The 2020 Presidential Election Tournament

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1 hour ago, william.scherk said:

Let me show you my scanning technique. Or rather -- let me tell you about my scanning technique. Talk is cheap.

I think that the opening sentence summarizes what William is saying in the word froth which follows (and which I only lightly skimmed through).  Pulitzer hasn’t demonstrated that his technique works.

At this point, I doubt that it matters whether the technique works or not, since Pulitzer announced some time ago what it can supposedly do.

Thus, there won’t be unfolded ballots to detect.  There's been time to fold and crease and crush appropriately by sending through a mail machine.


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3 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

I think that the opening sentence summarizes what William is saying in the word froth which follows (and which I only lightly skimmed through).  Pulitzer hasn’t demonstrated that his technique works.


I don't read it that way.

The way I read it, William isn't much aware of Pulitzer's current work or techniques.

Notice that he spends time on some early follies of Pulitzer (at least I think they are follies since I don't know much about them and only skimmed over William's mocking) and none on the scanning techniques themselves (which Pulitzer has explained in at least one video I know of and several other places I kind of remember).

And William presents a deleted series of tweets by Byrne (which I saw when they came out) as if the deletion means something. It means nothing until one knows why Byrne deleted them. 

I say, since Pulitzer is already on board, let's see what he comes up with. That shouldn't be so hard.

That is, unless one is very afraid of what he might come up with.



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2 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

Thus, there won’t be unfolded ballots to detect.  There's been time to fold and crease and crush appropriately by sending through a mail machine.


That's always a danger, but I'm not so sure it's happened. There has been hell of a lot of scrutiny by people pissed about the cheated outcome. Any time something fishy starts happening, there is always a lot of squawking.

I have heard nothing that indicates what you fear. I don't say it's impossible, but I think it's a lot more difficult to pull off--a hell of a lot more--than it seems.


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47 minutes ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Any time something fishy starts happening, there is always a lot of squawking.

Per Wikipedia just before the election in November 2020 around 30 to 31 percent of Americans claimed to be Republicans OR Democrats. And 36 to 38 percent were Independents.

Joe Biden got 1,675,143 votes or 49.4 percent.

Donald Trump got 1,661,686 or 49.1 percent.

Jo Jorgensen got 51,465 or 1.5 percent of the vote.

My point? Wishing does not make it so. Polling is not scientific but it is more scientific than someone claiming to divine what the voting was in November of 2020. Of course there may have been criminal cheating but has much of that been reported and how many cheaters have been arrested?

Per Gallup: currently in 2021, Democrats number around 32 percent to Republicans 25 with 41 percent claiming to be Independents. Peter

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1 hour ago, Peter said:

Polling is not scientific but it is more scientific than someone claiming to divine what the voting was in November of 2020.


I question that.

In 2016, almost ALL the professional polling companies got the election wrong. And a lot of diviners got it right.

Percentage-wise, I bet more diviners got it right than polling companies did.



You said wishing doesn't make it so. Polling doesn't either.

Here's my scientific claim. The results of political polls never have a relationship to reality unless the political outcome is rigged.



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1 hour ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Here's my scientific claim. The results of political polls never have a relationship to reality unless the political outcome is rigged.

You must know more than I do. How do you rate Rasmussen, Gallup, and Real Clear Politics, and would you feel rationally better if your candidate in some future election was "predicted" to win? I hate when they say, "too close to call." Now how do we fix the rigged part?   

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6 hours ago, Peter said:

How do you rate Rasmussen, Gallup, and Real Clear Politics, and would you feel rationally better if your candidate in some future election was "predicted" to win?


All garbage. With every poll they release, to me they're like an alcoholic trying to reform who is offered a choice between a Dr. Pepper and a rum and Coke.

When they take the Dr. Pepper, they do good work. When they take the rum and Coke, they go into "controlling the narrative" mode. And they really like rum and Coke.


6 hours ago, Peter said:

Now how do we fix the rigged part?

Great people are working on it. Since the courts have refused to look at the evidence, it's slow going. But things are chugging right along along. I've documented a great deal right here on OL.

I always admired the system of checks and balances the Founding Fathers built into the system, but never so much as now.

The election fraud is like a sore that doesn't heal. Georgia, for example, has already enacted legislation that will make it very, very difficult in 2022 and 2024 to do a repeat of 2020.

Ballot audits--real audits, not theater--are coming to several swing states, maybe others, too.

And so on...

The resistance to efforts to legally expose the 2020 election rigging is strong so the disinformation in the news continues in overdrive. My suggestion is to wait and see without falling for it, but we each make our own decisions and appraisals.

I don't recall, but did you think Trump would win in 2016? Or were you one of the naysayers?



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Here is something concrete that's coming to help fix the rigged election.

You already know about the ACLU, right? Well, now on the Trump side, the "America First Legal" organization is being born 

Former Trump Aide Stephen Miller Has A Plan to Make Joe Biden Squirm


Miller has come up with a plan to keep Biden and his radical agenda in check.

He’s organized a group of powerful Republican attorneys who are armed to the teeth and ready to take on cases of executive branch abuses and overreach.

Miller’s new group will basically be a conservative version of the ACLU and a “wingman” to watchdog group Judicial Watch, which routinely does the dirty work our elected official refuse to do.

The goal of the new “America First Legal” group is to hold the Biden admin accountable to our nations laws and the Constitution. In addition, Miller’s group will seek to keep America safe from Biden’s great globalist reset. The side bonus is that it’ll make Joe’s political life a living hell.

Here’s how Politico explains the new project:

"Miller’s organization will join a fairly crowded ecosystem of conservative-leaning legal entities, including Judicial Watch, Alliance Defending Freedom, and the Immigration Reform Law Institute. But unlike those entities, which tend to operate around specific issues, such as religious liberty, free speech or immigration, America First Legal will be broadly focused on administrative law and executive overreach. That issue focus is derived, in large part, from the experiences that Miller and fellow Trump veterans confronted during the last administration."

As we all remember, the left used courts and activist judges very successfully against President Trump. In many key circumstances, these tactics either slowed down or halted much of what Trump wanted to accomplish.

Turnabout is fair play.

This will not only slow down the authoritarian encroachment on individual rights of the Biden junta, it will also help fix the issue of the courts refusing to look at the evidence of the 2020 election fraud through new lawsuits or continuations of old ones. 

Finally, the Republicans are doing something right about fighting back. Also, given Miller's personality and values, I seriously doubt oligarchy Republicans (RINOs) will be able to curtail the efforts of America First Legal.

This is part of the checks and balances I mentioned.


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6 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

I don't recall, but did you think Trump would win in 2016? Or were you one of the naysayers?

I looked back a ways and saw I was HIGHLY skeptical and very derogatory of Donald Trump until near the end of 2015. However, I did vote for him and I became a great admirer of President Trump. Biden is 78 and will be 79 in November so he will be 82 in 2024. Trump is 74 years old now, so in 2024 he will be 77 I think. Time will tell! Peter   

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4 minutes ago, Peter said:

I looked back a ways and saw I was HIGHLY skeptical and very derogatory of Donald Trump until near the end of 2015. However, I did vote for him and I became a great admirer of President Trump. Biden is 78 and will be 79 in November so he will be 82 in 2024. Trump is 74 years old now, so in 2024 he will be 77 I think. Time will tell! Peter   

Just as there is a minimum age requirement for becoming President, prudence could have determined a maximum age. Its very strange to consider colonists thinking at the time of the Constitutions writing that dementia's role wasn't seen beyong the 25th amendment. A man who seemingly can't stop from saying President Harris certainly is already subjected to the vagaries of the toll age takes.

This article suggests American independence might have taken a different form if not for the "Mad King". 

The potential impact and prophesizing of political fallout with the inconsequential vote of one has been a time suck. 

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Miller's Us First group will mostly certainly slow something down, namely the courts. With nearly unlimited funds available, they will be able to keep litigating forever.

I think of the flood of donations as Jingoism Jingle. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't It?

No doubt the left has similar groups More evil ones.

Speaking of money, I looked up Parler (gag) and found there possibly the first female president, a sort of extreme right Bloomberg. That Rebekah Mercer is just formidable, not to mention scary, maybe smarter than Trump and certainly richer. Fellow bleeding hearts be very afraid!

Another fear is that unauthorized persons of excitable temperament might take it into their heads to kidnap judges and force them to read and memorize all the evidence of election fraud, giving them tests until they are word perfect, and letting them go when the evidence has convinced the. No torture involved. But I will take my own advice and not borrow trouble from this particular finance company.

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Miller's Us First group will mostly certainly slow something down, namely the courts. With nearly unlimited funds available, they will be able to keep litigating forever.

I think of the flood of donations as Jingoism Jingle. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't It?

No doubt the left has similar groups More evil ones.

Speaking of money, I looked up Parler (gag) and found there possibly the first female president, a sort of extreme right Bloomberg. That Rebekah Mercer is just formidable, not to mention scary, maybe smarter than Trump and certainly richer. Fellow bleeding hearts be very afraid!

Another fear is that unauthorized persons of excitable temperament might take it into their heads to kidnap judges and force them to read and memorize all the evidence of election fraud, giving them tests until they are word perfect, and letting them go when the evidence has convinced the. No torture involved. But I will take my own advice and not borrow trouble from this particular finance company.

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I did not mean to repeat myself, I was trying to correct "the" to "them" and seem to have forgotten how to delete a dupe , if I ever knew.

Eternal perdition to touch technology !which in my opinion , solved a problem that didn't exist, like the Cue Cat. Except that one unkind tech writer wrote that our friend Jovan P. failed to solve it.

Bring back the middlemen, especially the human ones! Normal ordinary peoplle need jobs.  Not that I think  entrepreneurs ought not to exist. They should just know their place and not become one preventers and control everybody else's money.

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you know I am squeamish. A lot of things trigger my gag reflex. Squash, turnip, lumpy potatoes,bottomless blind hate, freedom of obscenity smothering reason.

Speaking of, how is your Eng doing,Wang? I'm sure  laTourette has upgraded to a finer web home where he has attracted many new friends and admirers.Maybe he is even planning to run for office!

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2 hours ago, Peter said:

I looked back a ways and saw I was HIGHLY skeptical and very derogatory of Donald Trump until near the end of 2015. However, I did vote for him and I became a great admirer of President Trump.


In order to avoid a delay in getting access to correct information like your post above shows happened in 2015, I have a suggestion that does not threaten to disrupt your routines and habits.

For example, I know your main news consumption comes from mainstream sources (at least I remember you saying so somewhere), here is someone I believe you should add to your news consumption. It's a really small change to add this guy, Tim Pool.

This video shows that his business is growing using good old fashioned work ethic, using his mind to the best of his ability, refusing to engage in bad habits like rage-baiting headlines and content to get clicks on ads, and so on. He checks his sources and identifies them. When he doesn't know, he says he doesn't know. And so on. Good old vanilla-flavored Who What When Where Why and How with a very likeable character.

Note: I don't agree with a lot of what Tim Pool says. And I agree with a lot. But, most important of all, I do know an honest reporter and commentator when I see one. And I do know someone I admire. I don't mind disagreeing with a man like Tim.

Integrity-wise, Tim is news writ dependable-large. He will not knowingly lie about anything. Nor will he look the other way on checking something dubious when repeating the mainstream party-line will get him more clicks and money. 

The truth (as he perceives it) is a higher value to him than any pressure coming from peers, the market, the government, whatever. He bends over backwards to try to be fair. I think he often bends way too far, but I get it with him.

He's marching to his own drummer and killing it while the mainstream rags are laying off people left and right. People are getting sick of clickbait without a Trump around to make sure there's a show.

Another point: Tim is squatting right in the middle of their game. His news and commentary focus is on mainstream topics. And his audience is growing logarithmically and theirs is dying off.

So I suggest you add a video or two by him each day. At the very least, it will shine a beacon of rationality onto what you get from the mainstream without being a partisan counterpunch.

But, this is only a suggestion. It's your life and time.

Come to think of it, I can't recommend this same suggestion to Carol enough. After all, Tim was a founder of Vice and other leftie things she must like.


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Apologies to Chang for calling him Wang. Misremembered.

Please transfer the following to Rants:

For two days nowI have been knocking softly on the OL activity door, every time causing the hinges to fall off it and its do ctash blocking my entrance utterly. This is after signing in EVERY SINGLE TIME to a website that shows me I am already permanently signed into.

I am beginning to feel downright unwelcome, plus , increasingly arthritic due to repetitive typing of my  surnames (this now just rendered as Sir Ames by all-kinds-of-stupid autocorrect) and password.I like to see my name in print as much as anybody but there are limits. If I thought you had any money I could sue for pain. And suffering.

Kindly do not offer me any helpful Alternate techniques to master this problem myself. I will not check out my own groceries or pump my own gas until there are no humans left able to make a living doing it. 

I am now going to divide the rest of my web time between Barsetshire and the House of Mirth for a much needed rest and may need a restorative tonic.

Fed up,


Ropesend, NB

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Let me just throw this into the mix to watch what happens.

Mike Lindell Says Donald Trump Could Be Back In Office In August


According to Mike Lindell, President Trump could be back in office by August. The MyPillow CEO made the comment during a weekend video appearance on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast.

Lindell said all the evidence he’s compiled showing fraud in the 2020 presidential election will be shown to the Supreme Court. He expects that evidence will be enough to overturn the results of the election.

Here's the video:

Mike Lindell: Donald Trump Will Be Back in Office in August


I can just hear people laughing at Mike (and, of course, those who take Mike seriously) in the same manner they laughed at Trump and his supporters in 2015 and 2016.


These are the people who defend freedom. They are diamonds in the rought. They don't look groomed for Ivy League. And, unlike the elitists, when they say freedom, they mean it.

I see myself reflected in them.


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2 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Let me just throw this into the mix to watch what happens.

Mike Lindell Says Donald Trump Could Be Back In Office In August



Lindell said all the evidence he’s compiled showing fraud in the 2020 presidential election will be shown to the Supreme Court. He expects that evidence will be enough to overturn the results of the election.

What gives Lindell any confidence (1) the case would be accepted by the Supreme Court? (2) The Supreme Court Justices would rule honestly if they did look at Lindell's evidence?


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2 hours ago, Ellen Stuttle said:

What gives Lindell any confidence (1) the case would be accepted by the Supreme Court? (2) The Supreme Court Justices would rule honestly if they did look at Lindell's evidence?



For starters, Alan Dershowitz is one of his lawyers. 

Then there's a game plan with a social media company and so on.

Top tier private investigators. And on and on.

From what I've seen, he's not doing just a flying leap into the face of glory. 

Apparently, there are some real heavies beside him. And other actions in parallel.

At the very minimum, this is going to be one hell of a fight.

I don't know details, so I prefer not to claim I know what I don't. But I do know important people are talking and what kind of person he is. Ditto for the people around him. 


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Yale professor fired after diagnosing Trump as insane. Nicholas Rowan, Yale University fired a professor after she made remarks about former President Donald Trump's mental health, a recently filed lawsuit reveals . . . . The lawsuit, filed against the Ivy League school by psychiatrist Bandy Lee, alleges that her firing last year was an "unlawful termination … due to her exercise of free speech about the dangers of Donald Trump’s presidency." Lee's complaint came after a Jan. 2020 tweet in which she declared that "just about all" of Trump's followers suffer from a "shared psychosis." end quote

Isn't that the quack calling the kettle black? She has the psychosis and it is called TDS. I can understand her angst when she comes across a Trump supporter in person or through the media, if they can explain articulately, precisely and rationally why they support President Trump. I would call that “rationally shared opinions” and we aren’t like the Silent Majority of years past.

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I want to add to my previous post.

In a war, there are no guaranteed outcomes unless one side surrenders. The people who make up Trump supporters do not have any intention of surrendering.

The 2020 election was a battle, not the entire war. There are about 100 million people pissed to the gills that the election was stolen. Just because the justices at SCOTUS tucked their tails between their legs and cowered off into a corner doesn't mean they stopped existing and are now toadies to the whims of the Deep State. 

What happens at SCOTUS when the junta people become so exposed as criminals that a huge public clamor arises to get rid of them? Not the mainstream press. People. Masses and masses of people. That is what's coming.

I know what happens. Whoever is blackmailing the justices will suddenly be seen by them as having no teeth. And, maybe, shame will make a few act with more integrity to the office they worked their entire lives to achieve. In fact, I bet most of them are burning in shame inside at what they did. 

Mike Lindell is going up to the plate. He's not trying to bunt. He's not hoping to walk. He's swinging for the goddam rafters and he's giving it everything he's got. Alongside him are countless others, including me.

If he goes down, that only makes the others more pissed. Like I said, there are over 100 million. Then another will come. And another. And another. And like Sidney, Lin, Gen. Flynn and others, they will not go away once they lose a few. Those heroes are not dead. And each one, new or old, will keep swinging until they get so fed up they will use the bats on the heads of the bad guys and vanquish them.

That's just the way human nature works. President Trump's campaign did not start out won. It started out with the establishment elitists ridiculing him. Then his campaign started to snowball. And, man, did it snowball.

Believe me, all that snow is still out there waiting to make an avalanche. Mike Lindell is a great contender to make that happen.

He's not throwing in the goddam towel. He's manufacturing towels.

Remember Ayn Rand?

Remember the story?

Producer... A fed up producer...

Getting other producers to say, "No way in hell will this continue," to looters...

I, for one, give him my full respect and admiration.


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