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23 hours ago, Peter said:

Is she the director of health or “the funeral director?” If I am sick enough to be in the hospital I am going to the hospital

Maybe I am wrong in the long run. Hospital workers are getting the virus in growing numbers. Ugh. If you are sick but not from the coronavirus and you go to the hospital you may catch it in the hospital. I know someone in California who works in a hospital and I may ask them what is going on there. A cab driver had two coughing passengers WEARING masks and he came down with the coronavirus. Immediate care places may stop operating. I wonder if a funeral director could catch it from a dead body? Stocks are down again.

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Tech stocks with ties to China are all down. VP Pence meeting with business leaders. 11 deaths from coronavirus. 21 people on a cruise ship showing (and sowing) symptoms. 3600 on board The Grand or was it Diamond Princess?. Damn. Fox is showing the stock exchange "speeded up" and everybody looks dead serious and worried. DOW almost down a thou.

edit. The guy who wears a black and white jacket at the DOW was on Fox wondering what the fear was about. After all a million and half people die from diarrhea each year worldwide. I am not sure that calmed the markets.

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To prevent the spread of this illness or other illnesses, including the flu:

Wash your hands often with soap and water,

Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze,

Stay home when you're sick, and

See your doctor if you think you're ill.

Sincerely, The Medicare Team

Note: Your provider will need to wait until after April 1, 2020 to submit a claim to Medicare for this test.

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17 minutes ago, Peter said:

To prevent the spread of this illness or other illnesses, including the flu:

Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze,


Sincerely, The Medicare Team


Sneeze and cough into your elbow with your chin down, it’s all directed into the cloth on your elbow and chest where it dries and dies.

Don’t ever sneeze or cough into your hands, which then immediately go off touching everything and placing virus everywhere.

Not into your hands!

Even simply turning away from people and things people touch to sneeze into the floor and vacant atmosphere is better than to get it all over your ten little super spreaders.

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I smell a rat and a big one.

Somebody on the dark side is using this virus in a targeted manner.

The Iranian lawmakers (10%).
CPAC attendee.

Oh, and there's this. Has anyone heard anything about Hong Kong protests?


I could go on and on about the political games being played with this flu.

And there's this. Bloomberg spent over half a billion dollars to run in the Dem primaries to take down Trump (i.e., take down people against the Deep State and globalism).

Isn't it possible for Bloomberg to have gazillionaire friends who think the same way? So what if they lose a little money as they put their media toadies spreading panic over a virus? A little market manipulation here. Fake news there. It all adds up. Maybe this shot will take down the Trump.

That's what the rat looks like to me.

The virus is real. The size of, and danger posed by the problem given in the mainstream news isn't.


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On the radio this morning they were playfully disclosing all the summer concerts that have been cancelled. Playfull though, giggling about it. The tone is changing. One concert organizer said “we have to protect our senior concert-goers.” Straight-up bizarre.

I also saw a closure, I can’t remember what it was, but it specified exactly April 3rd would be the re-open date. It struck me because it made no sense to specify a re-open date. Nothing is happening yet, so if you close because something might happen then you also do not know when the hypothetical something  will be relieved, do you? So why would you even think of specifying a re-open date?

I am on board with bad guys launching it, spreading it. But something is changing and I still think the good guys will co-opt it, use it. People will start noticing The Storm as it ramps up and Trump will keep saying oh no, gosh no, that’s just us fighting the coronavirus. It’s genius, if true. People would get agitated at all airports going closed for two weeks, for example. Imagine the uproar and possible unrest if people reacted badly to the interstates closing for two weeks. But if you build up their fear and get them to where they are demanding such measures for their safety, well, then it’s much easier to Storm, isn’t it?

GTMO activity and troop rotations have been way above the last few years with no meaningful additional load of old geezer Taliban having been disclosed that would explain it. Troops to the border. Search news on that over last year. A rat roundup is in the works. It will be over before most understand. It has to be before the election or Trump admin. would be complicit in allowing Biden to proceed. They have proof he is a traitor. If he is nominated, then he must be taken down. If Killery is nominated they must take her out. It would be nifty to simply beat her in the election, but again, that would make Barr and Trump and many people at Justice complicit, and it will be well and widely understood soon, her treason that is and their knowledge and possession of proof of it, so they can’t do that.

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I noticed that my high school, Radford H.S. in Honolulu, is delaying the time you need to get a deposit in for the reunion, from May to June because of concerns about the coronavirus. I don't think I will want to get on a plane until the "crisis" is over. 

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Ben Garrison hits another out of the park.

He mentions Ayn Rand at the end.


“Only thing we have to fear is fear itself”  FDR 1933

As I write this the Dow futures are down 1,200 points. Oil is down over 20 percent. Gold is way up—no wait, it’s going sideways and silver back down under $17. So much for safe havens. Precious metals are also considered commodities and are now treated as such. Everything is getting punished and many bubbles will get popped.

The coronavirus is the trigger that is causing the crash. It’s a crash that should have happened in 2008. Instead the banks were bailed out and even rewarded for their criminality with taxpayer-paid bonuses. Lower rates and never-ending QEs caused the stock market to skyrocket to outrageous highs. It seemed like it would only go up and the party would never end.

Now the party’s over. Debt is turning out the lights. There’s a huge amount of debt everywhere in the system. Everyone got way too greedy and overextended including the ChiComs. Some conspiracy theorists are saying they released the virus intentionally to do away with a few hundred surplus workers. Their economy was due to crash and they know the virus is a good distraction from that.


In America we have a $23, soon to be $24 trillion national debt. It’s so much that most ignore it as something meaningless. A billion is a number that’s difficult enough to comprehend. A billion minutes ago, Jesus walked the Earth. Every two hours, the US Government spends $1 billion. It’s all debt money, and the interest must be paid back to the Federal Reserve’s private central bankers. Maybe this crash will open eyes and we can finally jettison the vile system of money that has plagued hard-working US citizens for over 100 years. Our corrupt banking system also allows fractional reserve lending, which means more debt. Corrupt politicians have given the ’too big to fail’ big banks permission to become casinos and now they’ve run up over a quadrillion in derivative bets.

The average consumer is nearly maxed out on credit cards and paying the robber baron bankers an outrageous interest rate. The bankers create that ‘unsecured’ debt money out of thin air.

It’s all a con game. It’s all fake. Still, as Ayn Rand once said, “We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

We should have faced those consequences long ago. Hold on—we’re in for a rough ride that will be difficult to ignore.

—Ben Garrison

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2 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

Why would whatever rat you smell make Trump want to look like a dope at statistical reasoning?


It's an "ignore the chess positions on the board" thing when the Titanic is sinking and the chess players are on it.

Let those who gloat about Trump's dopey statistical reasoning gloat. They win!

Except... well... the Titanic is sinking...

(And I mean that as a metaphor for the globalists and Deep State, not the coronavirus.)



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The following would be another reason, too.

Believe it or not, there is a connection.

It's the magician's trick of keeping the eyes of the audience glued to the left hand with movement and patter they resonate with while the right hand does the real work of setting up the impossible surprise.

And when the impossible surprise is sprung, it's magic!

(btw - At that point, nobody remembers the patter or if there was math in it.)



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Amazing Polly finds the oddest things hidden in plain sight.

Here's a rehearsal last December by a globalist group (Event 201 at the John Hopkins Center for Health Security) of what the elites should do for a coronavirus pandemic, including actual presentations of fake news and everything. 

As one attendee mentioned, they left out shortage of doctors and civil unrest in their simulation and rehearsal. How's that for genius? The alleged best and brightest of the world convened to talk about a potential pandemic and not only didn't they treat it as a health problem (as Polly showed one of the members saying openly), they didn't think doctors or public reaction were relevant. 

They did talk about how much money and power they wanted, though.

Now, out here in current day reality three months later, when you look at the media freak-out about the coronavirus, it follows their rehearsal. Man, what a coincidence, huh?

To expand on what I've said earlier, Amazing Polly is a voice of reason in a swamp suffering a hurricane of misinformation and political agendas. There's shit flying all over the place and she shows how to get out of the hurricane and to the edge of the swamp.

These globalists are unbelievable in their gall. 


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On ‎3‎/‎9‎/‎2020 at 7:35 PM, Jon Letendre said:

Ben Garrison hits another out of the park.

He mentions Ayn Rand at the end.


“Only thing we have to fear is fear itself”  FDR 1933

As I write this the Dow futures are down 1,200 points. Oil is down over 20 percent. Gold is way up—no wait, it’s going sideways and silver back down under $17. So much for safe havens. Precious metals are also considered commodities and are now treated as such. Everything is getting punished and many bubbles will get popped.

The coronavirus is the trigger that is causing the crash. It’s a crash that should have happened in 2008. Instead the banks were bailed out and even rewarded for their criminality with taxpayer-paid bonuses. Lower rates and never-ending QEs caused the stock market to skyrocket to outrageous highs. It seemed like it would only go up and the party would never end.

Now the party’s over. Debt is turning out the lights. There’s a huge amount of debt everywhere in the system. Everyone got way too greedy and overextended including the ChiComs. Some conspiracy theorists are saying they released the virus intentionally to do away with a few hundred surplus workers. Their economy was due to crash and they know the virus is a good distraction from that.


In America we have a $23, soon to be $24 trillion national debt. It’s so much that most ignore it as something meaningless. A billion is a number that’s difficult enough to comprehend. A billion minutes ago, Jesus walked the Earth. Every two hours, the US Government spends $1 billion. It’s all debt money, and the interest must be paid back to the Federal Reserve’s private central bankers. Maybe this crash will open eyes and we can finally jettison the vile system of money that has plagued hard-working US citizens for over 100 years. Our corrupt banking system also allows fractional reserve lending, which means more debt. Corrupt politicians have given the ’too big to fail’ big banks permission to become casinos and now they’ve run up over a quadrillion in derivative bets.

The average consumer is nearly maxed out on credit cards and paying the robber baron bankers an outrageous interest rate. The bankers create that ‘unsecured’ debt money out of thin air.

It’s all a con game. It’s all fake. Still, as Ayn Rand once said, “We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.

We should have faced those consequences long ago. Hold on—we’re in for a rough ride that will be difficult to ignore.

—Ben Garrison

The Federal debt is a de jure myth for nothing is really owed by an entity that can pay it off in its own sovereign (and fiat) currency. That's a fact Mr. De Facto.

Other debt, household, state, city, is real because these have no (electronic) printing presses.

Interest on that "debt," however, is money put into the economy. Reduction of interest, which is going on right now, means less of that and tends to be recessionary. Reduction of Federal spending does the same thing.

Reduction of interest rates--which are set by the Federal Reserve--deflationarily strengthens the dollar while increasing them weakens it.

The world's sundry currencies are fiat and holders of same want to exchange them for goods and services and hard assets before they lose value.




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Plus, who is it really owed to? And if they are all dead soon from The Storm, I mean the coronavirus, then there will be no creditors, and no debt.

the Federal Reserve’s private central bankers.”

The fiat printing press is not US government, but Federal Reserve, basically controlled by the New York Fed, owned by the member banks.

And remember, the National Guard just went into New York, to, you know, obviously, fight the coronavirus.

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Even someone as compromised as Megyn Kelly, who has swallowed a gallon of anti-Trump Kool-Aid, is confused by this coronavirus mess.

Nuanced propaganda she can swallow because she has and often.

But not such blatant disregard for reality as the current coronavirus fake news campaigns.

The result? The anti-Trumpers and progressives are ripping her to shreds on Twitter.

btw - Since WHO declared the coronavirus outbreak as a pandemic, I love how President Trump responded. According to the globalists, he was supposed to put the US under a global authority control (say, WHO, or maybe something health-related from the UN). Instead, he banned travel from Europe--not all of Europe. Just the EU part of Europe that was globalist in nature.

After all, these particular European countries are the ones that were going apeshit on the number of reported coronavirus cases. To the globalists, they constituted the victim and the threat, and they were so big, they could not be excluded from anywhere. The globalists didn't figure that, to a sensible person (like President Trump), these countries would be seen as more contaminated than other countries. So this thing boomeranged on them because, now, instead of these countries benefiting from globalist control of redistributing the wealth of the USA, they are going to take a massive hit financially because of a targeted travel ban. That wasn't the plan and there is no way they can object according to their own logic.


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The U.S. death rate is lower than the world wide amount by nearly a percent. Fever over 100.4? Dry cough? That might be covid. Sneezing and lots of mucous? That is probably not covid.

It's nearly the end of the cold and flu "time" but it is the start of "allergy time."  

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An NBA player who was scoffing at the virus got it 2 days later, which has caused the cancellation of the season and I think I heard the hockey season has been cancelled too. No word on March Madness yet. What about baseball and other outdoor sports? Most of the guys running for Prez are old farts. Peter

edit. And what about Rush Limbaugh who has lung cancer? I am listening to him now and you would never know he was bad off.

As Big Ten tournament cancels, what's next for March Madness? Chris Thomas, Detroit Free Press Published 12:55 p.m. ET March 12, 2020 | Updated 1:06 p.m. ET March 12, 2020. The Big Ten basketball tournament is canceled. Whether the novel coronavirus forces the same fate for NCAA tournament remains a mystery. But if you ask Big Ten commissioner Kevin Warren, the answer is rather simple: "From an advice standpoint, whether it's the NCAA or any person in my seat, make sure you put the student-athletes at the center of your decision," Warren said Thursday in a news conference explaining the tournament's cancellation. "And if you do that, you'll make the right decision."

Michigan basketball players were on the court warming up for a noon tipoff against Rutgers. The players were abruptly sent to the locker room minutes before tipoff, after Warren told Michigan athletic director Warde Manuel and Rutgers athletic director Pat Hobbs that the tournament had been cancelled . . . .  

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I hope stocks stop their drop. They are in the 21,000’s now. Did I mention this? I saw a clip from a Californian restaurant and the waiters were wearing black gloves and every patron was checked at the door. If you were showing symptoms or if the guard at the door checked and saw your temperature was over (100.4?), you were denied entrance. I stocked up on food a couple of days ago and my wife is going to do the same today.

Scifi scenarios? Joe Biden: “My fellow Americans. Due to the Coronavirus I am cancelling my bid to run for President.”

President Trump: “My fellow Americans. Due to the Coronavirus but with Congress’s and your approval I will remain your president until 2024. I am cancelling the 2020 election for President. Unfortunately Speaker Pelosi, in a San Francisco hospital, is too bad off to come to the phone, but I feel fine.”

Workers at the water and sewer plants refuse to come to work. Peter

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We are safe, it is going to be ok. Also, everyone should always be prepared to stay at home for days and weeks without having to leave. Assume the water, electric and gas will stop. How long can you stay inside? Figure out what would push you outdoors first, and extend it. Now what would push you out? Extend it.

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58 minutes ago, Peter said:

I hope stocks stop their drop. They are in the 21,000’s now.


That money didn't go into the ether. It transferred to somewhere.

In fact, the Fed is pumping a new $1.5 trillion into the economy.

After this globalist monkeybusiness dies down, the DOW will snap back stronger than ever. It has to since this drop is an artificially created market problem. And the stock market will have to absorb a good hunk of that $1.5 trillion.

Those who buy now run a seriously good chance of making out like bandits when the snap-back happens.


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