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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. What do you mean, autonomous? Are you talking about the goalmouth?Why are you wasting your time with fruitless egghead speculations when this week Real Life finally revives in Montreal, to end in glory? Real fans throw!ng octopi on the ice, real heroes traded heartlessly away to end up winning the league, Ron McLean Ronner than ever! And nearly every team in the playoffs contains one of the aforementioned traded heroes, so I shall rejoice with someone, somewhere in time. Libertarians, live and let play .
  2. Got me. Government employees get great pensions! Yearningly,
  3. CastingPoor North Korea would likely be glad for anything brittle if it were edible,so I would take supple edibles. Maple cured bacon , etc. Contains all inGredients necessary for health, when appropriately paired.
  4. Judging from a video you haven't watched and don't plan to,....what do you have against capatilistic innovation? My own researches find It wonderful!
  5. If emails from websites are huge achievements in the making, I hereby apply for a government grant to expand my emails into funded enterprises. Any government, I am not picky...
  6. Hey! I didn't know Trump was a Pk Subban fan..,,I guess he's not all bad! Go Devils go!
  7. It kind of falls in the same category as getting a confession through presenting overwhelming evidence,too. Truth can be tortuous.
  8. This is the clearest exposition you have given, of your role as an internet influencer in these times, and really needs no further comment ,except a personal one that ( as I have said before) I am grateful to still be allowed to comment here at all. You must see me as an enemy alien in this war you have enlisted in. There is a cultural and political war we have all seen grow ,and as it manifests itself I need to ask , do you see it as a civil war between two irreconcilable factions of one country,..or as a revolutionary war against a ruling and/ or foreign oligarchy which oppresses you continually? And no, I do not think you can answer, " both." All of your bones of contention were once living limbs of past America . China had a cultural revolution too, which drained a lot of swamps. Is a war of ideas winnable? How can ideas remain debatable or even mentionable, when they become pure instinctive incendiary emotion.?
  9. ShIver not... I know of a guy who can fInd those aliens for you, soon as he finishes a little job down south.
  10. That does it. I'm voting for Stompin' Tom again. He might be dead but at least he's patriotic.
  11. Pure laine, pure langue... Le meilleure de Brtitannique, gens du pays.
  12. Dear Lord who art in Ottawa. When did the Onion marry the Beaver and beget....Reality 21?
  13. Raise you Porcupine en Croute, deliciously simmered in its own skin and juices over diesel fuel for hours... Caro the partRomany
  14. Deal, if you can fly me a nice rare steak that was alive yesterday..... puny meat and poultry are shamefully overpriced here, but oh! Rainbow trout and crabmeat were both half price this week at The so-called Atlantic Superstore, . Life as anaquaovovegetarian is pretty tasty. Drool brother,drool! Carolina. ex-majorcan peasantess
  15. Don't be a snob. Canned octupus is also yummy and can be heated to taste on the stove. Spanish peasants love it.
  16. I have just had my first vax, and if you want dumb, I haven't even checked which kind it was. A little knowledge would be dangerous in my hands, no doubt. I have not got the capacity to analyze medical data properly and I am truly grateful that you, William and others do. Tangentially (very) to this, I remember that that esteemed law scholar Kim Kardashian appealed to the public with a public broadcasting of her medical assessment,via X-ray, of whether she had implants in an area of, apparently, public importance. She proved she did not! All was transparent, in multum et parva , on prime time, and though I did not see the show myself everyone says it was proved. Just hope history will not prove me wrong and especially not onTV or anywhere embarrassing, but I think I am already too old to die of long term side effects anyway.
  17. Your instincts are correct. Any news report with an adjective in its headline and/or opening sentence is suspect, as I have learned as a lifelong reader of the National Enquirer. Amazing and Shocking are the worst offenders...oh,how I could go on! And likely will, as the NE style of journalism has achieved a certain pulpy respctability, which I find amazing!!!! And shocking!!!
  18. You need just a little more work on present passive voice to ace Grammar 201.
  19. I don't mind being con what I am against, though I prefer to be pro what I am for. The world will, in fact, be just fine in its infinity of possibilities . Our species, who knows? There are more things in heaven and Earth than those dreamt of in Rand's philosophy, cousin Horace.
  20. No....but how much would it pay? I've heard that recent presidents have been,kind of stingy with the hired help.
  21. Go Kam go.You don't have to shoot to score.
  22. What about Reagan? His Alzheimer's didn't ruin the country,and when Biden,'s diagnosis by rightwing consensus is confirmed by actual doctors, not much will change then.. Just as politics rolled on whenWilson was clinically dead, and his wife ran the country. Rather efficiently actually.
  23. My gut tells me that those eyebrows are going to be the new orange combover. This guy is going places, on those two obsidian wings!