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Everything posted by CNA

  1. I know, hon, but you're my Girlie Girl and always will be!! At least you had a nice dinner and a private show later!!! Can't ask for anymore than that -- well, wait, YES, YOU CAN!!!! My oh my!!! Dayyaaammmm!!!! Get some, Girl!!!! At least I hope you did. ;) ;) No need to respond to that one !!! LOL Here's a vid for you that I just have to post. I know you'll like it and perhaps some of the guys will as well depending because of the song itself and not the vid necessarily. Reminds me of your dinner, definitely MINUS the family and then what may have ensued later with your private showing!!! My, oh MY !!!! Dayyyaammm!!!! I got to admit, Justin is pretty freakin' HOT !!!!! I can't get enough of his confidence, not to mention others that is so very observable in this vid, coming from a girlie perspective !!!!! Wow, did it just get really hot in here!!! LOL ;) Wow, I would have passed out at the table. Total light weight for me now. Partying days are over. Patron is nice though, 2 shots for me and a girlie drink, I'm done!!! I got some great stories to tell you about that and what happened in Mexico and I know you would enjoy these stories!!!! Hell, we'll have to hook up and head to Mexico for the night and I mean all night, none of this go for a few hours and that's it. Everything in moderation to keep it going well into the night and early morning!!! Pull an all nighter, city never sleeps and bars and dancing all night long and a lot of crazy stuff can and will happen !!!!! Don't worry about not knowing how to dance; I'll teach you!!! We'll have to go one of these days so I can show you !!!!! Hey, we ALL can have our moments !!! LOL A lot of tequilla poppers !! Way young in my teenage years and partying hard and you know this. I hope this weekend is da BOMB for ya !!!!!!!!!!!
  2. BINGO, nailed that on the head if I ever saw it!!!!
  3. Ha, Chris, no need for formalities. Angie is fine!!!!
  4. If Kori ever sticks around long enough, you'll see why!!!!! She's spunky as hell, quick wit, and she'll keep ya on your toes !!!!!! She's a smart little cookie on top of it !!!
  5. ROFLMAO, I can always count on you!!!! Oh, GOD, you're too much, hon!!! Yeah, right, don't remind me of my age PLEASE!!!!! Wait, I think you DID wish me a happy B-Day, I just ignored your email, Bitch!!!!! ;) No doubt we do soooo need to get together and would have a total blast!!! I wanted to post a male stripper vid for you but since there's all freakin' males here, we'd get too much crap for it. This forum needs more women around and that girlie touch, some flowers here and there, some frilly furry shit too. Gotta spruce it up a bit, don't ya think?!?! LOL Speaking of drinks, you haven't started yet or have you? By your post, you may very well have started already ?!?!!!!! Love ya, sweetie, and hope it is the best b-day ever!!!!
  6. OMG, it's Girlie Girl's 21st B-Day today!!!!! For those that know who Kori is, she still lurks sometimes on OL. Please wish her a happy 21st B-Day!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully she'll get this and knows that I'm still thinking of her and others miss her as well. Kori is a freakin' blast to be around and so much fun!!!! Kori, my sweet Girlie Girl, I'm so sorry this is a bit late and no one else that is still around from the old days wished you a Happy B-day but I'm here NOW !!!! saying dayyyaaammmm, Girl, big day for you today and I hope you are having a VERY VERY VERY good time in every possible way you can imagine and Oh, Boy, do I KNOW YOU certainly will !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) ;) I heard a song the other day that reminded me so much of you so you're still in my thoughts. I miss our late night/all morning convos through instant messaging, some crazy talks and we got to hook up again soon and do it again. I wanted to post something but Mike probably wouldn't appreciate it too much but know you would, no doubt. Bwhahahahaha!!!! ;) HAPPY 21ST B-DAY SWEETIE!!!! Always tons of hugs and love your way!!!!! Post: Oh, wait, the clock on OL is all messed up as compared to my time. Her B-day is tomorrow, the 28th so I'm not late!!! Woohooo!!!!!
  7. Thank you for posting this, Kat. There's a lot going on where I live as well, many activities. I hope your baby is hanging in there esp with the OT stuff and your perseverance with it and your son's. Chris is doing so much better now, although a long hard road this past 1 to 1.5 years and the battle but seems to be drawing to some type of closure soon which I am very grateful for finally. He's in such a wonderful school now and he loves it there!!! He started back up in Feb of this year and then I transferred him out to this other school. The progress at this other school he's made has been astounding but there are many challenges for him as well. What I know of your baby it sounds like his prognosis is good, although may need help with some things here and there as he gets older. Both of our babies will ultimately be fine, esp when they have strong moms, a strong mom you are!!! Angie
  8. And yet, there it is. The fact is, my dear, you are bringing it up, at the first opportunity. Anyone that's been here for any length of time knows the what's and the who(s). I see no goodness in this. But sadly, I have to say I'm not suprised. C'mon Angie, really...leave it alone, it's better that way, is it not? For everyone? And no, folks, she isn't talking about me. I think the explanation for the anonymous option is fairly clear, now. *phew* Rich, YOU of all people. I don't want to get into it with you, trust me. Was there any name brought up? No. There was not. George asked a simple question and many of the responses thereafter with the exception of mine did not have an adequate explanation as to WHY some people would choose to use the anonymous feature. I explained why someone would choose this option based on my own experience and WHY I do it sometimes. Plain and simple. If you read my last post to George, it says point blank, it's done and over with and the past. FYI, not everyone here as there are many many new people are not aware of what happened or the details of it. And there is no need to bring it up and rehash the past as I stated and I will not do so now.. What appalls me is YOU of all people know more information than anyone else, especially the last incident and that website and YOU have the nerve to come here and attempt to say that I am bringing it up at the first opportunity. Hardly. Because of my post and explanation to George, he now has a better understanding as to why some people choose this option. You are the one that is now bringing it up again. Not me. So leave it alone just as I told George to leave it alone because it's over with and in the past.
  9. I don't know anything about the details of your situation, but I can fill in the blanks in a general sort of way. Sounds like you have been put through hell. Ghs That is an understatement. Please no offense or disrespect taken but I don't want to bring up what happened and I am sure Mike would also not want this to be brought back up because it will give reason or an opportunity for continued problems now. There's other things I want to say but will not do so in public. George, you are familiar indirectly with some of it as I am sure a few here on OL may discuss it briefly on this thread now and this may trigger a memory for you. But for me, it's done and over with. It is in the past and I and hopefully others have moved on. I would be most interested to see the O'ist porn and what was being said in these comic books. Sounds like it would or may be a great laugh. I have those - there were three of them... wonder how much they're worth now... Too bad you couldn't scan and post some of them that aren't too explicit. There may be some copyright issues involved if you did. But it would be a much needed good laugh perhaps.
  10. I don't know anything about the details of your situation, but I can fill in the blanks in a general sort of way. Sounds like you have been put through hell. Ghs That is an understatement. Please no offense or disrespect taken but I don't want to bring up what happened and I am sure Mike would also not want this to be brought back up because it will give reason or an opportunity for continued problems now. There's other things I want to say but will not do so in public. George, you are familiar indirectly with some of it as I am sure a few here on OL may discuss it briefly on this thread now and this may trigger a memory for you. But for me, it's done and over with. It is in the past and I and hopefully others have moved on. I would be most interested to see the O'ist porn and what was being said in these comic books. Sounds like it would or may be a great laugh.
  11. To my understanding and experience, an anonymous user who is a member can post to threads when logged in anonymosly; whereas, a guest cannot post to threads. I sometimes log in as anonymous because quite frankly it's no one's business if I am on the site and their being snoopy as to where I am on the site and what threads I am looking at but I can still post to threads if I wanted to. BUT the last time I logged in as anonymous was on the old board/site so I am not sure if this is the case with the new set up. I have an issue about being "tracked" and those here who know what happened a few years back will understand why. After I recently became active again on OL, I was taken aback when I learned how the details of one's reading habits can be accessed by others. I don't understand the rationale for this, and I don't really care myself, but I can understand why some people would. Ghs All I read is crap so don't bother checking up on me--save your time; check up on someone else. --Brant one of these should work LMAO :lol: :lol:
  12. To my understanding and experience, an anonymous user who is a member can post to threads when logged in anonymosly; whereas, a guest cannot post to threads. I sometimes log in as anonymous because quite frankly it's no one's business if I am on the site and their being snoopy as to where I am on the site and what threads I am looking at but I can still post to threads if I wanted to. BUT the last time I logged in as anonymous was on the old board/site so I am not sure if this is the case with the new set up. I have an issue about being "tracked" and those here who know what happened a few years back will understand why. After I recently became active again on OL, I was taken aback when I learned how the details of one's reading habits can be accessed by others. I don't understand the rationale for this, and I don't really care myself, but I can understand why some people would. Ghs Hi George, I'm not sure the reasons why others may choose to log in as anonymously, aside for my reasoons. But I would imagine it's because they don't want others to know where they are on the board. To my understanding and Mike can correct me if I am wrong, even when you are logged in as anonymous and if you check the Online list and where everyone is, it still does not show where this anonymous user is and what they are doing on the board; hence, complete anonymity. Unfortunately, since my activities on the internet are now impossible to track with the exception of OL, my ordeal from a few years back, even as recent as a year ago, is now very peaceful, no more harassment and so forth. Since my website that I have for my photography and other interests is completely anonymous, life has been WONDERFUL in that aspect. BUT as soon as I am found out and who I am, this is when problems begin to resurface. Even on my facebook account, everything is set to private. If I get a request for a friend or what have you and I don't know you personally, I will heavily research who the person is, who their mutual friends are, their contacts, their activities, etc., before making the decision to add them. It's very sad that one has to take such extreme steps to ensure some peace and quiet. For those that know what happened and some of the details of it, that was just the lighter side of it. There are other sites that I was on and when my identity became known what happened there became exponentially worse than it was in the past. But no need to continue to rehash up all the drama and what happened. But these are or may be some of the reasons why one would choose to remain anonymous and to keep those at bay who have ill will and prying eyes away.
  13. To my understanding and experience, an anonymous user who is a member can post to threads when logged in anonymosly; whereas, a guest cannot post to threads. I sometimes log in as anonymous because quite frankly it's no one's business if I am on the site and their being snoopy as to where I am on the site and what threads I am looking at but I can still post to threads if I wanted to. BUT the last time I logged in as anonymous was on the old board/site so I am not sure if this is the case with the new set up. I have an issue about being "tracked" and those here who know what happened a few years back will understand why.
  14. Disgusting. I just posted something similar and another audio link. As time goes on, more and more of these parasites will be stating publicly what is happening and their intentions which we all already know what it is. Soon enough, sure freedom of speech and anyone that objects to it will be quieted quickly.
  15. CNA

    Health Care

    I've been receiving a lot of notifications that this thread is active but so much going on that I haven't had time to go through it. I'm not sure if this has been posted yet...appalling but definitely NOT surprising. Dread what the coming years living in the US is going to be much for freedom. As everyone knows, it's only the beginning and will continue to get much worse. Ulterior motives abound. Makes me sick to my stomach. REP. DINGELL SAYS OBAMACARE WILL EVENTUALLY ‘CONTROL THE PEOPLE’
  16. CNA

    Health Care

    Not surprised one bit. I'm trying to find a more lengthier vid of it as it is only 8 seconds long. Adam is pretty savvy with links so he may be aware of a vid link that is longer than 8 seconds. Supposedly this is what was said before the above statement was made but still would like to see a lengthier vid on it: "I wish that I had been there when Thomas Edison made the remark that I think applies here: 'There ain't no rules around here, we're trying to accomplish something.' And therefore, when the deal goes down, all this talk about rules, we make them up as we go along."
  17. OMG, I haven't seen one of THOSE in decades! Put IT away...Put IT away.
  18. Hi Nathan, Here are some links to get you started in hopes of finding a halfway decent school to send your child(ren). I'm unsure of your educational circumstances and why you are trying to find a better school or ultimately choosing to homeschool if you can, for instance, if your child has a disability, etc., as this is the most common reason for parents to find a half way decent school district and/or school within the district. Don't let it overwhelm you and the amount of information and the seemingly complex red tape that has to be sorted through in attempting to find a school. It can be overwhelming at first. But the more you dig and the more you learn about the educational laws and options to parents, it's not so overwhelming anymore. I've been there and done that and my view of our public school system is to say the least absolutely horrendous for our kids and even more so if your child is special needs. But I'm not hear to talk about that. I just want to offer you a few sites to help begin your search. First place you can check is the Florida Dept of Ed Florida Dept of Education Always look at their accountability reports as it gives a good idea as to how well the students overall are doing at each school and the quality of the teachers that are there. Florida Dept of Ed accountability Florida Dept of Ed quality If your child is special education, check the due process hearing filings in Florida and check the district to see how many lawsuits are filed in regards to that district. Of course, if there are numerous lawsuits, then it gives you a very good idea that that district is NOT the place to move to for your special needs child as you are going to run into potential problems that may ultimately force you in a direction of having to hire a lawyer, etc. If you do hire a lawyer and/or child advocate, always always thoroughly check their backgrounds. Make sure they "specialize" in this area of the law as it can be quite complex. And with so much at stake, you want to make sure they know what they're doing. Florida Dept of Ed Exceptional Education and Student Services Due Process Hearings Florida Dept of Ed Dispute Resolution, Mediation, and so forth Website where there are parental reviews of each school and district can also be helpful in narrowing down where you may want to send your children. Great Schools Florida If you choose to homeschool which I am all for and if you can do it, most definitely go for it, you can check this website or you can check the county that you live in department of education, what forms to fill out to enroll in home schooling, resources and how to get started, etc. Also checking your local library should be able to provide numerous resources, other parents who have chosen this option as well for their kids. Homeschooling in Florida If your child is special needs, you can also call around to any local advocacy groups in your area to get some advice and input. They may be able to tell you their statistics and the number of complaint calls they receive about specific districts from parents who have special kids Angie
  19. Oh, BOY, my oh my!! I was going to say that this is or was or could be or whatever rather interesting....LOL...although don't think Charles will respond sooner or later or perhaps never as I know he's been really busy. I haven't forgotten about you Adam and this thread. Perhaps some of what is going on on the home front right now may be drawing to a conclusion, freeing up some time, or hell, perhaps even a lot of freakin' time. I'll see though perhaps in the coming weeks or month or so. Justice sometimes takes the strangest of paths and forms!! ;)
  20. Wow, not surprised at all and wonder if there are anymore. Truly so sad.
  21. Some of the aspects of the movie I didn't particularly care for too much. Main one being is that their D/s relationship spanned outside of the bedroom which I would have had some issues with. Context is everything and can be playfully done when done outside of the bedroom but there are always limits. Of course, this is dependent on the couple and to what extent they want to take it. One area of the movie that also didn't sit well for me was at the very end where she was sitting at her desk for days on end, not moving from this spot, and ultimately peed on herself. Given my personality, at times outspoken, can be abrasive, etc., the character in the movie played by James would have had his hands full with me. LOL BUT there are other aspects of the movie that I found to be very erotic. It's quite funny because sometimes when I see movie trailers; such as, one I saw with Robert Downey Jr in Sherlock Homes where he is handcuffed to the bed and a pillow strategically's like, *phew* my, oh, my, it just got kinda hot in here all of a sudden. LMAO That visual of the 220 pound construction worker is what nightmares are made up of. YUCK. Yeah, that is just really so not right, at least for me. Wow, what words to come up with for such a situation as that. I knew a guy, not involved with him, just friends for a very long time that was heavy heavy into it. It was always interesting to talk with him. As I got to know him more, just not entirely comfortable with him and something there that I just couldn't put my finger on and identify and that I found to be truly disturbing. But some of the things he would tell me about was quite unsettling and unfortunately never got into the details as to why. I've always found it fascinating to talk with people about the most intimate aspects of their lives, areas they wouldn't tell anyone else. Something I have always been very good at and that is getting people very comfortable with me and able to discuss their secrets if you will. I'm not there to judge, although I have to admit I do, it gives me further insight and understanding of human sexuality and the individual. My old friend that was a sex addict began to open up to me and sharing aspects of his life that he had never shared with anyone else and unfortunately I ripped him a new asshole and slammed him harder than what I probably should have in what he was sharing with me. I think I was more appalled and offended in what he was attempting to portray himself as which was as an O'ist and very familiar with Rand. We were friends for a long time before he opened up about the sex addiction. He shared aspects of his life and his desires that were disturbing beyond what I had ever imagined him to be. Upon hearing this and then all the contradictions and hypocrisy of who he was and trying so hard to portray himself as rational and the good, very well educated man, I went off on him. Words hard to find but was utterly floored and amazed. At any rate, I nailed him so hard and after that he completely shut down on me which is understandable. An allergic reaction to me no doubt. It did affect our friendship for a number of years after that. We still talk about it at times but I am very careful in broaching the subject with him. If he brings it up, I'll reiterate to him that he knows what I think about it; that I still care about him as a friend and to please be careful. That usually ends the conversation. One of the benefits though in talking about your sexuality is that it helps others to be comfortable with who they are, what they like; that there is no shame in it. I don't mind talking about some of mine. I'm very comfortable with my sexuality, what I like, who I am, and so forth and that I honestly really don't care what others think and that they can pretty much kiss my ass if they have an issue with my sexuality, my comfort level with who I am and my being able to talk about it openly without worrying about what others think. It in turn usually makes them comfortable enough to open up about theirs and shows them that it's not so taboo as society makes it out to be. I am by no means ashamed of it and neither should they. But then again, I should also say, I've known some people that were into some of the scarier aspects of it and an eyebrow raiser and understand their secrecy or wanting to keep it behind the scenes and not so public. Angie
  22. I know there's many places out in Hollywood that cater into that aspect. I hesitate and cringe to think of demos at such a club. Yikes. Eek, heavy sanitizer please, hell, dump some bleach on it while you're at it and any other chemical that you can find. I would never be interested in such a club other than to observe to further my own understanding and to talk to gain further insight. Yeah, I know what you're saying. Some of it there's just too much risk involved. Some of the costumes I have to chuckle at. Depends on what role playing you're interested in, say for instance the whole doctor nurse thing or doctor patient deal...just sitting here thinking about it, I can't help but giggle. There would be no way I could get through it without busting a gut laughing so hard. BUT there are aspects of it, depending on who you are and what tickles your fancy, that can be rather erotic and fun...leather corsets and such. I can see the typical nurse's outfit but to actually role play and to take it seriously, just so not going to happen. And the whole guy thing dressed up in leather...OMG, just doesn't work at all. A woman, yes, I can see that. There's a movie I watched a few years ago that was so-so interesting and touched on the whole bondage, D/s deal. It's called Secretary with James Spader. If you ever get a chance, watch it. It's a romance comedy type deal and not necessarily a movie for everyone.
  23. The pleasure is all mine!! ;) That's a whole other subject and all the little goodies they have for even the mildest of play to the more extreme. Being where I live, there is hardly ever a short supply. LOL Believe it or not and as I recently found out from a friend, Wal-Mart of all places sells sex toys. I couldn't hardly believe it when she told me what she found there, cock rings, ticklers, etc. Woohoo!!! new place to shop. LMAO It's interesting because the sex shops are broken up into lifestyle preferences or sexual turn ons. The milder shops don't carry the more extreme aspects. And the bondage, D/s stores don't carry products of the milder forms. Interestingly enough, the bondage and D/s shops are mostly in areas where the population is that of the homosexual community and these shops are always fun to go into and explore and sometimes you walk out with OMG, YIKES, that was funnier than hell....some way extreme practices and some quite scary and amazed that there are people that dabble in it. Serious yikes.
  24. If it truly doesn't exist, then whatever I've been stimulating in my relationships of pleasuring is a terrific substitute! My gut "feeling" is that this study was influenced by an attempt to not engender guilt in women who have allegedly had difficulties with this "spot" and this is meant to assuage a sense of incompleteness or "failure". Adam I know it exists I read the link a bit earlier. It raises some interesting questions, one being that of your lover and their experience, the other of the nerve endings that supply that region not being as well developed in some women but can be further developed, or the possibility that ALL women do have it but in some the sensation they are experiencing when pressure is first applied is that they have the urge to urinate and this is what they believe is occurring rather than the source of great pleasure if stimulation is continued. If you apply pressure only on it, you do have the sensation of having to use the restroom and they perhaps may even recoil from it because of their fear of urinating. If they feel this sensation and become uptight about it during intercourse and possibly adjusting the angle of their hips in order to inhibit the possibility, it'll make it even harder for them to reach the big O. In reality, they should bear down more in an attempt to send more blood supply to the area and/or adjusting the angle of her hips for more direct stimulation or he should adjust himself where his pelvis is more below hers so when he thrusts the angle he enters is more aiming towards her belly button or the ceiling if you will and there is more direct stimulation to the area as he thrusts in and out and voila, WOW, FIREWORKS AND THE EVER ELUSIVE BIG O!!! Have her sit on a couch with her hips very close to the edge and he's on his knees in front of her or have her hips right at the edge of the bed and have him position himself that way and being more at an upward angle when he enters or use a pillow to raise her hips more OR hell, go out and buy some sex furniture OR buy one of these which works wonders, angled just right. Have her lay on her back with her hips right at the edge on the side that is raised highest and have her lean all the way back which has its advantages as well. She's at the right height if he is kneeling on his knees. It doubles as a footstool but no one ever has to know why you truly bought it. LOL As you say, Adam: "I know it exists." And oh, my, so do I. LOL Angie GAWD, so many people don't know how to screw
  25. Adam, By any chance, are you a hunter? You seem to have a very large collection of weapons.