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President Trump told a crowd in Ohio today that we will get out of Syria soon.

Obama and McCain worked with the old Saudi regime to create and arm ISIS. The purpose was to take on-the-ground control of Syria away from the existing, Russia-and-Iran-allied Assad regime and take control of a vast quantity of existing and future energy flow into Europe. American policy was focused on the interests of the Arabs, against the Persians (Iran,) Alawites (Assad,) and Russians.

Obama, McCain, ISIS, and the old Saudi princes have totally lost.

Tillerson was their last hope. Right up to his firing he was still saying we were committed to regime change. Great atrocities were committed in our name, with our money.

President Trump is doing the right thing in Syria.

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On 3/28/2018 at 3:07 PM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Did President Trump just to a head-fake with the Democrats re the Omnibus Spending Bill?

Here's what I understand so far. President Trump got the Democrats to agree to a massive increase in military spending in exchange for cutting his budget for the wall to an amount too small to make a difference. So it looked like he rolled over and his base was getting pissed while the Democrats were dancing on his imagined grave.

But... (drum roll)... this is a spending bill and not another kind of financial budget. The Executive, not Congress, has an enormous amount of control over the funds, including the power to re-allocate them.

So President Trump simply said the lack of a wall is a security threat and that gives him a legitimate rationale to divert about $700 billion from the military budget to build the wall. 

If this is the case (and it looks more and more like it is), the Democrats got played big-time--they inadvertently funded the wall--and didn't even do DACA.

So in the midterms, they are going to look like incompetent clowns to their respective constituencies. As a result, this just might be a windfall for the Republicans.

I think that's what just happened right in front of the whole world while no one was looking...



Yeah, that’s about what happened.

Largest military budget ever and huge discretion over it as Executive and commander-in-chief.

President Trump has already declared a national emergency due to human trafficking, which condition affords him additional powers. MS-13 will be wiped out, as will be the clowns who have been making school shootings. It is going to become clear that President Trump is at war with an international cabal/gang/mafia/society that gained control of many governments, agencies, foundations, organizations, drug and human trafficking cartels, media and corporations.

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On 3/22/2018 at 11:02 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

If anyone wants to get a layman's understanding of what went on with Cambridge Analytica...

And if anyone wants to get a deeper understanding of what went on with Cambridge Analytica, see the article below on Medium by Chris Kavanagh:

Why (almost) everything reported about the Cambridge Analytica Facebook ‘hacking’ controversy is wrong 

I don't want to do a deep dive into it so I'll refer you to the article. Leave it to say that Kavanagh rakes the media over the coals, there was no hacking, and the actual influence on the election was miniscule.

Since I study persuasion, marketing, some neuroscience and psychology, Trump (including the election), and other things relevant to this matter, I am familiar with practically all of the sources cited in the article because I read them when they came out.

So I can attest to the accuracy of all of Kavanagh's article, sources, conclusions, all of it. With the exception of a cheap shot aimed at President Trump at the end. We can call that the obligatory genuflect to the anti-Trump ruling class so they will play nice with Kavanagh. It's kinda sleazy, but, hey, the author's gotta eat...

I'm glad to see the actual facts laid out so clearly, though. This guy did a good job.

The media narrative is that Cambridge Analytica, Russian spam bots, etc., exercised a Svengali-like social-media influence over American voters. The truth is that Cambridge Analytica couldn't elect Ted Cruz over Trump during the primaries and the Russian bots ultimately had difficulty selling their student loans, get rich quick schemes, Russian brides, etc., so they had to resort to selling inflated views to people who wanted to fake their audience and futz around with contradictory ads. My bet is their political ad campaign on Facebook (all $46,000 of it) was a smokescreen to issue invoices for far larger sums--essentially a money-laundering thing.

How these people could topple American democracy during a presidential election is quite a feat of imagination. Gotta hand it to the anti-Trumpers to grasp at a flea sitting on a straw to keep from drowning and inflate that story to a new human threshold of silliness. I want to compliment their fertile imaginations, but unfortunately they are merely the fertilizer in the fertileness...



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Hillary is part of it, for example with Laura Silsby in Haiti.
And the demented sick fucks on the other side want to talk about Stormy Daniels.
According To USA Today, Adults Purchase Children For Sex At Least 2.5 Million Times A Year In The United States. It’s Happening Everywhere, Right Under Your Noses, In Suburbs, Cities, And Towns Across The Nation. #QAnon l Zero Hedge l February 7, 2018
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Edited from News Max: President Donald Trump's approval rating has risen to 50 percent, according to the most recent Rasmussen Reports poll.
50 percent approve. 33 percent strongly approve.

49 percent disapprove. 39 percent strongly disapprove.

Rasmussen notes that "Trump's overall job approval rating is now running ahead of where Barack Obama's was at this stage of his presidency." end quote

From Townhall: Trump’s Approval Rating Just Blew Past Obama's at This Point in the Presidency by Katie Pavlich Posted: Apr 02, 2018 12:45 PM . . . . This number is not only a significant increase from the low forties just three months ago, but it's four points higher than President Obama's approval rating at this time in his presidency. end quote

And now for a commercial break. “Who could ask for anything more?” and “Stay thirsty, my friend.”

It looks like we are riding a wave.

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"edpowell" over on SOLO posted an excellent and topical comment on what's happening as we write.  Quote:

This insane caravan of thousands of migrants, aided by the Mexican government, is careening toward the US border. Trump has already said his hands are tied. But are they? His one unquestionable power as commander-in-chief is to use the military to protect the US from invasion. Will he use it? He has numerous diplomatic options, including pulling out of NAFTA and breaking off diplomatic relations with Mexico unless they turn the caravan around. Will he do so?

Everything I've seen of Trump says to me that he will roll over again.

This caravan is just as "spontaneous" as the children from Parkland arguing over gun control. Someone somewhere (probably associated with Soros, planned it, and helped implement it. It is the Left's attempt to move Trump into a George HW Bush "Read my lips" moment where he is 'forced" to betray his key campaign promises, and thus so turn off his base that he loses the next election. It's so obviously a trap and Trump is walking right into it.

Unquote.  I'm sure Ed hopes he's wrong and so do I.

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Congress isn't going to act and Trump must know this.  Perhaps he is waiting until the last minute to rub in the inaction of Congress, then he will act and thus make himself look even better than if he started now.  It's remotely possible, but like Ed I don't think he will do anything.

Trump is passing the buck.

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I agree with Scott Adams on the caravan (he deals with this starting at 17:28).

President Trump is one lucky person in addition to his talents. He could not have orchestrated a better visual for a need for the wall and this thing fell right into his lap. This invasion by the hordes visual strung out over the next days and possibly weeks will destroy the emotional appeal of all those opposed to the wall. They can play their backroom deal stuff all they want, play racism all they want, play Trump is a dummy all they want, there's no way they can gotcha around the savage hordes arriving.

These people arriving are probably not even dangerous. I think they are pawns being manipulated by rich and powerful people who still don't believe President Trump won. But not-dangerous is not going to be how they are perceived. They are going to be perceived as a full frontal invasion. And that scares people and pisses them off.

As Scott said, a single drug dealer can circumvent the wall with a T-Shirt shooter or something (shooting drugs over and getting a cohort to come pick them up), but what do you use to keep out invading hordes? The only thing you can use is a wall.

Enter President Trump, the wall builder, with EVERYBODY on his side all of a sudden.


Leave it to ideologues to look at a man who has won impossible fights all his life, with iconic marks all over the world to prove it, and claim he is going to wimp out this time.

Donald Trump is not that kind of man. He lives in the real world, not just in his imagination, nor in their imagination for that matter.





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Yes, even if Trump does nothing the caravan is – ironically – poor public relations for immigration enthusiasts.  They’re showing their hand,
It’s too much too soon,

But there have been many such events.  There’s no reason to think this one will be any different.  For one thing the Traitorous Media won’t give it the coverage it deserves.

Again, I hope I’m wrong.


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Here's Scott Adams saying something else I agree with (and I agreed with it even before I heard him say it).

The wall is now a done deal.

President Trump already hinted strongly at the possibility of using money allocated to the military in the spending bill for the wall, but from a public relations perspective, he needed the American public to see the wall as a military problem.

He's sending the military there at this very moment.

The caravan people said they are not going to stop, but instead, there are going to be many more caravans.

So, like it or not, this is now a military problem and a long-term one at that.

A wall is a hell of a lot cheaper than a constant military presence. And, surprise surprise, there's plenty of money to do it.

So what about the wall?

Now it's can't not get done.



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This series of tweets by Sharyl Attkisson is devastating to the justice department:

... then this:

... then this:

... then this:

... then this:

... then this:

Man, is she right.

The contrast, when stated like that, is breathtaking.


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Update on caravan.  Stalled in Mexico. about 1,000 (well fed) migrants.  Mexico beefs up its own southern border security.  There have been previous successful "caravans" of about 300 migrants.  See also  Latin Americans Don’t Respect American Sovereignty:

... the members of the migrant caravan, who provoked this entire situation, are not going home to Honduras. Many of them are given permits by the Mexican government that allow them to continue on their way to Mexico’s northern border.

Marchers in the caravan bore the sign (see photo here)  Todos Somos America—“We are all American.” But by “America,” Latin Americans don’t mean the U.S.—they mean all of North and South America. They think that gives them the right, regardless of our laws, to enter the U.S.

That’s the mentality we’re dealing with, in the Mexican government and with the Latino activists.



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I typed in "Stormy Danielle's nude photos" and dozens came up, if you are interested. They were of adult content so I had to click on something saying I understood that. Her bubbies look better in the nude.

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I think Scott Adams speaks for a huge number of people,  not just Trump supporters, on the FBI raiding the premises of Michael Cohen, President Trump's personal lawyer.

Scott says fire them all. He's not interested in ramifications or legal gobbledygook about firing Mueller & Co.. He says bring it on and lets get this BS over with. This crap has gone on too long and has now crossed a line.

Hear, hear!

I bet Jeff Sessions does not survive as AG in this one. I might be wrong, but my gut tells me he is going to get the boot along with several people.


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My favorite part of this Mueller business is that the FBI breaks into the office of President Trump's lawyer to see about porn star stuff right at the very moment the President is sitting with military advisors deciding on whether he will bomb Syria for gassing its citizens.


Anti-Trumpers sure have some weird priorities. I mean, in real war, of course they'll go crazy about a soap opera...


During my 32 years in Brazil, I used to think I would be so happy when I got back to the states because Brazilian politics was so screwed up. But Brazil can't hold a candle to what I've seen up here. Seriously. :)

In fact, in Brazil, believe it or not, their top politicians go to jail for corruption. See here for instance (from yesterday): As President, ‘Lula’ of Brazil Opened the Prison. Now He’s an Inmate.

All we get to do up here for massive corruption is chant: "Lock her up!" What's worse, what Lula did compared to what Hillary Clinton did was peanuts. Don't even get me started on Obama and the neocon Bushes.

Man, do I miss Brazil at times...

(At least now we have President Trump. :) )


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7 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

During my 32 years in Brazil, I used to think I would be so happy when I got back to the states because Brazilian politics was so screwed up. But Brazil can't hold a candle to what I've seen up here.

I forgot about another thing re Brazil: the secret police.

When no-knock raids at night from a secretive elite band of law enforcement happen to political opponents, you have a secret police.

We see this starting to flourish right here in the USA.

The current wannabe secret police belongs to the deep state. Be glad Hillary Clinton did not win the presidency. Why?  (Other than the obvious? :) ) The current wannabe secret police is not Trump-friendly, but in Clinton's hands, since they adored her, they would have blossomed into a full-fledged official terrorist organization serving a wannabe dictator. Don't think Clinton would not have used them. She would have. They would have been a God-send to her. Things would become so bad, J. Edgar Hoover himself would blush in his grave.

I'm not too worried, though. The word going around is that the upcoming IG report against the upper echelon of the FBI (among others) is so damaging, and so many indictments are going to result from it, that this raid is Mueller's last stand.

Added to that, Michael Cohen is a beast of a lawyer, someone you do not want to mess with. I have little doubt that when this is over, he will be far wealthier than before courtesy of a court decision in his favor against the government. Also, he is vindictive, so I imagine he is going to personally target each person involved in the decision to raid his home and office, and I imagine he will target them as private citizens. And not let go of it. Ever...


Anyway, this secret police thing should bother everyone, even those who do not like President Trump. A secret police force is not good for the citizens of any country under any circumstance except for the power-mongers in control. Hell, it's not even good for those who suck up to said power-mongers.

Once a secret police consolidates under a despot, torture chambers for political opponents soon follow.


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"Michael Cohen, the Attorney-Client Privilege, and the Crime-Fraud Exception"

2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

When no-knock raids at night from a secretive elite band of law enforcement happen to political opponents, you have a secret police.

We see this starting to flourish right here in the USA.

The current wannabe secret police belongs to the deep state.




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When it happens to a political enemy, it's fun. Comeuppance, Schadenfreude, satisfied gloating, self-righteous feelings, and all. 

When it happens to you or those you admire, it's not so fun. In fact, it becomes serious and no laughing matter. Suddenly the words justice, rights, and similar take on a new meaning...


What's more, believe me, torture chambers are no joke no matter which political side you fall on. Nobody ever believes in them until they start being used as propaganda to scare the population into compliance. We are not too far removed from that. (Remember Chuck Schumer saying on TV that Trump should be careful because the deep state, er... I mean the intelligence services, can screw you seven ways to Sunday? He wasn't talking about playing by the rules. Or on the neocon end, how about extraordinary rendition? That was a barrel of laughs...)

Secret police always have a lot of blah blah blah as justification for their crap. I lived in Brazil during the military dictatorship, so I know of what I speak. In fact, the CIA helped train the kind folks down at DOI-CODI, SNI, DOPS and so on when the set up shop in the 1960's.

I produced a famous protest singer back in the day (Geraldo Vandré), so I got to meet some of the people who worked at these places. (Geraldo did a mind-fuck once and got a Colonel to give him a room inside the SNI building in São Paulo where he would hold meetings with folks wanting to talk to him. This was a mind-fuck because he was famous as a target and victim of Brazil's secret police. I was present at some of those meetings (like with record executives, journalists, etc.). Man, were they uncomfortable. And the Colonel? He liked to act all innocent and stuff about the weirdness of the situation, but I always saw the twinkle in his eye. If he liked you, he was a nice guy. He liked Geraldo. And me, for some damn reason. This goes to show you that some of the people who work in these dark places are nuts and not quite what you would expect. :) )

But I have learned something new here in the US. The advantage of a military dictatorship is that you know who to blame for the midnight raids and other scary stuff. Here in the US, those calling the shots try to stay in the shadows.

What's happening now is no longer the institution of a secret police in America run by the deep state. It's the settling of one into existence. And the roots are growing deeper every day.

I hope President Trump manages to rip this crap out by the roots in addition to draining the swamp.


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President Trump posted a video of his weekly address. He said:
”Last year politicians in California violated the Constitution by nullifying federal law...
”We can’t allow it to go on...
”California politicians... violate the Constitutional rights of their citizens...
”I will not rest until we have secured our borders and restored the rule of law.
”We will win and we will win soon.
“It’s happening.”
Then he posted pics of his full cabinet meeting, including one with everyone in the room at prayer.
Then he posted a pic of his next meeting...
For what it’s worth, I’ve lived in the same home in Denver for decades, a mile from several news headquarters with helipads. I’ve become accustomed to the patterns and sounds. I saw military helicopters in our skies yesterday afternoon. I was awakened several times last night to low, fast and loud military helicopter flights overhead. At least three times, about midnight, 1am and 2am. I am hopeful our illegitimate, traitorous, deep state puppeted mayor and chief of police at a minimum, are missing.
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A big volley of missiles will be loosed. Just like last time. Many dozens then, and many dozens this time.

Remember though, that last time a few of our missiles hit a meaningless Syrian government airfield? Not really any other meaningful damage to Assad was reported. Meaning, no damage to Assad was done. But we had loosed many dozens of missiles per all the reports I have seen. So what/who did the most of them really hit? We have deep state rogues there. We had deep state rogues in NK trying to start WWIII. They were defeated. Now peace being made with NK. Rogues still in Syria. Big volley coming.

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