Ellen Stuttle

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Everything posted by Ellen Stuttle

  1. Males with normal testosterone level could be inconvenient to the Reset. Too aggressive and willing to fight. Your "livestock" comparison is so apt. Think steers versus bulls, geldings versus stallions. Ellen
  2. From Judgment Day, pg. 41-42, hardcover: — Start Quote [Italics added] On the evening of March 2, 1950, I drove my old La Salle down Mulholland Drive and into the San Fernando Valley, heading toward Chatsworth and an address that had been the target of my thoughts for a week: 10,000 Tampa Avenue. There were no freeways or supermarkets in that area then, just a few scattered structures in a small sleepy California village. I had the sense of being in a country environment far removed from the city of Los Angeles an hour's drive away. For the past week I had shifted between two perspectives. On the one hand, this meeting felt like the impossible, like a miracle, or a dream. On the other, and this response was stronger, the meeting felt natural, normal, logical, as if life for once was as it ought to be, and the unreal had been almost everything else up to this day. I found my way to a dirt road lined with trees, and stopped when I saw the modern glass and aluminum-covered steel house that looked incongruous in this rustic setting, yet absolutely appropriate for its owner; it was somehow an eloquent statement of self-assertion, so that at second glance it seemed to transform the setting into a perfect background. The house was set back about two hundred feet from the road, and I followed the straight driveway down to the entrance. I saw a small moat curving around the front of the house, with flowers floating in the water. The property was actually a modest-sized ranch, but the land behind the house faded into the evening mist. The beams of my headlights disappeared into shadows. I felt as if ordinary reality had been left somewhere behind and I was entering the dimension of my most passionate longing, and I knew that the abnormal calm of my body meant an excitement so enormous that stillness was its only possible expression. I got out of the car but did not immediately ring the doorbell, because I wanted to freeze this moment in my memory forever. —-End Quote Ellen
  3. In the early 1950s, Ayn and Frank were living on their ranch in California. The area was still rural back then, and the road to the ranch was a dirt road. This is mentioned somewhere in Nathaniel’s memoir and/or Barbara's biography. I remember cars like the one you picture from when I was a child. (I was born in late 1942.) I don’t remember when cars stopped having running boards. Ayn and Frank drove to New York City when they moved there in the mid-1950s. I don’t recall either Nathaniel or Barbara mentioning if Ayn and Frank kept their car after they moved. I suppose that even then garaging a car in New York City wasn’t cheap, and a car wouldn’t have been needed there for getting around in the city. Ellen
  4. Michael, I don’t agree with that evaluation. I think that "these fools," as you call them, are deliberately trying to have the world blow up (so to speak). They want radical population reduction and a "New World Order" with them as rulers. They're very evil but far from being idiots. Ellen
  5. Many of the incumbent Republicans - the RINOs - are as much real life monsters as the Democrats, and they didn’t want Trump "draining the swamp" any more than the Democrats wanted that. Ellen
  6. Regarding expectable election fraud: This is Why Democrats Are Not Worried about 2020 -- The Fix Is In... Postal Service Institutionalizes Ballot Interference Scheme with New Mail-in Ballot Division WWW.THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM A Detroit postal worker illegally stuffing the ballot drop boxes with votes. Democrats just passed a $700 spending bill — during a recession — with record 8.6% inflation. The new spending bill will force middle... Ellen
  7. Hello?!?! Peter is "good" at clip-pasting this or that (often irrelevant) tidbit from Google or Wikipedia, but research?! C'mon. Ellen PS: Incidentally, what date did Peter mean to write here? Presumably, even he knows that 2021 is past.
  8. Re William's legitimizing attempts, I wonder: Is he so foolish as to believe them himself? Or is he hoping to deceive us (which he never succeeds at doing)? Or is he just looking for something to make a complicated fuss about because he likes making complicated fusses? Or…..? Ellen
  9. "Spintastics!" would be a good title for the whole history of the attempt to find something - anything - to pin on Trump. Ellen
  10. William does serve the useful function (to me anyway) of being inadvertently informative about what spin the spinners are spinning. Ellen
  11. This is what I'm worried about - that they're going to try to manufacture something, having failed to find anything real. (Full headline: UPDATE: Stasi-FBI Swooped Through President Trump’s Home — Grabbing Boxes without Going Through Them or Knowing What’s In Them — TO GO THROUGH LATER AND MANUFACTURE A CRIME) UPDATE: Stasi-FBI Swooped Through President Trump's Home -- Grabbing Boxes without Going Through Them or Knowing What's In Them -- TO GO THROUGH LATER AND MANUFACTURE A CRIME WWW.THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM President Trump’s home Mar-a-Lago was RAIDED BY THE FBI on Monday night. President Trump released a statement moments ago. “Nothing like this has ever happened to a President of the United... Ellen
  12. Peter is not afraid of resolutely keeping his head stuck in the sand and refusing to look at anything which challenges his presumptions. And I despise that. Ellen
  13. One click and your sterling research comes up with a quote from an article pertaining to "the first quarter of 2021 [emphasis added]" and dated April 7, 2021. Quarterly Gap in Party Affiliation Largest Since 2012 NEWS.GALLUP.COM The nine-percentage-point Democratic advantage in party identification and leaning in the first quarter of 2021 is the largest since 2012. Ellen
  14. Thanks, Michael. I remember being impressed by Corey's research on some issue or other a few years ago, but I’ve forgotten what the issue was. I bought a hardcover copy of Silent Invasion, stifling guilt at contributing even a few pennies royalty to Birx. I want to see for myself what's in the book, and text on paper remains easiest for me to read. Ellen
  15. As Wayne Allyn Root says of the following, read and weep. The article is very long. He's compiled an enormous amount of stuff which all adds up to substantiate the claim in the headline: (The full headline is: WAYNE ROOT: My List of Studies & Government Data from Around World Showing the Covid Vaccine is Dangerous and Deadly, and the Worst Health Care Disaster in World History.) WAYNE ROOT: My List of Studies & Government Data from Around World Showing the Covid Vaccine is Dangerous and Deadly, and the Worst Health Care Disaster in World History WWW.THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM By Wayne Allyn Root Two remarkable things happened last week. First, I wrote a column about my own personal Covid vaccine death and disease cluster. I wrote about my wedding November 21, 2021 to the... Ellen
  16. I'm well convinced that it's not normal. And it's happening with people in excellent physical condition all over the world. I've even been wondering if being athletic increases a person's risk of dying from the Jabs. The reason I asked about the heat is because SL was wondering if there's an additional factor, and exercising in heat might be contributory. Ellen
  17. How hot has it been in the Toronto area? One of the doctors, Dr. Lorne Segall, is reported as having been battling advanced lung cancer for the last year (see below), so his death was expectable though it might have been hastened by a vax jab. Ellen https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/warmington-hospitals-confirm-deaths-of-four-physicians-but-deny-vaccine-related
  18. Exercising maximum charity, though you don’t deserve it: Is that a miswrite? Ellen
  19. That is a question - whether the jabs were intended to be harmful or whether the pharmaceutical companies didn’t care if the jabs were harmful or not as long as they were profitable. Ellen
  20. Lin isn’t the one doing the videos. Ellen
  21. This article - a guest article by a friend of Larry Johnson named Helmholtz Smith - is wonderful as a sarcastic summary of NATO's bungling (bungling, that is, unless the mistakes are being made deliberately to destroy Europe - a possibility Smith doesn’t mention and might not have thought of). OPERATION Z – DON’T INTERRUPT WWW.THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM The following comes from my friend, Helmholtz Smith. He’s a decorated military analyst and Russian expert. One of Napoleon’s observations is that you should never interrupt your enemies when they are making a... Ellen PS: Michael, I think you meant Draghi in the above post. I don’t find anything about Mattarella resigning. Here's a piece by Julian Conradson about Draghi's resignation. Italian PM Mario Draghi Officially Resigns, Becomes FIFTH Leader to Abandon Ship As Governments around the World Begin to Collapse Under Weight of the "Great Reset" WWW.THEGATEWAYPUNDIT.COM Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, who was named the “most powerful man in Europe” just months ago, was officially relieved of his post on Thursday after failing to garner enough support from his ruling party... That article includes a link to this from ZeroHedge. Draghi Resigns As Premier, Plunging Italy Into New Political Crisis; Euro, Bonds, Stocks Slide WWW.ZEROHEDGE.COM ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero
  22. Very significant for the elitist intentions of ending up with the bulk of humanity as "human livestock," a description you've often used. The timing is right, since much of the basic blueprint planning for what's going on (including a pandemic scare) was developed by 2005. I think you're onto something with your comments on TDS. Trump is so thoroughly a slap in the face to their "sophisticated" oh-so-superior, wink-wink-wink, we’re-in-the-know ways. He DOESN'T FIT, and his popularity enrages them. Ellen