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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Fair enough. But at what stage is a lawsuit cooking, ? -- being prepared, filed and awaiting answering, entered in the court system, or whatever the procedure Is?
  2. Fair enough. But at what stage is a lawsuit cooking, ? -- being prepared, filed and awaiting answering, entered in the court system, or whatever the procedure Is?
  3. All those things you have highlighted do take time...especially court cases which everyone knows can be dragged out till they are threadbare. Are there still any pertinent cases still in the system waiting for judgment..and how many more do they estimate to bring (roughly of course)? And what if all the initiatives take more than three years to complete? i know I'm asking you to put on your Carnac Royal Ascot turban, but even guerrilla warfare does have schedules.
  4. Cool - was he related to Zach Whiteclouds' ancestors.? A real knight in action!
  5. Do you mean Pennsylvania? I've read so much. John OHara (so underrated now ), are you more of a Julian English or an Alfred Eaton, or maybe Pal Joey? Can you speak Pennsylvania Dutch like Lawrence Welk?
  6. No, that is a description of the way they operate, which is super-effectively. What they are for, is to and kill or at least wound living beings, and they serve that purpose magnificently. The reasons for a civilian to own or use a gun are as various as the individuals who do so, which category seems to include most Americans. But the brilliant marketing of the armaments lobby has eradicated the process of correct identification in this case. And of course, the fear- mongering of the lobby's useful idiots, the politicians.
  7. Enough,I am still trying to figure out hanging Brads from the Bush landslide.
  8. Every single headline they promise a blowout, but when you check out their photos, their hair doesn't look any better than it ever did. Change your stylist guys, or else your headlines. (No more explosive! Or Shocking! either. You don't need to advertise that you were laid off from the National Enquirer.) Somebody had to say it. Carol Discriminating trash tab consumer
  9. Lol. I believe the literary term for thetechnique employed by this scribe is called " reaching". The mixed- metaphor -titled utterance correctly checks all the mandatory spite boxes, and does hit a few well-worn marks, but I can't reach down far enough to grasp them.
  10. Meanwhile, a Canadian province is stalled from reaching Green status by falling just short of 75 percent of the population at least once.-vaccinated. And I think I know most of those refuseniks! (N.B.'s population is not large.) I think I better go out and harangue them. They'll probably take the needle to avoid that.
  11. Equate all you want, but black lives do, in fact, matter, while to the Camp Auschwitz crowd, Jewish lives don't. For starters. A bit of a distinction in philosophies there.
  12. Thanks for for the tip Brant, but I've already tried them. Sebriously, I was echoing tmj's phrase in his preceding post. And he was using it sarcastically in evocation of me clutching my liberal pearls. As you probably already know, Granite Skin. Ol' Ecru Carol
  13. Yes, there are white people everywhere who are willing to stand shoulder to shoulder with White supremacists,antiSemites and assorted loose cannons aimed at anybody they don't like the look of, if that is what it takes to get Trump back into power. I think they are in the minority of white people in the USA, but I suppose all these recounts will prove me wrong.
  14. Find where I ever called Trump a racist. I don't think he is, never have. I explicitly refer to HiS BASE,HIS SUPPORTERS, whose votes he needs. He panders to these "very good people" with swastikas on their skins, and no, I don't ,think he is a neo Nazi either.. He is just a politician who has an excessively low ethical bar, even for a politician.
  15. .Well, .. if you say so. I never read PARC nor have I heard Valliant speaking about them, but I know the whole story as it played out here. I was and am pro Branden, not that it matters for present purposes. Barbara more than Nate. Do you really see everybody now , as human beings, only in terms of Donald Trump and what opinion they have of the guy? Is he the moral litmus test not only of America but apparently the whole world? Sorry, but I have not become part of the hater herd, Trump or no Trump. Little did I know when I joined OL ten years ago, with its multitude of topics and individuals, that I would end up a conscript in the Hundred Years' War.
  16. Sorry to Charlie. I did not know he was sick at all, except he obviously was on something. His bizarre exhibition and the fixation on winning just came to my mind, and it has nothing to do with hate. It was an association that Trump's lifelong division of humankind into winners and losers naturally brought about. Trump has done many hateful things , and said them, which made me despise him but I don't think that is the same as hate. I don't imagine him humiliated, grovelling, being hanged etc. As certain posters here have done about his political opponents. He has done and said some things which I admired, or agreed with, also, and I think if he didn't need the bigots and ignoramuses who are found in his base, he could have been a been a better president. Of course bigots and ignoramuses ( ignorami?) are found in the left,s base too, but as of yet they don't determine policy.( insert your own withering riposte here) But you have your internal narrative of me as hate filled, although I think you should know better. So the answer to your rhetorical question is no, I don!t really hate Trump. I sure do dislike him, though.
  17. If this is how Trump thinks he reminds me of Charlie Sheen in his swan song. Winning! Winning! Revenge! Too many people are transfusing their tiger blood these days
  18. Antifa must be losing their touch. If the assertions made here that they somehow succeeded in causing all the killings and assaults of Jan.6 , surely they could have got Mr. Ngo on their first try?
  19. I can sympathize with your dilemma. Whe the French people eradicated the ancien regime, they fought their various inherited or declared wars under Impromptu leadership in the name of the Republic, until they chose an Emperor. The American republic chose to follow the British legislative example, with many changes and improvements. But war can only be declared by Congress, is that not the case? So absent that, would a legal argument of an "act of war or something of that nature" be admissible?
  20. We are only behind some times. The times of Stalin and Hitler are behind us all , I must hope and pray we will all stay ahead of the times of real, endorsed-by-the- people, practising new Hitlers and Stalins with real Camp Auschwitzes and gulags. Before you say they are already here If I just took a good look, both here and in your experimental republic, I will assume it said to save you the trouble. I assume your lofty second paragraph means, there is a. Legal definition but you don't like it. In neighbourly solidarity, Carol Proudly retro
  21. Isn't there a legal definition of a court's role and authority? As the law stands now, can a court act as an independent arbiter or is it deemed as the judicial arm of a state or federal, well, Government? Or has your court system separated more from the British model than than ours in Canada has? That would make sense as our constitution came not with our nationhood but 75 cautious Canuck years later.
  22. Your analysis was very fair, without sarcasm. I wish we did not need to be reminded that Fact checkers and fake media are not fair in every post, whatever the subject, but I realize that is part of the mission of OL now. One thing I am curious about, on point 3. Would the court consider itself entitled to categorize an event as an act of war, if it had not been formally called so by the government? This will be some court case.Or cases, I guess. Carol Grisham fan