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Everything posted by Selene

  1. I am not the one who made a big deal out of the name "Pecker" on the trump thread! Selective retention is such a soothing balm for the brain! A...
  2. What a surprise, Sir Peter Of The Non Sequitur [sp?] led us to the Castro Penal Colony! He would have led Lewis and Clarke to Honduras! A...
  3. So, let's help you be clear. I, as a Trump supporter, am I no longer a thinking voter? Is this what you mean to say? A...
  4. More importantly, what would you do? If you were President today, what would be your top three (3) policy directives on Cuba? Thanks. A...
  5. Thanks Geoff! Nice work. I was not aware of that De Puy decision and it does make procedural sense. I think the "mass walkout" and resignation letters are supposed to come from the FBI, not DOJ. Very interesting political "gaming" discussion are being held about these possible scenarios. For the record, I do not see her ever serving any actual "time" in confinement. However, as far as Evita being permitted to serve in any elected, or, appointed governmental position, that should be eliminated in the plea bargain. Good stuff, A...
  6. Can't wait to hear about Evita and Huma...
  7. Well, that's progress, we do not have to measure hands anymore...
  8. Didn't he condemn the ad? Or did I misremember? A...
  9. Why did he speak out about it if it was not his group?
  10. Does anyone really care whether Rafael had five (5) mistresses? Maybe they have an open marriage. Maybe Rafael likes that multiple wife deal that Romney's religion believed in. A...
  11. Brant, he could never survive without his blinders on... Peter, why don't you relax because you know that Trump will never get the nomination. I am sure you will be totally comfortable with eight years of Evita... A...
  12. Good man and a real thinker. We lose another giant messenger... R.I.P. A...
  13. Damn, you give up real fast... This is all a "dog and pony show" now. A...
  14. Now clearly, the last seven (7) years of the No Name Calling Campaign, these students were ready to respond to this bullying name calling candidate... The damage done is frightening... Quite a study...we are doomed... A...
  15. Trump currently has approximately 741 + Dr. Carson's 9 = 750 which leaves 496 needed to clinch the nomination on the first ballot. Assuming he loses Wisconsin [42] Every time I think I understand winner take all, I find out that it sorta means "winner take most" in Trump will probably lose a very close race as of now, so he would still get 14 with Cruz getting 20 and Kasich getting 5 with 3 depending on Congressional Districts. So now I have to reconfigure ... Wisconsin [42] Trump 14 Takes 15 of Colorado's [37] = 779... He will take 75+ delegates of NY's [95] = 854... -------------------------------------->>April 26th is a big day... Conn. [23] +14 = 868... Del. [16] +16 = 884... Mary [38] +30 = 914... Penn. [71] +50+=964 R.I. [19] +14+=983 ----------------------------------------------->> May 3rd Indiana [57] +27 = 1010 ------------------------------------------------>>May 10th Nebraska [36] +13+ = 1023 W. Virginia [34] +26 = 1049 ------------------------------------------------>>May 24th Washington [44] +24+ = 1073 ------------------------------------------------->>June 7th California [172] +100+ = 1173 Montana [27] + 13 = 1186... New Jersey [51] + 51 = 1237 NOMINATED New Mexico [34] + 12 = 1249......... corrected>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  16. As disheartening as your question begging statements on the "...shittiest online polls..." and "...decent ones...?"
  17. It took me almost an hour to figure that one out because I was looking at key counties to see trends. Boy did I feel like a fool! A...
  18. Thanks. Solid praise from a person who understands elections is always welcome. As to the Cruz oops, you are correct. I did not go back and change it because I did not even consider the Rubio early voting. My blunder. Also why I hate early voting. A...
  19. I guess so. Romney's bankruptcy rate was 15% or more. Trumps is under 3%. A...
  20. Michael: I did not want to raise the bar on the Arizona primary, however, had he lost this particular "winner take all," at this particular race to 1237 would mean that there was a better than even chance that he would not get to a clean 1237. Now it is quite doable. I worked it out last night, hoping for this result. A...
  21. Robert: You are quite kind in your evaluation of our President. Our President is not a nice person. He is an idealouge with a serious inferiority [possible] complex and an essential hatred for this country. I believe Mark Levin puts it clearly when he states that a person who states that he is going to "fundamentally transform this country," clearly does not like it. I am sure if I looked back on my posts here from 2007, I was more than likely warning about what he would be like. Sorry that I was correct about this marxist. A...
  22. Agreed. It is pure bait for the "bread and circuses crowd." In fact, it has become so prolific that to find decent polling data, you need to see the more obscure polls, or, the internal polls of campaigns. Again, the Last Hurrah was a great movie about politics. Tracey calls it the greatest spectator sport in America. I am always amused when folks say "we don't discuss politics at dinner." My remark has always been that I guess I will be making a speech then. A...
  23. Meaningless projections at this point in time.