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Everything posted by Selene

  1. Remember the look of absolute viciousness on his face when he was called a liar in the State of the Union speech. He was lying and it was about the PPACA. A...
  2. This was a client's notification by his union. Sickening implantation of their marxist code. A....
  3. Nice. Always good to help a gatekeeper get your point amplified. A...
  4. Here are my picks for tomorrow: Utah 40 delegates over 50% winner takes all - caucus Cruz 56% Kasich 31% Trump 13% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arizona 58 delegates winner take all - primary and supposedly 50% have already voted with the early voting bull...this should favor Trump here though. Trump 47% Cruz 38% Kasich 15% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. Has anyone had the pleasure of issuing, or, receiving the new IRS Form 1095-B? The tentacles entwine the language which conditions the mind... Welcome to the collar... A...
  6. Cruz desperately needs a woman. therefore his short list has: Fiorina as an Evita attack dog would be fun to watch; SC Governor Nikki Indian Haley - fills 2 quotas; Both are geographically balanced enough and they both have administrative experience. Past that I do not see a solid perspective VP at this time. A...
  7. I find it difficult to look into the eyes of the elder Cubans that I know when they look at me with a fire in their opaque eyes and ask me why he did this? A stain on our soul. A...
  8. Lol - I used this today with three different folks today in NJ who are coming around to supporting Trump in the NJ primary...they are all gatekeepers which make them valuable to convert...
  9. Bill. I will not do this dance. What does bigotry mean to you William Scherk? A...
  10. Bill: Please define bigotry, as you understand it, first. Thanks. A...
  11. He is also not visually appealing. The "Ed Sullivan hunchback" look is out! He looks eerie. A...
  12. Where have they stonewalled O'bama? A...
  13. A number of theories are out there. I have no clue. Ego? A...
  14. Ricky came up a little short...
  15. Folks, Ayn had no agrarian experience, nor any "family" experience that I am aware of. Anyone who has been around a family with pregnant ladies knows what Aristotle meant by "the quickening." Ted Keer, who used to post here was well informed on this as well as other issues. His knowledge of the origins of language was very informative to me. His position on the Marriage issue was also quite creative. A...
  16. Essentially, you want something that is truly meaningless? Something which is not binding? Something that may change based on information that he is not privy to now? Something like a Viagra advertisement, except it is about policy? Of what use is this "document?" A... Excellent REB. Very clearly argued.
  17. goodbye rubio tuesday Trump drives out GOP golden boy Boston Herald 16 Mar 2016 — AP PHOTO FINISHED: Florida U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio speaks last night at a rally in Miami. Rubio suspended his campaign last night after a double-digit loss in Florida. Goodbye, Rubio. Still we’re not going to miss you. Marco Rubio had the hype, the hope and the backing of the GOP establishment, but there was always something missing — voters.
  18. Let's hold New York this week... Gonna sneer at those New York values when you greet New Yorkers in the street, Rafael? A...
  19. We should add North Korea's numbers during Mao's regime to the total. Interesting that we look at the total slaughter numbers when we analyze statist regimes, however, we look at GDP when we analyze capitalist regimes. A...
  20. Middle Tennessee surprised me with their interior defense, apparently did the same with Michigan. A...
  21. Agreed. I always found him to be stridently effete. Moreover, Maoist works for me also. I still think that Mao killed more than Hitler and Stalin combined. As to the Castro co-thugs that have enslaved Cuba for the last 58 years, I still have burned into my mind the poor bastards that were lined up with their backs to ditches and executed. When I worked my first summer at the Animal Medical Center on a research project, the Cuban nurse, by the name of Crespi-Luz, who was the daughter of a Doctor in Cuba pre-Castro, told me the story of her dad, who ran a clinic out in the back country and what he did because most of the folks in the village had no shoes. These outlying areas were not priorities for the power centralizing Communists in Havana. She was only a teenager when her father, with his boots tied around his neck, walked down to the town hall with a crowd of "peasants" and his daughter, who held his hand and stood by his side as he asked for shoes from the regime. He was shot down in front of his daughter. She shared stories of life under Castro and was lucky enough to get out in time. And now, our beloved President is going to hobnob with a murderous thug and his brother. Charming. A...