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btw - I'm only mentioning the following for the idea to be on record here. A lot of people now believe this (although I don't).

Alex Jones thinks the raid on Michael Cohen was to get info and materials to blackmail President Trump with. And now the globalist war-mongering deep state is blackmailing him.

This, to the people who believe this, is why he bombed Syria.

To me, if this thinking were true, the raid on Cohen would had to have happened before President Trump signed the new omnibus spending bill. I don't see any potential blackmail for that act.

We just don't know many things right now. We only see the show, not the production backstage. And I don't think a 70 year old man with President Trump's past suddenly changes into a snivelling coward, not even due to blackmail. 

If there's any real dirt in Cohen's files, I think President Trump will simply go out in public and say what it is--like he did during the campaign when he talked about the reason he used to give money to politicians.

So I want to go on record with a prediction. When everything is over and all is said and done, President Trump will come out shining like polished gold. The country will be stronger and the economy will be booming. And way before that, Alex Jones will come back around to being his biggest cheerleader.


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17 hours ago, Jon Letendre said:


"Shortly, The Public Will Be Unable To Reason Or Think For Themselves. They'll Only Be Able To Parrot The Information They've Been Given On The Previous Night's News." ― Zbigniew Brzezinski


"Trump Could Have Undermined The Messaging So Much That He Can Actually Control Exactly What People Think, And That Is Our Job." ― Mika Brzezinski

They are Trilateral, NWO, Luciferian, subhuman pieces of shit. Joe was reprogrammed, Mika is his handler.

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I don’t believe the Cohen raid story at face value. Decades long Trump attorney - is a raid of his office predictable? Is it easy to put the secrets in some other office? Can a bunch of false, time-wasting dead-ends be planted to be seized?

President Trump is a very small part of an alliance taking down the western, international, deep state cabal. It is a very big international alliance.

If he is compromised he will be ejected and the mission will continue. He’s good, it’s better that he can stay, but the moment he is blackmailed by the enemy or otherwise compromised, he will be honorably retired.

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Raise your hand if you think Trump does not know with certainty what happened on the tarmac.
Raise your hand if you don’t think we too will soon know with certainty what happened on the tarmac.
Note the missing question mark.
Read it again, but with the first  “all” italicized.
Comey throws AG Lynch “under the bus!” Why can’t we all find out what happened on the tarmac in the back of the plane with Wild Bill and Lynch? Was she promised a Supreme Court seat, or AG, in order to lay off Hillary. No golf and grandkids talk (give us all a break)!
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Your post had some screwy formatting (probably from pasting it in from a mobile app), so I extracted the tweet--that seemed to be the essence of your post--and embedded it without all the other stuff. At least now users no longer have to scroll 2 meters of blank space here on OL to get to the next post. :) 

Hope it's OK.

If I left anything out or you want it back the way it was, please tell me.


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On 4/15/2018 at 2:29 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

So I want to go on record with a prediction. When everything is over and all is said and done, President Trump will come out shining like polished gold. The country will be stronger and the economy will be booming. And way before that, Alex Jones will come back around to being his biggest cheerleader.

Just so we're clear, this is the point from which Alex has to turn. Caution... a barrage of foul language that would to a livid drunk sailor proud:

You can read about it here of RCP Video:

Alex Jones On Syria Bombing: "F*ck You, Trump," "The Russians Are The Good Guys"

There's another video at that link, too:

Apparently, the person who compiled this and thought it was hilarious. But as one of the top posters in the comments asked: "how is people getting bombed hilarious????"

I feel for Alex. But his overreaction is one of the prices he pays for keeping white hot hatred as part of his normal default emotional repertoire and instant accusation as a normal part of his normative thinking. That's his fuel, though. It's what keeps him producing at fever pitch, so we have to witness these things once in a while.

Later, when all comes out, he comes around and my prediction comes true (which it will :) ), it will be interesting to see what Alex will have to say about all this. The egg on his face at that time will be hilarious. Not his current pain.

But goooleeeee... surprise, surprise, surprise... Anti-Trumpers suddenly have nothing but good things to say about Alex Jones. I've seen way more than one say they didn't realize that he was as intelligent as he is... yada yada yada. And that they need to reexamine their previous bias against him. :)


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13 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:


Your post had some screwy formatting (probably from pasting it in from a mobile app), so I extracted the tweet--that seemed to be the essence of your post--and embedded it without all the other stuff. At least now users no longer have to scroll 2 meters of blank space here on OL to get to the next post. :) 

Hope it's OK.

If I left anything out or you want it back the way it was, please tell me.


It is perfect. Thank you, Michael.

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8 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Just so we're clear, this is the point from which Alex has to turn. Caution... a barrage of foul language that would to a livid drunk sailor proud:

You can read about it here of RCP Video:

Alex Jones On Syria Bombing: "F*ck You, Trump," "The Russians Are The Good Guys"

There's another video at that link, too:

Apparently, the person who compiled this and thought it was hilarious. But as one of the top posters in the comments asked: "how is people getting bombed hilarious????"

I feel for Alex. But his overreaction is one of the prices he pays for keeping white hot hatred as part of his normal default emotional repertoire and instant accusation as a normal part of his normative thinking. That's his fuel, though. It's what keeps him producing at fever pitch, so we have to witness these things once in a while.

Later, when all comes out, he comes around and my prediction comes true (which it will :) ), it will be interesting to see what Alex will have to say about all this. The egg on his face at that time will be hilarious. Not his current pain.

But goooleeeee... surprise, surprise, surprise... Anti-Trumpers suddenly have nothing but good things to say about Alex Jones. I've seen way more than one say they didn't realize that he was as intelligent as he is... yada yada yada. And that they need to reexamine their previous bias against him. :)


I saw out the side of my eye he was going crazy but I still haven’t seen any myself. As you say, nearing point of no return. Your report that the Trump-hystericals are saying nice things about Alex at this moment is troubling, possibly telling.

Some Trump supporters are fake. They will turn on him and try to peel his supporters away. That’s coming.

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"Federal judge orders Cohen's 'third client' to be revealed."

On 4/15/2018 at 11:20 AM, Jon Letendre said:

I don’t believe the Cohen raid story at face value. Decades long Trump attorney - is a raid of his office predictable? Is it easy to put the secrets in some other office? Can a bunch of false, time-wasting dead-ends be planted to be seized?


Edited by william.scherk
Hannity tonight will be fun!
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5 hours ago, Jon Letendre said:

Some Trump supporters are fake. They will turn on him and try to peel his supporters away. That’s coming.


I agree. I don't think this is the case with Alex, though. I think he gets so emotionally caught up in some of his speculations (which I call informed speculations) where he has prejudged the outcomes, he melts down when reality does not jibe with the images and frames he has constructed in his head. He's simply pounded certain ideas so hard and with such emotional intensity, they become the equivalent of proven fact in his soul. 

The good thing is he tends to course-correct after the explosion and the dust settles. That's been his pattern. Those who follow Alex for informed speculation realize this--and they try to avoid the landmine of going over the top themselves due to his excess of zeal. So they never take his messages as 100% proven facts.

Alex is a bulldozer that clears the garbage off the land and uproots all the toxic weeds and crap underneath so we can look at it. Sometimes he hits a water mains. :) 

I think his emotion is fueled by the metaphors he likes to use. This, believe it or not, was the same issue for Ayn Rand, although to a lesser degree. They like everything framed as war, attacking this or that, blasting things off the face of the earth, using intellectual weapons, winning this or that battle, etc. Alex even calls his operation Infowars and merely adds military metaphors. For instance, if he wants to speculate on something, he says he is wargaming it. 

People who use war metaphors as their default mode in everyday life for their ideologies tend to develop an overwhelming "us against them" feeling deep in their souls. That can lead them to being a canary in the coalmine (which is of enormous value in today's elitist-globalist-controlled world), but it can also lead them to incorrectly judge a good person as an enemy and try to mobilize people against that person for the wrong reasons.

As to President Trump's false friends, it's pretty easy to identify them. Just see who among his current supporters strongly identified with establishment Republicans and really liked the endless war (for real, not for metaphor) system before he appeared on the scene. :) 


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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

The mainstream fake news press will publish any lie--no matter how easily debunked--if they believe they can score a propaganda win for their elitist ruling class political agenda.

I just read the following transcript by Rush Limbaugh and it elaborates on this idea.

Drive-Bys Drop Syria for Comey

From the transcript:


Ladies and gentlemen, have you noticed how quickly, I mean, instantly the Drive-By Media has stopped reporting about Trump’s attack on Syria? You can’t find anything about it! You can’t find anything about anything other than Comey today. The attack began Friday evening, and by Saturday morning it was already pretty much disappeared from the headlines. I wonder why that is?

Do you have a theory, Mr. Snerdley? (interruption) Because it was so successful. But wait a minute, Mr. Snerdley. I thought, ’cause I got up, you know, I paid attention to it like everybody else. And the news media that I saw found all these so-called conservatives that were just livid at Trump for violating a major campaign promise, ’cause he wasn’t gonna do this. He wasn’t gonna go to Syria and drop bombs. He wasn’t gonna go anywhere in the Mideast and drop bombs.

He was gonna save the money on those bombs, spend it on America and fix immigration, build a wall and get rid of all of the trade deals that are bad. I mean, there were a couple of Republicans who were highlighted, conservatives, as saying, “This is it for me. I can’t have it anymore. Trump’s abandoned me. Trump’s violated a promise.” Did you see any of those stories? Yes, you did.

So you saw those stories about how, once again, Trump is becoming an endangered species even among his own supporters. Two or three people, “He promised he wasn’t gonna be like Obama. He promised he was gonna bomb the hell out of ISIS.” But, anyway, I mean, so you had two or three conservatives: “I don’t know what happened.” And that became the focus of the news. But that even has been abandoned. That didn’t go anywhere.

You know, the way the media works, they go out, they find a couple conservatives who throw Trump overboard and they think that’s gonna start a cascade of Trump supporters here, Fox News, elsewhere, throwing Trump overboard. They’re hoping that they can generate such action and thus a story about it. Didn’t happen. The Syria operation, whatever it was, no way to report that negatively about Trump. So they’ve dropped it. I mean, it’s just gone.

I think part of the disappointment in the media was that the Russians didn’t shoot down our missiles.

. . .

... for anybody sitting up and taking notice, this completely undercuts the entire Trump-Russia collusion story yet again, is what this Syria attack does.

If Putin had colluded with Trump to secure the election and Putin has the proof, then there is no way any of all of this is happening. There is no way Putin sits there and lets this happen in Syria. There is no way that it even gets to that point, because Putin… If he’s got the goods, if there was collusion and he can prove it, then Putin would reveal it, could reveal it at any time. Trump would know that Putin could reveal it at any time; Trump, therefore, would not want to provoke Putin in any way. Therefore we would not be provoking Russia.

None of this makes any sense whatsoever if indeed there was Trump-Putin collusion on the election. And that is why the Syria story, among many other reasons, dropped as though it never even happened. Because to anybody sitting up and taking notice, this completely undercuts the entire Trump-Russia collusion story yet again. As I so humbly noted last week, “How can anyone…? How can anyone explain Putin allowing his favorite client state, Syria, to be bombed — probably even some of his own soldiers killed — without retaliating?

And what better way to retaliate than to announce to the world that, yes, he and Trump really did collude to defeat Hillary and here’s the proof. Why not do that, if he’s got it? That’d be the end of Trump. That would be the end. Pfft! I mean, Vladimir Putin would be the Man of the Year for the next 10. In fact, they would probably give Vladimir Putin TIME magazine and say, “Here, Dude! You own it. Write about whatever you want. We’re so happy with you that we’ll give you TIME magazine, and you can be Man of the Year for as many years as you want to be.”

On another note (speaking about Alex Jones):

43 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

He's simply pounded certain ideas so hard and with such emotional intensity, they become the equivalent of proven fact in his soul.

That appears to be Comey's problem, too. Here's more from the same Rush transcript:


... one of the new narratives about the dossier — is that it can’t be proven or disproven. Yes. In fact, that may be, and it is by design. This whole thing is a gigantic political operation. And it is designed to have a life span for as long as the Democrats want it to have a life span. It’s designed so that it really can’t be proven and, as Comey’s running around saying, “Mr. President, you can’t prove that didn’t happen. It’s very difficult to prove something that didn’t happen.”

But he did with Hillary! He exonerated Hillary. He said she didn’t do it, even before he interviewed her on the email scandal. So our heroic media have decided that they are not gonna be distracted by Trump’s Wag the Dog scenario. That’s another narrative about Syria. “It’s Wag the Dog! Trump is simply trying to distract from this killer book by James Comey,” and so the media instead is gonna go full throttle, 24/7 coverage of the courageous revelations of St. Comey.

Even though these revelations, I think, are gonna backfire when this is all said and done. It’s starting to even now in certain places. It’s gonna harm Comey in ways that I don’t think dreamed of. I think Comey has fallen prey to what a lot of people get sucked in by. McCain, for example, thought the media loved him, and because McCain thought the media loved him, McCain thought he was untouchable. McCain thought that meant that a majority of the American people would love him.

So many people on our side crave the approval of the media, crave puff pieces from the media, crave respect from the media — and if they get some, then they think everybody who reads it is gonna agree with it and they think the majority of people consume Drive-By Media. I think Comey is a classic example of somebody who’s bought totally into his press clippings, and I think he believes that the American people look at him as a singular hero on a mission to save the nation and the Constitution from Donald Trump, and I think he believes that everybody looks at him that way.

And I think he believes that outside of his description of what would be fringe players, he thinks the vast majority of the American people are very appreciative of what he’s doing, that they understand his supreme intellect. I think he’s bought hook, line, and sinker into it. And when that happens to you, you automatically block reality. And that’s when you learn the biggest lessons. If you create these false, secure enclaves in which you live and thrive based on media coverage or external, outside approval?

You make the mistake of assuming it’s representative of a vast majority of people either in your town, at your office or in your country? That’s where Comey is right now. He’s going to be shocked at some point to find out just how unimportant a whole bunch of people end up thinking he is.

If Alex Jones turns into a Trump attack machine as his main focus, this last comment will apply to him. And he will go the way of Glenn Beck. The good news is I don't think that will happen and he will course-correct. I might be wrong, though. I was certainly wrong about Beck once he turned into an Old Testament prophet fighting the Trump-Satan.

This danger to public voices who turn on Trump is not because Trump supporters idolize the President in some kind of cult of personality. It's because the media and political class have lost all credibility with them and they know President Trump is their best shot to fix things. Why? It's the revenge of Ayn Rand. It's because President Trump is a producer.

They ALL know President Trump is not a perfect man. I know I do. And every time someone points out one of his defects, the image of George Soros and endless war for profit looms up in front of me. I have seen that what Soros represents is the only alternative--in reality not just in theory--we've got at this point of human history. So I don't give a crap about President Trump's defects. He's fixing the reality part that the alternative has messed up so badly. He's more than earned the right to screw up a little.


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As a footnote to the Comey thing, as I go through other Rush transcripts, he mentioned several times nobody called into his show to discuss Comey. At one point, I think only one person did.

Yet the Comey story is all the media is hollering about today.

Once again, the mainstream media is showing how irrelevant it is to the productive people of this country. I mean, if the Trump supporters among Rush Limbaugh fans considered this a real threat, a wave of them would have called in to talk about it.

I think the anti-Trumpers are going to get their asses royally kicked in the midterms just like they did in the primaries and the general election for president. It's too early to predict with absolute certainty, but not too early to see the drift (unless you look only at the mainstream media).

As a person who studies persuasion, though, I am intrigued by one observation of Rush's (see here: False Polling and Media Malpractice Caused All This Trump Derangement).

In the zeal of the social engineers to manipulate the general public into believing a false narrative, they ended up doing it to their own side and pushed them off the deep end. Hell, one famous lawyer just set himself on fire to supposedly wake people up about climate change. I think his idea was to die as a metaphor--what he did to his body is what humans are doing to the earth. Does anyone think this is sanity?

The Trump-Russia collusion story has become a major embarrassment to people who look for facts, but the mind-control boomeranged folks still keep plugging it as if it were reality. And on and on.

It's like a stage hypnotist accidentally hypnotizing himself instead of his subject, then going about on stage flapping his arms like a chicken trying to fly.



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CNN is going after Hannity some, both on their webpage and broadcasts.  Seems to me that they are making an attempt to pressure Fox News into getting rid of Hannity.  I don't think they have enough, some real estate and phone consultations don't add up to anything.  Sad they seem to be doing this, but Foxnews is a big voice for conservatives and so is Hannity, getting rid of him would be advantageous for the left.

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Everyone stay calm, and help family and friends stay calm,  and turn off the tv, when President Trump declares California to be in a state of rebellion and sends in Marines and National Guard to seize control and make arrests.


Looks like Jerry Brown and California are not looking for safety and security along their very porous Border. He cannot come to terms for the National Guard to patrol and protect the Border. The high crime rate will only get higher. Much wanted Wall in San Diego already started!
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On 4/11/2018 at 10:12 AM, Jon Letendre said:
President Trump posted a video of his weekly address. He said:
”Last year politicians in California violated the Constitution by nullifying federal law...
”We can’t allow it to go on...
”California politicians... violate the Constitutional rights of their citizens...
”I will not rest until we have secured our borders and restored the rule of law.
”We will win and we will win soon.
“It’s happening.”
Then he posted pics of his full cabinet meeting, including one with everyone in the room at prayer.
Then he posted a pic of his next meeting...


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Robert Fisk's bombshell first-hand account for the UK Independent runs contrary to nearly every claim circulating in major international press concerning what happened just over week ago on April 7th in an embattled suburb outside Damascus: not only has the veteran British journalist found no evidence of a mass chemical attack, but he's encountered multiple local eyewitnesses who experienced the chaos of that night, but who say the gas attack never happened.

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"Robert Fisk's crimes against journalism."

46 minutes ago, Jon Letendre said:

who say the gas attack never happened.





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'Doctors responsible for treating patients in the hours after the 7 April attack have been told that their families will be at risk if they offer public testimonies about what took place.'


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After 70 years of western oppression, US occupation and forced separation, President Trump is succeeding in finally bringing peace to the Korean people.


Mike Pompeo met with Kim Jong Un in North Korea last week. Meeting went very smoothly and a good relationship was formed. Details of Summit are being worked out now. Denuclearization will be a great thing for World, but also for North Korea!
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