Ellen Stuttle

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Everything posted by Ellen Stuttle

  1. I don’t agree with you that apologizing about his assistance in foisting UNsafe and ineffective in combating Covid new kind of poisons on the world would harm Trump's election chances. Quite the contrary. Many of his supporters aren’t happy with him on the vax issue. He even (reportedly, I didn’t listen to it) got booed for his favorable comments at his own rally. I know that I would feel better about voting for him if he'd say something indicating regret. I know others who are basically pro-Trump who feel the same way. I even think he'd garner support from Dems who think that the pseudo-vaccines are a terrible medical blunder. You aren’t understanding what I thought. As you present the push for vaccines - going from what Navarro says - the FDA was going to play its usual slow-motion, long-drawn-out-while-collecting-pay-off procedure. This is a different view of what happened than I had prior to reading your post. What I thought was that the wheels had been well greased, the paying-off already accomplished, in advance, and that the pseudo-vaccines didn’t need to be developed. They were ready to go. (I said that this was what I thought in an old post, I don’t remember just when.) However, the pharmaceutical companies and the FDA approvers knew that the stuff wasn’t safe and shouldn’t be okayed even for emergency use. Thus Trump's desire to have the process go swiftly provided the eager profiteers with a convenient and prominent fall-guy. They could put the blame on him while, really, his "push" was against zero resistance. Thus he was "patsy and tool." Your account via Navarro changes that picture. It makes Trump's push look like an effective push, actually instrumental in getting the things on the market rapidly. In which case he was being the dupe of evil people whom he was mistakenly trusting. I ordered the Navarro book but won’t have much time for looking at it until next week. I’m quite curious to see what documentation is provided. Ellen
  2. Added thought: In 2016, one of the approving remarks about Trump which I heard over and over was, "He tells the truth." Now I'm being lectured, when saying that I think that he should tell the truth about the pseudo-vaccines, that doing so (at least now) wouldn’t be…political. Ellen
  3. https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/11/hard_data_shows_the_covid_vaccines_dont_work.html The data is from official statistics, which in many, maybe most, countries have overstated both case and death figures because of counting anything which gave a positive PCR. (At the same time, as Tony has pointed out, there are probably lots of mild cases which weren’t reported to health authorities.) Statistics about infectious disease incidence always involve guesswork, and the problem is greatly compounded with Covid, which has provided a bonanza for government power seekers. Nonetheless, given patterns everywhere, the strong indication is that the vaxxed might as well not be from any standpoint of protection against Covid. Their susceptibility and case severity if infected might even be enhanced. Ellen
  4. A suggestion instead of "Trump Worship Syndrome." Trump Bedazzlement Syndrome. Then we have matching obverse bookends: TDS and TBS. Ellen
  5. Here’s how the progression went. I said that Trump had been a patsy and a tool re his "Warp Speed" push. You said that that was an incorrect analysis, then proceeded to cite Navarro's book, which evidently (going by your description) documents that Trump was a dupe in ways I wouldn’t have thought he’d be - such as actually trusting Anthony Fauci. Ellen
  6. I wasn't talking about apologizing to the establishment left or the Deep State. You sure do work up a lather. Ellen
  7. Worse than that. Just adding to your comment. I'm sure you know what I'm about to point out. The poison injections have killed, paralyzed, produced permanent heart weakening, and strokes, and miscarriages, and female reproductive disorders that might result in infertility, and tinnituses so horrible some sufferers have committed suicide to escape the torment, and kidney problems, and liver problems, and other disorders, and I'm betting that they will produce cancers and that they’re going to cause dysfunctions in children's growth processes. They are probably the biggest medical-practice-induced disaster we've had to date. I think that out of decency Trump should by now be expressing heartfelt remorse for any degree of actual effectiveness his "Warp Speed" push had in getting the mRNA injections onto the market. They should never have been approved. There was enough evidence (withheld) from such clinical trials as were done to know that they were far too dangerous to be given emergency approval. Politically, I think that Trump's favorableness toward the pseudo-vaccines is going to be a detriment eventually if not immediately to whatever plans Trump has. Morally, I think he’s going to start looking like ego defense is more important to him than people's lives and health if he doesn’t start showing awareness of what a disaster the pseudo-vaccines are. Ellen
  8. Michael, I wonder if you realize that you've offered in Trump's defense that he was an even bigger dupe than I would have thought he'd be. Trusting Anthony Fauci. I've wondered from the start why he gave Fauci so much say. Didn’t he investigate Fauci's past? Putting Mike Pence in charge of the vaccine project. Not realizing that the medical authorities would withhold therapeutics. Not being aware of the extent of corruption. I plan to read both books you recommended. I expect they’ll be informative about details, but not eye-openers. Ellen PS: I think that Trump really needs to withdraw his favorable remarks about getting "vaxxed." I expect that the large majority of his supporters will continue to be pro-Trump, although disappointed on that issue, even if he doesn’t, but I think that he's setting himself up for a blamestorm from non-supporters if he doesn’t. Ellen
  9. A current piece by Larry Johnson on Gateway Pundit. Please see the end of my post even if you skip the details. Are the Covid Vaccines Dangerous? Yes, for Some WWW.THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM Just got some sad news about my great niece. She was compelled to get the Covid jab in order to stay employed. She was pregnant. Within a week of getting the jab she miscarried. Not a coincidence. The New... In this article Johnson talks about: Miscarriage rates: The New England Journal of Medicine reported in June that if a woman is vaccinated before the fetus passes the 20 week mark of gestation, there is an 80% chance of a miscarriage: Athlete deaths and heart problems: It is not just pregnant women in their first trimester who are at risk, look at what is happening to world class athletes. Sergio “Kun” Aguero, an Argentine who plays soccer for Manchester United, suddenly developed a heart condition after getting the jab: Kun is not alone. Look at the list of ten other unfortunates: UK death rates of vaxxed and unvaxxed: [my emphasis] A really disturbing report courtesy of Alex Berenson. Here’s the headline from a study in the United Kingdom–Vaccinated people 60 and younger are twice as likely to die as Unvaccinated people under 60. Berenson writes: I have checked the underlying dataset myself and this graph is correct. Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And overall deaths in Britain are running well above normal. I don’t know how to explain this other than vaccine-caused mortality. The basic data is available here, download the Excel file and see table 4: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/deathsbyvaccinationstatusengland Johnson concludes - my emphasis: One of these days the Democrats will wake up and realize the vaccine is a loser. At that point, they will pivot and blame Donald Trump for the failed vaccine. Just watch. Trump meanwhile is setting himself up for the pivot and blame by his continuing not to acknowledge that he was used as a patsy and tool with his "Project Warp Speed." Ellen It is not just pregnant women in their first trimester who are at risk, look at what is happening to world class athletes. Sergio “Kun” Aguero, an Argentine who plays soccer for Manchester United, suddenly developed a heart condition after getting the jab:
  10. I bet there are people who did just that. Ellen
  11. Thanks, it's easier for me to read now. Ellen
  12. Michael. I started reading your latest lengthy lecture AT me. I've gotten about halfway through and I'm simply laughing. I suspect you're not going to get near explaining whatever it was you meant. And, honestly, "guns blazing" at you? Bizarre. Ah, well. Ellen
  13. I saw a T-shirt advertised which says: COVID-1984 Ellen
  14. You've completely lost me. I have no idea what you're talking about. Ellen
  15. And next… It Begins... Elites Discuss Redefining "Booster" Since They Are Not Sure How Many "Booster" Shots Will Be Demanded of the Population WWW.THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM Trust the Science. You just knew this was coming. The regime is now concerned about using the word “booster” to describe the number of vaccine shots they will force on the population. The CDC already... === Quote Trust the Science. You just knew this was coming. The regime is now concerned about using the word “booster” to describe the number of vaccine shots they will force on the population. The CDC already changed the meaning of the word vaccine earlier this year. now the medical tyrants want to redefine or rethink the use of the word “booster” because they are still not sure how many booster shots will be needed before Dr. Fauci claims the pandemic has ended. Via Bloomberg. === End Quote Ellen
  16. That's right, it does require someone to do it. The way you come across to me is denigrating people who are actually interested by the material you call "mind-numbing" and "gobbledygook." You ascribe those properties as inherent characteristics of the material rather than as how the material affects you personally. If the stuff was inherently mind-numbing, like some sort of chemical, Malone and Campbell and others should surely be brain-dead by now. Similarly, material doesn’t classify as "gobbledygook" simply because you don’t understand it and aren’t interested in it. Ellen
  17. IMPORTANT article by Wayne Allyn Root re Trump and the "jabs" WAYNE ROOT: My Interview with President Trump- The Good and Bad News WWW.THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM By Wayne Allyn Root There is both good news and bad news from my interview with President Trump last week. It was the second time in the past few months that President Trump sat down with me for a detailed... === Quote You can watch the full interview here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/d5kIvEz4MTPs/ Now to the bad news. There is only one issue where I’ve ever disagreed with Trump. And I know a majority of Trump voters are on my side. The issue is the Covid vaccine. Raw truth- Trump is dead wrong about the vaccine. And I believe it’s the only issue that could derail his excellent shot at winning another presidential election. I believe Trump needs to get ahead of this issue before it comes back to haunt him. Yes, in my book, Trump gets all the credit in the world for showing the tremendous leadership skills of a 5-star general. He made that vaccine happen at a speed no expert thought possible. Bravo. The problem is the vaccine is a failure. It was supposed to prevent Covid. It doesn’t. As a matter of fact, the countries and counties that have the highest vaccination rates have the highest number of Covid cases. It was supposed to stop the spread of Covid. It doesn’t. The latest data shows that vaccinated individuals often have a higher viral load than unvaccinated. It was supposed to prevent hospitalizations and deaths. The data from across the globe shows that a large majority of recent hospitalizations and deaths have been double vaccinated. Worse, for some the vaccine itself is dangerous and deadly. Check out the VAERS adverse event reports. In only ten months, this vaccine has directly injured, disabled and killed far more Americans than all other vaccines in modern history combined. How bad will those numbers look in a year or two? Trump needs to get ahead of this unfolding disaster. === End Quote I disagree with Root about the "Bravo" for the speed at pushing "the vaccine" through. I agree with the rest. Also, Root appears to be thinking exclusively of the mRNA pseudo-vaccine. (He's made clear elsewhere that he knows the mRNA "jabs" aren’t properly vaccines. I think it was him who made a comparison I enjoy, that the mRNA "jabs" are no more "vaccines" "than a crocodile is a dog.") I'm not clear myself on what if any success the J&J viral vector vaccine (no scarequotes) has had. I know that it carries clotting risks, but I'm not sure if it has any protective value.) Ellen
  18. TG, Just to let you know…. I edited the above post after you liked it. I'd forgotten to include Fauci's saying that people should get the booster as "an essential part of the primary regimen." Ellen
  19. Fauci weaseling, continued: Dr. Fauci Admits Vaccines Did Not Work as Advertised and that Vaccinated Are in Great Danger Today (VIDEO) WWW.THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM It should be clear by now that the pandemic will not end until Dr. Fauci is removed and replaced. For over a year Dr. Fauci has blocked successful treatments and over-promised on ineffective vaccines. But at least Big Pharma made record profits. (I can’t get the large type to size down.) The following is from the podcast. Corrections to the weaseling: The pseudo-vaccines didn’t provide immunity to begin with, and now they're enhancing susceptibility. What Fauci recommend as the solution is, of course, more of the poison. Ellen
  20. William, My eyes start losing the ability to focus trying to read your lengthy run-ons. It would help if you would put some white-space gaps between segments. Ellen
  21. But looking at the evidence would require examining "mind-numbing telephone-book-sized studies and papers full of numbers and gobbledygook." Ellen
  22. I can’t tell if you missed that the "newfangled anti-viral feed" doesn’t exist at this time. Researchers are attempting to make it. The stuff wouldn’t actually be "anti-viral" if it were made, just harmful, to wildlife as well as to humans. (I haven’t read the "Inverse" piece you linked to, just glanced at it. I don’t know anything about that publication and its expectable degree of trustworthiness.) Ellen
  23. Just relaying… EXCLUSIVE UPDATE: More on Report of New COVID-19 Lab Leak at East China University of Science and Technology in Shanghai WWW.THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM Update: More on the Reported COVID-19 Lab Leak at East China University of Science and Technology in Shanghai. This morning we shared a report from Col. and PhD Lawrence Sellin about a reported... Ellen
  24. The ruling is amazingly intelligent. Amazingly because I've just about given up hoping for anything intelligent from the U.S. judiciary. Ellen