Tucker on X (Twitter)

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On 12/8/2023 at 2:58 AM, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Elon is playing footsie and hard to get, but from his tone and comments, it looks like Alex Jones will be unbanned on X.

This deserves to go here in the Tucker thread because the interview with Alex was fundamental, in my opinion. Later I will do a thread on Alex's reemergence on mainstream social media.

Alex Jones...

Alex Friggin' Jones...



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It will be over tonight, in about 9 hours.

I just now took this screenshot.


At least Elon is good at keeping bots and double voters out of the mix. I'm presuming, but I'm pretty sure in this case.


For instance, does it make any sense Elon would block Catturd? 

I can think of a reason. How about spamming a poll and voting more than once through proxies?




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Alex Jones's account just opened back up.



History is made.



This, to me, is a turning point. I was worried about the bad guys trying to steal the 2024 election so much, something serious would go wrong.

With this new reality, I know that will not happen. Oh, the bad guys will try. But Alex and those who will follow him and model him now have a platform of super-broad access to make sure their evil machinations fizzle.

Score a big one for the good guys.

And many thanks to Elon.

He is walking the walk, even when he doesn't want to...

And thanks to Tucker for one hell of a spotlight that helped this come about.



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Tucker is here doing his first Spaces on X.

Spaces is facility on X to promote huge conference calls with a moderator. Webinars, so to speak. Audio only. And there is indication of who is speaking at any given moment.

I caught part of this conversation in the middle as it was happening.

It was quite interesting. In the part I heard, Tucker sounded like he had partaken of the forbidden fruit too much. His speech was a bit slurred.


But his ideas were razor sharp.


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Here is a side of Tucker you normally don't see.

He's talking to a former co-host, Clayton Morris and his wife, Natali, who are now killing it with a podcast called Redacted.

Weirdest of all, this link is from YouTube, one of the censors in chief on the modern scene.




Tucker discussed two things that bother him the most. The first is the 2020 election fraud. He said he did not believe it at the time, but now there is just too much to ignore.

The second is what he has learned about UFOs. He said he does not want to believe it, he wants it to be false, but it is so dark, he won't even discuss it with his family. He sounded conflicted. Truly conflicted and not joking around about it.

Now... you know me.

All of a sudden this is an indication I cannot ignore.


So I am going to look into it and try to find out what the big secret is.


Apropos, although not part of the discussion, but a parallel, I just watched "Roswell New Mexico" with my step-son. It was a remake of the original series from the turn of the century. It started out great, but was woke garbage by the end. (The grand finale climax of the alien story was a gay marriage. Seriously. I'm not making that up. and one of the gay dudes was an alien in human form. :) ) We are now going to see the original. Hopefully that will be better. 


However, getting back to reality, there is now this UFO and government thing out there and it is not going away. I'm itching to find out.

Doesn't Tucker realize he just practiced a massive example of the Streisand effect?



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9 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Episode 51.

UFO whistleblower Dave Grusch.



I'm sorry but UFO stuff smells too much of psyops fear manipulation for me to believe that the leaks and whisperings do NOT somehow serve those who mean to rule us all.

I think these are actual false flags meant to entrap folks like Tucker in order to discredit them. 

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I, for one, do not know what I do not know.


I know that Tucker does not lie and it's hard as hell to fool him. I know government rulers lie their asses off and get busted time after time. So I take that into account.

This does not make me a believer in the little green men, but it does move the scale of my openness to the idea of alien technology here on earth that the Predator Class has been trying to reverse engineer for their own power, including factional disagreements among them.

To me this idea was remote before, bordering on impossible. Now I see it as plausible, but iffy.

And, of course, I see government assholes as evil, period, little green men or otherwise.



To be honest, as Grusch and Tucker both agreed, instead of either-or, there is a huge mix of facts with bullshit surrounding this entire topic out in the public.

And they both agreed that whatever is classified needs to be unclassified, at least up to 95%. Grusch compared it to nuclear technology, which can by studied all over the place. But that does not mean the public has access to all the schematics and plans of modern nuclear weapons, or even much information about them. Grusch wants the classified UFO stuff released in like manner so everybody can look at it.

I agree. That is my resonance.

I don't like the government sitting on any information if believes it needs to hide in bulk.

(And stay away from Roswell New Mexico. It sucks the green weenie except for part of the first season. :) )


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I have not seen this yet, but here is Tucker on Jimmy Dore's show. Nice long interview...


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Just for the record, I believe the X embeds will be fixed before long. And this is not an issue with Elon's policies.

IPB disabled its Marketplace where I bought the embed plugin and I had to find a way to contact the developer. It took some doing, but I think I found him. And I had to register a key with him. Then I submitted support requests. Let's see if this resolves soon.



EDIT: I just received news from the developer. This is an issue on X's end. In fact, I started looking in different places and lots of people are reporting this problem.

Here is one on X itself from a few hours ago:

The text only:

@Support The twitter embed API endpoint has been down for hours now, just showing 404. This is critcal. Nobody (News sites, blogs, ...) can embed tweets in their websites anymore. Can you at least tell us if this is being worked on?

In my view, Elon has been pissing off powerful people, so this is probably sabotage.

More later as I know about it.


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