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Everything posted by Selene

  1. Rafael Cruz, II, Jr., apparently has some deeper ties to Texas' Bushes than I ever knew, or, Stone is blowing smoke. Again, I am slowly moving, regretfully, to put a little distance between my absolute adoration of Mark Levin's knowledge and ideas and his complete support of Rafael. What has me somewhat confused is that Levin has never been a Bush guy. As a Reagan man, being part of his administration, he was an anti-Bush man. However, Bush and Rafael are closely tied. So is Rafael's wife. They met as Bush staffers. This is according to Stone. Now Roger Stone has been known to spin stories. The author gets a little over the top... usually has his black/blue wide white pinstripe suit on...not too smart a dresser in my opinion...the stereo-typical movie organized crime look never attracted me... A...
  2. Just leave the nickle when the session is over Peter...
  3. Someones going to get killed with these attempts to hurt Trump...
  4. You mean like today's NY Times article explains... A particular interpretation of the Islamic law is employed by ISIS to permit this exploitation: As the NY Times coldly asserts: Warning read the rest of the article at your own discretion.
  5. Better teach the kid to count fingers...
  6. My favorite line from Rafael "I hide my Cuban name" Cruz is "...but,in ANY CAMPAIGN, responsibility starts at the top." So, Righteous Rafael must h ave forgotten to take responsibility for the fraudulent mailing in Iowa and the "stealing" of votes from Dr.Carson with a report from CNN which he failed to check and for forgetting to list certain legally necessary information in his filings with the FEC...or, maybe they don't count when you are the de-latinoed direct representative from God to us slugs down here in the political swamps... we look up to the top of your campaign Rafael and what do we find? <iframe src="" width="560" height="315" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Here is another classy quote from the Cuban/Canadian citizen and self hating Latino: There you go again "lying Rafael." So when you lied on your FEC submission, does that set the culture of your campaign? Or, are you just a Petrie dish that allows lies to flourish?
  7. Yep. Two for the price of one ...Cleveland and Philly!! Riot gear will be the proper dress for attendees... Long, hot summer ahead. A... Post Script: What was that about history again?
  8. Now this is interesting...
  9. Thanks, it is a team effort Michael and you led the way. A...
  10. Click - One tumbler in place...looks like Evita left a trail of electronic bread crumbs...
  11. Tonight I solidified 46 votes for Trump in Medina County of Ohio for Tuesday...been working on this nest for six (6) weeks. My nest in Missouri came from work I did on the ground there a few years back and I built on that good will politically and it is now up to approximately 110+ votes for Tuesday, that is spread over two counties. I won't even brag about how many votes I have a link with in the Red Neck Riviera just south of Alabama. Been involved down there for 15 years. Was in Defuniak Springs on September 11th 2001. A...
  12. Correct. FYI - the public origin of the "birther" question was Evita's 2008 campaign, not Trump.
  13. Correct...and it is going to happen in Philly also...I just brought my thread up on that because of the Chicago deal. Remember the training that went on in the Occupy Wall Street "AstroTurf" mob? Well here we are. Notice the technique of encirclement that they used tonight. Very clever. Great visuals and reminiscent of the Greek/Roman/British phalanx structure.
  14. And now, we will have this in Cleveland for the Republican Convention... Quo Vadis and this asshole "journalist" actually put that in the story!!!!
  15. Certainly not someone who would write a check to a telemarketer.
  16. Hells Kitchen, and the lower East Side
  17. lol - no - just haven't gotten the opportunity because I have been really busy with work and over focused on this election!
  18. ,Rumor is that Ben Carson is going to endorse Trump. Maybe that is why Trump has scheduled the press conference tomorrow morning at 9 AM. A...
  19. This is their real serious problem, they can't stop this type of bleeding...
  20. Of course, it would be a complete waste of your skills. You also assumed what they meant by "political campaigning." I assume you speak Portuguese? Outreach with social media to these types of groups is where you digital knowledge would be maximized. A...
  21. When I read this at about 2 PM today, I wanted to cut and post the entire column which is brilliant, particularly her play on Springtime For Hitler, with Zero Mostel, Gene Wilder, Kenneth Mars and Dick Shawn. It was one of her best ever. A...
  22. This kind of Administration attack is a "red flag;" Leaks have a purpose... Apparently, these issues are just the start of the political "problem" that Comey has with the Administration, you know, the Administration that Evita has sworn allegiance to: I remember that and I am surprised that this column did not mention that Ashcroft was also a Republican, from Missouri, if I remember correctly. A...
  23. I agree with you. He is one of those principled folks who does what is right when people aren't looking. The Sarah issue has been one of my, and your passions, because what was visited upon her was just wrong. A...
  24. Does Carly know that the person who needs to be beaten is Evita, not Trump? A...