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Everything posted by CNA

  1. Given my own unfortunate set of circumstances in this regard and fighting extremely hard, knowledge is always power, I wanted to supply some information for parents that are very active in their children's lives during their educational career, how to be informed, how to advocate for your kids whether they are disabled or not. If you're having issues with potential inappropriate conduct that you suspect of your child's teacher, here is a link that may get you started on how to check their backgrounds and if the problem is an ongoing issue. There's a few other parents I've been talking with that have reported to me conduct by the teacher inside the classroom and their wanting to know how to go about the most effective way of reporting it, substantiating your claims, and so forth. If you're not getting any hits for a specific teacher, just type in the State abbreviation and it will bring up the list of teachers who have been disciplined in that state, although it is not an inclusive list. It doesn't give any outside links to articles. But if the teacher you are looking for is listed, you can then Google their name with variations of words such as discipline, sanctioned, reprimanded, etc., to try to pull up any articles relating to that specific teacher. You can also check your state's education website such as the Florida State Department of Education or California State Department of Education as some also make public any disciplinary action against the teachers that are credentialed in that state. Sanctioned Teachers Search Engine,2933,317893,00.html Unfortunately, these aspects are under lock and key in many states and kept confidential which is complete and utter BS. These people are educating our kids in public schools. We have every right to know their backgrounds. This is also critical to know if you are embroiled in very contentious legal issues with the school district and/or the teachers and bringing up these teachers' histories. If there is an ongoing issue with disciplinary actions over an extended period of time against school staff members that are closely aligned with your own allegations, it'll help strengthen and substantiate any allegations, even more so if there are past issues that are against the teachers in the legal arena, not to mention checking their credentials and if they are even allowed to be teaching. It's not uncommon for teachers to not have the appropriate credentials to teach or have very little credentials to teach. The same is true with the school psychologists, although required in some if not all states to have at least a masters, there's many cases where they have only obtained their bachelors and the school hires them to be their psychologist in direct violation of the state's laws. This is a rather interesting site for reasons I won't state now and the involvement here in regards to my own disputed matters with the school district: is the U.S. government’s official website providing easy access to data related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.
  2. Well, Tony, you'd be in that boat alone at the mercy of the water, wind, debris, etc., while trying to save those two people. Who by chance is steering the boat and trying to control it against mother nature's fury that's been described to be that of biblical proportions? If I was down there with you, we wouldn't be having a convo on the superiority of whose cam is better. But it would be a rather firm discussion regarding only 2 possibilities: Potential death or that of life. I would ask you to quickly look around you, assess the situation, houses are being ripped apart in the torrent of water, debris everywhere, and the likelihood of that boat being able to withstand such power is pathetically miniscule. Make the decision, your life or the real potential of your death? Even in what safe haven I could find in order to ensure my survival, my pictures more than likely wouldn't be up for the prize. One huge one being is after publication of my photos: I would be quickly condemned and many would bring up, if she was there and able to help, why didn't she potentially sacrifice her own life to save them (two of the most powerful people in the world, particularly Obama and what so many believe is our savior for lack of a better word), why didn't she attempt to save them when she had the opportunity but instead she ran to ensure her survival and still took pictures from a safe distance documenting their deaths? I would at that point probably have to go into hiding to avoid the many death threats and possible attempts against my life. I more than likely wouldn't be able to walk the streets without much repercussions for what I had done and that I wasn't willing to sacrifice my own life for the sake of theirs. If you made the decision to save your life and to join me in the safe haven, then I would be more than happy to let you use one of my telephoto lenses if you'd wish. But then again, you're a Nikon user so there's no chance we could "share" one of our life's passions. LOL You do have me beat though but with only one extra frame per second. Mine is "only" 4 fps. But I may be generous and allow you to use a back up cam I sometimes use which is a 1D Mark III at 10 fps, ;) although is not full framed so you have that crop factor to take into account. If there is someone else near by that would be willing to die for the two in the water, then one of us may very well be up for the prize because we just happened to be the photographers nearby documenting the saving of these two people. Whoever is the more skilled photographer and who can get that great shot. But even then, sometimes in photography and most everything else, mediocrity is to be praised and what is universally more when the shot is crappy and not much skill involved by the photographer as I am sure we both have seen, it is an important shot. We may very well likely not even be up for the prize. But given that we both would have possession of those shots because we acted on the decision and what we value the most our lives, and then our being condemned and having to go into hiding, would you still be interested in taking up refuge not that of Colorado but that of Montana or Pennsylvania? Bwhahahaha..... Angie
  3. Although it's a bit after the fact, I hope everyone had a beautiful Thanksgiving with valued friends and family and enjoyed the feast !! My Thanksgiving is still continuing. The holidays are always broken up over several days and will still continue into tomorrow. Large family on both sides and much easier breaking it up into several days. I also saw that there's a Nikon user on this forum....oh, the horror of it all. LOL Adam, I'm hoping to be around in a bit. Holidays are always hectic with so many places to go but will be having a lot going on over the coming weeks as I know you would like me to participate a bit more. Finally got our last expert's report before her heading to Greece to teach and to be a speaker at a hearing going on over there. Thankful she was able to pump it out before her having to leave. More than likely, from this point forward, things are going to be fast and furious as we are finally done with all the experts. I can't hardly wait for this to be done and over with, at least this aspect of it. Soon enough. Angie To make sure there's no misunderstandings, in the photography world, there's much in the adversarial arena when it comes to those who choose Nikon over Canon and which is superior...LOL I've even come up against die hard Nikon users that won't even consider a friendship with a Canon user...OMG, it's just hilarious. A great shot is a great shot no matter what equipment they're using. I've seen some phenomenal shots with a standard point and shoot disposable cams you buy at CVS.
  4. Holy Mother of.......Talk about a WMD! Hooaah!!! SEX......BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All in one lil' ol' Firecracker!!!! LMAO....always get a laugh and a smile !!! Good to see you and in good spirits it seems !!!! Talked to Jody about a month or so back, only briefly though, on the phone. He seems to be doing really well. He asked how you were doing and what you've been up to. You and me both, not much of a joiner, always something going on but sometimes a great and much needed distraction; that is, until things get way too busy. Of all things have been thinking about moving out to Montana..d'oh...or Pennsylvania. Undecided but I'll see.
  5. Obviously there is a very hot debate going on in other parts of the site and was brought over here. I don't know Xray and I haven't read a lot of her posts so I am unaware as to any contentious issues but it's obvious you guys don't mesh. The brain mapping link you provided, OMG, I am very interested in going through and will be going through hopefully soon. Have a lot going on today. Aside from philosophy, psychology, etc., medicine is a huge passion of mine. Sounds strange enough or not but quite intrigued and looking forward with anticipation to start going through that brain mapping link not only how it relates to this thread but also for my own consumption on other unrelated topics. It seems there's been a lot of postings up to this point and will go through them hopefully soon because I saw a few that definitely raised an eyebrow.
  6. Can't agree with that logic. For example, when people tell you that they could not work as a baker, butcher or whatever, surely you would not tell them they are "damn hypocrites" because they never practiced it? Please don't take it out of context. Saying that bondage and D/s is wrong when you've perhaps never experienced it yourself, it becomes very difficult to support that side and saying that it is wrong to practice it. Years later you finally do dabble into it, not saying that you have or you haven't, and you realize that you actually like it...this is what I am talking about. Again, context is everything. It's difficult to use a baker or butcher, etc., in regards to sexual acts and experiencing it.
  7. To claim that this thread is being 'hijacked' is as absurd as if one complained that this original "Humor - OL LOLOLOL" hread was 'hijacked' because it led to a discussion about "anatomical features, biology, techniques, etc., etc., etc., and so forth". I asked a question about the sexual encounter between Dagny and Galt here because I thought the people currently posting on this thread might know what it is about. Don't let yourself be disturbed by a parallel discussion going on here in which you may not be interested. Those parallel discussions occur in many threads. Just as I stated above to DF and hi jacking. You did bring interest in some of your comments that you made. One in particular was that you also found it absurd about the structures in the brain being completely turned off in regards to emotions. I do understand and have read that it is in regards to alertness and anxiety but then state MANY areas are shut down. That's a huge variance there between only 2 areas and that then being considered MANY. As for the other postings, I have yet to go through them. I'm sure that if someone, many up to this point, went over and started up with subjects entirely unrelated to what was being discussed and then attempting to continue these conversations and having to weed through post after post after post about subjects not related to what was originally being discussed is a pain in the ass. Quite honestly, time I really do not have in having to sift through each post trying to find what was being originally discussed. I don't ever remember empathy being a primary aspect of the original posts but more along the lines of anatomical features, brain mapping, imaging studies, etc. And yes, many threads take on different paths of discussion as the flow continues but again, that's what all the different forums or subforums or whatever are for.
  8. DF, If you've been at all privy to all the discussion up to this point, I was originally suggesting that the thread to be broken up into another forum because it did not belong in the Humor thread. But up to this point, that has not happened so the discussions are still continuing on the path that they were continuing on. When I come to this thread, I'm interested in discussing the issues that have been discussed as I noted above in regards to features, funcitons, etc., and not about Ayn's view or her book in regards to her sexual practices and preferences. That's why there are many forums and sections. If I wanted to go over to the other thread where there is obvious hot debate in regards to Ayn's view, I would be over there but I'm not. Instead, you guys have brought it over here. .
  9. *sighing* It seems to me that this thread is NOT about Ayn's views in regards to Sex. What floats her boat may not float someone else's boat. Isn't there another thread where some of these philosophical issues are now being discussed and should be kept over there? Right now, I'm not interested in Galt's/Ayn's empathy issues or the fact that she loved rough sex and that some view it as barbaric or whatever. I really do not care. If I was interested in discussing these issues, I would be on that other thread where ever the hell it is at. Right now, this thread is primarily about anatomical features, biology, techniques, etc., etc., etc., and so forth. Please you guys, serious hi-jacking going on here. I'm not interested in slamming people. I'm not interested in flame wars or whatever the hell you people call it. Quite frankly, I really don't give a damn and do not care at this point to further my own understanding through other people's inexperience or experience for that matter and Ayn's view of the sexual act and how it should have been. To my understanding and the way I live my life, if you haven't experienced it and practiced it, firsthand knowledge, you're a damn hypocrite for even attempting to support one or the other side and saying this is right or this is wrong. Please take it some place else. After this thread and the discussions here are over with or however the layout of this thread goes and the flow of discussions into other areas, then so be it. But up to this point, I am not going to engage in any attempts to bring a debate over of Galt was so damn unempathetic to my needs or whatever or O'ists for that matter are all horrible lovers because they only care about themselves and not little poor me. I'm not interested in this right now. I'm wanting firsthand experience and knowledge, anything that will help further my own understanding from the perspective of the opposite sex or even that of another woman because it gives me further insight. Hell, I may very well even learn something.
  10. Damn, that must mean I'm comatose perhaps during it. LMAO This just struck me as too far out there to even put much validity into it. That MANY areas are deactivated during orgasm....interesting. I'll have to read each link provided. But as for the study that a lot of women report not being able to reach the big O doesn't surprise me at all. Hell, if it is pounded into you day in and day out and you are taught as you are growing up that women are not to enjoy sex and if that women have many partners that must mean you're a slut, etc., etc., etc., they wonder why women aren't responsive to sex or have problems reaching the big O, let alone that they aren't familiar enough with their own bodies. Let alone that, the responses I get when I ask a woman, do you masturbate and their first response to me is NO. I just have to laugh at this response of no. They're not being honest with me nor with themselves. It's truly unfortunate. I would not be at all surprised if appreciable numbers of women do not masturbate or at least do it very rarely. This is unfortunate, especially for those who do not have vagina orgasms, which some of Adams references indicate may be for genetic reasons. As for the brain shutting down, sometimes I don't have the energy to use it for a while after cumming. Perhaps my mind has shut down completely also. For sure, I often cannot stand up without feeling dizzy and off-balance, so even very fundamental parts of my brain appear to be shutting down. The reason why I said what I did is after their telling me no and the more I talk to them about it and get them more comfortable with me and expressing my own experiences, being very open in regards to my own sexual practices, they ultimately admit that they do. So that high percentage of women that claim they don't I definitely have a problem with and that these -- not all -- but many most likely are not being honest. Given the state of our society and how women are to view sex and how men are to view women and sex, admitting something that they think may be wrong and that they are to be condemned for it or judged in a negative light by it, of course they won't admit to it. As for the imaging studies, I just find this to be extremely intriguing and would be interested to see more studies in this regard. I know during it I am completely oblivious to what is going on around me. What I find to be interesting is what they qualify as MANY...given the complexity of our bodies and the numerous systems, what do they mean by MANY and what areas do they see as shutting down. It's just way too vague for me. I remember a long while back when I had imaging done of my brain, specifically the pituitary gland because they suspected a brain tumor, both of the doctors that were looking at the real time images were amazed at the amount of activity going on and that it was unusual and something that they only saw in about 10 percent of the population. I found that imaging study referenced above to be far reaching. Given if I can remember correctly that it was only a PET scan which has its limitations, I would be interested to see more studies done in this regard. Given the complexity of our bodies and the numerous systems and the areas of the brain that is used to keep these systems functioning properly, even at the lowest rung of "survival" without completely shutting down, is significant. As for my state and my being able to function afterwards, etc., is not quite as extreme as yours. But do have to admit that during it, all that matters at that time is what I am experiencing. I am totally oblivious to my surroundings, very relaxed. I find it hard to believe that the area that controls emotions is completely shut down in women. Having an orgasm, I am happy as hell that I got my BIG O. The emotion claim and that area of the brain, that's far reaching for me. Given they have barely understood the brain and its structures and again the complexities of it and how each area specifically functions with another and their integration, it's difficult for me to take the study as definitive proof. I would be very interested to know what the studies would show in 100 years from now or hell 50 years in any major advancements of further study into the brain and their finally being able to understand the complexities of it.
  11. Charles wrote: That's a good question as to whether or not there is an evolutionary link or perhaps it is due to what we've been taught in regards to a man; that is, in order for him to feel that "ultimate climax" of pleasure, that he is to ejaculate. I know that this is what I have been taught. In order for him to get that ultimate peak of pleasure, he is to ejaculate and that this is what I am wanting. If I reach that peak and knowing that to get to that level of intensity of physical pleasure, I have to reach that peak and to go over that peak to reach that ultimate climax which is orgasm and vaginal contractions. The specific areas I am referencing in a man that are more sensitive and produce intense orgasms are: 1. prostate 2. penis itself of course 3. small area on the tip of the penis (will have to pull up the med term but can show a visual as to where it is.) 4. collapsible shaft that feels like a vein at the base of the penis. (will have to pull up the med term but can show a visual as to what I am talking about) It's not so much a sensitivity to these areas and that they are not responsive to it. These areas have additional nerve endings and/or produce hormones related to the sexual organ and arousal. If these areas are stimulated or cut off completely such as in the collapsible shaft, it produces intense orgasms. No. 3 of course is an acquired taste so to speak but every person I have known learns or grows to enjoy it tremendously. Given your statistics, my statistics are a bit more than yours. But have to admit that all this knowledge wasn't due to sleeping around a lot. It's based on those that I have been romantically involved with over extended periods of time, some many many years. You don't become knowledgable and a good lover by sleeping around with everyone you see and fly by nights if you will because it doesn't give you time to grow and to learn. It comes from having partners that you've gotten to know well and have experimented on. My guinea pigs perhaps. LOL Yikes but no complaints thus far for being a guinea pig. LOL Oi. I'll stop now with this one. The limitations are lousy but that's one of the beauties of communication and getting honest answers in understanding the opposite sex's responses and perspectives. Of course, there are aspects that I will never be able to understand because I don't have any firsthand knowledge and experience with it. But by asking questions, more detailed questions if necessary and in-depth responses to those questions, it will get me as close to the firsthand knowledge and experience I may be seeking and trying to understand. I am not that familiar with Ayn's view of sex, although have an idea based on Atlas Shrugged and what little I have read here on this site. I have read very little of Ayn's works and honestly I prefer to keep it this way for a number of reasons, although a lot of my views and convictions are that of my own because of what happened to me which you have some understanding of but that they also line up very closely to Ayn's. To my understanding in what I have been told and what I have been able to gather from Atlas, her preferences in sex line up with mine. To what extent that they line up in her view and convictions, I am unsure of. Although a lot of my convictions and beliefs were attained by my own doing when I was very young, after reading Atlas, she did help further define a few areas of my convictions and further putting an identity to it. My views are my own. Whether or not they line up with Ayn's does not matter to me and I really do not care if they do or not. No disrespect to her in the least bit. I live my life based on those convictions that I formed and what happened when I was younger and they are designed based on what makes me happy. What little that I do know of Ayn's views, I do agree that your views on sex and love are different from hers. But some of your views on it do line up with mine. Which of your views that line up with mine and whether they are that of Ayn's as well, I am also unsure of nor am I aware of Branden's view of sex and the psychological aspects of it nor his view of relationships outside of the sexual act. I have not read any books by the Brandens. So I'm free wheeling it so to speak and prefer to keep it this way for many reasons. Just as you said, it's up to you and your own further identification and drawing your own conclusions based on a strong foundation and how it is applied to your own life. I'm not into having things handed to me on a silver platter and then implementing that into my life. I want and need experience. I want and need firsthand knowledge. I want questions asked and answers given to draw a conclusion on and checking every possibility. Well, thank you. Given it is a great interest of mine and an area that I am utterly fascinated by, anything that helps me to further my own knowledge and understanding I will go after. I don't mind sharing in the least bit because I think this is an area that more should talk about and to explore, the tremendous possibilities of it that so few know about nor have they taken the time to think about and how it can benefit each person and the couple as a whole is far reaching. There's still so much more to learn. As for the med terms up above and the exact locations for what I've referenced above, I will have to find. I know where it is and can show but will have to find the exact medical terminology. But I am hoping that what I described up above will be enough to illustrate as to what I am talking about.
  12. OMG, thank you for this post. I'm talking to a living breathing life loving person. One that is not walking around with a distorted face and wreaks of death and destruction.
  13. Damn, that must mean I'm comatose perhaps during it. LMAO This just struck me as too far out there to even put much validity into it. That MANY areas are deactivated during orgasm....interesting. I'll have to read each link provided. But as for the study that a lot of women report not being able to reach the big O doesn't surprise me at all. Hell, if it is pounded into you day in and day out and you are taught as you are growing up that women are not to enjoy sex and if that women have many partners that must mean you're a slut, etc., etc., etc., they wonder why women aren't responsive to sex or have problems reaching the big O, let alone that they aren't familiar enough with their own bodies. Let alone that, the responses I get when I ask a woman, do you masturbate and their first response to me is NO. I just have to laugh at this response of no. They're not being honest with me nor with themselves. It's truly unfortunate.
  14. OMG, the insanity of it all. I'm astonished but not surprised one bit. Oi I feel like I'm on another planet right now and having a hard time seeing what some of these people are attempting to claim. Jesus...these poor people. Our society has taught WOMEN that sex is dirty, wrong, gross, only for reproductive purposes and so forth and that we are NOT to enjoy it in the least bit. THE WHOLE MIND/BODY issue here is that they need to get it through their thick heads that psychologically and our convictions have massive effects on how our bodies function and reactions to outside stimuli. Oh, man, I don't want to go too much into my own personal life and at what point my convictions drastically changed and how my health was overall affected by a fucked up belief system....what they were trying to teach me as being the good but always resisted took a massive toll on my body and health. I find it interesting that what once stressed me out based on my conviction at that time increased the fight or flight response and adrenaline, increase of TSH, etc., and unfortunately having a continued increase of these hormones in my body over an extended period of time took a massive toll on my body. BUT now that my convictions have changed and what once stressed me out has no impact whatsoever healthwise on me. It's called these outside stimuli that once upset me and that I was to protect it because I was told it was right has now turned into indifference. This indifference does absolute wonders in how you view it, how you allow it to affect you. There's definitely a lot up above to take into account and will be going through doubt.
  15. I completely agree. It's truly unfortunate that society has taught women that sex is dirty, wrong, only for child bearing, and so forth. It's quite amazing that even for men, although I think a great many of them have these fantasies of this, if they watch their partner masturbate or engage in other acts. Or even worse yet, they take offense and think that something may be wrong with him and that he doesn't know how to pleasure her if she masturbates or uses other devices during intercourse to help her reach orgasm or just to increase the intensity of that orgasm and to stimulate other areas. It's very much walking on egg shells with your partner and who your partner is and whether or not they are willing and accepting of trying different things and that it in no way means they don't know what they are doing. Between a loving couple, sex should only get better instead of peaking out after the first few years and then a dramatic drop off thereafter. Even if you get two of the best lovers in the world, during the initial honeymoon phase if you will won't be able to perform at their peak so to speak because they haven't yet gotten to know each other well enough, the ins and outs, of what to do, how much pressure to use and so forth. Some like it very rough whereas others do not. But even the ones that do like it rough and they find a partner who is the same first, he may very well be applying too much force onto her. Each person is very very different. Of course, the better you get to know the person, sex should only get better. But in today's society, it's the complete opposite. Their greatest sex as they say is during the time when they first met. But after time goes by, they begin to lose interest. In my world and my reality, mine is the complete opposite. Yeah, it's great in the beginning. But look out and just wait until you get well acquainted with each other and this is when the fireworks really start to take off and the sex gets much better. It's not always easy finding the right person or a good partner, especially if they are closed down to experimentation or what you find to be erotic is something they just don't like to begin with or attempting to introduce something to them that they may have reservations with, their self-esteem, and so forth. But also all of my encounters so to speak have been with men that I have known for a while, either as friends first or have dated before it actually happens. I've never had a one night stand so my experience in this regard I cannot draw upon because there is none. One night stands have never appealed to me in the least. The best sex I've ever had is after getting to know the person, having many sexual encounters with the person, and learning from each other, learning each other's bodies, experimentation, and so forth. As for women being ahead, I took count the other night after posting what I did and thinking about it, it seems in the knowledge that I have that woman have 6 zones; whereas, men have 4 zones that are highly pleasurable and can increase orgasm. One that I am aware of I have yet to read about. I'm sure there are perhaps others, perhaps only a few that are aware of it...who knows, but just has not yet been formally written about or studied as to why it has such a massive impact on the intensity of a man's orgasm. But then again, Adam, given he has knowledge of links, etc., may very well know where to find it. But in what I am aware of, I have yet to read about it.
  16. At least this one showed some MRI images being done. Nothing against men right now but at least in the preliminary research the man is going to get in the way and a bit more difficult to get unobstructed views so to speak and close up in an MRI study. Ultrasound would also help as well but would be much easier to get a good location if she was by herself during the imaging studies that have been done.
  17. One thing I would be most interested to know is if they have done any imaging studies in regards to this -- I'm sure they have but unclear as to what kinds and how detailed the studies have been -- to find out exactly what's going on either through ultrasound, MRIs, etc., while it is actually happening. They would be able to tell where exactly it's coming from and also if the fluid is being sent up into the bladder. I noted that they have done studies and that the paraurethral glands is where it is being produced but there's still speculation as to what exactly is happening. Since they have done chemical analyses on the fluid, it seems to be a combination of this and that, some studies show where there are trace amounts of urine which would be understandable considering urine is passed through the same tube. Study is just too damn small to draw any good conclusions from and to slap a label or claim on. Wow, there's so many different variables. To claim that it does or does not originate possibly in the bladder but that in the paraurethral glands but doesn't negate the fact that they are also finding similar issues in the bladder itself post orgasm. Why don't they get a group of women not afraid to make themselves orgasm and stick them in an imaging study and take the imaging and video and analyze the hell out of it. You know, given the endocrinological issues and the different hormones being excreted, etc., and at what point these chemicals and hormones are released under certain circumstances, there's a lot of variables to go through. Given what limited reading I have done up to this point, it may very well be found that during orgasm these chemicals are being released and are being produced in the bladder rather than the actual glands themselves, unless there is an actual imaging study where they have nailed it down and know for a fact that this is where it is being produced. It doesn't seem that anything I have read has really stated without a doubt that the glands themselves is where it is being produced without a doubt BECAUSE they're still running into bladder possibilities and much speculation. Given that 75% percent of the women studied for the one doctor have the same antigen present in their urine post.....honestly, unsure of what imaging studies they have done up to this point but very curious if any of the imaging studies have been conducted while it is happening and it would more than likely cut down on a lot of wasted time, energy, and money as to it might be this or that or what have you. GAWD, inefficiency just bugs the hell out of me sometimes. LMAO If they haven't done any hardcore imaging studies, a lot of time and effort and money has probably been wasted up to this point. But at least they do have some understanding of it through lab workups and possibilities. Hmmm....interesting, nevertheless. Another insane statement. What is all this social metaphysical crap and grouping shit....I'm not like her and oh, god, I'm not "normal," I don't fit into the group because they said this or that or's standards of society just another aspect as to why so many people are miserable. I can't cum because I might get a little bit wetter because I'm so turned on....oh, god, end of the world. Makes no sense to me at all. This last bit of the female ejaculation evangelists is just another "group" of women that want to tear down and destroy other women and that they are somehow inferior to them and not worthy of the best sex they can have. Just more evidence of emotion driven, nonthinking people. Always taken with a grain of salt when it comes to this industry and what they claim or attempt to show.
  18. Rather an insane question. And a photographer at that and this is their profession, Pulitzer Prize...hmmmm. I'll give you an answer based on my convictions as well as one based on being a photographer, one that knows what she is doing. For one, a well seasoned photographer that works for a major newspaper wouldn't have only 1 lens in their arsenal of equipment. My life is above the most important over my career and definitely that of others, especially of the ones that are listed and this would take precedence. In my own personal arsenal of lens equipment spans from macro, wide angle, telephoto lenses, etc. There is no explanation of any possible safe havens in the scenario. Tough shit to them. Oh, well. My first reaction would be to find the safest place possible in order to ensure my survival. Since I am a photographer, outside of my normal career, and always carrying around my gear just in case, my trusty telephoto lens would do the trick real nicely. Given my camera is over 21 million megapixels, the details that can be captured are immense. As for high contrast color film, I found this of interest as to why in the world would you use high contrast film as it drowns out details....LOL Black and white also drowns out details but does give the added effect of doom and gloom and "DRAMA" but given digital, you can convert either one if shooting in RAW which also preserves tremendous amounts of details rather than compressing it into a jpg file. Hell, might as well do some shots in HDR, High Dynamic Range, while I'm at it. As for if I am shooting from a half mile away, highly unlikely, I'll just pull out my 800mm to 1600mm lens and if necessary with an extender with IS (image stabilization) to ensure that there is no unnecessary blur and I nail the shot the first time. I guess don't get me started on photography issues. At any rate, the scenario isn't too complicated between what choices to make. If they are out there trying to capture the event, they would have numerous lenses on them to suit each situation they may be in and what they are trying to capture.
  19. I haven't forgotten about anyone here and the convo. I just may be absent for a few days. Have a lot going on over the next 5 days or so but hoping to be able to show up here and there to post. But nevertheless, do want to continue the convo and soon. Hoping to be able to find some links as well, time permitting. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  20. There is no doubt something I am looking to express but haven't quite gotten it organized in such a way that is presentable at this point and haven't quite put my finger on it. I'm taking in the entire paragraph and the context of what you are saying and the underlying message so to speak is quite profound and gives great insight. You are most definitely correct in that it is just a moment but what is ultimately taken from that moment, aside from the physical pleasure, is the deep emotional connection which is wholly justified and should be this way regardless. Oh, man, this is going to irk me like crazy. Hmmm...I'll have to come back to this one at some point. I've read this paragraph many times over and there's something about it that I haven't yet identified in what it is. Nothing bad or anything and maybe I'm just too damn tired at this point but this paragraph I find to be extremely intriguing. So very well said, my dear!!! You have one very very lucky wife it seems to me!!! When I said too many people make too much of ejaculation, I forgot a cardinal rule. Namely, that it is clearly the case that not everyone is like me. When I was a kid, I really enjoyed riding my bike around the perimeter of Rod Field and all over it in Texas. Later, I came to find that I enjoyed running long distances. When running, the first half mile was always the hardest and after about one and half or two miles, the running was shear pleasure. When I ran regularly, that shear pleasure would commonly last out to about 8 miles of hard running. Now, clearly, this is not true for everyone. We differ. For me, often long before I ejaculate, I have reached a state of euphoria in making love, which includes some aspects of that runner's high. Believe me, the feeling is great and it can last a very long while. The feeling is more than a runner's high to be clear in that there is more going on in my mind, such as the wonder of all the sensations from my nervous system, which my wife is a master at invoking. Or, the anticipation of her next move. Or, my thrill at finding that she is very, very wet or at her moans. And, much more. I really can and should only say that it in the context of the very heightened pleasure that I feel that ejaculation may be overrated. Others may not, and probably often do not, reach such levels of pleasure, so that their focus on ejaculation may be fully justified. Sometimes, I do not ejaculate at all if my focus has been very strongly on trying to please my wife. This does not at all disappoint me in many cases. Again, my pleasure was just too great to regret. Pleasure comes in many complex forms and having a variety of forms of pleasure is rather spicy! Unfortunately, there are times when my wife is disappointed that I did not come and I have a hard time convincing her that I am perfectly happy. But, I really am. There are also times when I simply enjoy the pleasure my wife is giving me so much and I can so concentrate on it, that I also do not come. Again, I have absolutely no regrets, except concern that she is disappointed that I did not come. So, it is in this context, which is probably shared by at least a few other people, if not many, that I say that sometimes too much is made of ejaculation. Now, I believe my wife is reasonably happy with me, but I bow before her as a lover. She is incredible. She does claim that I am an easy subject and very easy to please. There is truth in this, but still she is an incredible lover. She so enjoys torturing me with near-overloads of pleasure! I wish she had as much capability for experiencing such pleasure directly herself, but she does not. We are all different. I can't help but have a huge smile on my face!! My, oh, my, what a phenomenal answer and I completely understand your point of view as well as your wife's point of view of her being upset that you didn't fulfill that one aspect. When it comes to a loving relationship, taking joy and happiness in fulfilling your partner's desires and making them happy is a reward in and of itself and there is no sacrifice because each person benefits in their own way. I cannot say that I haven't ever done the same as well as many others here on this site and elsewhere I am sure. Some here may frown upon this and say it is a sacrifice and the whole O'ist deal but I don't and I really couldn't care if someone screams it's so un-O'ist of you. LOL When you are in a loving relationship, their joy becomes your joy and being able to provide what your partner is desiring at that time, wanting to make him/her happy, gives rewards and payoffs to each. I cannot say that every time that I've made love with my partner that I've had an orgasm every time because I can't BUT there have been times where it is available to him if and when he needs it, despite my not being in the mood so to speak and despite my never reaching that big O during it. Having him happy and satisfied brings me happiness and that I am able to provide him with what he is desiring. But I still cannot deny that it is my goal, a goal not always achieved, but definitely my goal because that orgasm and the intensity of that orgasm....*sighing* I don't think I would even be able to describe and put into words what it's like. In learning so much that I have up to this point about sex and experimenting, the orgasms have only gotten better and 100 fold in intensity. People say, yeah, orgasm this and orgasm that but the differences between certain orgasms and the areas being stimulated are tremendous and to get the double or triple whammy such as having a clitoral orgasm, G-spot orgasm, and the above all favorite X spot orgasm and you get hit with a simultaneous triple whammy and all three areas erupting at once....OMG, just the thought mesmerizes me. Or the orgasms with double penetration are distinctly different in and of themselves but when combined, the overall sensation is far different than just a G-spot orgasm or clitoral orgasm and is far more intense. So although I do understand where you are coming from and I can't deny that this is something I am familiar with in wanting to please my partner but man, oh, man, oh, GOD, yes, I do want that orgasm and if it's a double or triple whammy....phew, that's some good stuff. LOL Thinking more about this though, I find it very interesting that there's many ways to please a man but I honestly believe that women have far more ways of achieving orgasm and how to intensify those orgasms far and above what can be done in stimulating a man. Hmmm....but then again, I know of 5 spots on a man that can produce intense orgasms. Interesting for me to think about and comparing the two and who is ahead so to speak....hehehehehe ;) But as always, great answer and you are definitely unique in so many ways. And as I said, your wife is very very lucky to have you!! Okay, it's way past my bed time and in need of some serious sleep. More sometime tomorrow -- well, today I suppose and I possibly gave way too much info -- but regardless, the discussions have been interesting up to this point. For the sake of education and furthering my own understanding and exploration, I'm willing to talk and not so reserved. 'night!!
  21. Interesting and definitely want to respond more thoroughly but unable to do this now. Just to let you know as for the possibility of it being urine, please don't misunderstand. I am not claiming that it is urine. Far from it. There are very distinct sensations between having an orgasm and urinating and the two can be easily discerned. What I am saying is that I don't doubt one bit the validity of it as I have my own personal experiences of becoming "wetter" as some would say during orgasm. But as it is described in some places as being a gush, that is something I have never experienced before but this additional fluid is definitely detectable not only to myself but to my partner as well when it happens. As for it being an embarassment, it certainly shouldn't be. At that point, I honestly really couldn't care because I am enjoying all of it. Certain types of orgasms, and yes, I characterize that not all orgasms are the same, depending on the area or the areas being stimulated can be extremely intense that sometimes will induce a pounding headache for a brief period of time. I guess you can say it in this regard some women have moisture issues from not being well lubricated or being overly lubricated. So I don't doubt the validity of it one bit. But as for the composition of it and where it is coming from is an interesting one and what has peaked my curiosity the most. When I was involved with photography which is still my passion but just haven't had time as of late, I had a friend that is well seasoned if you will that dabbled in all areas of photography, inclusive of nude fine art and other artistic type photos of body parts if you will. I keep getting this picture in my head of a macro shot of a woman that he took. It was tastefully done and you could barely tell it was a close up of her spread showing clitoris, the urethra, and the top portion of the entrance to the vagina and there was one single drop of fluid being produced so I don't doubt that this is where it may be coming from. I'm just very curious as to the composition of it and what the purpose of it is other than the obvious of lubrication but given it is produced at the time of orgasm, there is obviously some other purpose for it and this is what I am interested in the most. I wish I had that picture that he showed me. I was astounded at how well he took that photograph because the angle, the lighting, the way it was shot was very deceiving to the eyes and it is still a one of a kind picture that I have yet seen anywhere else. So I don't doubt it and not stating that it may possibly be urine. It's the composition that I'm most interested in. I'm curious if I can do some of my own research in regards to the bodily changes during the monthly cycle to see if I can find something that gives the composite of the clear thin sticky fluid produced around the ovulation time period and then compare the two.
  22. No, I haven't read the Red Tent. Honestly, the last book I read was Atlas Shrugged and that was quite a number of years ago. I've picked up magz here and there geared towards my interests but any serious reading, no, I haven't. Although was told by my clearing orgasm friend not too long ago to read a book that was recently released that addressed evolution and talked a bit about Ardipithecus ramidus but I haven't begun reading this book as of yet. But the last time he asked me to read a book comparing human sexuality to that of apes and other animals and their discussing unconscious decisions...I just at that point couldn't keep reading it and ultimately tore the book apart, not literally though. I think I ended up posting something here on OL soon after reading this book about unconscious decisions and so forth but may not have been what provoked my posting that thread about it or it may have been when I went to see a doctor for my neck and back problems. Don't remember now. I am not sure if you by any chance mentioned the name of the Italian doctor and her study but can you tell me the name so perhaps I may also be able to search for her when I can???
  23. Another interesting my case, as for a squirt or gush, uh, no, not me. More lubrication right before having an orgasm and noticeable fluid, most definitely. As to exactly where it is coming from, can't quite tell you because I'm not looking down there with any type of instrument at the time it happens. Yikes...and LOL. Accidentally urinating on someone, yes...most definitely obvious because of the distinct sensation between the knowing that I had a very full bladder at the time of the actual act. Given that a lot of women are not that familiar with their bodies as they should be, it's difficult for me to take much of what they are reporting as sensations, differentiations of what they may be feeling seriously with much credibility. If these women can't even find their own G-spots or what they need to do to have an orgasm by knowing their body's well enough, their testimony would not carry much weight. I would be more interested in the scientific aspects of it with today's technologies versus what someone may have written or reported from century's ago. But definitely food for thought. Very good possibility of a woman actually producing ejaculate, I would say highly probable because of my own experiences with it. But I wouldn't characterize it as a squirt or gush. But I also find it very interesting in how they describe the fluid as being clear but at one point read that it is a milkish liquid. Being a women and knowing my body extremely well, there are differences in the vaginal fluids that are produced throughout the monthly cycle. I would be interested to know if this clear fluid may potentially also be a bit on the sticky side or if they would consider it like the consistency of water. I'm also curious as to the consistency of it and what period of the monthly cycle it's reported happening. The reason being is that around a woman's ovulation cycle which lasts around 5 days, the fluids she produces is very different from the fluids she normally produces. The fluids outside of this 5 day window of ovulation the fluid generally is a milkish white consistency that is not sticky in the least. But during the 5 day window, the fluid changes greatly, turns clear, thin, and has a sticky consistency to it and is more abundant. The reason being is when the man releases his sperm this sticky fluid that is generated in a woman's body in essence acts as a net so to speak ensuring a better chance of insemination. By knowing this, this is how I avoided getting pregnant for a very very long time without medication interventions, etc. Knowing your body extremely well makes a world of difference on so many levels. I find it interesting the proteins that are present and that it also resembles the makeup of semen. Hmmm....I most definitely would like to read more about this, not so much what he said and what she said and what's been reported in the past from century's ago but the "scientific" data up to this point.
  24. I find this article to be completely insane in that they are so quick to slap a label onto something that they haven't even begun it seems to possibly weed out other potentials. For one, given the urgency to urinate and that there is increased blood supply to this area what blood workup they have done to rule out possible VD issues, bacterial infections, endocrinological issues comorbid with other potential issues, inclusive of lower spine imaging for the potential of a CNS problem, herniated disks, nerve impingement, etc., similar to sciatica in some people. I also find it interesting that upon initial urination for me in some cases when my bladder is completely full and having to hold it for a longer period than wanting to also gives the sensation of the first few seconds of what it feels like to have an orgasm but quickly passes and I let out an ahhhh, finally relief....LOL Nonetheless it's an interesting article but too quick out of the gate I think when they've only studied a few individuals with these symptoms. Yet, they don't go into detail and are very vague about what other studies have been done and the results of those studies have been. I would also be interested to know the age of the women involved in the study, are they much older or are they much younger or do they span the entire gamut and to rule in or out the potentials of degenerative disk disease and the severity of that disease and how this affects the central nervous system to various parts of the body. But honestly, my first thought when reading the article was not an orgasm problem but given the symptoms described it sounds like a VD issue, potential new VD problem, who know at this point and would be interested to know of any other symptoms they think they are suffering from, irrelevant or not, but all symptoms they have noticed before and during and after the more obvious complaints. But still I think it's too quick out of the gate and not enough study has been done.
  25. There is no doubt something I am looking to express but haven't quite gotten it organized in such a way that is presentable at this point and haven't quite put my finger on it. I'm taking in the entire paragraph and the context of what you are saying and the underlying message so to speak is quite profound and gives great insight. You are most definitely correct in that it is just a moment but what is ultimately taken from that moment, aside from the physical pleasure, is the deep emotional connection which is wholly justified and should be this way regardless. Oh, man, this is going to irk me like crazy. Hmmm...I'll have to come back to this one at some point. I've read this paragraph many times over and there's something about it that I haven't yet identified in what it is. Nothing bad or anything and maybe I'm just too damn tired at this point but this paragraph I find to be extremely intriguing. So very well said, my dear!!! You have one very very lucky wife it seems to me!!!