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1 hour ago, Jon Letendre said:

After 70 years of western oppression, US occupation and forced separation, President Trump is succeeding in finally bringing peace to the Korean people.


Mike Pompeo met with Kim Jong Un in North Korea last week. Meeting went very smoothly and a good relationship was formed. Details of Summit are being worked out now. Denuclearization will be a great thing for World, but also for North Korea!

I agree. But a brutal dictator would still be in charge, so I hope China is open to allowing Kim to migrate to their country with a few, stolen, millions of yuan.

A united “free” Korea could then be a possibility.  

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"Alex Jones: Is It Time To Impeach Trump?"



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Bobby Menendez is downright smart compared to some.

Not at all as dumb as he looks.


The U.S. strikes on Syria may have been a "choreographed Kabuki show" with Russia, Senator Menendez tells Chris Hayes.

MENENDEZ: Well, I certainly have to wonder. The Russians have a very sophisticated defense system, that they did not activate. The Syrians shot missiles after our missiles landed. And the Russians were not hit at all in any of those chemical weapons sites. It’s just too many questions that raise the concerns as [to], did we act and show our indignation, but was it choreographed? At least were the Russians told, ‘Stay out of these sections, and by the way, don’t challenge us. And if you don’t challenge us, then everything will go as planned’?

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Xi, Putin and Trump are working together to destroy the international gang that took over the world. It has tentacles everywhere. It has been neutralized in its attempts to launch WWIII in Korea and  in Syria. More “crises” on the way. The European nations will be freed. Iran will be freed. Japan will be freed. It is already over, so please stay calm. The international crises are pure theater. The public is not ready for straight up disclosure, they wouldn’t stay calm and non-riotous. Soon, though.

The cabal knows it is being taken down by said alliance and the deep state-engineered Russia hysteria after Hillary’s loss was always and only about thwarting said alliance.

Sergey Lavrov has served in his current foreign minister position and spoken for Putin for 15 years...

"Speaking about risks of a military confrontation, I am 100 percent sure that [both the US and Russian] militaries won’t allow this, and of course neither will President [Vladimir] Putin or President [Donald] Trump," Lavrov said.

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Liddle’ Shit is being so careful and precise.

If he had evidence of obstruction, then he would be presenting evidence of obstruction.

He presented evidence of “potential obstruction,” whatever that babble is supposed to mean.

Translation: There is no evidence of obstruction.

Thanks, Liddle’ Shit, but we already knew that.

Sucks that Moonbeam caved and all of CA’s national guard will be parked a mile from Mexico. Now it’s down to LAPD, LA Sheriffs and his own security detail (which is infiltrated already and is, unbeknownst to him, actually a custody/guard detail. He may not get to kill himself.)

The memos do not discuss collusion, Mr. President, but they do show you clearing the room and asking Director Comey to drop the Flynn case. Along with your repeated requests for loyalty and to “lift the cloud,” this is all evidence of potential obstruction.
Donald J. Trump
James Comey Memos just out and show clearly that there was NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION. Also, he leaked classified information. WOW! Will the Witch Hunt continue?
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It means that President Trump is going to leave a light on for Comey, at gitmo.
And that Mueller will be making an important announcement next week.
James Comey illegally leaked classified documents to the press in order to generate a Special Council? Therefore, the Special Council was established based on an illegal act? Really, does everybody know what that means?
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I cannot believe how stupid the anti-Trump media is as they pretentiously posture about--and they don't even realize their pretentiousness reaction was engineered by President Trump.

First, take a look at what I am talking about (from The Hill):

Social media mocks Trump for misidentifying former DNC chairwoman

It's not just social media, either. Mainstream media (like... ahem... Then Hill :) ) is also getting in on the merriment.

The issue is President Trump tweeted out the phrase "Wendy Wasserman Schultz Servers." The sanctimonious anti-Trump idiots then had a field day yukking it up. Imagine that. Bozo-man didn't even know the name of Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Yuk yuk yuk...

What they don't realize is that President Trump did this on purpose. I am 100% sure of it, too.

(btw - He has since corrected the tweet, but not because of the mockery. If he left the error up, it would be so obvious he was using a persuasion technique, the technique itself would become the story. Then it would lose its power.)

This technique has roots in old-school direct mail copywriting where the pros of yesteryear would misspell a few words on purpose in their printed copy to make themselves appear more like normal people. The sales medium at the time was snail-mail since email and credit cards did not exist. Most customers had to fill out a check (or get a money order) and put it in an envelope (many even put dollar bills in), put a stamp on it and get to a post office to mail it. Then wait. That's the only way they would get the product that was advertised. And that was a lot of work for a buyer, so these old pros had to be masters to get any sales at all. A misspelled word here and there showed they were not city-slickers, thus their trustworthiness quotient increased in the minds of buyers.

Has anyone noticed that President Trump makes a lot of mistakes when he freestyles his speeches, however, his contracts, formal speeches, way of talking in meetings (according to countless reports) etc., contain high-level English? This is not just due to staff. The mistakes make him very sympathetic to his voter base of blue collar workers.

Granted, in this tweet case, President Trump used the wrong name, not a misspelled word, but an easily detected mistake on purpose is the principle. Depending on what the mistake is, it is also entertaining. The people who love him laugh and feel good.

But that is chump change compared to the rest.

Let's look at the real value of this mistake. In covert hypnosis, there is a process called "pattern interrupt." An easily detected mistake in written copy is a perfect example of a pattern interrupt. The idea is to break the normal pattern in the reader's mind (the schema). This opens a crack in the reader's critical thinking and induces him or her to think and/or act in a manner far different than if the mistake were not there--depending on what follows.

The two main uses are (1) embedding commands and (2) attaching things in the same image (where later thinking about one conjures up an image of the other as part of the package).

In the case of President Trump's message in the tweet, he did not embed any command (which is a whole other discussion outside the scope here), but instead he delivered a package image. Notice the word "Servers," as in DNC servers, next to the name. He knew if he butchered Debbie Wasserman Schultz's name, everybody in the media would write and talk about it in order to mock him. (It worked, too. :) ) But the word "Servers" would tag along. Then the whole story of the DNC not allowing the FBI to examine their allegedly hacked servers due to corrupt Debbie who rigged the primaries will once again be front and center in the public discourse--and it is working like a charm.

After the dust dies down, the residue in the public mind will not be Trump is stupid, which the pretentious people are all saying (and are the only ones to believe) as they posture about snarking and telling everyone how superior they are, but that there is a computer crime that the DNC got away with during the rigged primary where they screwed Bernie. This is great prep for midterm elections Republican fund-raising.

These anti-Trump media idiots are so convinced of their superiority, but so stupid, they don't don't even realize that the technique President Trump used is taught in Persuasion 101 the world over. It's not even 4d chess. It's elementary stuff.



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"Persuasion 101: A Special Council is probing the Special Counsel."

3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

These anti-Trump media idiots are so convinced of their superiority, but so stupid, they don't don't even realize that the technique President Trump used is taught in Persuasion 101 the world over. It's not even 4d chess. It's elementary stuff.






Edited by william.scherk
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3 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I cannot believe how stupid the anti-Trump media is as they pretentiously posture about--and they don't even realize their pretentiousness reaction was engineered by President Trump.

First, take a look at what I am talking about (from The Hill):

Social media mocks Trump for misidentifying former DNC chairwoman

It's not just social media, either. Mainstream media (like... ahem... Then Hill :) ) is also getting in on the merriment.

The issue is President Trump tweeted out the phrase "Wendy Wasserman Schultz Servers." The sanctimonious anti-Trump idiots then had a field day yukking it up. Imagine that. Bozo-man didn't even know the name of Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Yuk yuk yuk...

What they don't realize is that President Trump did this on purpose. I am 100% sure of it, too.


I've heard people mispronounce people's names several times, account facts wrong to others that they obviously know.  I've seen this quite a bit, in fact.  I've always thought it was a power play of some sort, depending on the context.  With Wendy Wasserman, I think he obviously knows her name and imo it's a sign of disrespect that he doesn't say her real name here.  To me, Trump walking past his limo is related:

It's not dementia, stupidity, lapse of thought, etc.  He obviously knows it's his limo right in front of him, so he walks past, and the people around him are forced to react to it.  Power play, imo.  And the internet blew up because of this one.

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"Facts are facts are facts ...

Note to self and others, unclassified.

Edited by william.scherk
Testing internal text editing in code
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By the comical tone of the denials: Nothing. Nothing, I tell you, to do with her, and by the hug, featuring her pulling herself into him with the arm we do not see, and him pulling her breast into his side, and the thumb-up, I’d say we will be learning soon enough that she is on the team.
The New York Times and a third rate reporter named Maggie Haberman, known as a Crooked H flunkie who I don’t speak to and have nothing to do with, are going out of their way to destroy Michael Cohen and his relationship with me in the hope that he will “flip.” They use....
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Deregulation. Fewer laws. Greater personal freedom. People were yelling “Show me the money,” and now they can point to some NEW cash. Kim Jun Un may be sane after all. We are destroying ISIS.

OK America. Are you freer under Trump? Better off? Safer? Is the answer Yes?

Can anyone rate Trump against all our other Presidents throughout history? Well, he may not be as good as Thomas Jefferson, and I am sorry to see those “elder moments” he has had, but how about rating him against all our Presidents since 1900? Who’s got some guts?

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On 4/14/2018 at 11:29 AM, Jon Letendre said:

The war was all but over. There was still some of McStain’s deep state ISIS shit and their rogue US military handlers and there was too much Hezbollah shit lying around waiting to sabotage peace. We had to fix those problems. Deception is often required in war, and we little people obviously get duped also, indeed absolutely everyone will be deceived if the enemy (the fascist deep state) is to be successfully deceived. The problems are fixed now. The war is over. Watch peace break out very rapidly.

Then it will all happen over again, probably with a European epicenter this time. (Sweden obviously got infiltrated many years ago, for example, and must be liberated.) The next one also will end the same way - by Putin and Trump performing an elaborate act that deceives and rattles the deep state into doing something monumentally stupid and getting annihilated, so that more countries may be freed and peace can be made...repeat...


Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of State


 Issued on: 

SUBJECT:        Eligibility of the Organisation Conjointe

de Cooperation en matiere d’Armement to

Receive Defense Articles and Defense Services

Under the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as

Amended, and the Arms Export Control Act, as


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, including section 503(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, and section 3(a)(1) of the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, I hereby find that the furnishing of defense articles and defense services to the Organisation Conjointe de Cooperation en matiere d’Armement will strengthen the security of the United States and promote world peace.

You are authorized and directed to transmit this determination to the Congress and publish this determination in the Federal Register.


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On 4/21/2018 at 10:12 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I cannot believe how stupid the anti-Trump media is as they pretentiously posture about--and they don't even realize their pretentiousness reaction was engineered by President Trump.

First, take a look at what I am talking about (from The Hill):

Social media mocks Trump for misidentifying former DNC chairwoman

It's not just social media, either. Mainstream media (like... ahem... Then Hill :) ) is also getting in on the merriment.

The issue is President Trump tweeted out the phrase "Wendy Wasserman Schultz Servers." The sanctimonious anti-Trump idiots then had a field day yukking it up. Imagine that. Bozo-man didn't even know the name of Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Yuk yuk yuk...

What they don't realize is that President Trump did this on purpose. I am 100% sure of it, too.

(btw - He has since corrected the tweet, but not because of the mockery. If he left the error up, it would be so obvious he was using a persuasion technique, the technique itself would become the story. Then it would lose its power.)

This technique has roots in old-school direct mail copywriting where the pros of yesteryear would misspell a few words on purpose in their printed copy to make themselves appear more like normal people. The sales medium at the time was snail-mail since email and credit cards did not exist. Most customers had to fill out a check (or get a money order) and put it in an envelope (many even put dollar bills in), put a stamp on it and get to a post office to mail it. Then wait. That's the only way they would get the product that was advertised. And that was a lot of work for a buyer, so these old pros had to be masters to get any sales at all. A misspelled word here and there showed they were not city-slickers, thus their trustworthiness quotient increased in the minds of buyers.

Has anyone noticed that President Trump makes a lot of mistakes when he freestyles his speeches, however, his contracts, formal speeches, way of talking in meetings (according to countless reports) etc., contain high-level English? This is not just due to staff. The mistakes make him very sympathetic to his voter base of blue collar workers.

Granted, in this tweet case, President Trump used the wrong name, not a misspelled word, but an easily detected mistake on purpose is the principle. Depending on what the mistake is, it is also entertaining. The people who love him laugh and feel good.

But that is chump change compared to the rest.

Let's look at the real value of this mistake. In covert hypnosis, there is a process called "pattern interrupt." An easily detected mistake in written copy is a perfect example of a pattern interrupt. The idea is to break the normal pattern in the reader's mind (the schema). This opens a crack in the reader's critical thinking and induces him or her to think and/or act in a manner far different than if the mistake were not there--depending on what follows.

The two main uses are (1) embedding commands and (2) attaching things in the same image (where later thinking about one conjures up an image of the other as part of the package).

In the case of President Trump's message in the tweet, he did not embed any command (which is a whole other discussion outside the scope here), but instead he delivered a package image. Notice the word "Servers," as in DNC servers, next to the name. He knew if he butchered Debbie Wasserman Schultz's name, everybody in the media would write and talk about it in order to mock him. (It worked, too. :) ) But the word "Servers" would tag along. Then the whole story of the DNC not allowing the FBI to examine their allegedly hacked servers due to corrupt Debbie who rigged the primaries will once again be front and center in the public discourse--and it is working like a charm.

After the dust dies down, the residue in the public mind will not be Trump is stupid, which the pretentious people are all saying (and are the only ones to believe) as they posture about snarking and telling everyone how superior they are, but that there is a computer crime that the DNC got away with during the rigged primary where they screwed Bernie. This is great prep for midterm elections Republican fund-raising.

These anti-Trump media idiots are so convinced of their superiority, but so stupid, they don't don't even realize that the technique President Trump used is taught in Persuasion 101 the world over. It's not even 4d chess. It's elementary stuff.



50) #Qanon elaborated: Yesterday Q posted about Maggie [Wendy] & Obama POTUS tweeted [Wendy] Wasserman Schultz [corrected] It wasn't a mistake. It was a signal. POTUS then tweeted about Maggie Haberman Q drops about Maggie Nixon [Wendy] All signals We need to learn their comms.
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Evenin’ Stoney.

How ya doing Bob?

So, so. And you?

About the same. Brought some cattle to market. Fair price, but nothin’ to brag about.

But isn’t that new President something to brag about? After I buy some things for the Mrs., want to get a beer at Kitty’s saloon, and give a toast to President Trump?

Sure. Everybody I know voted for that cowboy.

Just then a wild looking young man carrying a rifle enters the store. “My baby left me and now all of you are all going to die!” he shouts, bringing up his rifle.

Bob and Stoney simultaneously shoot him to death. End of drama.

Armed guards are being placed in schools, security guards are at malls but what if everyday people packed guns everywhere they went?  

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Rasmussen Monday, April 23, 2018. Voter distrust in the political news they see every day is continuing to grow.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters now say they do not trust the political news they are getting, up from last June’s previous high of 46%.  Only 36% did not trust political news in January of 2017, but that number was in the 40s from 2014 through 2016.

Just 32% do trust the political news they are getting, down slightly from surveys since 2016.  Another 15% are not sure.

The national survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on April 18-19, 2018 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

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What the hell! Rand Paul voted for John Kerry for Secretary of State but he may not vote for Mike Pompeo.

From Wikipedia. Michael Richard Pompeo (born December 30, 1963) is an American politician and businessman serving as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency since January 23, 2017, following his nomination by President Donald Trump. Previously, he was the member of the United States House of Representatives for Kansas's 4th congressional district (2011–2017). He is a member of the Tea Party movement within the Republican Party.[4] He was a Kansas representative on the Republican National Committee and member of the Italian American Congressional Delegation . . . . In 1986, Pompeo graduated first in his class from the United States Military Academy at West Point where he majored in Mechanical Engineering. From 1986 to 1991, Pompeo served in the U.S. Army as an Armor Branch United States Cavalry Officer with the 2nd Squadron, 7th Cavalry in the 4th Infantry Division, reaching the rank of Captain.

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1 hour ago, Peter said:

Rasmussen Monday, April 23, 2018. Voter distrust in the political news they see every day is continuing to grow.



A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 54% of Likely U.S. Voters now say they do not trust the political news they are getting, up from last June’s previous high of 46%.  Only 36% did not trust political news in January of 2017, but that number was in the 40s from 2014 through 2016.



Just 32% do trust the political news they are getting, down slightly from surveys since 2016.  Another 15% are not sure.



The national survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on April 18-19, 2018 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.



Nov 2016 was the Democrat’s last election.

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Pelosi? Schumer? A politically retired Caroline Kennedy? They keep digging themselves deeper into the Burnie Sanders sandbox. I see Democrat Joe Manchin and one other Senator who are up for reelection are voting for Pompeo. It would be great if 2018 and 2020 are a breeze for The Grand Old Party.  

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What they need is new blood, John. Who could compete with the revamped, Tea Party, GOP?


The One I Loved Back Then -- The Corvette Song (George Jones)

. . . . Oh, She was hotter than a two-dollar pistol
She was the fastest thing around
Long and lean, every young man's dream
She turned every head in town
She was built and fun to handle,

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'How Objectivists Feel About One-Party Rule in the USA ...'

15 minutes ago, Jon Letendre said:

Nov 2016 was the Democrat’s last election.

Marcia Brady Is A "Sick Mother Fucker"

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VIDEO: Getting up to speed with Qanon, by 'Praying Medic' ...

Q Anon Update April 22 - Learn Our Comms from Praying Medic on Vimeo.

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“I write a lot about how, in a political environment that is saturated in disinformation and propaganda, it’s important to ignore people’s words and watch their actions instead to get a clear picture of what’s really happening. You could not ask for a better illustration of this than the recent behavior of the mass media with regard to Syria.

The always excellent Moon of Alabama put out a piece yesterday detailing the immense deluge of attack editorials disguised as information that have been churned out recently about anyone who questions the establishment Syria narrative, including a single day in which no less than seven smear pieces were issued by prominent publications. Seven. In one day.

If you look at the words within these smear pieces, you will gather that there has been a sudden disturbing emergence of evil bloggers, tweeters and activists who are hell bent on deceiving you into falling in love with Bashar al-Assad and pledging allegiance to the Russian flag. If you look at what these outlets are actually doing, however, you see a very different picture indeed: an aggressive, spurious campaign to inoculate the English-speaking world against the influence of anyone who disagrees with yet another war against yet another Middle Eastern country.

And people are noticing. It’s getting too blatantly obvious, like a stranger coming up to you and talking about climate change while openly masturbating; what he is doing would eclipse interest in whatever he is saying. The frenetic publication of hit pieces against anyone who fails to fall in line with the establishment Syria narrative is fast becoming the real story here.”


more at


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