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2 hours ago, turkeyfoot said:

So much for Welds opinion, he vouches for her integrity. Jesus, get a room.


I posted the following earlier today:

10 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

All riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...

Bill Weld says Hillary Clinton is honest and thinks she would be a fine president. And it's time somebody said so.

And he's very happy with the Federal money they are going to be getting...

For Johnson supporters, how does it feel to be co-opted by the elites and sold out by your leaders?

That's exactly what the Tea Party has gone through.

I want to put a smiley on this, but I feel your pain. And I feel your cognitive dissonance. And I know it hurts. So no smiley this time.


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I'm sure there are stories like this about Hillary Clinton.

But the Clinton media (practically all of the major mainstream outlets) don't feature them.

Or are there stories like this about Hillary Clinton?




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Man, Kellyanne Conway earned her paycheck the hard way on this one.

I forced myself to watch the entire thing to see how she handled the bullying. The View ladies didn't even try to hide their contempt (except at the very beginning and the very end). Joy called Kellyanne delusional to her face, Whoopie kept interrupting her with screaming, and so on.

All through the entire interview, Kellyanne kept her cool, stayed polite, responded to the bullying with reasoned arguments and was devastatingly rational, even when she allowed herself to abandon the pivot and other media political interview techniques.

That was painful to watch, but I'm glad I did. My respect for Kellyanne went up even higher than it was before.

I would not want to sit at a negotiating table with her and The Donald on the other side. 



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Michael wrote on the Nate Silver thread: The original polls--in an election where the polling company owners want to influence the election--are shit. And repackaged shit is still shit. end quote

I agree but it is getting closer so I will put my murky insights on this, the Trump thread. I do hope Comey says ONE MORE THING before the election. The Real Clear Politics Electoral College map with no tossups has Hillary with 273 to Trump’s 265, the closest it has ever been. If this remains true then Trump would need to pick up a state where Hillary Clinton is ahead and that achievement would come from the following: Colorado, Wisconsin, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Virginia, or Pennsylvania.  I will consider New Mexico with a clear edge for Hillary at 8.5 percent, Illinois at 16 percent, and Vermont with a Hillary lead of 28, as well as Cal and NY and much of the northeast as unwinnable by Trump barring a major event.

Clinton is up by these polling vote counts in each of these “leaning for Hillary swing states”, so Trump could still win if he does not lose any of his “leaning for Trump swing states”. Hillary is up by 6 in Minnesota, Wisconsin by 5.4, Virginia by 4.7, Pennsylvania by 3.4, New Hampshire by 3.3, and Colorado by 1.7 percent.

Trump would need to turn up 5 electoral votes from these states to win, or Hillary would need to lose 4 or more electoral votes from these states to take her below the 270 required to be President.

The folks at RCP DO NOT think Minnesota, Virginia, or Colorado 9 will swing to Trump, so that leaves Wisconsin 10, Illinois 20, Pennsylvania 20,  and New Hampshire at 4 as the best, current guess. They like to say anything can happen at the World Series or on Thursday night football, so we need people to think hard for the next 5 days and for events to happen.

Or we consider the Butter Fly Effect. We could take Donald back in the way back machine to Wisconsin when he feuded with Scott Walker, or for Hillary to NOT set up a criminal enterprise, or to misuse classified data . . . or lie . . . but fat chance of that. So. Each new day and each day’s news cycle changes things. For now, the cumulative trend is nearly always for Trump.


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Last minute strategies anyone? Trump can get better treatment from the left wing press, just as the propaganda pollsters will be more honest the closer the election becomes, or the Press and the Pollsters will be held up to ridicule. Trump could say, we only have a few days to go guys, and I will be keeping track of the members of the press who are dishonest. Later, let a Trump subordinate show a list of potential propagandist that President Trump will never grant an interview to. The Trump after election press strategy could be to call the good journalists one hour before an announcement or press conference, or hold more private press briefings where the communist / progressives are not invited, or only give the election riggers the cheap seats in the back. The honest journalists get front row seats with their names on them.     

Rush is saying some of the people who were granted immunity lied to the FBI and now they are being induced to speak the truth if they want to save their own “rat asses.” He thinks something big is coming, but will it be after the election? How important is this election to you? Is this election unique? We invest so much of ourselves. The elections mean so much to some of us and it is profound.


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16 minutes ago, Peter said:

Rush is saying some of the people who were granted immunity lied to the FBI and now they are being induced to speak the truth if they want to save their own “rat asses.”


Roger Stone misspelled Huma's name below (maybe on purpose for search reasons--who knows with these dirty tricksters?), but he seems to know who the first rat is.

The word I've heard is that Weiner is in a sex rehab clinic not for his addiction, but to see if he can find somewhere he can stay alive at.



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“Should things go wrong at any time, the people will set them to rights by the peaceable exercise of their elective rights.”

-Thomas Jefferson

" Hillary Clinton is running as a status quo elite globalist (perhaps the only thing authentic about her candidacy) — at a time when those things are being roundly rejected by voters across the Western world. She is also a walking example of the kind of elemental corruption the Founders hoped we would purge from government. "

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Anthony Cumia (of Opie and Anthony fame) is filling in for Alex Jones below and endorsing his efforts.


Outside of the misspelling in the title (it should be "Blue Collar Workers"), Anthony explains a lot of the nefarious election stuff better than Alex.

I like it...



EDIT: I had only seen the first 5 minutes when I posted this video. Now that I've seen it, wow. I really like this guy. Not only is he clear, sincere and intelligently simple, he's inspiring. Alex inhabits the dark emotions a lot like rage and fear. That makes him hard to listen to for me. Emotionally, Anthony Cumia is the opposite, but with the same cognitive message. I hope his participation on Infowars becomes permanent.

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11 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

For the superstitious folks, extraordinary things happen in threes.

This year we've had two big sure-thing losses turn around the other way:

1. Brexit.

2. The Chicago Cubs World Series win.

There's a third huuuuuuuge thing happening Tuesday. Rule of three, anyone?

I expect it to hold, but let's see...


But wait!

There's more!

The Chinese prediction monkey kissed Trump instead of Clinton!

A monkey kisses the cardboard cutout of US Presidential candidate Donald Trump during a selection intended to predict the result of the US election, at a park in Changsha, in China's Hunan province on November 3, 2016. The monkey chose Republican candidate Donald Trump. / AFP PHOTO / STR / China OUT

From The Guardian:

China’s ‘monkey king’ picks Trump as next US president



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Well, let's not forget the Clinton folks have their uga-ugas, too.

Has any of you ever heard of Spirit Cooking? I haven't. I saw this on a Reddit thread about the WikiLeaks Podesta email dumps. See the thread by followingthecolors here:

[WARNING: GRAPHIC] I don't think you guys appreciate the trauma /pol/ is going through tracking down the absolutely off-the-deep-end shit podesta is into. Here's a small taste.

It looks like Podesta is into Spirit Cooking. But first a quote from that thread.



Here's a condensed gem, so that you can have a taste of how really terrifying the rings of people we are uncovering are.

  1. Here's an Email between Tony Podesta and Marina Abramovic

    In it, they invite Podesta to a "Spirit Cooking" dinner that's happening at Tony's house.
  2. Looking up the woman, gets you her webpage and a graphical book she created.

  3. And a youtube link on what "Spirit Cooking" actually is.


And in three links you're now traumatized.


If you don't want to follow the links, here is a small description.

A performance artist named Marina Abramovic wrote a pretty intimate email to Podesta to set up a night where they could do Spirit Cooking (possibly with his brother along). She signed her email: "All my love, Marina".

If you look up Spirit Cooking, it's a form of making aphrodisiacs and starts with mixing a concoction of "fresh breast milk" with "fresh sperm milk" and drinking it on "earthquake nights."

I only looked at the video a little, then turned to Abramovic's book. There I learned you are also supposed to cut your middle finger of your left hand deeply with a sharp knife, then eat the pain. Also, if your blood pressure gets too high, sit on a block of ice and hold a python.

I already knew about the flying saucers, but it looks like Podesta is also into some really sick shit...



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9 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Well, let's not forget the Clinton folks have their uga-ugas, too.

More on this from WikiLeaks itself:






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10 hours ago, Michael Stuart Kelly said:

Well, let's not forget the Clinton folks have their uga-ugas, too.


It hits Drudge:


The link goes to here:

Menstrual blood, semen and breast milk: Most bizarre Wikileaks revelation yet
by Paul Joseph Watson
November 4, 2016

"Spirit Cooking": Clinton Campaign Chairman Invited to Bizarre Satanic Performance

From the article:


In what is undoubtedly the most bizarre Wikileaks revelation to date, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta was invited to a “spirit cooking dinner” by performance artist Marina Abramovic, to take part in an occult ritual founded by Satanist Aleister Crowley.

In an email dated June 28, 2015, Abramovic wrote, “I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining? All my love, Marina.”

Tony Podesta then forwarded the email to his brother John Podesta (Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman), asking him, “Are you in NYC Thursday July 9 Marina wants you to come to dinner.”

. . .

What is “spirit cooking”?

Spirit cooking refers to “a sacrament in the religion of Thelema which was founded by Aleister Crowley” and involves an occult performance during which menstrual blood, breast milk, urine and sperm are used to create a “painting”.

According to Marina Abramovic, if the ritual is performed in an art gallery, it is merely art, but if the ritual is performed privately, then it represents an intimate spiritual ceremony.

I don't know about that phrase: "Marina wants you to come to dinner."

I can easily see that turning into the title of a horror flick.

Or worse. Imagine of Clinton wins. Then you receive a message:

Hillary wants you to come to dinner...


You begin to wonder what the first course is going to be. You?



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Micheal,  if Trump wins (and it is an if)  I will bet real money that you will claim  you knew it would turn out that way  all along.  Betcha! Betcha!

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