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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. For keeps! Yikes , that is ominous. President for life?. Maybe he could take the presidency, sort of like a reverse mortgage, and only give it back when he, you know, decides to move. So to speak. Tom Selleck explains it all better.
  2. Further on hating, this just showed up unbidden - did you used to chant Latin is a language dead etc,? Hatred is a virtue dead, /tho' righteous, that's still true It killed young Andrew Breitbart / and now it's killing you.
  3. Karen? Also not a Gaetz fan I gather, unless she is some screeching muderess I haven't heard of. I don't seethe much, but you always assume When I write anything negative it is out of hatred, so I won't try to prove that particular negative again. I did not intend to transmit joviality. What you perceived as hatred was scathing contempt, so at least I was in the ballpark of what I wanted to convey. I do hate those amoral fratboy types with the dead, mean eyes and the glee in getting noticed, no matter for what. Especially when they are what you call elitist one percenters, but in real life they are seldom part of the landscape,and don't impinge on the consciousness much. Whatever hatred I do express gets exorcized by lambasting the offender here in print. As the story unfolds I still just see Gaetz as an entitled idiot, and not too bright a one at that. Thanks for the smile. I wonder sometimes if I can ever make you laugh by the way I say something you hate being said at all!A sense of humour can be a burden at times, can't it?
  4. Matt Gaetz has stood staunchly by his creed of freedom to use his personal property as he wishes, and to pay travel costs for girlfriends if he wanted to, and has unabashedly enjoyed the sexual freedom available to young, unmarried, wealthy and successful men of his unique calibre. He has always stood out from the crowd, and for these things he is now being persecuted! He was the Only legislator to stand against the Sex Trafficking bill in 2017, defending his principles when the rest of Congress crnavenly caved into the majority Earlier on he had opposed an anti-porn bill, claiming his liberty to show his own collection of obscene sex photos to anyone he wished. A why should he be sacrificed to the prudishness of others? He may just be the modern blend of fiscal conservatism and modern social liberation to fit the times, and represent the constituency of many likeminded folk who are now misunderstood and wrongly accused of misdeeds, just because of a few bad choices , of which his enemies make worse ones. Luckily he has family, friends and his upcoming wedding to support him through this little bump in his road to success.
  5. Oh, yes! Coming soon to a theatre near you, "Dead but THEY WON'T LIEDOWN"!! Now shooting (sic) with an all star cast on location at exotic Mar a Lago.
  6. Since the tiny possible benefit could be my life, I am quite happy to ruin your life to save mine, and you would still have a lot of life left, being young, even though it was ruined. I wouldn't sacrifice you though, that would be wrong, at least not until I'm through sacrificing my own young relatives and random strangers I kidnap on Halloween.
  7. Mark and his fanboys are pretty cavalier about the decrepit and not-so-healthy portion of the world's population, and as internet ambassador of the DUH community, I wish to register the strongest of protests against their hurtful dismissive attitude. We have feelings too, and the feeling that emanates from them says, "Why should I smother myself in a dorky mask and cover up my best features, just on the off-chance I might get near to some old wreck with pre-existing conditions? People like that should just stay home, anyway." And we do stay home, if we have one, quite a lot anyway. Offendedly, S. Spruce (Miss) Burton Crescent
  8. oh Michael, what exciting, bold and beautiful concepts of art will be realized, I shall reserve advance tickets now for the opening, if I last.. But in your enthusiasm you have mislabelled these three thrilling inspiring objets d'art, you silly boy. The wings are obviously embodying the soaring spirit of Pocahontas, taking flight to get away from those smelly Englishmen and their imperialism in the boundless liberality of free womanhood! Edison is perfectly captured in that playful futuristic jumble, hinting of the big hot mess all his inventions have come to. And noble Washington, in tribute , has been given real teeth, instead of wooden ones.
  9. Ellen, I can't seem to locate the unanswered question, please repeat.
  10. Yes, I certainly mean that.. An unvaccinated person is capable of contracting and spreading Covid without even showing symptoms himself, and there is no way to know who, masked or unmasked, is vaccinated without proof. Until everyone who wants the vaccine has had it, I don't want to unknowingly encounter my possible killer among those who refuse it,and then join the other few old corpses who were not in the lucky survivors category. I especially don't want it for my children and grandchildren among whose age groups, because of variants, are showing up more and more in the new cases , even here. Your right to heroically fight all the possible future consequences of a short term public health measure, stops at my right to life. I will even say it trumps it, since Mr T appears to agree with me on this, judging by his own actions.
  11. Yes, I did get that, and it illustrates my point. A public health measure is not viewed as what it is , a measure to limit the initiation of force by citizens upon each other, but as - well, what? An infringement on your sacred right to get sick, and make others sick?
  12. Sorry to disappoint you, but I actually agreed with Peters comments on replacing signature comparisons (too subject to subjectivity) to more objectively solid forms of ID. I was really talking about context,as perhaps you picked up.Stringent voting laws in Georgia, good. Stringent mask laws in Georgia courthouse, bad. To extend the point. The expected outcomes of such laws are good, but nobody believes in anybody's good intentions anymore.
  13. When are the Arizona and Georgia Pulitzer audits going to start? They will have to be consecutive, or won't they? No news maybe you have more recent intel.
  14. Six degrees of Jeffrey Epstein : His first boss was Don Barr, who hired him for a teaching job at the Dalton School for which he was not qualified, and later fired him. Don was the father of Bill Barr who authorized the Investigation into Joel Greenberg which resulted in sex trafficking charges . Greenberg was a Florida tax collector accused among other things of providing false ID for underage girls , using info from the tax office records. Greenberg was a close pal of Matt Gaetz...only four steps. Oh, well. Creepily enough, the exclusive Dalton School was where young Manriel Hemingway's character was an A student when she wasn't having a cool affair with irresistible older man Woody Allen in one of his pre-Soon Yi movies. I believe it was a hit.
  15. One sure way to rile up the right to make any decision at all about public buildings, public lands or public areas in general. I believe that theoncept of a public is problematic to those whose standard of value is the private individual and his private rights. I know an exO'ist who believes that there should be only private property - every single centimetre of land on the planet should be privately owned ( I'm not sure about bodies of water). The concept of public health also has a suspicious ring about it, health care is strenuously private in the US despite worldwide trends in the other direction. Voting is also considered an individual, not a public process, and the notion of requiring stringent identification for that met with no thoughts of Nazi tactics to you, Peter, did they? I'm just saying. Happy Easter
  16. Last note on Matt "Pearly"Gaetz. If he gets charged with anything (still dubious that might happen) do NOT join a GoFundMe for his defence, it will be a scam! His future brother in law is a billionaire, not a to mention political soulmate and friend Trump - he may not be a hit with fellow pols but he is pretty comfortable among the 1 per centers. Trump
  17. The Guardian(U.K.) has reported that few top GOP leaders have expressed support for Gaetz because he is a "lone wolf" in Congress. For the sake of young Congresswomen, I certainly hope he is ! Nice allusion, Guardian.
  18. This is news - showing that Israeli spies are as hardworking and competent as Russian ones , or American ones. If it implies blackmail, it also implies that there is evidence of a blackmailable offence sufficient to convene the grand jury. Hand me the popcorn....
  19. Ah, yawn, back to normal in dear old Canuckistan. Maybe I should start up Canadian Boring again,to soothe today's anxious spirits with the comforting monotony of politics in days of yesteryear..once upon a time in the North...
  20. Yes, I know that is the official line. And smear campaigns of sexual misconduct are as old as time. Certainly as old as OL is, since your flagship post ,still on view, passionately denounces such a campaign. I agree that these allegations will not damage him permanently, even if he should actually be charged, maybe even convicted. Only his enemies will believe it isn't just a smear, whatever kind of evidence is presented.
  21. I thought a lot of the rioters were fooling around, mugging for cameras in a reality show where they had been invited , practically by engraved invitation ..implication intended. They got to showcase their heartfelt convictions and honest emotions of fired-up righteous anger. Apparently some were incredulous to find themselves actually in a real jail, and expected Rudy or Sidney to arrange their bail. A real insurrection attempt will not be carried out by these new cyber stars, but by professionals with an agenda, not decided by themselves. If a civil war happens too, that is who will win it.
  22. Looks like the age of consent shifts with the perspective of the ,er, co-consenter. Hey man, a right-thinking Lolita don't need no stinking piece of paper from no govmint! Right thinking people don't need no govmints bossing them around, period! Right? (Canada has uncovered sex traffickers and child porn ringmasters to a sickening degree, and probably has more still hidden. Just so you know I agree that these creatures are among us to the same extent as they are among you, and are equally as execrated.). ftr, I don't think Gaetz is any kind of trafficker. Though he might be a coercer, who knows. He is an entitled idiot, though.