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Everything posted by Selene

  1. Folks, could we not let this thread be talking about Phil. Glad to see he is healthy, Michael: Thanks. Excellent interview. By the way, I have been arguing for quite a while that June 7th, the NJ primary is the one that can clinch it for Trump. However, Cruz's campaign has a great strategy plan. FYI, these internal battles in campaigns happen ALL the time, from the local School Board/Council/Alderman/Clerk campaigns to the Presidential. Constant battles between the two, or, three components of a campaign are par for the course. I am tempted to say that it happens in most dedicated human activities. A...
  2. Her eyes were incredibly deep and intense. A...
  3. The anti-Cruz vote exceeded his total which clearly shows that Cruz is not favored by the rank and file Republicans...
  4. Thanks; Something wrong with CD 4 A...
  5. Understood. He should walk away with between 6 and 11 delegates which is adequate. The key question is whether he will decide to set up a real ground game in California and New Jersey because that is the ball game right there. A...
  6. Relax Michael. Remember, Trump still has the "better path" to 1237. Now is the time for quiet negotiations with both teams. I would love to see them decide, for the sake of the country, to decide to have a Co-Presidency. In the alternative, the two leaders go on a stroll alone and make a deal. I will take the first term and then retire and you will take the next eight. A...
  7. That's what I thought. No, he does not work. He has gotten much better as a speaker after that horrendous response to the State of the Union a few years ago. Too narrow a national appeal and the wrong sex for this cycle. A...
  8. Piyush? Geez, Robert, for a moment, I thought you were going to advise him to pick the Lying Squaw from Massachusetts. A...
  9. And now the Democrats: Bernie Sanders a/k/a BS: 50.1% Evita: 49.9% She has a long range, environmentally sound plan for you! A...
  10. Here are my picks: Republicans: Cruz 42.5% Trump 38.2% Kasitch 19.3% Keeping Kasitch under 20% is the key for Cruz. That should gain him a decent night winning 30 of the 42 delegates. 12 would be a one biscuit gravy night...12+ would add eggs and if Trump barely wins, you are talking steak and eggs with unlimited biscuits and gravy. =========================================== Dems later- GO VILLANOVA ! Tough task for them tonight - maybe Donald should talk to the team before the game! A... HOW GOOD AM I!!!! NOVA BY 3 - HUGE UPSET - TRUMP'S LOCKER ROOM SPEECH DOES IT!!!!
  11. Michael, anyone who did not learn from the most well done political campaign, particularly because they effectively used technologically to maximize both their message and their field organization, deserves to reap the whirlwind. Now, let's bring all our OLers to the 2012 election, where the "insiders" mirrored the "technology" of the O'bama team and thought that was enough. Then they failed to test it, and, they forgot about nominating a leader who could put more than ten (10) words together and keep people awake. There is the Devil in those thar details. A...
  12. REB: If we had direct payments to Drs/hospitals for all the "assigned risk health cases," that could not be serviced by private competitive insurance plans, this assigned risk pool would be significantly less costly than layer upon layer of civil service workers who "process" compliance with useless regulations with crippling costs. That is just one simple structural change that will eliminate the civil service bloat in any program. A...
  13. OK Marc... What have you done with Marco Rubio? No one has seen him. A...
  14. I am not even going to mention Evita's belief that every premature child that was born did not have any Constitutional rights and protections because her campaign is, once again, becoming unglued. The reason to pay close attention to this primary CD by CD is because whoever wins Wisconsin in the November, will be one of the key states that Evita must take. Another point made in the article is The kids will not turn out for Evita. The "people of color vote" will be off by at least 12-15% as of right now from O'bama numbers. Blue collar union Democrats despise her. Trump could beat her just by staying in the right lane and energizing turnout. Nothing else matters. A...
  15. Don't think The Donald boasted about it, I thought it was funny. A...
  16. Agreed. One of the reasons that I did that aspect of "content analysis" was precisely because I felt the same way. I hope I still have the copy where I started numbering the "hints." You sparked my curiosity. A...
  17. Thank you Ellen. I thought that was where he told the story. It is interesting the analysis you posted with it. In one of my readings of Atlas in the last ten (10), I decided to number the "clues" that Ayn planted about JG on each page. It was a type of "content analysis" that I learned in rhetorical analysis. Additionally, it made good common sense as an analytical tool. There were a lot of clues and they started much earlier than even I had surmised. A...
  18. I thought this one was quite clever...
  19. Peter: Our own OL scholar in Virginia, will refuse to vote for Rafael because of his abortion and "gay" marriage positions. I find it laughable that you will just sweep that under your portable Objectivist rug and claim that there is nothing to see hear. You do realize that Rafael will be savaged by Evita's machine. A...
  20. I did a simple search and did not get what I wanted. However, I did not make the search terms precise enough. I will later today after the NCAA games. My recollection confirms the "Clark Kent" scene. I am pretty sure you are correct about Dagny also. Thanks. A...
  21. Good find Michael. In my analysis on one of the OL threads, I did not count Wisconsin in Trumps column also and he still gets to number needed to win the nomination. I assumed it was winner take all which it isn't. So I am happy I was right. Anything Trump picks up in Wisconsin is gravy. A...