MAGA-Trump Movement 2021 And Beyond

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  • 4 weeks later...


🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 

 I had to see this to believe it.


From President Trump's own account just now on Truth Social.


Just so the texts get search engine love (text in images get no SEO love), here they are in all their glory.

This is Trump's text:

"Thank you to Michael Avenatti—for revealing the truth about two sleaze bags who have, with their lies and misrepresentations, cost our Country dearly!"

This is Avenatti's text:

"We can’t be hypocrites when it comes to the 1st Amendment. It is outrageous that Cohen and Daniels can do countless TV interviews, post on social, & make $$ on bogus documentaries - all by talking shit about Trump - but he’s gagged and threatened with jail if he responds"


Trump knows how to the goad the press to run in circles while blowing their stack.

Don't forget that Avenatti used to be their No. 1 attack dog against Trump and he is now in jail for fraud and embezzlement.


I'm just going to sit back and watch the show.


Wanna bet Avenatti uses this newfound fame to trash the shit out of the Deep State and fake news people he wants to get revenge on?

Maybe even cough up some real evidence that can stand up in court?

Be a sleazebag to end all sleazebags?




EDIT: Here's some icing on that cake. Watch the video in the article below and see MSNBC journalist Ari Melber gradually turn beet red in real time. :)



Former attorney Michael Avenatti -- who was a superstar on MSNBC and CNN during the Trump years for frequently promising to put Trump in jail -- left MSNBC's

What the hell were they thinking by letting Avenatti back on air after they screwed him big time?



This is a MAGA thread, so why this stuff? Well, I thought it needed some pro-MAGA humor, even through the word MAGA was not uttered.


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Would you like a cherry on top of the icing?

This is called discipline on Trump's part.

He is releasing this only now.


This afternoon, President Trump shared an image of a 2018 letter from Stormy Daniels on his Social Account.


Here is a copy of the letter from Stormy Daniels.



Official Statement of Stormy Daniels
January 30, 2018

To Whom It May Concern:

Over the past few weeks, I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago.

The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 20011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying this affair because I was paid “hush money” as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened.

I will have no further comment on this matter. Please feel free to check me out on Instagram at @thestormydaniels.

Thank you,
(signed) Stormy Daniels



I wonder what Bragg's rockem-sockem trial is going to look like now.



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What event in the future did she deny in that letter? The latest date I see is 2018, the date of the letter.

This letter (it's not a press release) shows this smear scam was already underway back then.

Besides, if Trump did not screw Stormy Daniels back then, what makes you think later is important? Do you think he would feel attracted to her all of a sudden after a letter like that? 

And even more besides, Trump is a germaphobe. Does anyone really think a germaphobe would have sex with a porn star without a Hazmat suit on and a bulletproof vest wrapped around his ding-dong?

That just ain't happening.



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First and foremost : TRUMP 2024!

But what is this thing? If it wasn't supposed to be a press release who was the intended recipient, it is addressed :"To Whom It May Concern" and the typo( ?) "20011" , that's a ways off yet :)

And in a weird way it is probably 'truer' than true, her stage/porn/stripper name is Stormy , not her legal name, so even if they had um a liaison, unless it was filmed Stormy and Trump really didn't. lol

Though whatever the genesis of the monies given to her , she could have had some fun with the rumor and made a film with a guy who looks like DJT , actually just creative blocking and a guy in a red tie, lol.

But this letter is : I do not know what.

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I believe this letter was not a press release. I think Stormy drew it up and gave it to Trump's people, probably Michael Cohen, because they asked her to.

The letter is dated January 2018 and Trump employed Cohen until May 2018.

The more this evolves, the more I think this whole Stormy mess was Michael Cohen's bullshit, going all the way back to paying her off to get rid of a potential public nuisance. After all, he was Trump's fixer back then. Mob contacts and everything.

Super rich guys pay off grifters all the time. Sometimes it's easier to pay grifters than fight them when public image is at stake.


Back at the time Stormy got paid, Cohen was arrogant and always said (even on TV) he would take a bullet for Trump. I even believed his bullshit back then.

I can see Cohen cooking up this mess as a get out of jail card should something go wrong. I can see him convincing Trump a payoff would be the easiest way to handle it (maybe even skimming off the top, too), then getting the letter from Stormy as a way to cover his own ass. 

And at some point, he had to pass the letter on to Trump, either after he was fired or because of all the controversy. 

I can even see Trump separating from Cohen because he finally understood what Cohen was about, that Cohen's loyalty was flawed and shot through with hustles like this. That was the reason Trump did not support Cohen when Cohen got targeted.

I'm speculating, but that makes the most sense to me after all this time.


And if Stormy filmed a porn movie with a Trump look-a-like, that would be a hoot.



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I am going to do the kangaroo court in NY stuff here in this MAGA thread.

Why? It's not just Trump that is going to beat this thing. MAGA will.

In fact, it is not Trump only that is on trial. MAGA is, too. The trial is about election interference and the only way the bad guys see they can stop MAGA in the short term is to stop Trump by any means necessary.

You can see the intention clearly here:



Jury selection was underway on Monday morning for Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s lawfare case against Trump related to ‘hush payments’ made to porn star Stormy Daniels.


It's going to be fun watching all this turn into a society-wide boomerang. Those crazy idiots are not going to know what hit them, and it will be their own goddam boomerang, the one they threw at Trump.



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One thing will help--the story war.

And what story war is happening right now?

"The builders of civilization persecuted by the haters of it."

Does that remind you of a book?


For the real slow people who have not yet had their coffee, I refer to Atlas Shrugged.

Americans of all stripes see this so clearly because Ayn Rand fought that battle years ago by writing the book.


Even O-Land Trump haters have to realize Trump helped build the New York skyline.

Will TDS keep them from seeing this?



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17 minutes ago, tmj said:

Yes, I think most of O-Land will remain under the TDS spell as it seems they did with Covid and Ukraine, go figure.


This shows just how rationalistic the Objectivist movement has become.

The current Objectivist movement is a big fat floating abstraction made concrete by mush.

They no longer connect their ideas to anything in reality, even when the reality is right in front of their noses and honked to death in the media.

That's one reason I am here, not there.

Doing it my way--in reality--as are those who come here.



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Those idiots walked right into this.

The judge won't let Trump attend his son's high school graduation ceremony.

We all know that Trump has enough clout to get an exemption if he opens up his guns.

But, nope. He's going to obey the judge. And he's saying the judge won't let him attend his son's high school graduation ceremony. What's more, he's milking it for everything it's worth.


Now think about it. What do people resonate with all the way down to their bones?

Traditions like high school or muh Orange Man Bad because muh porn star and mumble mumble mumble?

We are talking about hundreds of millions of people looking at this.



At the end of everything, I expect this judge's career to be in shambles. Maybe impeached and disbarred. Prison... He has no idea of what he got himself into. I bet the Deep State is bribing him and blackmailing him real good...



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  • 2 weeks later...

This one is personal and it reflects on the sense of life of MAGA people.

I love Chanel Rion from OAN as a newscaster. I have ever since I saw her on OAN a few years ago. Unfortunately, I don't see her often since I no longer watch news on Cable TV.

But whenever a clip of her comes up, I watch it and often feel better for it. I saw one the other day on X and loved what Chanel said.


God knows I have tried to unite with evil, not in the sense of joining it, but in the sense of finding specific areas of common ground so we can find a higher ground with universal principles. 

I can't say my tactics have been a total failure, but the successes have been a paltry few. Man have there been headaches, though. :) 

That's the mind I was in when I saw Chanel's video.

So I posted a response to it.

Chanel then followed me on X.

This is the first famous person who has followed me on X solely based on what I posted. In essence, we are strangers, but I know for sure she and I share a lot of common ground.

So I felt proud she followed me. It felt like a salute.

Someday I intend to meet her.


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On 4/28/2024 at 11:35 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

This one is personal and it reflects on the sense of life of MAGA people.

I love Chanel Rion from OAN as a newscaster. I have ever since I saw her on OAN a few years ago. Unfortunately, I don't see her often since I no longer watch news on Cable TV.

But whenever a clip of her comes up, I watch it and often feel better for it. I saw one the other day on X and loved what Chanel said.


God knows I have tried to unite with evil, not in the sense of joining it, but in the sense of finding specific areas of common ground so we can find a higher ground with universal principles. 

I can't say my tactics have been a total failure, but the successes have been a paltry few. Man have there been headaches, though. :) 

That's the mind I was in when I saw Chanel's video.

So I posted a response to it.

Chanel then followed me on X.

This is the first famous person who has followed me on X solely based on what I posted. In essence, we are strangers, but I know for sure she and I share a lot of common ground.

So I felt proud she followed me. It felt like a salute.

Someday I intend to meet her.


Way to go and first of many!!!!!

Great video and great comment by you to get the follow!!!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Steve Bannon's War Room Pandemic just got reinstated on X.



(NOTE DAYS LATER: I had to delete the embed to the restored account because it was misbehaving so badly. It made this post a mile long. :) However, if you click on the name in bold or the image, you will go to the account on X.)


At the time of this post, they haven't tweeted yet, but they are up.



And guess what?

I believe this was Steve holding off until now, not Elon. Since Steve's legal J6 problems just got worse, he's opening up X's audience big time.

And, believe me, shit will fly. This is a major body blow to the consolidated Election Censorship Machine that runs in the mainstream news and on other big tech social media sites.


I wonder what else Steve & Co. have up their sleeves.

In terms of offense and strategy, this is no long the same MAGA as was for the 2020 election.

They are bringing it.



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On 4/15/2024 at 5:21 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

At the end of everything, I expect this judge's career to be in shambles. Maybe impeached and disbarred. Prison... He has no idea of what he got himself into.

There's a joke going around.

A convicted hoodlum and a hooker walk into a bar.

The hooker asks, "Where's Trump?"

The bartender says, "Sorry folks. The Courtroom is next door. Say, aren't you?..."

They leave to go next door.



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I'd imagine the people who recommended the judge to hear the case argued that his actions would be safe and effective and besides he would 'obviously' be on the side of those currently 'winning'. Basically the Blob appears so large and powerful it can't lose, he chose a side.

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