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It could just be hypochondria but I am not feeling too good just as last year when the pollen count is high. I checked my temperature a few minutes ago and it is 98.9. If I go to the store again and I cough or look symptomatic I wonder how people will react?

At least people aren't turning into Zombies due to the coronavirus.  


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Rubbing alcohol is gone from the drug store! I wish Tom Hanks and his wife Rita the best. They caught it in Australia. Peter 

Closed up and edited for brevity. US coronavirus cases: a state-by-state breakdown By Christina Maxouris and Steve Almasy, CNN  5 hrs ago The first US case of the coronavirus was reported in January -- a Washington state man who had recently returned from China. A little more than a month later, the country has reported more than 1,270. At least 38 people have died: 30 in Washington state, four in California, two in Florida, one in New Jersey and one in South Dakota . . . . The 1,274 Americans who have tested positive includes 46 people who were repatriated from the Diamond Princess cruise ship after an outbreak on board and another 21 repatriated from the Grand Princess cruise ship, which was stuck off the California coast as officials scrambled to figure out how to respond. The number also includes three people who were repatriated from Wuhan, China. 

Here are the rest of the cases, broken down by state: Alabama: No reported cases Alaska: No reported cases Idaho: No reported cases Maine: No reported cases Montana: No reported cases: West Virginia: No reported cases

Arizona: 9 Arkansas: 1 California: 139 (including four deaths) Colorado: 33 Connecticut: 3 Delaware: 1 District of Columbia: 10 Florida: 26 (including two deaths) Georgia: 31 Hawaii: 2 Illinois: 25 Indiana: 10 Iowa: 14 Kansas: 1 Kentucky: 8 Louisiana 13 Maryland: 12 Massachusetts: 95 Michigan: 2 Minnesota: 5 Mississippi: 1 Missouri: 1 Nebraska: 10 Nevada: 7 New Hampshire: 5 New Jersey: 23 (including one death) New Mexico: 4 New York: 216 North Carolina: 8 North Dakota: 1 Ohio: 4 Oklahoma: 2 Oregon: 19 Pennsylvania: 15 Rhode Island: 5 South Carolina: 10 South Dakota: 8 (including one death) Tennessee: 7 Texas: 21 Utah: 3 Vermont: 1 Virginia: 9 Washington: 373 (including 30 deaths) Wisconsin: 10 Wyoming: 1

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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


That money didn't go into the ether. It transferred to somewhere.

In fact, the Fed is pumping a new $1.5 trillion into the economy.

After this globalist monkeybusiness dies down, the DOW will snap back stronger than ever. It has to since this drop is an artificially created market problem. And the stock market will have to absorb a good hunk of that $1.5 trillion.

Those who buy now run a seriously good chance of making out like bandits when the snap-back happens.


The only power the Fed has to put money into the economy is by raising interest rates so more money is paid out to purchasers of Federal debt. When a T bill is purchased you get that interest immediately. The Fed is lowering interest rates.

I have absolutely no idea where you got that 1.5 trillion figure.


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1 hour ago, Peter said:

It could just be hypochondria but I am not feeling too good just as last year when the pollen count is high. I checked my temperature a few minutes ago and it is 98.9.


Rush Limbaugh just got over a nasty flu that put him in the hospital.

It wasn't the coronavirus.

All the ills of mankind didn't go anywhere because of the coronavirus. Mankind's ills can't read.


Life goes on and this thing will be over before too long.

Get yourself tested if you are worrying a lot, but I would bet more on the common cold goosed up with worry.



(distant thunder and lightening... a dog barks from somewhere in the dark... deep slow organ music...)



But then again, I might be wrong...

:evil:  :) 


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36 minutes ago, Brant Gaede said:

I have absolutely no idea where you got that 1.5 trillion figure.



Fed to pump in more than $1 trillion in dramatic ramping up of market intervention amid coronavirus meltdown


The Fed announced a bold new initiative in an effort to calm market tumult amid the coronavirus meltdown.

In all, the new moves pump in up to $1.5 trillion into the financial system in an effort to combat potential freezes brought on by the coronavirus.

I didn't check the Fed's own words, but this is where I got the idea.

And, as I understand it, after all the mumbo-jumbo, the Fed's asset purchases will be made with money created out of thin air.


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They announced they are closing schools in Maryland and one of my daughters teaches 4th grade there. 

Wait until they close liquor stores. I predict riots. Maybe I will buy a case of something good. Get it? "Case?" 

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Fun fact from Rush Limbaugh.

Remember the Swine Flu of 2009-2010?

Guess how many Americans got infected with the Swine Flu back then?
60 million. 
That's close to one-fifth of the entire country.

Guess how many Americans got hospitalized with the Swine Flu?
300 thousand.
Rush didn't know the death toll.
(LATER EDIT: At the end of the transcript here, Rush read a source that said the Swine Flu at that time killed 17 thousand Americans, including children and elderly, but mostly normal adults.)

Compare that to the Wuhan Virus (coronavirus) these days.

Americans infected as of today with the Wuhan Virus.

Death toll of Americans due to the Wuhan Virus.

And why was there no panic back in 2009-2010 with the Swine Flu? Because President Barack Obama was handling it. He, being the most intelligent man to ever be elected president, knew exactly what to do and he nipped it in the bud. The country was safe in his hands according to the press back then. Only 60,000,000 Americans got infected under his watch. If it wasn't for Obama, America wouldn't have survived, doncha know?

It's hard for me to look at this crap and not be so disgusted I want to spit.

Granted, the stats for the Swine Flu are at the end and the stats for the Wuhan Virus are at the beginning, but with the nonstop media hysteria prompting sports leagues, schools, companies, government agencies and the like to close down for a time, what makes the media so sure this thing will be so much worse than the 60,000,000 infected by the Swine Flu in the US?

Slapping my forehead and incorporating the spirit of the fake news media: For Pete's sake, Michael, don't be so stupid. With the Wuhan Virus, there are only ‭59,998,314‬ cases and 16,960 deaths to go to catch up to the Swine Flu. We're all gonna die, goddammit! Can't you see??? We're all gonna die!!!!!


Good God...


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3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:



Fed to pump in more than $1 trillion in dramatic ramping up of market intervention amid coronavirus meltdown

I didn't check the Fed's own words, but this is where I got the idea.

And, as I understand it, after all the mumbo-jumbo, the Fed's asset purchases will be made with money created out of thin air.


You were right and I was wrong. It seems this is what is called a "repo" operation. My source calls it "monetary sugar" and doesn't think it's bullish. However, there seems to be a lot of good companies whose stock is on sale.


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Here's a feel-good headline from Patrick Buchanan.

Will the Coronavirus Kill the New World Order?

It's a thought.

Now for the not-feel-so-good part.

There is a presumption in the crony "free trade" system of the globalists, but it's also in the real free trade ideology in O-Land and among libertarians where the market, not government, rules mankind the best--and this can extend to the entire world.

The presumption is that the health conditions of all places are essentially the same. But they're not.

I learned this on my own hide from having lived in two distinct cultures, American and Brazilian.

Every time I spent a long time in one country, when I went to the other to stay, I had to suffer an adaptation period for my gut. The digestive microorganisms are different between the two countries and it generally took about a week for the indigestion to go away. I bet most world travelers know this from experience unless they stay in a bubble catering to the wealthy where this effect is minimized.

On a larger scale  the ecosystems of different parts of the world are vastly different from each other. That means humans living in each have had to adapt to differing conditions, and that are some conditions livable to one group that have adapted, but fatal to another group where such a threat never existed before being imported.

An example cited constantly in the history books is syphilis, the cold, etc., being imported (by the white man, of course) to different native populations during the colonizing and pioneering days and these diseases decimating entire civilizations.

As tourists, people can visit and not get infected on a large scale because they go back to where their biological system learned to adapt to things. Humans are made for a certain amount of flexibility. But with globalization, large groups of peoples, and more, consumable products (even ones that go in needles) start being spread around the world in virtual monopolies. If these monopolized products are not made with the different ecosystems in mind, lots of bad things can happen in one country, but not the next.

And that's not even taking into consideration sabotage. 

What was America thinking in outsourcing the production of its medicine to China? When USA-China conflicts come along, what the hell do people think the Chinese will do?

Think about it.

And that's just one thought.


Crony money and power schemes can never trump nature. And neither can any ideology.

If Nature is ignored, there comes a time when it punishes the ignorers. And mercy is not a condition that governs Nature. Neither is human social standing.


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On 3/10/2020 at 3:32 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Amazing Polly finds the oddest things hidden in plain sight.

Here's a rehearsal last December by a globalist group (Event 201 at the John Hopkins Center for Health Security) of what the elites should do for a coronavirus pandemic, including actual presentations of fake news and everything. 

As one attendee mentioned, they left out shortage of doctors and civil unrest in their simulation and rehearsal. How's that for genius? The alleged best and brightest of the world convened to talk about a potential pandemic and not only didn't they treat it as a health problem (as Polly showed one of the members saying openly), they didn't think doctors or public reaction were relevant. 

They did talk about how much money and power they wanted, though.

Now, out here in current day reality three months later, when you look at the media freak-out about the coronavirus, it follows their rehearsal. Man, what a coincidence, huh?

To expand on what I've said earlier, Amazing Polly is a voice of reason in a swamp suffering a hurricane of misinformation and political agendas. There's shit flying all over the place and she shows how to get out of the hurricane and to the edge of the swamp.

These globalists are unbelievable in their gall. 


I have seen this video more than once. And I intend to see it a few more times.

This coronavirus thing was orchestrated as a large-scale social experiment. Even one of the speakers at the John Hopkins Event 201 meeting said a potential (at that time) conronavirus epidemic or pandemic should not be treated as a medical event.

Say what?

Not treated as a medical event?


The video of that guy saying this is right there in Polly's video.

Ellen used to mention efforts she knew about to eliminate a large part of the world's population through biological means and was very cautious about saying too much.

I wonder if Event 201 was part of what she knew about.

I know the coronavirus does not feel like a real pandemic when one looks at the figures, but it certainly feels like a dry run for systems of controlling people. Notice the targeting of famous people and celebrities to help spread fear. Shades of the Eddie Bernays way of doing propaganda. I don't have evidence, but I am certain a crapload of data is being compiled about how large swaths of people are reacting to each propaganda surge.

So I wonder what's next with these assholes.


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The press has been on a rampage against Bolsonaro and was gleefully dancing on his upcoming grave from being killed by the coronavirus.

And don't forget all of those pictures of Bolsonaro shaking hands with Trump. Here is one, but there are many out there.


However, the verdict of coronavirus infection was all made up. From Breitbart:

Update: Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro Tests Negative for Coronavirus


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro says he tested negative for the coronavirus following a Friday story from a major Brazilian newspaper reporting that he tested positive for the deadly illness. “Dont trust fake news media — they are the ones who need you, ” Bolsonaro tweeted after announcing the results.

Even Breitbart fell for this fake news in an earlier article.


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If I did the math right, the worldwide death rate is around 3.5 percent now. So many "gathering places" are being shut down. Schools in Maryland are being shut for a few weeks (the exact timeline is still somewhat up in the air) but the teacher's are being told they must work during the Easter break to make up for lost time. 

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I have shared this before but I think it can be requoted without growing old. Morgan Freeman as the President of the United States from the movie “Deep Impact.”

We watched as the bombs shattered the second comet into a million of pieces of ice and rock that burned harmlessly in our atmosphere and lit up the sky for an hour. Still, we were left with the devastation of the first. The waters reached as far inland as the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys. It washed away farms and towns... forests and skyscrapers. But the water receded.

The wave hit Europe and Africa, too. Millions were lost. Countless more left homeless. But the waters receded. Cities fall... but they are rebuilt. And heroes die... but they are remembered.

We honor them with every brick we lay... with every field we sow... with every child we comfort and then teach to rejoice in what we have been re-given Our planet. Our home. So now... let us begin.

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Fox. The stimulus will keep small businesses “in business,” when people go back to work hopefully in a few weeks. Out USPS mail was delivered at the usual time today but I have hesitated to go and get it from the box. I received my CPAP supplies in a box (made in China but repackaged in America) and I have let it sit undisturbed for five days.

Smoking nations like China and Italy will suffer from respiratory failure in greater numbers. China's smoking rate is 300 times ours.  

It was business as usual in my family. We sold some property, signed, and received a check today at a lawyer's office. Booya!

I just got a robo call from our Rep. Andy Harris. He is having a Monday phone conference on the coronavirus.

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5 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Ellen used to mention efforts she knew about to eliminate a large part of the world's population through biological means and was very cautious about saying too much.

I wonder if Event 201 was part of what she knew about.

I knew about it, but it isn't a method favored by the particular plotters who are my focus.

Look at the results with this COVID-19.  It's getting globalists too and mucking up their money sources and communication routes and freedom to travel.


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