and ended up as a member of the boy band O-Town. This was not the sort of music he wanted to make, but he has since said that he regards the whole experience as "the greatest foot in the door" to the business anyone could ask for, "like a college-level crash course in the music industry," and that he would do it again if he was starting out.

This year, his struggle to become a solo artist was tracked on the show There & Back, which was the #1 show on MTV when it ran. His first video, to the song "Let U Go," was #1 on TRL also. So he's got a great start!

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Ask Angie.

A wedding? Yours? Snores? Can't be an interesing guy then...oh, I'm shitin' ya!

Sweet dreams. I'm off to the land of nod too.

Of course it's not my wedding! *barfola* He's interesting, I guess. It's just the whole idea of going to a wedding that's boring to me. Kind of like, "Eh...whatever." It's my sister's wedding.


Total Duh :blink::blink: LMAO I gotcha now. I just read all the posts rather than skimming really quick. I missed what Victor said to you. I know what he is talking about now. Hey, we can pick this up in private later and all those questions I asked him which revealed quite a bit, all good though. :P:D Sorry to not have answered your email yet. I've been a bit pre-occupied, girlie girl. I still need to send you those songs as well.

LMAO at your initial confusion. I'm excited to hear your questions. You're a sneaky one, Angie! :lol:

Ah, c'mon Angie. Start a thread with your philosophical detection questions. It may help me in my matchmaking efforts...


I agree. But then maybe all the guys will know and they will study.


Ashley Parker Angel was on the first Making the Band on TV, and ended up as a member of the boy band O-Town. This was not the sort of music he wanted to make, but he has since said that he regards the whole experience as "the greatest foot in the door" to the business anyone could ask for, "like a college-level crash course in the music industry," and that he would do it again if he was starting out.

This year, his struggle to become a solo artist was tracked on the show There & Back, which was the #1 show on MTV when it ran. His first video, to the song "Let U Go," was #1 on TRL also. So he's got a great start!

Ah, I remember now! That really does sound like a good foot in the door. I wish him the best.

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Johnny Cash & June Carter "Cause I Love You"

Sorry OL, I have to put this one in! Again, this is for Angie [others can dig it, too] :)

Johnny Cash & June Carter "Darlin' Companion"

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Ah, c'mon Angie. Start a thread with your philosophical detection questions. It may help me in my matchmaking efforts...


Oy, it's not like I have a list of questions written down or something. But I do have many questions but it really depends on what is being talked about at that time. Questions that can be asked that will reveal quite a bit about someone. One was posted already and that was the Fun Question thread. It can reveal quite a bit about someone's confidence level, self esteem, how happy they are with their life, how satisfied they are with their life, their own accomplishments, indicative of what they value and so on. Out of all the years I've asked this question, very very few have answered it correctly. Victor answered it correctly when I asked him the question. He said, "I am happy being MYSELF and there isn't anyone I want to be like."

Another question is what colors do you like or what are your favorite colors. This will reveal *to an extent* their sense of life, optimism. If their colors are very dark colors, they have a more dreary outlook on life versus if someone picks a color such as a deep red, maroon, and yellow. They enjoy the richness that life has to offer which signifies the deep red rich color. The yellow is a bright color, joy, happiness. For instance, yellow flowers on your kitchen table in the morning with the sun shining through the windows is uplifting mood wise, invokes free spirit, happiness. There are many and would have to think back on everything that me and Victor have talked about. There's been many questions asked. I just don't keep them written down. It really depends on what is being talked about.

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It's funny that you and Angie would call me "girly girl." I'm anything but that. LOL.

Oh Boy!

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Placebo's "Nancy Boy"

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Oh, and Angie. What if someone prefers to wear black (not necessarily ALL black), but their favorite colors are orange, yellow, and purple? (I'm too white to wear orange! LMAO)

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I was only mentioning to Angie the other day that I regard a person as having "depth" if they like music that was recorded before they were born—or else falls outside of what is currently “fashionable”—stuff people listen to just to wink at the mob and to plead: “Please like me, I’m one of you!” :sick:

When it comes to music, I don’t give a rat’s ass when it was recorded or what genre it is—I listen to music as pure act of selfishness. The mob can go to hell.

You are impressing the hell out of me, girl. :turned:

Norah Jones Johhny Cash Tribute

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Tom Petty "Mary Jane's Last Dance"

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Red Hot Chili Peppers "Dani California" (sounds very similar to Mary Jane's Last Dance, I think)

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The Eagles "Hotel California" (jeez, more Cali, I didn't even realize it)

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While I'm at it, I might as well post these:

RHCP "Californication"

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Tool "Aenima" (WEIRD!)

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"What's This?" from The Nightmare Before Christmas (best soundtrack song ever, it's just so damn joyous)

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Tori Amos "Cornflake Girl"

Tori Amos "Mr. Zebra" (I'm a good time fella, too)

Fiona Apple "Limp" (I don't know how she can perform this song live, I think I'd be a wreck!)

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When it comes to music, I don’t give a rat’s ass when it was recorded or what genre it is—I listen to music as pure act of selfishness. The mob can go to hell.

Word! How awful it'd be if I only liked music from 1989-present! Oh my! I always liked that line in "Without Me" by Eminem: "Little hellions, kids feelin' rebellious, embarrassed their parents still listen to Elvis. They start feelin' like prisoners helpless, 'til someone comes along on a mission and yells 'BITCH!'"


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Forgot these:

Smashing Pumpkins "Tonight, Tonight"

Smashing Pumpkins "Disarm" (LOVED this since I was little)

A Perfect Circle "Passive" (LOVE this song)

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Wow, Requiem for a Dream is one of my favorite movies! God, it's made me bawl my eyes out. Ellen Burstyn was amazing (as were the others). Have you seen it?

Those two songs were both great! Have you heard the soundtrack to Requiem for a Dream? The main theme almost brings tears to my eyes because all I can picture are the awful scenes from that movie. Phwew...I'll have to send the main theme to you sometime if you haven't heard it already.

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This Kelly chick from SOLO said this:

In fact, the Johnny Cash I love is often a bit more shocking as far as violence and nihilism than any hiphop or rap I listen to.

Man-oh-man! What do you think of that? :wink:

By the way, I have NOT seen Requiem for a Dream yet. I will though!

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LOL. Boy, do I love me some Bowie. Especially Ziggy Stardust. Have you ever heard "Bring Me The Disco King"? Brotha has soul.

Yeah, I remember reading that Cash was more shocking than hiphop! Maybe it's 'cause Cash came out before all the rap and hiphop, and we're all desensitized. That's how I feel. I mean, I can see a guy on TV get his brains blown out, but it doesn't always phase me. I guess I don't know, since I didn't live back before my own time! What a feat that'd be!

Good. You MUST watch Requiem! Don't watch or listen to anything about it until you see it. You cannot have it ruined for you. And bring tissues, 'cause you might bawl like I did. And you WILL be disturbed. (It's also a book by Hubert Selby, Jr.)

I don't know about the drugs, but I'll take the sex and the rock 'n' roll!

(Oh, and what's up with Perigo wearing tuxedos?)

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