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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. The police in Portland declared a riot. Is that your answer? Since that was a riot, and I asked you to compare Portland antifas actions to Capitol "patriots'" actions, and you don't want to answer me, where do I go for an Answer? I could ask AndyNgo,,but as the only credible reporter in Portland he is way too busy to bother with questions from foreign riffraff. Compare and contrast, bro . You can do it. I have faith in you.
  2. They promoted big bad riots which did not least, you predicted them on their say-so. What does May 1st, which who knows will even come to pass, have to do with my question which was about the past. A comparison of similar actions by two groups. Already happened. One word answer. ,
  3. Is this your answer? Um, "Portland mayor begging for help in unmasking violent black blocs" is a lot more than one word, and off topic.
  4. If that is rioting,how would you characterizeJan.6..? If throwing one rock through a window of a private home and "targeting" businesses ,- Iwill assume Mr. Ngo means "protesting in front of them", and will report breaking and other damages as they occur - If that is rioting, what is your one word description of Jan. 6? Noun or verb, your choice. Present participles accepted.
  5. Sexism! You have an heiress, Leonard! Don't you have the odd copyright to leave Kira, she isn't exactly burning up the bestseller lists with her novels...and what if that fancy husband takes off? Hmmm ?
  6. You are right, Jim,and I've visited that ward a few times. I didn't know it was christened Academy, though..
  7. Yes, it is all swole up from the endless compliments you all shower on me here.
  8. Maybe Gates had escaped his scrutiny at that point. But Icke did ask Mark Zuckerburg if he was a lizard, on Australian TV. the Z replied, "No, I deny that, I'm more of a weasel, really." Then he cried, "Wait wait! Did you say 'wizard'?" Disclaimer : Some comments in the preceding post may not be literally, you know, like, true. (Is it David Ike or David Ick?
  9. That is revolting. You know I am a Lefty , but I never heard that one before and I wish I hadn't now. This is it not fake revulsion. I guess I do believe the KGB would try to stage such an obscenity but that is as far as I go. I can't believe Trump could be lured into such a situation, he doesn't even drink, and just the possibility of his current wife whoever she was having leverage over him, would deter him. You know how stingy he was with poor Marla in the divorce. I am going to wash my short term memory out with Moosehead. Still, this is a false equivelance with extraterrestrial lizards, and you know it.Why does your concern with correct identification fly out the window when con artists knock on your door? Excuse me, reformed con artists.
  10. Hey, I remember those lizards; there was a whole thread here about whether some public official was a lizard from outer space (though he was not royal,, I can't remember his I guess he must have beat the rap). Could you clarify about people believing enough to cause trouble, whether a claim is true or not? I am assuming you just mean that belief is enough to stir people to action, is certainly true. Or are you implying that it is more important that people take action in the cause of the right, than to know the factual truth about the enemies they are fighting?. (By the cause of the right I mean "the best cause" here. Hypothetically only!)
  11. Will Scarlet , please have mercy on a questing poor old soul and explain in polysyllables of your choosing, what is going on with this adrenochronia? I saw the pic, and then googled it, but I thought it was just a movie Caviezel had made with Tom Sizemore and I forget what else about it. Was he pitching that this mythical substance is real, or is he just a method actor? Is it some kind of tie in like all those Disney dolls with the oversized heads like soap opera actors? Are they going to spin off all the stars' "journeys" in reality shows? i need answers. If you don't know any, just make up something , likely as not it will come true anyway. That has been my experience.
  12. I know you don't like me posting the funny meaning changes that autocorrection makes, but this is too irresistible. I wrote of "sins venial and mortal", but it appeared as "genial and mortal"-obviously the work of a subversive Anglican cadre within autocorrect! When I wrote of autocorrection above it turned into " sirocco correction ". Isn't a sirocco some kind of wind? What errors does it make.?
  13. This is a very interesting facet of the war for hearts and minds (dragging their souls along for the ride, if applicable.) I have a born-again cousin who is utterly convinced that Trump is part of God's plan, to bring about the End of Times. She is intelligent, educated, a thoroughly good person. I love her, so I would never risk our close family relation ship by ever discussing this subject with her, especially as I can see how she arrives at her conclusion through extenuating of Christ's position on sin and redemption. She is able to hate the sin and love the sinner. I tend to see a politician as a collection of sins, venial and mortal. If a politician has attractive personal characteristics, such as loyalty , wit or being a good parent, they cannot mitigate mortal political sins which damage the country and the individual. My cousin loathes the narcisstic showman Trump was before he took up politics, and now, she says she just tries to not about him personally at all. (I can admire narcissistic showmen if they put on great shows). Lol. Ellen mentions the ingenuity of this article and I agree. Even more is its efficacy , in capturing the entire lucrative demographic of people who do not know that the Bible was written before 1776.
  14. Peter, what is wrong with working under a bridge ?are you just a housing snob or trying to smear the entire subpontum community as trolls? Just because a person chooses not to waste their money on umbrellas does not mean they need mind altering substances. we are consulting an anti defamation specialist who could sue you in two countries from his offices on45 south International.
  15. Data is not the plural of anecdote. Words to live, by avoiding needless death thereby.
  16. Who are you talking to? My name is Nessman and I am perfectly well, you must be looking for Dr Fever. Try the golf course, or the church. He might not be interested in anymore meds, though.
  17. It's Poor Clare Ellen of Assisi, Which makes Michael St Francis.I think of him more as aSebastian myself, but.... what with Pearly Gaetz and you being called the Rock, better leave more sacred ground untrod.
  18. Thanks for the update, and for introducing me to snopes. Just because someone is a Canadian you can't always assume he is telling truth. I am happy too that beyond the broken windows and attempted assaults on buildings of previous nights,nothing more serious has yet been reported in Portland, at least by Mr. Ngo, whom I will henceforth think of as Mr. NonGovernmental. Maybe the Antifactivists have broken their oath, that is promise this time.
  19. Great! I used to enjoy the CanadianFrank, the grandfather of infantile snark and political and media gossip., when it was a pulp paper entity. Maybe I can freelance for them! Here is an online scoop for you, Michael ! James OKeefe is suing Twitter. (I don't have to name source because I did not read it on the MSM) I don't know how many have successfully sued them , maybe he could even be the First?
  20. Please post some evidence of this promised violence in Portland, it hasn't been reported here yet though the verdict was hours ago .