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Everything posted by CNA

  1. Ninth: Just to let you know, I didn't post out of pity. I posted out of interest, truly I did, and needing a bit of a detour from some things. It was just finding the time to post to this thread and choosing exactly what I want to reveal of how I came to be, my loves and passions, etc. Shane's post started it off great for me -- kinda sorta the ripple effect. How one "rock" if you will that is dropped into that pond or lake and then the waves that generate out from that one event and how others react to it. It's been a nice breather and change of pace for me from homefront stuff and work with this thread now. I'm working a lot and have some other things going, aftereffects from the party last weekend (which was absolutely AMAZING) and some things that happened, so this thread has been a nice detour if you will for now. Well, these emoticons suck the big one. LOL I was going to say relax a bit, although I don't know the full nature of your dealings with Phil up to this point (not pleasant obviously) but wanted to give hugs and kisses emoticons but they're not working. Oh well!!! I guess xoxoxoxo !!!!! Relax and enjoy!!!!!
  2. To make a quick clarification because I didn't make it clear enough in a prior post, the depo of the coroner was not on that "specific" case. It was the same coroner that did their autopsies but a different case. I was still in college when the whole freaky OJ thing went down. Another passion and love I have are animals. I am a complete sucker when it comes to animals. I was always one of those kids so long ago that brought home stray cute, cuddly, and furry creatures!!!! LOL Phil, it's funny that you ask the question that you did and it's truly so overly broad because there are so many loves and passions that I have as well as I am sure others, how I came to them and makes me who I am that stem from my childhood and throughout adulthood. I sit here and think about all the things that I have truly enjoyed and one strange one perhaps for others is that of beading. I have Cherokee Indian in me and this was something that my grandmother, now deceased unfortunately, had gotten me into when I was very young. She even gave me a name which I don't remember unfortunately. I stopped doing it but picked it up again in my 20s for quite a while but have since stopped. I've thought about taking it up again just as a hobby, nothing serious, etc., as it is quite fun and addicting to play around with.
  3. Yes, you are most correct. Thank you, wasn't expecting that from you!!!! Yes, he did show it to the principal. But other areas obviously intervened and I shut them down, in some ways to protect myself. But I did a lot of growing in a short amount of time, moving on, finding out who I was and staying true to myself!!!!!!!!!!!! The thing about it was I was taught to live that way until I finally changed it. When I finally left home and being extremely happy, I set many goals for myself. My determination was fierce. I went back to highschool and finished 4 years in about 6 months and valedictorian on top of it. During this time, I worked a full time job and worked my butt off and saving as much of my money as I could. After getting out of highschool, I took a small break of about two months and then went straight into college. Had many interests but was looking for something that would be relatively quick and would make me good money and I could be self-employed and able to set my own hours so to speak and when I wanted to work, plus I needed to support myself. I ultimately went through the money that I had saved and ultimately took school loans to pay for the remainder of my college days. How about some more info about yourself? What other passions and loves do you have? What makes you tick so to speak?
  4. I still heavily pursue science but in private. Honestly, I've thought very very seriously about going back to college and taking up my passion in many different areas, medicine being a HUGE aspect, seismology, paleontology, archeology, geology, phychology with a specialty in forensics; ie, serial killers. Please don't ask, it's an interesting subject no doubt. Took the deposition of the coroner that did the autopsies on Ron and Nicole I thing is their name. Eek, a bit freaky dicky going into a morgue into the back area where they had on display many many pictures of victims of serial killers, etc., etc. The psychological aspects are intriguing to say the least. Sciences overall, I enjoy very much. Photography is also another HUGE passion of mine but unfortunately haven't had much time for it but hoping to in the near future. I have two stripped down because I got tired of people ripping off my work and then another one that I started to put together and to sell my work but got sidetracked when I started to have problems on the homefront and had to put it on the backburner for now and the site is in shambles right now, not organized, etc., and just haven't had much time to go through it; plus it makes me miss it too much going through it. But no biggie. I do have a rather interesting sociological experiment/observation coming up -- well, human sexuality -- sex and women and their preferences, reactions to it, the ripple effect, and so forth. As you know, this is another huge area of interest to me..human sexuality. I've always been able to get people to open up to me and telling me things they normally wouldn't admit to. BUT not only am I setting it up for them, I'm mainly doing it for myself and to have a bit of fun. I set the word out about taking the GIRLS out and possibly two gay men to a BDSM club out here in Hollywood. So far but sure more will be there once word gets out more, I've been able to get 15 very very enthusiastic girls who haven't delved into this aspect of sexuality that are wanting to go, their wanting to go sooner rather than later. They are most intrigued to say the least which already helps to draw some concrete conclusions!!!!!! But I'll see what happens when they are exposed to it and seeing it firsthand and their understanding of it. But can't do it for a couple more weeks to come. I'll drink a bit but no doubt will be observing them quite a bit, body language, how they respond to certain visual stimuli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We'll see what happens though when they are there but no doubt for my edification!!!!!!!!!! It's not a "sex" club. It's a night club specializing in BDSM so a lot will be going on, dancing, costumes or leather corsets, outfits, etc., and will be most interesting to see who giggles and becomes embarassed but unable to look away versus those that are more overt in their likes and dislikes, aggressive men, D/s (Domination and submission), SM (Sadomasochism) B/D (Bondage and Discipline)!!!! ;) I'll be taking a few of them to The Crypt out in Long Beach soon which is a store specializing in nothing but BDSM. One has already expressed an interest in a Cat O Nine. LOL Nothing like introductions.....LOL But my curiousity is too great at this point. How long have you been in the air force? What exactly is it that you do? Truly hoping someone other than us will post something. I would be most interested to hear what makes everyone tick so to speak!!!!!
  5. I like the story. Reminds me a bit of an experience I had in the 8th grade but I'll digress for a bit first. I was never much of a writer, although had a diary that I wrote in every night in detail throughout my childhood, teenage, and partial into my 20s. Talk about some serious space taken up with all of it and storage. I, at times reveled in going through them and reliving parts of my life, choosing a date from so many years ago and reading about what exactly I was doing and experiencing on that date, observing how much I was growing up, my conclusions, etc. But unfortunately, I threw them away. I have very very few regrets in my life and this one is by far my largest regret ever. It would have made for one hell of a memoir if you will....the woman that kept a running diary every single day for 20 years and possibly beyond and what was going on in my life, boyfriends, encounters, drama, and so forth. My intentions when I was writing in them heavily was for them to be buried with me when I passed. I've thought about taking it up again but prying eyes are always around the corner. I can do it in shorthand, as it is my own encrypted writing, but transcribing it would be one hell of a chore. Despite this and documenting my life for many years, writing for others really was never my thing. BUT you know, thinking more about this and here within the last 3 or 4 weeks, someone has gotten me a bit interested in writing in other arenas though but anyway!!!! At any rate, I was a closet encyclopedic junkie that loved science of all kinds, my passions and loves still to this day. I always hid my intelligence because it was frowned upon by so many and still is unfortunately. Long road travelled and had my shining moments when it came to what I loved so much and then finally said screw it, it's who I am and no shame in hiding it. In the 8th grade, science class, although despised my pervert teacher and always told me I was a bimbo and wouldn't amount to anything, blah, blah, blah, WHATEVER, and at one point asked me if my boobs had names (asshole), he introduced a subject for each student to write about at our choosing. I chose to write a piece about the environment, long term effects, the ecosystem, etc., etc. I kept it very concise and to the point. A lot of it I already knew from observations as well as because of my addiction to being a closet encylopedic junkie (literally). I turned the paper in. It was about 10 pages long. Of course, at that time, I was already beginning to party hard. I despised the school environment so much and the cliques that were there, the group thinking, and so forth. I had attendance problems even then. I very much enjoyed doing things on MY TIME and not that of others and their demands. Not much parental supervision either so did a lot of crazy shit and wayward with no structure, no certainty. When I turned this paper in, I knew it was a great paper because it encompassed one of my passions. I figured he would give me an F because he despised me so much. He despised me even more because I was very very vocal with my opinions and views even in junior high. Got kicked out of more than my share of class rooms because the teachers didn't like the defiance and wouldn't bow to their attempting to strip away my right to freedom of speech. Two weeks later after turning my paper in, my teacher told me that I had to go to the principal's office. I thought, "What is it now? What else did I do?" I got to the principal's office and she started to talk to me and telling me that they've seen a side of me they had never seen before. I was like, "What the hell are you talking about?" She kept talking a bit and going on how they, my teacher, counselor, admins, (the school), wanted to take me out of "that" school and transfer me into another school down the street. At this point, she took out the paper I had written from my science class. She said, "We've gone over this paper and you have a gift, a gift that can't be ignored. We want to send you to the school down the street for gifted kids. There's a tremendous amount of potential here." I was floored at what I heard. Always, at that time, hiding my intelligence for so long but give me what I love and my passion and it consumes me. BUT I started to think and became fearful of all things because I didn't want to be "labeled" as a nerd, a geek, especially in having to deal with my family because of it. At that time, I was a follower and trying to find who I truly was, what was right and what was wrong for me. She then told me, "In order for us to make this move, we have to inform your parents and get their permission." At that point, I freaked because of how my parents were, especially my father and my sister as well. Whole other story here. She then asked me if it would be okay with me and if I would be willing to go to this other school and for them to inform my parents so they could get the transfer papers going. I couldn't get out of my head at what might possibly go down at home because of it so I told her no. I said thank you and walked out and went back to my class. My destructive path continued until I was about 16 or 17 y/o and dropping out of high school three times before finally seeing what was happening and why. Not just isolated to the school environment. It's funny because everyone remembers to a degree who their teachers were. For me, I remember who they were but only remember one teacher's name and that was Mr. Peralta. Oh, wait, and Mrs. Sweeney. She was extremely religious and I used God's name in vain in her presence in front of the entire classroom which ticked her off. I didn't believe in God at that time anyway. An argument ensued and I was permanently kicked out of her class. I was in the 9th grade then. You could say I was a bit of a handful growing up and very few teachers liked me. But hey, oh well!!!!!!! I love science and always will, love to learn, love intelligence, love things outside of the box if you will. What I am most passionate about and love the most though is learning from my own firsthand knowledge, understanding, and experience!!!!!! I'm rather stubborn this way to say the least.
  6. *sighing* Wow, all the fighting....LOL...makes my little drama on the homefront -- have to say kinda nice drama (don't read too much into it because it's probably not what YA'LL are thinking of -- kinda refreshing!!!!!! So many choices and decisions to make -- selfish ones at that and what ta do!!!! I don't frequent OL enough and read enough of all the posts to know how Phil is but DAYAMMM, I take it YA'LL don't like him too much. Yikes. Such the nature of forums. I was thinking about posting something to this thread and who I am, how I came to be, my passions and loves but YIKES now. LOL Wow....QUICK detour over to the other more interesting and fun threads!!! LOL ;) Soon enough!!!!
  7. ROFLMAO.... It was quite riveting, wasn't it? There's not much that can break my focus and attention ......LOL
  8. OMG, I can't say I'm floored by what happened and so typical but amazed regardless.
  9. Being in this environment for my career for the past 14 or 15 years, he IS one hell of an attorney. I've been around countless number of attorneys through the years and he definitely ranks at the very top. Very passionate man and doesn't screw around. I like him!!!! It seems the issue I've gotten so far in his motion that he raised he is entitled to that information and it's not privileged in the least bit. I'm surprised that the judge and this hearing even proceeded forward. Obviously of course they want it supressed because there's damaging information in it and the reason opposing counsel is fighting it so hard. I'm just curious as to why the PMK wasn't called instead of this officer -- although seems to be the ranking superior possibly which is a bit alarming in watching him testify, some competency issues -- but it seems what I've gotten so far in watching the last 25 minutes of it or so that a number of witnesses have been called. Anyway.... Anyway, interesting post, George!!!!
  10. I wanted to post this real quick before leaving, running seriously late for my party this weekend. It all depends on where you're coming from. I guess George perhaps may be somewhat happy that he's been objectified by all the church chicks and others as well. ;) LMAO Sophia Loren -- 75
  11. This might help, otherwise get your brain to a burn unit pronto. This doesn't have to be a fatal injury. LMAO, that was great, Ninth!!!! It's far from what's in my mind from a "girlie" perspective and erotica. It's quite interesting how the objectification of women is looked at so differently as compared to when it comes to women objectifying men. Always different perspectives!!!!!! What I have envisioned in my head is definitely oh so different!!!!!!!!! George is a handsome guy. Age is just a number. He is a GREAT man and that just enhances it all that much more!!!!! He is fun to flirt with as well as a number of others on this thread here as well. It's all very playful, a lot of fun!!!!!!
  12. Oh, my, No THONG please. Cowboy boots have got to go. Lasso could be very very interesting in quite a number of ways!!!!!! Those Thongs will scare most any woman least it does me. LOL George knows I am just playing with him and screwing around. I think he would be able to pull it off just fine!!!!!! OMG, speaking of thong speedo deal. Wow, laughing so hard my tummy hurts!!! It just brought back a memory when me and some friends were in Palm Springs. Wow. I kept thinking to myself, "Don't look down, don't look down" and trying so hard not to laugh. My g/f scattered and hid behind a tree and was all stressed out looking and laughing with a sympathetic look on her face of, "Oh, my God, poor Angie." He approached me because we were drinking by the pool and I got singled out. FUCK, RUN AWAY, RUN AWAY!!!!! LMAO I'll never forget that, EVER. I'm sure George will be just FINE!!!!!!!!
  13. I think it's kinda cute as well. Bloomington is full of elderly, church-going ladies, but flirting with them somehow doesn't quite cut it. And I'm not enthusiastic about going to church together on a first date. Ghs heheheh, I think it's kinda cute too and I like it a lot!!! It's a WHOLE LOTTA fun!!! There's nothing like being pursued!!!! by elderly church-going ladies!!! Watch out!!! It's funny because men get all wild and crazy in strip clubs. Get women in there and wow, look out, a lot worse than men are!!! So George, when are you going to strip down for all the ladies?!?!?!!!!! We're ALL patiently waiting and biting our bottom lip in anticipation!!!!! hehehehehe!!!!!
  14. Thank you so very much, Shane!!! Much appreciated!! Totally agree it's a great poster Ninth put up!!!
  15. Adorable, I don't think I've ever seen that eye color with white fur. Is that a persian? Aw, thank you. He is a persian!! With photography, I'm a "light" junkie if you will...LOL..and comp as well as is Jonathan. Jengo's eye color is pretty common but if you can manipulate the light in such a way it will really make them stand out and that's what I did here. The "stars" in his eyes is actually from a piece of paper set about 3 feet from him. Too bad those stars are so pronounced but no biggie. I tried different lengths set from him but couldn't get the effect I wanted but that's okay. I didn't want to move him from where he was in my bedroom. There was no light hitting him where he was at. I also didn't want to set up a flash (don't like artificial lighting so much but will use to a point) The play of natural light in the room was perfect but I had to redirect the natural lighting in such a way that would illuminate his face and those gorgeous eyes of his. So I propped up a white sheet of paper and redirected the light rays coming from the window towards him and BAM, lit his face up and those copper eyes and was only able to get a few shots off before he took off!!! Having a big ass camera and lens in your face can be a bit intimidating for him obviously. I take it someone not wanted here has posted something but I can't see it. LMAO. Beauty of the ignore feature. bwhahahaha!!!!!
  16. The idea from GS and title is a good one and may use it when spinning this thread off into a more appropriate area of the forum BUT if anyone else wants to do this is fine with me. I figured I was going to copy and paste the cock ring portion of it to start it with a disclaimer at the top though. I'm getting slammed really hard with work right now. Many deadlines approaching that I have to stay on top of and still picking up more work which is interfering with my playing around with this thread. LOL All work and no play makes for a dull....EEK. I also have a long awaited party coming up this weekend...a party in the making for the past 25 years or more and I definitely don't and won't miss it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm wanting to get to this thread and soon but if anyone wants to start it elsewhere, go for it!!!! I'll get there eventually, sooner rather than later though. LOL I'm a bit fearful at this point and what Ninth has up his sleeve or down his pants. LOL I just may be offended in what he intends to "show" and his wanting to hide his videos!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!! uh-oh, what am I in for and everyone else for that matter!?!?! I see that Shane's mouse has been rubbed raw. ;) You may want to give him a break for a bit. LOL George, I like Martinis but gotta add a bit of Apple in there some place!!!!!! LOL It'll no doubt be a very very interesting thread coming up soon !!!!!!!!!! Is there any possible way to write anything nowadays without the innuendos and thinking DAYAMMMMM?!?! This post is overflowing with them and not my intention. Either that or I'm just a perv!!!!!! LMAO
  17. Very cool feature, J!!!! Good ideas too with what to do with this thread!!! I've been watching you guys while at work and this is some of the funniest shit I've seen in a while!!!!!!!! I got a pretty "pussy" cat too!!!!
  18. My curiousity is getting the best of me and I sooo have to ask this question. I actually don't expect too many replies to this question but curious as to who doesn't care and those who are less inhibited to try it and don't mind admitting to something so publicly. Nothing wrong with human sexuality and being comfortable with yourself and possibly enhancing and enjoying your life that much more!!!! Sex shouldn't be so taboo and not talked about. Hell, should make a separate thread in Romance Room or where ever else about this subject. Since I am very open and not shy, I don't have a problem with talking openly about such matters but others obviously have issues with it. Too bad this thread can't be kept from public viewing unless a member or there is a warning page of possibly offensive material to those that are uptight and easily offended and sensitive before entering the thread to avoid a repeat of the prior fiasco. It's not just about sex; it's about enhancing and enjoying YOUR life, celebrating it, being selfish, trading, and so forth. But I guess I'll see who responds to this question and their experiences with it if they tried it. I don't know a great majority of everyone's situation so no need to go into details. BUT has anyone, aside from Shane ;), tried this with your significant other or otherwise since learning about it? If so, And.....?!?!?! Did it work for you and/or your partner?!?! Bad experience? Good experience? If it worked for you and/or your partner, FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Aside from what Charles has written and completely agree with him in regards to individuality and so forth and our capacity to greatly enjoy sex, you are also very correct. I am very frank and straight forward. I tell it like I see it. It is what it is and there's no beating around the bush. LOL This is an aspect where I can have my rough edges and saying shit that most other people wouldn't say or wouldn't dare say. I am definitely not a "Southern Belle" by any means. Not only am I sexually self-assertive, I'm this way in many other aspects of my life. I don't fuck around. Charles is right. I'm not everyone's cup of tea and obviously my frankness can easily offend and that double standard will come into play. Given my personality and how I am, not only do a lot of women see it as a threat but so do some men. This is fine with me because I don't care. It's brought myself and my partner some very very very good times. I love to expand my knowledge, to learn, to experiment and to gain this by firsthand knowledge of it in the areas that greatly interest and human sexuality is one of them. If what I've learned in my life and I can afford others an opportunity to also learn from it and exchanging those ideas, techniques, etc., I am all game. Obviously what I have posted here there are some that have taken an interest in it and they may very well have learned something new and they now know other possible ways to enhance their own experiences in regards to sex and enjoying their life that much more!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Mike, I wanted to say thank you so very much!!!! OMG, I completely understand the workload as I've gotten hit with some heavy work as well, especially this last week, but it's ALL good and more money for me to play with!!!!!!!!!! But I totally understand and always thank you!!! Angie
  21. JeanBean, Erykah Badu is a sultry lady and like some of her music. You are correct that soul and R&B are overlooked quite a bit. It falls outside of the "orthodox" view of what is supposed to be the "right" music to listen to. But we and others know that this is not always the case. I know you'll like these songs. Ones I picked up real quick off of Youtube and the first ones that came to my mind when reading your post. The one I like the most though is "Just Fine." It's a great song. But I do like both songs very much. Most, not all, but most of the music I listen to touches me on a personal level that I can relate to from my childhood and tough times or who I am now as a person, etc. The beauty of music and the way I use it is I always draw strength and determination from it. I'm extremely determined anyway, etc. But if I want that additional "push" and putting that determination into complete overdrive in order to achieve my goal and to succeed, just turn some music on and enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Since I have already posted my last post, I'm going to say this one time and I'm done with your parasitic ass. In fact, you're not a parasite. You're the excrement that comes from its asshole. Are you truly that much of an idiot? Is there anything at all floating around in that head of yours? The amount of shit you have flung my way and it's all been ONE SIDED. I could sit here and talk until I am blue in the face and you would continue to slam lie after lie after lie as is apparent in this thread. I didn't ask Charles to post for me. I told him to check out the bullshit that was going on at OL and I knew he'd be upset because of your bullshit and he would post. Charles knows me better than you ever will. He is a MAN I hold in very very high regard and admire GREATLY. The amount of lies you have posted on this thread is pitiful and then you're trying so hard to pass them off as the TRUTH. Wow. So thank you, Charles, for the post, honey!!!!! This whole thread has turned into one huge vacuous state of your self-destruction and attempt to destroy me in any possible way you can and bringing everyone else down as well. Same shit over and over and over and's like being stuck in a fucking vacuum. This truly so does remind me why I stay anonymous on the internet is because of pyschos like you and Victor. It's funny now because you posted shit on that thread and attempting to blame me and tell me that what I was perceiving then was soooo subjective as to the abuse flung towards me from Victor. But you just reinforced it here. Not so subjective now, is it? LMAO You will continue to post all the bullshit you want and attempt to pass off your lies as the TRUTH when you know damn well it's not. It's not so one sided now in the least bit. I see that you are even more angrier now because you know what Charles posted is the TRUTH and I take JOY in this. LMAO But you'll continue to persist and continue to spiral out of control and your anger, jealousy, hatred will eat you alive. You have two choices: Life or death? You obviously continue to choose DEATH. You can make it work for you or against you and you consitently choose the latter. This thread is DEAD to me. It's been utterly destroyed by a man that Rand writes about and that is a human being that is the epitome of EVIL. What is even more disturbing in all of this is that you are taking JOY and HAPPINESS in destroying someone, in destroying others. You get off on watching people suffer. You enjoy pissing them off. This is a side of you I have never seen before and it is truly sad. It's a side I saw in Victor. Obviously misery loves company and you two make the perfect match. Good riddance!!!!!!!
  23. Yep, same here!!!!!!!!! But always patient!!!! LOL Perhaps once I go threw the thread, I'll find something I'm sure since it seems there was a lot of whippings going on earlier. lol
  24. LMAO, hey, we all have our moments, don't we?!?! I know I certainly do but most of the time I don't give a shit if it's the wrong word used, spelling error, as long as it gets the point across in arenas outside of work. Yuck....I do this oh so proper English, grammar, punctuation crap every day and making sure it is at its highest standard for work product for judges, etc. It's funny because outside of work and perhaps my rebelious side and saying, "fuck it." LOL I haven't read all the prior posts up to this point but I see the word "whipping" being used quite often!!!!!! Dayammmmm!!!!! LOL
  25. I wanted to say thank you sooo much EVERYONE who was and is supportive of me when all this went down lastnight and today. It's greatly greatly appreciated and means a lot to me more than you can possibly imagine!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!! I hope all those smilies won't send George into sensory overload!!!!!!!!!! LOL