The Biden Troubles

Michael Stuart Kelly

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Biden's goose is cooking.

But not for this TDS Republican interviewed by NBC.


A Pennsylvania man told NBC News that he would vote for President Biden "even if he was dead" when presented with the likely possibility of a rematch with

Anti-Trumpers vote with dead voters, so they might as well vote for dead candidates.

:) :) :) 


But who the hell knows? Maybe Biden has already croaked...



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7 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Biden's goose is cooking.

But not for this TDS Republican interviewed by NBC.


A Pennsylvania man told NBC News that he would vote for President Biden "even if he was dead" when presented with the likely...

Anti-Trumpers vote with dead voters, so they might as well vote for dead candidates.

:) :) :) 


But who the hell knows? Maybe Biden has already croaked...



Well Trump's tweets are so mean and his  ground game is so poor.

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  • 2 months later...

Mess is happening with Hunter Biden today. Frankly, it's not yet worth discussing.

The gist is that he defied a House subpoena and instead opted for a press conference out in the street.


More is coming, though. The sharks smell blood.

So stay tuned.



For entertainment value, there's this.


:)  :)  :)  


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Thank God the House GOP can do something united and right.


BREAKING UPDATE: All 221 House Republicans voted to open a formal impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden.

I bet this only happened, though, because the GOP sellouts don't believe the inquiry will go anywhere.

Remember Boehner's nonstop bills to overturn Obamacare? He knew each bill was dead in the Senate as soon as he got the House to pass it, but he did gobs of 'em anyway to fool the public.



So let's see where this goes. Even with my reservations, at least it is off to a good start.





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If you want to have some fun with Hunter, Bombard's body language will entertain you.


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I'm glad she did not take this too long, though.

I started getting the same feeling I used to get back in high school biology when were were dissecting frogs.



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This thing is going all over X embedded in different accounts.

Who knows how many views it has so far? And it's just getting started.

Alert: It's rap. 

Spot on rap, but rap.


Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ...



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Here is a much lighter Biden satire. I don't know if this is a trailer for a real movie or just a satire trailer, but it is cute.


The gag is a Clint Eastwood lone wolf cowboy character mouths quotes from Biden as he poses in gunfights and so on.

At first I found it a bit irritating. I'm not a fan of spoofs on tropes for politics. But I love Carol Burnett-style spoofs on movies and genres. And this went from the first into the second. 

As soon as the people the loner cowboy was talking to started asking him what the hell he was talking about, it started getting funny to me.



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  • 1 month later...

The Big Guy is starting to scapegoat his insiders.

That's a sign of weakness that is almost always fatal.

Biden is going to make Merrick Garland take a fall so he can dream of keeping power.


Joe Biden is planning to make his attorney general Merrick Garland the scapegoat for the bombshell report which highlighted his mental challenges, it has been reported.



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  • 3 months later...

This one is going to haunt the entire Biden family as his true anti-American legacy becomes history.




For those who just want to read:

A reporter asks Biden, "Donald Trump refers to himself as a political prisoner and blames you directly. What’s your response to that sir?”

Biden starts walking away, looks back, flashes a smile and holds it for an extra few beats.

Then stops smiling as he turns and exits.


Worst of all, it looks staged, question and reaction.


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